Salvation means known conscious deliverance. If He thus dwells in us, is not this one of the capital truths which we are called to make good in our faith and practice day by day? How to write adult Sunday school lessons in 6 steps - Disciplr Faith Pathway Bible Studies for Adults for Ages 35 & Above (Spring 2022)-Digital Edition Our Christian Leadership Schools , Faith Series Sunday school curriculum, Townsend Press Commentary , S.E.E.D. (Exodus 4:1-31) The attention of Moses is drawn to what was in his hand a rod which, when cast on the ground, became a serpent. MEN. C. (:42) Dedication to This Memorial of Gods Faithfulness, It is a night to be observed for the LORD for having brought them out from the land of Egypt; this night is for the LORD, to be observed by all the sons of Israel throughout their generations.. Perhaps they thought more judgments might fall on the land and they wanted to escape them. It was a full exodus with nothing left behind, and the main food of the traveling nation was, of necessity, unleavened bread. A mixed multitude is always an unhealthy thing within the body, but it is always there. To come in unto your houses to smite you ( Exodus 12:23 ). The body that comes out is not the body that you planted. "Whom do ye think that I, the Son of man, am?" Chapter 12. God is a good householder, that always keeps a plentiful table. All that the narrative requires is that the main body of the people should have been encamped in front of Sinai, have heard the Decalogue delivered, and consented to the covenant. For we know that Jesus was the Head of the kingdom, and that "Christ" is the title in which He takes His rights over Israel and their land, which will be in force in the day that is coming. This shows the imperfect development of the divine to which the author's age had attained," etc. Good way to eat. Thus Aaron and his sons had no such duty in the Passover, as we find in the extraordinary temple celebration recorded in2 Chronicles 30:5; 2 Chronicles 30:5. It describes the commissioning of Moses and Aaron as Gods representatives on earth to accomplish Gods deliverance of His people from slavery in Egypt and lead them to the Promised Land (the land of Canaan). See Judah Leon's Relation of Memorable Things, &c. p. 2. Consequently it is the standing witness of this solemn truth. We are never to suppose that the manner of the revelation of God is an unimportant consideration. Therefore in2 Peter 2:1-22; 2 Peter 2:1-22, for instance, we hear wicked heretics spoken of as denying the Lord ( ), not that redeemed, but "that bought them." From countries and cities with habitations, God lea EXODUSNOTE ON EXODUS 12:37 While the sons of Jacob and their It was so with Pharaoh, and his is a typical case, the permanent warning in the New Testament, as it is the first specified instance in the Old It is the one which the apostle Paul quotes for this purpose. And that is why they didn't break His legs as they did the other prisoners to hasten His death, because of a sacrificial Lamb. It was not first received in Midian and afterwards repeated in Egypt, because the former call is followed by Moses and Aaron going in to Pharaoh and asking him to let the Israelites go for the purpose of holding a feast in the wilderness. But what God does, as soon as they are out of the land, is inform them, dont you ever forget, in all your generations, about the Passover. There is also a difference of opinion concerning the identity of the mixed multitude who also went up with them in verse 38. Does not scripture mean that there is? But if the heads of the people were convinced of his divine mission, the people groaning under their burdens would be ready to follow them. There was nothing incredible to his mind in the rate of increase assigned to Israel in Goshen, supporting it by a reference to Dr. "Short's New Observations on Bills of Mortality, p. 259, 8vo. (:46) Instructions Regarding Partaking, you are not to bring forth any of the flesh outside of the house,. But, on the other hand, when Moses put his hand into his bosom again at the word of God, it became as his other flesh. One could not divide up the carcass, cutting some off for later. (f) See Bunting's Travels, p. 81. written independently of the foregoing narrative, and RAMESES] see on Exodus 1:11. Now the time that the children of Israel dwelt in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years. He counted it but refuse that he might know Christ. Full of courage when God's time was not come, he feels the obstacles when it is. And remember that this is not a mere exceptional fact. Nevertheless God expresses in the most affecting manner His tender interest in them even as they were. He cannot understand how a person can be both a freeman and a bondman. Whom, having not seen, yet I love. God then sent a testimony to Pharaoh, as He does to everyone in some form or another. Need I add that we have a better than Moses, who requires neither Aaron nor Hur to support His arm in interceding for us? Exodus 11-12:36 - I AM Your Passover. Exo_12:37-40 The exodus as a fact in history. p. 190, 5th edition. Archaeologists have not identified Succoth certainly either. dickinson ranger bullpup accessories. They find an excitement, they find it's fun to be around, they find that it's an interesting thing, but there is not a true heart commitment unto God. [They weren't to break the bones of the lamb, for Jesus, of course, was to be the sacrificial Lamb. The Targum of Jonathan takes it to be Pelusium, or Sin, now called Tinah, formerly the strength of Egypt, and which lay at the entrance of it, and says it was one hundred and thirty miles to Succoth; and Jarchi says one hundred and twenty. Not only are they represented as happening more than twelve months apart, but the truth conveyed depends on the deepest possible difference. Thus Moses was learned, as we are told, in all the learning of the Egyptians. God there and then was about to accomplish a deliverance without precedent, which remains the bright and strong ground for counting on such a God. Had Moses only spoken with the rod of the priesthood in his hand, the sign of grace which brought forth fruit out of death, all had been according to God's mind and the provision of His mercy to bring a weak and faulty people through the wilderness. The rationalist never suspects himself. Now they were to really sort of stuff themselves when they ate this lamb. The only protection and the only salvation was through the blood; no other hope, no other way, no other salvation, except through the blood applied by faith, because it had to be a step of faith on the part of the people.You can't really intellectualize on how blood on a doorpost can keep your firstborn child alive. million, from the bondage of Egypt. SUCCOTH; a place so called, either because there the Israelites first 34 And the people took their dough before it was leavened, their kneadingtroughs being bound up in their clothes upon their shoulders. Now the sons of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, aside from children. In short, your secret recovery phrase comprises 12 random words . The Israelites then made much use of their small and large cattle during the years in the wilderness, especially in connection with the sacrificial system (e.g., Exod 22:30; Lev and Num, passim). CONCLUSION: Deliverance for the believer is based entirely upon the (2) Is it conceivable that such a multitude, with their flocks and herds, could have quitted Egypt on one day, and marched in a body through the narrow wadys of the Sinaitic region to the plain in front of Sinai? A hired worker (akr) would be disqualified because he or she would be someone without faith in Yahweh who was merely doing some work on a households property and staying on the property temporarily while doing so. Now in a few wee the children Numbers 33:3 Numbers 33:5 Rameses Exodus 1:11 Genesis You've passed from death unto life. They are made to feel the necessity of dependence on the one who is not in the fight, but outside it, and above it all. THE CITIZENS OF GODS KINGDOM (WHICH IS OPEN TO ALL WHO WILL BELIEVE) MUST CELEBRATE GODS FAITHFULNESS ACCORDING TO HIS INSTRUCTIONS, God showed His remarkable faithfulness to His promise to His servant Abram regarding His elect people, Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, where they will be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years. Exodus 16 Images and Notes Brief Summary: The Israelites murmur because they want bread, and they begin lusting for the flesh pots back in Egypt, the Lord creates bread from heaven from the dew called Manna, the Lord also sends them quail for meat, the Manna is provided for Israel every day, but not on the Sabbath day, the Manna continued for 40 years. In fact it is one of the blessed features of the word of God that we can never assume to possess an exhaustive view of scripture. So the purpose of the feast was a memorial, a reminder of what God had done, but also it was to create a question in the mind of the children. From Rameses to Succoth Rameses appears to have been another name for Goshen, though it is probable that there might have been a chief city or village in that land, where the children of Israel rendezvoused previously to their departure, called Rameses. What of it? Perversity alone could in this see phenomena ordinary in Egypt, let the time or other circumstances be what they might. Here Moses was but the type, and consequently there is feebleness. Its shaft, its branches, its bowls, its ornamental knobs, and its flowers were of the same piece (Exodus 37:17-24) Here is, 1. Well, they have a religious calendar. This may be another instance of later scribal updating. The time finally arrives for the Lord to accomplish a work of amazing They speak of a person perhaps as "not happy; but at any rate he is saved." There are some weighty consequences of this wonderful work of God, and one of them is this: "He is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation." of Israel who were going out of the land now numbered more than _MAIN HOMILETICS OF THE PARAGRAPH. Exodus 12:37_ "In Numbers 3:39 the male Levites, aged one month and upwards, are reckoned 22,000, perhaps the females did not much exceed this number, say 23,000, and 500 children, under one month, will make 45,500." THE DEPARTURE. The Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This If the prince of the world made their burdens heavier, the assurance of deliverance becomes more distinct, and the temporary release vanishes. Thus is the effrontery of the impious refuted who think it a sufficient ground for their sneers, that this great people could not in so short a time have naturally proceeded from a single family; and therefore they burst out into unrestrained and blasphemous laughter, as if Moses were simply relating what had happened, and not rather extolling the extraordinary power of God in the sudden increase of His Church. SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND ON FOOT _that were_ MEN] i.e. The controversy was with their opposition to the true God, as well as with their oppression of His people. How come they're celebrating New Year's now, if this month April was to be the first month of the year? In the book of Exodus, the focus shifts to the deliverance of Gods people. The truth is that He speaks of good men and bad men; that He mentions not only what was excellent in the good, but such distressing and shameful things as draw out His own chastening it may be for a long while to come. Hence it was in no casual sort or merely arresting attention by its wonders that Jehovah here appears in the burning bush. How slow we are to learn the perfectness of the word of God! make the entire body not less than 2,000,000 of people of all ages. I grant you that my body is not yet changed, nor yours; but then we have got infinitely better than even the body changed for us if alone; we have Christ Himself, and this risen and in God's presence on high. Instead remaining in bondage in Egypt, the Israelites are now beginning their journey to freedom out of Egypt. (1.) For we must ever remember that He who showed Himself then as Jehovah was, no doubt, the One whom we know as the Son of God. ", then you have the opportunity of sharing with them what God has done, the power of God that was demonstrated. The Israelites were probably settled in considerab 5. He made the incense altar of acacia wood. A most astonishing thing it might seem at first sight, that after having been thus blessed, the first thing the people find is a wilderness where there is no water; and that, when they do come to water, it is so bitter that they cannot drink it. Murrain and even hail were not such uncommon visitors in Egypt, still less so were other plagues. And so Philo the Jew says (i), they were above 600,000, besides old men, children, and women, that could not easily be numbered; and the word "about" will admit of it, since it may be used not to diminish, but to increase the number; and it is certain that in the second year after they were come out of Egypt, their number was 600,550 without the Levites, who were not numbered; and they that were numbered were such as were twenty years old and upward, and able to go forth to war, Numbers 1:9 and such were those here, as Jarchi observes; so that if there were 600,000 men of twenty years old and upwards, able to bear arms, besides women, children, and old men, it may well be thought that in all there were no less than near two millions and a half; for, according to the ordinary proportion allowed in other nations of four to one between the number of the whole people in a nation, and those men fit to bear arms, that the number of the Israelites alone, of all ages and sexes which went out of Egypt along with Moses, will amount to 2,400,000 souls (j); which was a prodigious increase of seventy persons in little more than two hundred years, and a most marvellous thing it was, that in so large a number of persons there was not one feeble among them, Psalm 105:37. "Where do trees come from? The number given is an approximative one. This mixed multitude later on got them into trouble. Succoth, on the edge of the wilderness toward the east, where th D. THE EXODUS FROM EGYPT. And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they asked of the Egyptians [instead of borrowed] jewels of silver, jewels of gold, and raiment: And the Lord gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they gave [rather than lent] such things to them such things as they required. Exodus 12:19 'Seven days there shall be no leaven found in your houses; for whoever eats what is leavened, that person shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he is an alien or a native of the land. And so He does. Their God, as ours, would prove Himself a consuming fire. Such denials are merely amusing to believers. No wonder then if, contrary to usual custom, it should emerge, as it were, from nothing, if it grows in the same way and makes continual progress. 12:7). As He never loses sight of its need, so we never can make light of it without loss to our souls. It exposed him necessarily to the reproach of folly from his brethren. Israel must leave now. That this was the peculiar abode of the nation is plain also from what has gone before, where Moses related that they were forced to servile tasks in building those fortified cities wherein they might be shut up, as in prison. The Israelites who were not circumcised in the wilderness could not have found work for Aaron and his sons; for that rite was the basis for all the rest, and yet it was certainly neglected there and then. Now this mixed multitude, it seems they're always hanging on with the people of God, but a mixed multitude are always a weakening element among the people of God. Of the date of this great event: it was just 430 years from the promise made to Abraham (as the apostle explains it, Galatians 3:17) at his first coming into Canaan, during all which time the children of Israel, that is, the Hebrews, the distinguished chosen seed, were sojourners in a land that was not theirs, either Canaan or Egypt. And he put the staves into the rings by the sides of the ark, to bear the ark. *"Another duplicate account," says Dr. D. (Introd. Bruce Hurt: The presence of this mixed multitude was like "leaven" and as Paul warned in the NT "Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?" So the inauguration of this Passover feast.The Lord said in verse sixteen. Note, The great things God does for his people are not to be a nine days' wonder, as we say, but the remembrance of them is to be perpetuated throughout all ages, especially the work of our redemption by Christ. And ye shall let nothing of it remain until morning; and that which remains of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire. And then Moses speaks, and says, "But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, Jehovah hath not appeared unto thee.". 37. In view of all the facts, we must reject the speculations based upon imaginative guesses that challenge the Biblical account. We owe everything to Christ. THE FOLLOWING COMMENTARY COVERS CHAPTER S 5 THROUGH 13. So the feast was inaugurated, but it was inaugurated to remind, yes, but also to look forward to the fulfillment of what that lamb in Egypt typified, the Lamb of God slain for our sins. . The lamb was to be slain on the evening of the fourteenth day, the blood applied to the door posts. Pharaoh, his host and his chariots, all the flower of Egypt were there drawn up and ready to devour the poor children of Israel. John Mackay: Verse 42 is a transitional verse, which plays on the word keep vigil to explain why the Passover was celebrated at night. Exodus 12:37-13:22 - I AM Your Freedom. Thursday night's more of the family. Anything else before Christ really doesn't count. It was to be a national celebration, but provision was made so that everyone was a participant; there were no spectators. 3, 6, 19). His parents' faith is not spoken of here, it is true, but, as we know, in the New Testament. He was a stone that was set of not of you builders, neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved"( Acts 4:9-10 ). l. I don't argue with God nor with the Word of God, nor do I seek to strive with God. The Authorised Version gives the sense. Further symbolizing this unity, the whole community must eat the Passover as a common meal shared by every true Israelite on the same evening. Thereafter the problem is to remove Egyptian ways and thinking from them. The tamarix manifera or tarafa shrub yields the substance in question by the puncture of an insect, the coccus maniparus, Exodus 16:9-26; Exodus 16:9-26 is Elohistic; Numbers 11:1-35 is Jehovistic. This was the sharper a blow as immediately before Pharaoh went back even from his promise of three days' absence, Moses had pleaded the inexpediency of their sacrificing the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes. Exodus 12. struggle against the power of evil is another matter. Hebrews 9:22 says, "Without shedding of blood is no remission [forgiveness].". The LORD delivered Israel without their help they were simply supposed to obey Him and He would fight their battle. Thus in Romans 5:1-21 salvation is very clearly referred to, and put in full contradistinction to what God has wrought for us by the blood of Christ. And I will stretch out my hand, and smite Egypt with all my wonders which I will do in the midst thereof: and after that he will let you go. to the Old Testament here for instance is astounding. How would a girl be connected to God if the mandate is circumcision? Along the sea coast, which would naturally be first inhabited, the period of doubling was about thirty-five years, and in some of the maritime towns the population was absolutely at a stand. 1. This is not an excessive population for Goshen, nor does it exceed a reasonable estimate of the increase of the Israelites, including their numerous dependants. But he was right in the main; and the Lord accordingly left not to another but to him the due accomplishment of Israel's deliverance when the fulness of time was come. Thus and thus only was the Israelite to eat of the lamb, sanctified by and to this holy feast, eating of its roast flesh that night and leaving none till the morning, or, if aught remained, burning it with fire. * They belonged to God henceforth after a special sort as the consequence of deliverance from Egypt. Commentaries Only the Scriptures provide an infallible, authoritatively inspired revelation of God's will for man (2 Timothy 3:16,17). God deliberately creates questions in their minds to give you an opportunity to teach them the things of God, to make them conscious and aware of God, and the presence of God. In fact she at last was obliged to do what she most hated, as she said herself in her son's case. He might have been the simple and happy instrument of God in the mighty work; but Aaron is brought forward to share it. Never do we meet with language like this in the New Testament.
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