CEDAW (2007), Responses to the List of Issues And Questions with Regard to the Consideration of the Combined Initial, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Periodic Reports: Sierra Leone, CEDAW/C/SLE/Q/5/Add. Is two wives allowed in Germany? All the trouble in the West and all over the world has come from the left. A dependence culture growing, aging populations, lack of jobs, single mothers : broken societies dragging countries into certain bankruptcy from inability to fund liabilities. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. It may, however, necessitate a few trips to embassies, photocopying, locating certificates, and taking passport-sized images. This is what I found out: Romans were apparently notoriously monogamous and so the polygamy was suppressed and more or less extinct in most of the Roman empire. 'The Golden Rule' is endorsed by many philosophies and Religions, and over a long period of time. This just won't improve. Here are ten such countries. If you want to get married more than once, you will probably have to break the law, but you might still be able to get away with it if you're married in another state. Even shepherds knew better. Palestinians: Why Are Attacks on Christians Being Ignored? Polygamy is the opposite of monogamy, where one person marries one spouse. All rights reserved. since 2021, Sweden no longer recognizes such marriages, save in exceptional circumstances. By Janet Portman, Attorney Updated: Apr 5th, 2021 Both polygamy and bigamy are illegal in every state, in spite of the fact that tens of thousands of people in North America are involved in multiple marriages. Muslim supporters of polygamy often cite Quran verse 4:3, which instructs men to take as many wives as they can take care of, up to four, and they also point out that the Prophet Muhammad had multiple wives. Such unions were popular since families were aware of the partners background. Polygamy usually takes the form of polygyny when a man marries multiple women. I know what the Danish response to this person and his distended herd ought to be, but I don't know how you'd render 'Go take a running jump'in Danish. [citation needed] In several non-Muslim countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, including India, Philippines, and Singapore, polygyny is only permitted among the Muslim population. It won't be long before Islamic rule comes to these nations and all including the Leftists are converted to Islam or slaughtered (and people are foolishly worried only about fraud). Today, people in the U.S. are rarely prosecuted for living with multiple romantic partners, but every state has laws against getting married while already being married to someone else. Polygamy, marriage to more than one spouse at a time. Honk of the large number of kidnapped school girls. Recommended: How to deal/handle with Criticisms. The practice, therefore, despite its spread across the European continent -- spanning, among other countries, Sweden, Denmark, the UK, Germany, France and the Netherlands -- continues largely to hide under the public radar. The ethnographic variables did not include any systematic study of child-marriage or pedophilia, but readings of the anthropological literature indicates that is also predominant in cultures practicing polygyny. Although this practice is taboo and outright illegal in most European and American states, polygamy is held in Africa, the Middle East, and many Southeast Asian states. All the countries where polygamy is legal Due to economic and societal constraints, however, this tradition is dwindling. Nishiyama Yoshikatsu, 38, is a calligraphy artist in Japan. 5. In countries where only monogamous marriage is legally valid, de facto polygamy is typically allowed as long as adultery is not illegal. 7. In United States the polygamy represents an illegal practice in all 50 states. Iran: Under current Iranian law, Muslim men are permitted to have up to four wives, but only after obtaining a court judgment confirming the first spouses consent and his ability to treat them all equally. However, the polygamy did exist and persist . Polygamous marriages are not recognized in Europe or Oceania, except for the Solomon Islands. In the Islamic world where polygyny is predominant, women are basically slaves, and generally bought and sold into arranged marriages like donkeys or camels, and often at very young ages. In most European countries, imams are not required to report these marriages to the authorities. THE LEGAL STATUS OF POLYGAMY Generally speaking, it would be accurate to say that polygamy is against the law in all fifty states within the U.S. The French . Marriage is primarily about children and their protection. United States Finally Legalizes Polygamy. In 2012, the youth division of Denmark's Radikale Venstre Party ("Radical Left"), then part of the governing coalition in Denmark, also proposed that polygamy should be legalized in Denmark. Add to the problems listed in this article the fact that many young Europeans do not marry at all or choose to have one child. United Arab Emirates (UAE): According to UAE legislation, polygamy is legal in the United Arab Emirates, but only for men of the Islamic faith. The study also showed that polygamy results in a lower standard of living. The reverse model is shaping up in the West. Polygamy is permitted in many countries of the world. In contrast to polygamy, monogamy is marriage consisting of only two parties. Asked whether the Federal Employment Agency was perhaps too tolerant, the woman said that indeed she herself was wondering how it will all end. Commenters' email addresses will not be displayed publicly. Some countries that have outlawed polygamy may still recognize polygamous marriages from other countries. In every country in North America and South America, polygamy is illegal, and practice is criminalized. Europe, Australia and America are included in the areas where polygamy is . Polyandry is a specific term used to describe marriages between one wife and at least two husbands. Both reserve the right not to publish replies to articles should they so choose. However, the rate of growth of this practice in Nigeria is alarming. There will be serious trouble, there is serious trouble already in some countries. Furthermore, several countries recognize polygamous marriages between Muslims, but not between practitioners of other religions. Note: Gatestone appreciates your comments. - Marriage - Lawyerment Knowledge Base", "Bigamy committed by Muslim convert for contracting 2nd marriage", "Supreme Court: Converting to Islam to marry a second spouse is bigamy", "Registry of Muslim Marriages, Singapore", "Interview: Women Unequal Under Lebanon's Law", "Gender Equality in Pakistan | Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI)", "Women's rights protection instruments ratified by Botswana", "Concluding observations on the combined initial to fourth periodic reports of Lesotho", "Gender Equality in Liberia | Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI)", "Gender Equality in Malawi | Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI)", "Gender Equality in Namibia | Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI)", "Gender Equality in Niger | Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI)", "Gender Equality in Nigeria | Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI)", "Polygamy is rare around the world and mostly confined to a few regions", "Polygamy in Angola isn't legal, but it is common", "Gender Equality in Benin | Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI)", "Gender Equality in Burkina Faso | Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI)", "Tied in knots? Lawyers, however, estimate that the remaining wives will also be able independently to join their children in Denmark, once they are there. For example, traditional Hindu law allowed polygamy if the first wife could not bear a son. Why there is no will among the white Europeans to once and for all defeat these dreamers and destroyers of everything European? And how does it work? Regardless of their degree of education, the average Nigerian mans conscience, particularly among those nurtured in a cultural milieu, has not changed. Supreme Court", "Some Muslims in U.S. He still can marry a Danish woman, who will be the 4th. In Indonesia, polygamy is legal in some areas, such as in Bali, Papua, and West Papua. Years ago I produced a major global cross-cultural study on human family and sexual life, using 63 different variables on over 1100 different world cultures. End welfare benefits to non-citizen Muslim immigrants. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main In the United States, the Utah-based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Mormons practiced polygamy, which it called "plural marriage", from 1847 to 1890. [70] In the region of sub-Saharan Africa, polygyny is common and deeply rooted in the culture, with 11% of the population of sub-Saharan Africa living in such marriages (25% of the Muslim population and 3% of the Christian population, as of 2019). In most European countries, imams are not required to report these marriages to the authorities. Women's shelters are "full of Muslim women.". On the other hand, polygamy is on the decline due to economic and social factors. The party's youth division, however, refused to let go: "We think it is important for the individual to decide how many people he or she wants to marry," said Hanna Wagenius, head of Center Youth, predicting that polygamy would be legal in ten years, when her generation would enter parliament and make sure of it. See Answer, Meaning and Differences between Private and Public Administration, AAU Departmental Cutoff Marks For 2022/2023 Academic Session, Best Boarding Schools In Nigeria 2022 and Their School Fees. 2. The articles printed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. The case has caused a shock not only because of what it will cost the Danish state just in child allowance, but because Al Hassan claims that he is too ill to work or even learn Danish. Polygamy is most common among Muslims in West Africa (although it is also common among non-Muslims) and in several orthodox Arabian governments like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The Utah House and Senate, on the other hand, decreased the penalty for consensual polygamy, which had previously been classified as a crime, to nearly the same level as a traffic ticket in February 2020. Adultery is not and has never been a part of polygamy. Judith Bergman is a writer, columnist, lawyer and political analyst. Polygamy (from Late Greek (polugama) "state of marriage to many spouses") is the practice of marrying multiple spouses.When a man is married to more than one wife at the same time, sociologists call this polygyny.When a woman is married to more than one husband at a time, it is called polyandry.. [138] In Switzerland polygamous marriages conducted abroad may be accepted or rejected on a case-by-case basis;[144] see Europe. Several countries, such as the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden and France, nevertheless recognize Muslim polygamous marriages if they were contracted abroad under certain circumstances, such as if polygamy is legal in the country where the marriage took place. If a man wants multiple 'wives' (women who genuinely wish to become such) and children and can afford to maintain them all adequately from his own efforts, there may be a case for leaving well alone. The sheer volume of polygamous marriages shows that such marriages are also entered into in Europe, in secret, through Islamic marriage ceremonies conducted by imams. Critics say that the bill, as it currently stands, would not only create a legal backdoor for polygamous migrants to become German citizens, but would effectively legalize the practice for Muslim . In the UK we can do without these people and their multiple marriages. It sadly comes down to bloody civil wars or demise of the West. Polygamy is frequently founded on religious beliefs or traditional cultural customs. Sharing a husbands income with a second, third, or fourth wife can be financially devastating for women who rely only on his income. As males and females are born in roughly equal proportions, then if a man has four wives, he has deprived three other men of a wife. 4. Considering how much time leading European politicians spend on assuring their electorates of their dedication to human rights, their tacit acceptance of these glaring violations of women's rights, as enshrined in the above conventions, which polygamy constitutes, is rather peculiar. Pakistan: Polygamy is legal in Pakistan, according to a 1961 statute. Or is he so deludedly selfish that no-one else matters, even when he's effectively embezzling their resources? Polygamy is more widespread in Africa than in any other continent, being most common in a region known as the "polygamy belt" in West Africa and Central Africa, with the countries estimated to have the highest polygamy prevalence in the world being Burkina Faso, Mali, Gambia, Niger and Nigeria.
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