why am i bleeding years after hysterectomy

I too have had a hysterectomy 23 years ago and started bleeding this year. Mirena IUD for the Treatment of Heavy Periods, Common Conditions That Can Affect the Uterus, Why You Might Have 2 Periods in One Month, Clinical utility of postoperative hemoglobin level testing following total laparoscopic hysterectomy, Post-hysterectomy menstruation: a rare phenomenon, Recurrence of endometriosis after hysterectomy, If there is redness, swelling, or drainage at the incision site, If you have difficulty urinating or pain with urination, Endometriosis (particularly on the bowels). I had my uterus removed 3 years ago, April 19 of this year was to have both ovaries and tubes removed but they could only take my right one due to scar tissue and ahesions really bad after my uterus was removed, I am now having pinkish discharge which I had intercourse two days ago, their was no pain at all during intercourse but maybe thats where the bleeding came from, I also have to have another surgery to have left ovary removed with more surgeons, my doctor was worried I would of bleed out with only him doing the surgery , so now Im scared, have appointment with him today thankfully, Heather this is Linda I had my uterus removed 3 years ago and on April 19 of this year was suppose to have both ovaries and tubes removed, but my doctor was only Abel to remove the right ones still have left one. Sometimes it is only spotting sometimes like a gush. Never disregard or delay professional medical advice in person because of anything on HealthTap. A couple months ago I had a yeast infection or by. The only thing that helped was walking around the house as much as possible and drinking hot tea. You'll likely need to wear sanitary pads during that time. I worry abt going back to work. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). I have no cervix. Dr said I do have a little bit of a cervix left. It was blood. Call your doctor to. Bright red blood indicates an active bleed. Hi i guess we have the same issue. Have an apt for the third time w gyn. Bleeding too much after surgery can lead to anemia. If he/, is unable to assess, then request referral to an, It needs to be clarified whether or not you still have a cervix. Since then I have been bleeding bright red blood. Is there a need for concern. RSG, I am experiencing the same symptoms of pain when finishing urination, I am also bleeding every time I wipe seem like its getting heavier I also notice Im going to the bathroom more frequently I have one ovary left post hysterectomy 1998 , seeing my GYN on the 23rd October, praying for good news. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. Feldman S. Patient education: Care after gynecologic surgery (beyond the basics). Women who have an oophorectomy - where ovaries and I have a question Partial Hysterectomy about 6 years ago, with a mini period every month. Why am I bleeding a year after my hysterectomy? Also been having sharp breath taking pains in my lower Is it a cure? Is It Possible to Have Endometriosis After a Hysterectomy? With this type of surgery, the cervix and a small part of the uterus remain, which may cause monthly bleeding and cramping. We use the 3-month mark as a guideline because the earlier we can identify and help treat this pain the quicker and easier it will be to get relief. It is a common phenomenon in women with supracervical hysterectomy who still have their ovaries. She is the former chief of obstetrics-gynecology at Yale Health. Last check up I had he said everything was looking great and as soon as I stopped spotting and having discharge I was ok to have intercourse. Maybe its the exercise. Thanks guys for sharing, heres to a smoother recovery and wisdom to stop before we do this to ourselves again. It might be useful to the rest of us experiencing similar things. Bleeding in a patient after hysterectomy is even rarer with varied causes like atrophic vaginitis, cervical stump cancer, infiltrating ovarian tumors, estrogen secreting tumors in other parts of the body. 1 This article will discuss signs of cancer post-surgery, as well as complications and risks of hysterectomies. Have been experiencing gas issues and bloating too. How do you know if endometriosis has come back after hysterectomy? Has anyone ever heard of this type of thing? Treatment may include medications, surgery, or both. Ive been to my family doctor and the first time the PA saw me and did a pap and sent the results to the lab. It's typical to have bloody vaginal discharge for several days to several weeks after a hysterectomy, as the stitches (sutures) dissolve and the tissue heals. I am also a Kindergarten teacher by day. This is just a self-cleaning process of your body. Im really worried. I had a pap done last week now waiting on results. I also had a sub total hystetectomy just ovaries left. I try to let it just happen so I dont clench up. Can you have endometriosis after total hysterectomy? "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.org," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Estrogen: Estrogen therapy may help with vaginal dryness-related bleeding.Estrogen creams, rings, or insertable pills can be applied directly to your vagina. Cancer? Sounds like this dr may be a bit checked out. Almost two weaks from today . Coconut oil also helps against VD and VIs. What is this comming from? Thank you so much! Sometimes it is necessary to receive a blood transfusion to restore your red blood cell count (RBC) and prevent complications. https://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Hysterectomy. Did he give you the ok to have intercourse so soon? Do you know if they put vaginal packing in your vagina? information submitted for this request. How common is it to have endometriosis recur after a hysterectomy? Bladder infection. I havnt had sex since January 2016. Well 3 years ago I stopped using any kind of hormone treatment (I used natural hormones 4 yrs prior to quitting treatment) so now I notice I have a dark spotted discharge but then notice when I have a migraine I sometimes have light spots of blood. I did, went for followup and was told it must be a granule or vaginal dryness, so to go about my normal activity and don't worry. 20 yrs ago I had a complete hysterectomy. Can't see our mail, then please check your spam box. I am in same boat of 10 years post hysterectomy and use to bleed lightly 2-3 days now I bleed constantly. Since operation I have had pelvic pain on and off but now it's continuous. Discharge, lite pink. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Removed all but the ovaries. If you are passing large clots, this indicates that a large amount of blood has accumulated, often while you are sleeping. A lot of bright red-colored blood may be a sign you are bleeding, the wound may have re-opened, so do notignore this. According to research published in Obstetrics & Gynecology, post-operative infection occurs in 10.5% of abdominal hysterectomies, 13% of vaginal hysterectomies, and 9% of laparoscopic hysterectomies.. You know your body, if something doesnt feel right, theres probably something wrong. Infections are common bladder problems after hysterectomy and are known as urinary tract infections (UTIs). Abdominal swelling and bloating are important symptoms that shouldn't be ignored. What Brand Of Peanut Butter Is Best For Keto? I had the same procedure on 12/16. Never thought would be coming from my vagina. Bleeding should never be too heavy at any point in your recovery. (If you are extremely fatigued after a few days following surgery, with or without bleeding, you should also give your doctor a call.). I am in my 4th week from tahbso, I walked 30 min just slow walking ( window shopped) yesterday, and next morning when about to pee theres a blood a pink discharge, I am worrying now because my surgeon is about 1 and a half hour to travel. I just want to know whats wrong if u figured urs out please Im desperate because my Drs give up. It is FREE! Once it pops loose the bleeding is terrible, way worse than any heavy period. I got the OK for intercourse. Especially the whole BM crazy crap. If you have heavy bleeding, you may need a blood transfusion. Im worried its been April 2014 when I had my total abdomen hysterectomy had everything removed even cervix. If so, please check if it was removed the day after your surgery! I woke up to bright red blood from my vagina this morning. Pelvic pain and dyspareunia are the most common presenting symptoms of recurrent endometriosis after hysterectomy, although vaginal and rectal bleeding as well as low back and rectal pain may also occur (Hasty et al., 1995; Clayton et al., 1999). However, if the bleeding doesn't get lighter over time, that is not normal. It is possible that you have an rectocele or urethrocele (intestines or pee-tube falling into the vagina). I had a radical hysterectomy because of endometrial cancer 10 months ago. Iv read lots of different material and it seems to be normal part of recovery unless it is red?. I have vaginal bleeding ten years after complete hysterectomy. I'll be praying for you too. Total abdominal hysterectomy December 5, 2007, 23 years old and 6 months after scheduled c-section of my only child. Dont wait like I did. "Heavy" Implantation Bleeding and Other Signs of Pregnancy, Pain During Sex And Endometriosis: 10 Things You Can Do Besides Avoiding Intercourse. This can lead to pain, heavy and irregular periods, and infertility. The key sign that you are healing normally from a hysterectomy is that the bleeding will begin to decrease in the days and weeks following the surgery. Therefore, intercourse during recovery is a big no, as thechance it will lead to bleeding is significant. I had my hysterectomy 17 years ago, and I flew from Fl to Pitts for a wedding and I stared bleeding like i was having a perion. I had a radical hysterectomy because of endometrial cancer. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. Read More Ive also had a very very thick white discharge for over a year, no odor, but in excess. I had a hysterectomy 10 months ago, and now Im in the hospital for GI problems and began bleeding.is this normal? Dr. Tamika C. Auguste. Did you find anything else out when you called back? Hysterectomy At 26 because of Endometriosis!! My hysterectomy was in 2002. Is this issue stable or getting worse? Aging causes a thinning of the vaginal walls and fragile vaginal tissue. However on the 2 week Mark I had quite a bit of bleeding. I had a total hysterectomy in 2003 when I was 49 yrs old. Hi Angela I hope everything is going okay I was just wondering what happened if you got to see a doctor or not and if so what did you find out Im having some very similar problems and I am really needing some advice if you get a chance I would love to hear back from you thank you. I feel the same. I still suffer from gas. I just wanted to encourage you to do your own investigations too. When should I worry about postmenopausal bleeding? Just had ultrasound it looks normal too!? Bright red. over a year ago. Its 4 days later after doctors appointment. They recauterized where my sutures busted and put me on strict bed rest for a few days and light activity for a week. Hard to explain. Good luck, hope we get better. I am twiddling my thumbs too. Pain and bleeding 10 years after hysterectomy, kidney and bladder problems after hysterectomy, cervical cauterization after hysterectomy. I had a total laparoscopic hysterectomy on November 15. Will u pls suggest me about medications. Thanks Im very worried. Now I have been having cramps is this normal or should I seek medical assistant asap. They did nothing! Mother had serious bleeding that she thought was vaginal . How do I manage constipation after a hysterectomy? I just bleed and spotted for the 1st time since having this surgery and am read more. I had awful bleeding, like hemorrhaging, went to the hospital, had ultrasound, they sent me home same way. over a year ago, Billy Urethral polyps are non-cancerous growths that may cause bleeding but can also, when big enough, block off the urine flow. Blood thinners can cause vaginal bleeding as the tissues of the vulva and vagina are more susceptible to injury. I had a Pap smear a few years ago which was fine. For nearly a year now I bleed when either going for a wee or poo and the rare occasion when I have sex. I called my Dr. he said it is Also, today Ive been bleeding. Are Painful Breasts After Hysterectomy A Cause For Concern? Vaginal discharge and bleeding similar to a period are normal for between three and four weeks following your surgery. How is this possible? I have had lots of investigations but nothing comes back.Have been told it's phantom uterine pain. I have not had intercourse in 17 years. Doc thought for sure it was from kidney. This is a condition in which there is damage to the nerves that control your bladder, resulting in difficulties with urination. Doc thought for sure it was from kidney stones, but CT scan said no. information highlighted below and resubmit the form. This is a rare complication and it's usually repaired during the hysterectomy. If I hadn't had the hysterectomy I would be convinced I was about to have a period. Accessed May 2, 2019. Make sure your incision is kept clean and there are no pieces of undissolved thread poking through and causing the discomfort. Today just saw a bright red spotting, but no pain. I had my total hysterectomy on the 19th of December. Today I started to bleed a dark red light flow but I just went to the bathroom and I have clotting that is bright red. Hi. Im still having lots of pain and light pink vaginal bleeding. Maybe you can ask about that. Though very rare, vascular abnormalities and hypersensitivity to certain types of suture materials can also cause post hysterectomy bleeding. I was taking a natural supplement called tri-chromium which help me loose weight & got me off blood pressure mess. Im 2 years post op and dealing with the same issue. Sometimes a badly tied blood vessel can lead to post-hysterectomy vaginal bleeding. I dont have pain on the incision but a lot of bruising around it. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). Endometriosis of the vault sometimes can cause post-menopausal bleeding. Some people experience little or no bleeding immediately after the. I also had a hysterectomy on Nov. 30 th. Is this all normal what do I do. I don't know what to do now. I began experiencing a vaginal discharge in Nov. 2005 after recommencing sexual relations after abstaining for six years. Doctor's Assistant: The OB/GYN Doctor can help. I had a total hysterectomy 11 months ago. It was only 18 days after my hysterectomy. Should I be worried. OK 6days after surgery I was just lying down and It felt as if I peed myself. I was bleeding at the vaginal cuff and a blood vessel. Laughlin-Tommaso SK (expert opinion). No insertion of tampons or the like. The only thing that can bleed vaginally after a hysterectomy is the vagina itself - a tear, or very thin vaginal lining or a tumour can cause a bloody discharge. Or anywhere I can get proper treatment please let me know. It's a delicate ecosystem, and discharge is your body's way of discharging impurities which could cause an infection. I took clindamycin (sp) and it cleared up. Asked another dr to come over and check me also and they did not knowtold me to take premarin for two weeks and an antibiotic and come back in 14 days and to avoid intercourse. I have no ovaries either. They will not bleed since the uterus is no longer present, but they can still have the usual bloating and other PMS symptoms. Therapy may help with vaginal dryness-related bleeding.Estrogen creams, rings, or both for Keto now in... Spotting, but CT scan said no or insertable pills can be applied directly your... A small part of recovery unless it is only spotting sometimes like a gush well! 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