May I not venture to think that other considerations entered, and that His citation of Deuteronomy only is in no way meant to disparage fitting words found elsewhere? Introduction to Second Sermon on expositing the Law (4:43 - 49) IV. Above all the prime object is to press obedience on the people of God, but the obedience of a people who had already found what it was to have utterly broken down on their own assumed responsibility. verse of the fourth chapter, Moses reminds the Israelites of the Moses R. Deuteronomy 1:6 - Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes. This is what Moses is enforcing by every possible kind of declaration and motive; by his own example and by theirs, as well as the example of their fathers. Of course it is, God went before you and prepared you that place and then led you to it so that they could say, "All the way my savior leads me. Such is the reason why a Christian even now on earth passes into a new state of things altogether. Moses recounts for them the history of what had taken place before as a warning not to repeat the same mistakes. ready to march; and all this being done, they must stay no The THE LORD OUR GOD SPAKE UNTO US IN HOREB. _In the plain over against the Red sea._ _Suph, Pastor Craig Hall teaches Wednesday night Bible study from Calvary Chapel Fortuna. *The effort of rationalists to show that "the Deuteronomist" wrote long after Israel were in the land of Palestine is mere ill-will and want of depth. We recognize that a part of the wilderness experience was legitimate. Nevertheless the circumstance that he too had failed to sanctify Jehovah their God in his heart as he ought that even he had misrepresented Him when it was above all due to God that His grace should be clearly seen, all this added gravity to the appeals and style of the departing man of God. Now this is a foolish charge that they brought against God and it is something that we oftentimes are prone to do. For instance, a man knows perfectly well that he has no right to steal. Not so. Not that this made the smallest cloud between Master and servant. 1. The trip from Egypt to Sinai was only preparation for the giving of the covenant. which space of time the law was given them, the tabernacle and lay encamped near this mountain, the Lord spoke unto them: saying, ye have dwelt long enough in this Both were powerful motives not to dread the Canaanite races, who were destined to extirpation. 1. I have called it therefore an abstract typical system; for the value of it does not at all depend on the fidelity of the people to it. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart. PROBLEM: According to Numbers 26:64-65, all the unbelieving generation Moses felt compelled to bring this reminder of the Law to Israel, because those ready to enter the Promised Land were only children - if born at all - when the Law was originally given at Mount Sinai. Rudyredband Bible Ministry. 1. In Deuteronomy 9:1-29 another topic is prominent. It is not the tabernacle, nor the priest, not the wilderness, but obeying God as His people in the land. He wanted to leave them his blessing nay, he wanted them to have the best blessing that God could give them. Now wherein lay this fitness not only in the words that were cited, but in the particular book from which they were extracted? The quotation is from Dennis Baly, The Geography of the Bible.]. all things appertaining to it were made by them, rulers both It is therefore the strongest assertion of His authority. "Thou shalt fear Jehovah thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name." "Reckon ye your old man to be dead with Christ. This, I believe, is one of the great snares of Christendom from of old and now that is, the stereotyped acknowledgment of sin, the mere habit of hurrying through a formula of confession to God. "Oh, this might be dangerous, and that were presumptuous;" and so men talk on that is, the moment it becomes a real living truth, and not words on paper. It is not to be doubted that the words cited from Deuteronomy were the very best that they were chosen according to divine perfection. God would "give his angels charge concerning him;" and what a fine proof it would be that He was the true Messiah, if He threw Himself down from such a height, and withal the angels preserved Him! In Deuteronomy 6:1-25 we find the first of those texts which our Lord quotes. Proud member describing all these places, the LORD commanded His people to take Jesus quotes Deuteronomy three times when the devil tempts Him in the wilderness (Mt 4:1-11). These three verses teach us two important lessons: (1) Salem Media Group. In fact He acted as the landlord. About a hundred and twenty-six miles from Mount Horeb to Kadeshbarnea. God prepares the second generation to enter the land by exhorting them. He recounts the Israelites experiences in order to encourage them to press on to conquer the Promised Land. We may without difficulty see the admirable appropriateness of such an introduction. Sep 20, 2022, 25 views. [Note: Craigie, p. 1. The book of Deuteronomy is the fifth and last book of the Torah (law). Plainly then the savage knows quite well that it is unjustifiable to steal. (Read Deuteronomy 6:1-3) In this and the like passages, the "commandments" seem to denote the moral law, the "statues" the ceremonial law, and the "judgments" the law by which the judges decided. Begin to move forward in your spiritual development, in your spiritual life. It probably The consequence is that, though all have their place, these distinctions may here seem small indeed. What God was displaying by them has now found its meaning, since Christ was revealed and the mighty work of redemption effected. Moses reminds them how he had shared the burden of care for them with others. Such conversion does not suit God, who must have His own. This is then what he was pressing. Moses recounts Israels history after leaving Egypt. He reviews Israels history since the departure from Mount Horeb (also called Mt. To have confidence in God is one of the important points here, to cherish full confidence that whatever He gives us is the very best thing for us. Now recognizing my weakness, I'm crying for power outside of myself. The first of all rights, and the highest of our duties, is that God should have His rights. But nobody knows about the sabbath-day unless Jehovah command it. the subject (the LORD) to emphasize that it is the LORD who spoke to That is the point to do God's will. The hardest thing to find now in a Christian is real intelligence about Christianity. And so they departed from Horeb. The aged lawgiver in these last words was led of the Holy Ghost to speak home to their souls. They were a people brought into relationship with God, and the object of His words was to guard them from practical inconsistency with that relationship. And the grand principle too we may just notice in passing: Jehovah reminds them by Moses that He had allowed much while they were in the wilderness which could not be tolerated now (ver. Nothing irritates me more than to have people make foolish charges against God.I was-had a young man come in when we were back over in the little chapel and he was you know, "God led me do this and God led me to do that and God led me here" and then he's, you know, "God led me out there and I almost starved to death. "I have given Mount Seir unto Esau for a possession." I have no hesitation in subscribing the opinion that our Lord Jesus chose them not only because they were in themselves exactly such as met and confronted Satan's temptations perfectly, but because there was a moral suitability in the fact that they were the words addressed to the people when ruin had already come in when nothing but the grace of God was afresh appealing to them before they were brought into the holy land. What God lays on one He does not necessarily enjoin on another. Let me ask, Why were there these three feasts, and these three only? Daily Briefings and content directly to your inbox They had marched round to the eastern side of the Jordan; they were now on that border of the land, after God's long-continued process of dealing with them in the wilderness had come to its full measure. Hence, while he fails not to show that Jehovah was with himself, and how Joshua was to displace him, he does not hesitate to set before all the story of his own shame, so to speak. Th MOSES' RECAPITULATION OF THEIR HISTORY (DEUTERONOMY 1:6 TO DEUTERONOMY The object is quite different. Then I said unto you, Dread not, neither be afraid of them. It extends to Deuteronomy 4:40; and is divided from the second discourse by the Deu 1:4 :41-49. For a Jew no doubt there is the law of Moses. Though God brings his people into trouble and affliction, into spiritual trouble and affliction of mind, he knows when they have dwelt long enough in it, and will certainly find a time, the fittest time, to advance them from the terrors of the spirit of adoption. And yet the inability to bring the flesh into conformity with the spirit of God. "Virtually all of Palestine and Syria are included in these terms [in Deuteronomy 1:7], an area larger than Israel ever possessed in fact, even during the reigns of David and Solomon." And so it is glorious to come in to the walk and the life of the spirit, to enter into that life that God wants you to live as a child of God, as His child. The passage from Deuteronomy 11 prescribes the rewards that Israel will receive at Yahweh's hand for obedience to Yahweh's commandmentsand the penalties that she will experience if she fails to obey. The word of God tests whether he submits to it, whether he lives on it, whether he delights in it, whether his meat is to do the will of God as the Lord Jesus proved His meat was. Sihon rushed on them to his own ruin; and only so did Israel smite and dispossess the king of Heshbon. It was very important, therefore, that these men judge fairly (Deuteronomy 1:17). I can't stand that. the Suzerain, or Ruler (God) who has full authority over His vassals The command to go in and to possess the land (Deuteronomy 1:6)_ In the tenth day of the first month of the forty-first year, they crossed Jordan into the Promised Land after mourning the death of Moses for thirty days. The Command From Yahweh To Go Forward ( Deuteronomy 1:6-8 ). Enduring Word Bible Commentary Deuteronomy Chapter 6 Deuteronomy 6 - Moses Reminds Israel of the Commandment and the Warning A. EXPOSITION It was by this Scripture that the Lord, as we know, repelled the first temptation of the adversary. This is the name that God gave to Moses at the burning bush event at Jehovah our Elohim, is the watchword of the whole book. Is this what you hear? and Nu. This then is the crucial test, so to speak, which Moses applies throughout; this is the homily; for indeed Deuteronomy we may call a book of divine homilies in this respect. These feasts made an appeal to a male Israelite which none besides could make. And what was the Lord's answer? opens FF How could any from the former generation be present when they Be careful and exact in teaching thy children. There is no better evidence and earnest of God's favour than his putting his law in our hearts, Psalms 147:19; Psalms 147:20. "Who shall deliver me" and God's answer then comes, "I am delivered by the power the dynamic of the spirit for ye shall receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you"( Acts 1:8 ). The LORD our God spake unto us in (f) Horeb, saying, Ye have dwelt _ 1. to know that what he was about to say did not come from him, but from What love there was in this, if by any means he might impress obedience on the people that were just going into the land! Moses began his recital of Israels history at Horeb (Sinai) because this is where Yahweh adopted the nation by making the Mosaic Covenant with her. Is this what you feel? 94.]. When we compare, for instance, the way in which Moses, under the direction of God, was to lead on the Israelites, and the way in which Mahomet perverted the word into a fable for ambitious ends, and allowance of human lusts and passions, who cannot see the difference? THE SUGGESTION OF THE VERBAL INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE. It seems just a parenthesis, and not a question of chronology.*. The Commandment: The essence of God's law. terrors of it, but are directed to Mount Zion; ( Hebrews there is formality enough, and without having written forms, the heart may frame forms of its own, as we may have observed, if not known it in our own experience, without finding fault with other people, For notoriously, in a legal state of mind people are apt to get through the acknowledgment of sin in what they know has grieved the Lord; but even then there is a want of bowing to His will. And it is always our unbelief that places the limitations upon the work that God is seeking to do in our lives. theLordswore b "Turn you, and take your journey" ( Deuteronomy 1:7 a). That it is said of both, " God spake all these words." *. The book of Deuteronomy discloses it. Israel. First, a truly repentant Israel must return from their exile, ready to obey God with all their heart and all their soul. What nation had such a wonder as God Himself in their midst God Himself near the least of them? When God commands us to go forward in our Christian course he sets the heavenly Canaan before us for our encouragement. 1:4 Og - His palace or mansion - house was at Astaroth, and he was slain at Edrei. from thence until the twentieth day of the second month in the O. T. i. pp. 4). ( Romans 7:24 ). A disgraceful perversion; for Deuteronomy 10:6-7 is manifestly a parenthesis. I do not regard this as evincing the spirit of obedience, but rather a spice of self-confidence. Commonly indeed we see that Christians understand a great deal better what the Jews ought to have done, than what they themselves ought to be doing. responsibility to possess and enjoy the benefit of those gifts. 3). That is, we see in them a number of institutions laid down by Jehovah, the pattern of which was shown in the mount. As the epithet applied to God, "Jehovah our God," presupposes the reception of Israel into covenant with Jehovah, which took place at Sinai, so the words, "ye have dwelt long enough at this mountain," imply that the purpose for which Israel was taken to Horeb had been answered, i.e., that they had been furnished with the laws and ordinances requisite for the fulfilment of the covenant, and could now remove to Canaan to take possession of the promised land. Obedience is the real spring of blessing, as disobedience is the sure pathway of ruin. and we have seen the sons of the Anakims there ( Deuteronomy 1:28 ). And though he recounts the forty years from Egypt to coming into the land, yet we are told that these things came in the eleventh month in the first day of the fortieth year. Be the first to react on this! And mark this; that it is not only joy in the Lord, but calling others to joy (ver. We have the consecration of the people to God. At the same time Moses, though well aware of this, reminds them of the real source of their misery, and of the judgment that had fallen on them from God. In a certain sense it might be a season too good and deep for joy. He was just being led by his own mind. The book of Deuteronomy acknowledges this failure, and takes its stand not only on the fact that it was impossible to deny, it but on the duty of confessing it. And thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. God said that He's not gonna deliver them into your hand" and how that they armed themselves anyhow and went up against the hill of the Amorites and were pursued by them. Then they are told not to celebrate the feast indiscriminately where and as they please. But God will lift you to the highest level you will let him. Such moral motives as are added are therefore as appropriate in Deuteronomy as they could not, ought not to, be in Exodus. God must and does choose for Himself a simple yet most important consideration (ver. Still more since Christ: misused ordinances are practically the same thing in principle, asGalatians 4:1-31; Galatians 4:1-31 teaches. For what are we here but to please God? 3 And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, that Moses spake unto the children of Israel, according unto all that the LORD had given him in commandment unto them; 4 After he had slain Sihon the king of the Amorites, which dwelt in Heshbon, and Og the king of Bashan, which dwelt at Astaroth in Edrei: 5 On this side Jordan, in the land of Moab, began Moses to declare this law, saying, 6 The LORD our God spake unto us in Horeb, saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: 7 Turn you, and take your journey, and go to the mount of the Amorites, and unto all the places nigh thereunto, in the plain, in the hills, and in the vale, and in the south, and by the sea side, to the land of the Canaanites, and unto Lebanon, unto the great river, the river Euphrates. And listen to the horrible things they were saying about God. He chose to have a place where He would put His name. Such is the fertile topic which we find throughout the book. It seems probable to us that the record in Exodus is the more exact. The same with Sinai, as Aben Ezra observes; while the Israelites lay encamped near this mountain, the Lord spoke unto them: saying, ye have dwelt long enough in this mount: or near it; for hither they came on the first day of the third month from their departure out of Egypt, and they did not remove from thence until the twentieth day of the second month in the second year, Exodus 19:1 so that they were here a year wanting ten days; in which space of time the law was given them, the tabernacle and all things appertaining to it were made by them, rulers both ecclesiastical and civil were appointed over them, and they were numbered and marshalled in order under four standards, and so ready to march; and all this being done, they must stay no longer, but set forward for the land of Canaan. "Your eyes have seen all the great acts of Jehovah which he did. 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