"You ain't my f**kin' father," Spider snaps, turning away. Watching the transaction from the row house, Omar decides to continue to follow Cheese.

Freamon and his new unit, including Sgt. Learning that it costs $1,250, they ask if they can take it for a test run, intending to see what they can glean from it and return it to the store. "It's to protect both of us," she tells him. Consoling Avon, Wee-Bey offers advice about 'DAngelo: "You know the boy almost rolled on you the one time. Ellis Carver gets on the phone with the state Department of Social Services' child custody workers, trying to find a spot for Randy Wagstaff in foster care, as the boy waits nearby on his bench, slowly hiding some cash inside the binding of one of his schoolbooks. When he suggests separating the groups so the stoop kids have a better chance at learning without disruptions, Grace and Parenti warn that "tracking" can suggest reduced expectations for certain students and is looked upon with disfavor by the school system and by the public. Before joining Protocol, he [72][73] The identity of the first migrant processed at the fort is unknown. He loves it. When he grows angry however and tries to leave, vowing to "kill 'em, all of 'em. "Let's get all West Coast wid it," O-Dog says, and as Snoop pulls up to the corner, he fires shots wildly out the window, hitting nothing. Clearly, Cutty -- as a law-abiding single man working with youth -- is a fresh prize among the ladies of West Baltimore.

In the wiretap room of the detail office, Freamon, Greggs and Massey listen to the recording of Monk talking to Andre, intrigued. "You know I don't." Randy protests. "Y'all did," Poot says. Castle Clinton stands slightly west of where Fort Amsterdam was built in 1626, when New York City was known by the Dutch name New Amsterdam. Go all Marion Barry and sh**t?" Parker says he also wants to put another $75,000 on the street in "walk-around money" on primary day. Carcetti assures them she got her win bonus.

In the surveillance van, Herc and Sydnor notice something's awry on the monitors -- close ups of pigeon wings. Burrell dug his own grave when he gave the mayor rigged crime statistics. When Davis returns, Freamon greets him and informs the senator it was mostly Lester's evidence that Clay overcame at his trial; he wonders if Davis thinks he can do that again with a Federal jury. James "Jimmy" McNulty sees Bodie go off, trying to explain to his fellow cops, "That's his friend in the bag." But Bodie's gone too far. [26][28][30] A secondary roadway named Fort Tryon Place carries traffic to and from the northbound lanes of Henry Hudson Parkway, at the bottom of the cliff to the west. As they question him, Bubbles vomits all over both detectives. Frustrated, Templeton leaves without sitting in on the editorial meeting he had been so eager to observe when he arrived.

Mayor Thomas "Tommy" Carcetti, Norman Wilson, Chief of Staff Michael Steintorf, State Delegate Odell Watkins and Council President Nerese Campbell review the list of favors the mayor owes to the Ministers in exchange for firing Burrell. Colvin agrees with the assessment. [252] Statue Cruises, which operates the only ferry line to Liberty Island and Ellis Island, sells ferry tickets inside the fort. The Lincoln House. [191] George McAneny, a former mayor and the chairman of the Regional Plan Association's board, proposed restoring Castle Garden;[192][193] he continued to advocate the fort's preservation for nine years. Townsend said the annexes would not only provide additional exhibition space but also allow the mechanical facilities to be upgraded. When he leaves, Prez asks Crystal why Duquan isn't wearing any of his new wardrobes. Police body camera footage of the assault on Paul Pelosi last week is being made available for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her family to view, according to San Francisco's district attorney. As they discuss their mutually regretful fates, Daniels tells McNulty that with his twenty-two years in the force and his law degree, he's resigning, putting in his papers immediately.

Valchek finally discovers that his van - stolen by Horseface - has gone missing. Carcetti can't believe there's been no warning of this mess Royce left. Robert Green is living those dreams and more. [147], Together, the park and the Cloisters were listed as an historic district on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978. Suddenly, the group comes alive with opinions: This is the world, after all, that they are learning for.

Staring up at the The Board at the homicide unit, Det. McNulty speaks for the first time as his friend leaves, "There's a serial killer in Baltimore, Bunk. Cedric Daniels about his strategy for investigating the serial killer. So Greggs reclines, Lester Freamon goes back to working his dollhouse miniatures, and Landsman flips open his skin magazine. Hauk fired, he pisses off the rank and file; if he doesn't, he pisses off the black political infrastructure.

At Edward Tilghman Middle School, Roland "Prez" Pryzbylewski continues to fight the good fight, overseeing practical math problems as he struggles to explain the area of a circle to Charlene Young and watches as a boy, Perry, is knocked in the testicles by a comrade using the tape measure. The more difficult conversation comes when Daniels tries to explain his change of heart to his wife Marla. When he asks what they can charge Sobotka with, Daniels tells him, "We're not at that point." Daniels explains that they're working on a smuggling operation that involves both drugs and women. Chris, after assuring Marlo they'll handle everything, warns that Omar will come right back at them. Bodie is instructed to be courteous to them and let them do their work. Proposition Joe isn't happy about it but at Serge's request he pays Nick the bluebook value on Ziggy's car, and Nick assures Cheese that Ziggy will pay Cheese the $2,700 he owes him.

McNulty visits his wife at her real estate office and finally makes some headway when she agrees to go on a date with him on Friday night. Bunk tries to tell her that the pressure from the serial-killer case has driven his partner to drink, but she knows better than to buy an excuse like that she just wants to know if there's an end in sight. [25][26] The latter was part of a series of fortifications that lined the steep cliff within the park site, which was known by the Americans as Fort Washington. Confronted by an angry Sobotka, who asks why the sudden change in attitude toward cars that are always parked illegally, Carver explains it's at the request of Valchek, who, angry about the stained glass, has given orders to harass the union officials. "Don't speak too loud to mine, either," says Colvin.

As Prez tries to teach math and percentages, the kids press him about why he got married. "Wherever I go, people want the same things, they need the same things, but they're just not getting them. Meanwhile, Greggs is in the ICU. This beautiful male and Dreaming of underwater paradise? He meant to call Bunk on it -- he had a warrant on the guy who supposedly got killed. There is also a gravel courtyard, brick powder magazines, and two subterranean water tanks covered by wooden trapdoors. "Owin' niggas for s**t. It ain't me," Michael responds. Instead of cash, however, Avon's soldier gives him a package of heroin ready for sale. Norris and Crutchfield arrive at the scene and call Bunk, figuring he'd want to know about the murder, given his history with Omar. And that includes Pearlman's boss, State's Attorney Demper, who is among those running for reelection on the Democratic ticket. "Blunt trauma to the head," Detective Cole, who's been assigned to handle the case, tells him.

Stringer Bell spars with a new lawyer representing a now indicted drug supplier who had been the major source for Barksdale's drugs. But it'll be fun to f**k with all them downtown suits." Not to mention the fact that an arrest in the controversial case could land Greggs on the 11 o'clock news, payback for what the politicians put her through.

At home, the Carcettis watch the late night news, exhausted by the campaign and wishing it was over. Assistant State's Attorney Rhonda Pearlman steps into the conversation, noticing that homicide has had a quiet night. Moreover, someone got wind that he was once a cop, and they want to know if he ever shot anyone, and what kind of gun he carried. The dilemma they face is that their prime drug territory the Towers no longer exists. Michael gently explains that turkey grease "makes the drunks, you know, throw up all that liquor they was drinkin' so they can get back to swilling that shit." As the boys, joined by Donut, chow down on Namond's largesse on some steps on the commercial strip, they discuss Little Kevin, and Randy is frightened to hear the word is he's dead, up in the vacants. [102] Ramps and stairways connect the park to Broadway and Riverside Drive, respectively located at the bottom of the cliff to the east and north. Clay promises his loyalty to Carcetti will only cost two seats on the liquor board.

McNulty checks in with Freamon and reports that Bunk has a murder warrant on Partlow, explaining that he's secured a few days' grace period to wrap up their investigation. [10]:56 The valley formerly contained an inlet named Little Sand Bay, which flowed into the Hudson River to the west. When Namond asks Bodie if he can cut out early for "back-to-school stuff," Bodie tells him he shouldn't bother as he isn't much of a student. "Overhearing this in the detail room, Daniels and Freamon mistakenly believe their taps have led them to the boss man, Vondas. Prez impresses the detail with what he's found out from Bodie's cell phone, information that sends McNulty and Greggs on a road trip. Bayview Coral Bay | All Rights Reserved | made with by Eliza_, Bayview Coral Bay | All Rights Reserved Instead he begins to cry as the police arrive.

Greggs returns home after a long day of work. Bond asks what this means for his Clay Davis investigation if Lester Freamon's shipped back to Homicide, there is no case. The detectives cite Herc's previous discovery of the nail gun and other tools in their SUV. Bunk presses him on whether he's really comfortable in his new life. Later, when Burrell meets with Mayor Royce, the Mayor is indeed annoyed about the leak and tells Burrell that he must take the heat when the story goes public. Them towers be home to me," he tells Bodie, who derides his sentimentality. The two go at it until Sherrod, wild eyed, pins Namond against a dumpster. Workingmen against Contracts. Donette is openly hostile to him.

Carcetti, having failed in his effort to enlist Police Commissioner Burrell as an inside source in the Mayor's office and having humiliated him publicly as a consequence, leans on Major Valchek to broker a second meeting with the Commissioner, in the hopes that Burrell is finally ready to deal. He asks Randy whether he's ever called social services on his mother, because he's thinking about it. When Namond exits the gym, they send Sherrod to set him straight: "You need to back off that spot," Sherrod says before shoving him.

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