Needless to say, if I was offered these compensations (or higher), I'll gladly take even 10 years of incompetence around me to then be able to do fuck all for the rest of my life (or, well, things I actually enjoy doing, not for a megacorporation). Two cultures that care a shit load about money and prestige. If one is switching for more or less equal pay, I am with you. You can buy puts if you think Dems will win in the midterms. Go to company page As a white male myself, I had to uncomfortably go along with it in our 1:1 and pretend like it, Hi all, I just got laid off from Stripe, SWE at Stripe on a H1B. They better stick to their current company. I lead an AWS Infra org that develops, deploys and operates planet-scale microservices systems.Our org is in charge of monitoring the health and security of all AWS hosts/fleet worldwide, enabling all AWS services such as EC2, S3, EBS, Lambda to function seamlessly. He was disruptive. It's the only one of the FAANGs where simply juking metrics isn't enough to get ahead, and you have to deliver customer impact in a reasonably robust way to succeed., AWS managers are canceling all offers and job interviews and going on a total freeze. For instance, at Meta, even solid developers cry on the bottom up / PSC driven culture. base salary : : Yearly Perf Bonus: : Equity(RSU/Option)(): : Equity: RSU : RSU # of Shares: I havent used blind but that sounds contextually appropriate for 4chan. That is why it's better to move metrics than do anything actually beneficial, everyone is justifying their high performance review. My gf works at Meta and said that 10% of the company will be put on needs support Thursday.What is the relationship between needs support and PIP? You are hired to fulfil a job role based on your experience. Unfortunately it's hard to legally CYA if something goes wrong with that kind of setup and it has other vulnerabilities like being manipulated by sociopaths. Maintaining high efficiency and effectiveness in large org structures is hard to do and that's why the exceptions are notable and worth studying. I think it's relevant for consumer products where changes are easily measurable, and especially relevant for data-focused teams (growth teams, ML teams), similar to leetcode-style interviews, no one likes it, but when pressed no one can really come up with a better method (that doesn't open the company up for discrimination lawsuits, which is sadly important). To Zuck, this is great news (again, using Rao's lens). (My personal view - strictly from a monetary standpoint, medicine in the US is more lucrative than big tech over the course of a ~40 year career, when you take into account lifestyle and personal flexibility, tech comes out looking better). This has its own problems. I am looking for a Principal Product Manager to partner with me on strategic product roadmap definitions, and green field new applications. Director of Product Management Salary $254,844 Total CompensationThe average Senior Product Manager salary in the United States is $141,182 as of , but the salary Compensation and benefits are the important part of human Why doesnt he go to mars and hire and fire there? We provide 1-on-1 Salary Negotiation Support coaching to help you learn the ins and outs of negotiating to ensure you're getting the right offer! Experienced in building 0 to 1 products, seeding strategy shifts/ product pivots, and growing/ scaling early-stage products. Project impact can be easily argued against, especially when your area of work is difficult or not well understood by other engineering teams, not to mention that coming up with undeniably impactful projects every 6-12 months is not possible on many teams. Heck, any large company where there is a division of labor will begin running into the problem of relating individual performance to overall customer impact, and if you begin measuring everyone by that singular metric, you will lose all of your good engineers very quickly (they will switch companies or move to non-engineering roles that have direct customer impact). You're still an employee of BigCo, so they can't grant you tons of shares for a penny so the culture will never be the same. Meta work in isolation just fine. Unlikely manager can block you from receiving this. Spot on! That TC would involve moving to SV and the associated costs of living in SV - specially housing. To top it off, most of these companies are on some shitlist for abusing their work-force or slave labor in developing countries. Google Amazon. High $166,707. Total comp is likely in a range if 200-235 annually though can vary depending on. My manager preached all ideal things that are good to hear but if you said - I spent 3 hours last night fixing a bug, hed say Nice!! I don't want them to endure the hell that I went through. 20% bonus. Some people go to FAANG at E5 in their late 30s in Europe/Asia. RELATED KEYWORDS. Might I point out that this may be too far in the opposite direction? For sure, if you're presenting yourself as "a [project name here] developer", but the conversation in interviews I've had has tended to center around, say, how we used to use [that horrible old thing] until we found [shiny new thing]. NVIDIA, Go to company page This also demystifies the dragon: we're making that same error that saw Bernie Sanders' "Top 1% of The 1%" (The 0.01%, or 0.0001) diluted into Bill O'Reilly and Tucker Carlson's "Top 1%" and, eventually, "Top 10%" (a thing I especially resent as a self-described 7%-er). If everybody follows this recipe, then it will fail at the author's currently desired idea of acceptable performance. If you do it this weekend on just about any open source project, you'll officially, definitionally, be an open source contributor! I have seen several companies offering either a technical challenge live or a take home test. Manager gave me new grad to 'mentor', at first it was ok but then they were being annoying and asking dumb questions so I ignored them. These are often early stage startups. Completed a year? Do any of the FAANGs actually qualify for this? Make sure you have a good rank on as many columns as possible. And 50k is actually being awful at saving, you can easily reach 100k if you're not a dumbass. Amazon L6 ; Amazon L7 ; Google L4; As you get above that number of reports, the manager is splitting their attention to the point that hot/cold spots are inevitable. Exactly. Employees are getting stock refreshes so that's good kind of. A bunch of small model/service/repository PRs seems tedious to me. In my experience, Apple was not like this. There is a minimum amount of maintenance needed. CEO's these days are kids so everyone in that company should quit . Managers , QAs etc. I'm not trying to make any argument, except to counter yours. I know many people who have taken that route and it's one of many paths. And for the people needing to check illegal stuff like snuff or pedo stuff, they are not good to them either. Add an Interview. Hope everyone who voted for democrats does feel better now. Doesnt seem that far off. I have tried explaining her and talking to her many times but have given up. *Team - tenured and mixed L4-L7, very cool people, enjoy their work. Snapchat down 90% etc. > except that our fucked up economic system. I always come off shocked at how awful people are on there. "Family medicine" is 270k in your data set. Base salaries vary by job function, but rarely exceed $160,000. For first two years, the joining bonus makes up for the lower base pay. The Magic, I'm told, is in the work one has been avoiding. Look it up on moma and ask hrbp. Microsoft, Hello, is it embarrassing if your manager is same age, younger or bit older?I like working under her. No pip culture. "I'm a junior engineer and two senior engineers just left my team, now I'm being asked to do do a bunch of work that they used to handle. Adobe, Go to company page Forbes has compiled our sixth annual World's Best Employers in partnership with market research company Statista. Microsoft, Go to company page If you don't like Google's search monopoly, don't work at Google. > I honestly don't care that I had to take a paycut for it. That doesn't sound right. Again, companies shy away from demoting people as they return from leave. ", Person 2. Attended/Watched every single conference T, This is so pathetic. Hi folks! You may also not get a new job or settle for a job with a lower pay. There is an obvious mentality that goes along with that approach, and more often than not this turns what should be a collective, holistic approach to social well-being into a quasi-zero-sum game where everyone is just trying to extract value from everyone else. Above national average. How much do you think doctors make? Fold your first color in half, forming a loop at the top. If you want to work on long term stuff, and have no metrics or data to show for it - then you need to get your manager (and team, and others) on board with it. #twitter #elonmusk, I'm 22 weeks pregnant and just got put on a dev plan this week. It's amazing how scummy and holier than thou people really are in private. But in order that these antagonisms, these classes with conflicting economic interests, might not consume themselves and society in fruitless struggle, it became necessary to have a power, seemingly standing above society, that would alleviate the conflict and keep it within the bounds of order; and this power, arisen out of society but placing itself above it, and alienating itself more and more from it, is the state.". Some even do this unconsciously, because they overestimate their abilities and over-engineer things that break because it's infeasible to reason about complexity monsters in the first place. Amazon Rating Score3.3; Google Rating Score4.3; Meta Rating Score4.0; MOST READ. I am not counting on my ability to pass an interview or actual physical do work, beyond like 60 or so, but still need to financially prepare to live to 90. Complete bullshit. I've been at 3 FAANGs now, and Apple is the only one where a conversation has gone something like "wait, the metrics you're proposing are bad at measuring the actual quality of the user experience and does not account for hard-to-measure factors like (a), (b), or (c)", and that conversation is coming from an executive. So I guess again, it was the pattern of making minor fixes ("just showing up") rather than being some super l33t hax04 genius or major project maintainer or whatever that got me the credit that mattered. During that the time it takes for a doctor to go through med school, residency and specialist training (after which they would have the income numbers you cited), the FAANG careerist would probably have risen through the ranks and have comparable income numbers anyway. of course it's the money, what else. You may see huge companies, but where business areas, divisions, product lines etc. Opportunity cost seems limited. Long-ish term career moves are really the only reason I check on that stuff anyway, and get more value from the relative rankings of, say, language popularity and jobs, than any number I come to. I worked for large companies all my life and all of them are actually like this. Advertising on blind in the middle of an economic downswing when everyone is laying off and engineers are easier to come by than ever.. seems to only ever be amazon hiring managers. Looking to apply to companies again. The flip side is that Eastern Europe is actually cheaper than the West (though perhaps less cheap than the West might think). Meta If the company only existed for less than 20 years and founded by a bunch of college dropouts, you wouldn't have many workers over 50. It should be, but it's not. A company culture has to allow that. You're using devices from those very companies you despise right? In an environment where it really wasnt absolutely necessary. Amazon, Go to company page Sure, the bosses may say "do it anyway" and my only counter would then be to leave, but I expect most people in FAANG aren't actually connected to $relevant_controversy. Especially in the tech industry where there's already so much ageism. New Linkedin jobs added daily. > I thought we were past the employer loyalty era and more accepting of the harsh reality that everything is profit-driven these days. I, I, personally, will not drive Tesla, login Twitter, use Star-chain service or take SpaceX in the future! If you take this logic to its extreme you can justify anything if it makes you rich. Replacing upper management with all your cronies and keeping employees completely in the dark about their future during an incredibly str, Tl;dr Favoritism has been around forever. btw its not 30% its close to 50% if you count waking hours. Literally every company Ive ever worked for, successful startup included, had at least an engineering manager reporting to a director reporting to a VP reporting to a senior VP reporting to a CTO. Meta IC6 TPM offer. On the other hand, telling employees they should own part of the business is bad investing advice; if you get shares of a company and you're not already a millionaire you should sell them and buy an index fund. But TikTok is not faang. If several hundred people independently did this on their own (and perhaps not even intentionally), it could have a meaningful impact in taking down one of the worst corporations in human history. I am sorry to hear about the layoffs just before the holidays specially for folks o, Hi everyone, as a black person on this app the comments I see from ppl who literally work at the companys Im interviewing with makes me so disheartened. Twitter lays of thousands of workers 2. I had an initial interview for a product Manager role and you really arent far off. We are the Product Management Team. At least, that's my impression from (mostly) the outside. The core ideas of being your own PR department -- and hopping from one short-horizon metric to another are just how these places hand out recognition, promotions, etc. Salary Calculator. Having worked at a few mid-sized (50-120) startups for a while, the disappointment there is that many of those same problems exist, just in smaller contexts, and is more personal. I grew up on food-stamps and I was in debt for a very very long time in my adult life. In my experience, they just get absorbed quickly and the label of startup within a corporation gets dropped, becoming so-and-sos org/team. Employment is a contract where both parties work for profit. Alright, let's consider this: my current gross salary is at 47k . Someone out there is building the next big thing and if you're focusing just on getting the biggest paycheck you'll be watching from the outside. That sounds like a rather depressing, unfulfilled existence to me. My former colleagues are reaching out to see if I'd be interested in their gigs. You CAN lay someone off while on leave, and I've seen it done. But everyone looked so damned productive in the analytics captures we ran with KPIs, milestones, and reports! If everyone leaves overnight (even 95% might suffic, Why is Elon musk still on earth? It's impossible to get promoted past L5 (or even maybe past L4) with a short term-focused approach like this. Guess I'm committing every few lines. I sit embedded with c, How much experience required to get Senior Staff Engineer role in Big Tech? I was on a user-facing team, and we hardly looked at metrics related to our product's usage. It lets people compare compensation across companies and normally includes Salary + Options + Bonuses. I would know, I am from one of those cultures. Its why they are highly paid. It is just poor optics. Thanks to all of our teams across the globe! Nutanix, Go to company page Can people please stop worshiping this dude? Or what's The mission du jour? Jobs Salaries Interviews. Buy calls if you th, Firing half the workforce without even the decency to put your name on the generic email sent out? But if you look at popular advice on blind, cscareerquestions, or from various youtube influencers they'll absolutely tell you to leave immediately. That's way more work, though. GCP? I can't speak of the industry as a whole, but I don't think I'm coping in any way. And if they dont take you seriously get a better job, because they dont appreciate you at your current place. After 5 months, there was 5-6 weeks of bootcamp, 3-4 months in actual team, no formal evaluation yet. I don't see which row. Gone are the days where bluffing your way through a job interview lets you earn a six-figure salary while working 25 hours a week and gorging yourself on free food. Perhaps the Gervias Principle can show insights into the script here. Are you aware of other options, such as non-shit jobs? I feel its dumb not to accept a 40-50% hike offer fearing that you would get laid off. Believe me, I know where you're coming from, but that's not how it is in the real world. The Real Tragedy Nobody Wants To Talk About was the unfortunate decision to buy a flavored soda water machine to cut down on plastic water bottle waste. Would like to work on federal/military projects. I've seen directors and VPs take on new projects, get praised, hold talks, get promoted and then the project is abandoned a year later. When I've heard of this kind of thing working it's almost always informal and not pushed down from upper management. No group of thousands of humans will be politics-free. Being highly visible inside and outside my company has opened up more opportunity long term in terms of being offered consulting roles and opportunities in early stage startups then being a worker bee at Amazon for 2 years until you burnout. I'm pretty convinced that there's no set of metrics that can effectively capture productivity and business goals without being gamed. What kind of a startup is this? SAP, Go to company page Which is not wrong, but is eternally sad. If it fails let it fail or if it succeeds then they can acquihire it back in some future. To study single-mission mega projects, the classics are the Manhattan Project, the Apollo missions and the first ICBM systems. Genuinely curious Its not about the money because theres many companies that pay on par or better TC than Amazon. I've worked with enough people from those big companies who left, some after long careers, to know that it's simply not true. Total Compensation. Confirmed from a primary source. On the other hand, as a potential employee it doesn't hurt to ask during the hiring process if it matters to you. I think parent is alluding to the fact that "part of the family" is a framing that often serves the interests of the employer. You are a part of the family only as long as you keep up, how else can it be? You're simultaneously criticizing a system while defending your participation in it. Where did I mention or even imply the involvement of a government at all? Tc 190K, Go to company page Go to company page Is this legal? While this may be true, it's also the problem with large software companies. I work at Meta, my opinions are my own, and I'm speaking to this point in general, not specific to my time at Meta. The author sounds overly arrogant and just gonna lead people down the wrong path. Metrics are just a tool that tries to highlight your effectiveness for corpos too large to have oversight in the actual productivity of the workforce. It's not the only way to "succeed" at Meta but it's certainly the easiest way. Worked in some enterprises as a contractor and a start up as well.Accepted an offer from Meta and everywhere big tech folks talk about PIP like its the end. Customer impact, business impact, some other subjective or objective measure. full stop. The economy is grinding to a halt. It was burned, IIRC, into a golden USB drive, a platinum LaserDisc, and that special paper librarians like, stored forever in a super-sekret vault deep in the Arctic, next to the seeds, I assume. TC matters more than HR like us to believe, even more so going into a recession! It's the inner and dirtiest aspects of the software engineer ego. I'm not sure what the path to fixing this is, or if it even needs to be fixed, but I do think that Steve Jobs created a cult of innovation and a beacon to aspire towards creativity-wise, even if he wasn't the most pleasant person to interact with. What they don't get is those big companies literally poach PhDs or buy smaller companies to get that kind of talent. Oct 14, 2022 - Service Manager in Portland, OR. At the better ones, innovative work will be tolerated, too. Its clearly sarcastic. Wayfair Plus most products are very questionable. My friend did not tell me directly but I think he was trying to say it makes me look like underachieving underperforming person..hard to gain respect that kind of thing. Line employees at these companies arent the ones appealed to in The Gospel of Wealth. We recognize that this will impact a number of individuals who have made valuable contributions to Twitter, but this action is unfortunately necessary to ensure the, Referrals are appreciated to those impacted. Never do senior work for junior pay.". Having more stress for more TC lowers your health (mental and physical) and can significantly strain family life. Oh 40x RENT rule is a standard maximum you will be allowed to pay to be accepted; 200k income = 5k/mo rent. Poverty can be very traumatic (and very motivating to never go into it again). You may think that layoffs are performance based, but it also has some other factors. Only focused on "TC", and nothing else. This was basically how my manager laid it out for me on day 1. Whenever I do break and go there I usually get so depressed. Anyway, as I rationalize it, the Top 20% are the ones already here, doing it, making my Top 7% more in line with my gut feeling of "a little above average sometimes, but by no means exceptional". The bar isn't better dot com. Yes people were crumbling. I just resigned last week having worked at a big company for 18 years. People get reluctant to review the large PRs because they know they have to other work to do. Will be joining in a couple of weeks and just wondering how the morale is and if people are confident in general. There are ALWAYS either hidden or visible metrics and as soon as you figure them out, you can game them. Here in Eastern Europe, the difference between working for big tech versus working for a local small business appears to be a factor of 5 to 20. Obviously if you own a business, you are much more vested in its success. We can move quickly. Rough time, The market is doing much better than it should be this month. Having worked in several startups as well as F500 FAANG-ish valley tech companies, I agree. You can claim up to 26 weeks or until you get anothe, Strictly speaking layoffs. My salary puts me in about the top 20% in terms of salary. Google L5 ; Leetcode; Salary Comparison!! The average Amazon salary ranges from approximately 25,742 per year for a a Customer Service Representative to 153,000 per year for a a Director. the real advice is more nuanced and probably not Meta-specific, real answer right here based on my experience. Absolutely incredible insurance and crazy cheap prices., Hardly any discount for employees on its own Amazon shopping site :-(, I hate that it builds up one hour per week instead of being given in bulk to use as needed, It is very good for anybody is looking for benefits, PPO and HMO offered plus vacation and paid time off, How difficult it is to get promoted to L6 from L5 as a TPM at amazon. Any expected comp for a Level 9 role (google L5) with 9 YOE? VMware, Go to company page It's all about optimising some metrics. My last company tried to pretend it was larger than it was and introduced KPIs. I pay my mortage with opportunities, exposure and experience too. He will fold or go down so fast & you can make 10 year salary off shorting TSLA. Also, the CYAed version of web of trust is a 360 review. > Nobody cares if you made some 1 line change to some OSS project. Any meaningful change requires more work and effort. Unfortunately I think we're now in an era where design and user experience is a lower priority when shipping new products. You're touching on a very complex topic spanning across areas of social life, ethics and morality, economy, family, etc. Microsoft, Go to company page 2. In fact, "long time horizon" is literally in the text of the L6 expectations. Is this not a normal or good way of doing things? You can order the product for as little as $36/bottle, and every order comes with a standard 60-day money-back guarantee, so youve got plenty of time to experience the benefits of KetoCharge. 99% of people don't even understand what meltdown is. I save much more than 50k a year, and yes its social status changing money and no I dont feel out of league with my friends who are doctors. What I've really taken to heart is telling a story of my changes using a stack of diffs. You'll get email templates, resume examples, slides. There are people who took a while to recover from 2008 layoffs.You are also risking going back, your previous company may end up in hiring freeze.Edit - This has blown out of proportion. Lyft & Stripe This too shall Pass - stay encouraged everyone! Nice 401k match time off options are okay but could be better, They have good coverage when you're a full time Associate, Our mission: To be Earth's most customer-centric company. Posted 3:16:07 PM. 2008 was a truly awful experience. L6 SDM $376K. It's probably the youngish HN demographic, but I'm not sure where this idea comes from that old people don't enjoy life as much as young people do. Having worked there for a while, I'm not sure I agree with your take. Snap, Go to company page They are using humor as a means to illustrate how ridiculous it is working under those conditions. But off late his antics and especially lack of empathy makes me feel differ. You'd probably want to look for small companies making something that impresses you (which may or may not be public). > There's nothing wrong in working at a FAANG for the money. - and I certainly don't feel 2-5% away from that, lemme tell ya. At the time my mgr had started doing a lot of documen,, Stop the LinkedIn cringe on praising CEOs for classy layoffs. You may want to tape down your loop. Google excels at producing a lot of well-designed, scale-hardened, well-tested code that doesn't do anything useful for the business and is a net drag on the company. Very high turnover, people come and go, some are fired, burn out, or move to another job.
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