11. The versions have been organized into five groups based on a combination of publication era, degree of Catholic involvement in producing the translation, and status as to whether it has been ecclesially approved for publication as a Catholic Bible. 8. Romans have received the approval of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops since The translation has been highly regarded for the clearness of its English, though it is more interpretive than many other translations, and like all dynamic translations, sometimes flattens the text excessively. James 9. 13. New Catholic Bible (NCB) Following the highly acclaimed publication of the New Catholic Version of The Psalms in 2002 and The New Testament in 2015, this translation of the New Catholic 28. This would enable you to read more of the text quickly and comprehend its basic meaning, though it would not give you the details of its meaning, and you would have to watch out more for the translators doctrinal views coloring the text. 7. Emilie Cerar: The complete Bible provides a new translation of the venerable book as created by a team of Scripture scholars under the direction of Rev. 26. Older versions, such as the King James and the Douay-Rheims, can sound more dignified, authoritative, and inspiring. 14. Then there are mostly dynamic translations such as the New International Version (NIV) and the New American Bible (NAB). 11. The NET Bible SECOND EDITION A NEW APPROACH TO TRANSLATION, THOROUGHLY DOCUMENTED WITH 58,504 NOTES BY THE TRANSLATORS AND EDITORS. Some believe the speaker is a king, others opt for Israel as a corporate body, and still others for a priest/Levite. 9. 11. Int. 12. 19. 22. 5. 6. 17. 19. 2. 5. 3. 49. 9. get to know the Bible better! 31. 46. Another oddity: the book order used for the Old Testament was for many years a strange pastiche of the orders of the Jewish Bible and the Vulgate, though this odd ordering appears to have been abandoned in the most recent revisions. This should be approached as if it were sermonizing, not translation. 4. 1. 8. Luke 14:15-17 New Catholic Bible 3. 46. 8. As far as I know, Fr. 36. 22. 15. This has led one publisher to recently reissue the 1611 King James Version Bible. Please highlight a few verses where the NCBs unique translation is especially evident. 12. 27. 31. 18. This will enable you to catch more of the detailed implications of the text, but at the price of readability. 42. 9. 11. It is listed on the USCCB website among Approved Translations of the Sacred Scriptures for Private Use and Study by Catholics (attributed to Alba House:). The NRSV 31. 13. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; Zechariah 2. Introduction to the New Testament Letters. Fidelity to the revealed Word was clearly a translational priority. 23. 14. 7. The same monks of Conception Abbey in Missouri who had produced the Revised Grail Psalter were asked by the American bishops to translate the various OT and NT canticles used in the Liturgy of the Hours which are found outside the Psalter. 13. 16. 118O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever. Next come slightly less literal translations, such as the Revised Standard Version (RSV), and the Confraternity Version. 13. Acts 22The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. 9. Neither of the earlier two versions in this family had used a formal equivalence translation approach, but had more or less employed functional equivalence techniques (i.e. Int. 61. 20. 1. What 12. 7. 7. 12. Footnotes are presented in two columns at the bottom of the page. 8. 10. 40. 5I called upon the Lord in distress: the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place. 23. 48. 16. Int. 20. It is a reflection and a prayer in which the author, a sage and a mystic who draws his inspiration from the Prophets and Deuteronomy, converses with God and voices his deepest feelings: love of true wisdom, attachment and fidelity to the word of God in spite of weakness and obstacles; desire to better understand and live the truth; joy of outdoing oneself to follow the will of God manifested in the law. 22. 8. 5. 13. 25. Further background information for them can be found in:Catholic Bibles: A Modest History of the English Versions, which also covers older historical versions. 26Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord: we have blessed you out of the house of the Lord. 8. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; Int. 7. Do not have sexual relations with your sons daughter or your daughters daughter; that would dishonor you., Because literal translations can be difficult to read, many have produced more readable Bibles using the dynamic equivalence philosophy. Int. 41. 12. 38. 29. 5. 10. 33. 1. 26. 26. 29. It is available in fine or common print editions from several publishers. 25. 11. The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) first appeared in 1989, and has received wide acclaim and broad support from academics and church leaders as a Bible for all Christians. Preface to the New American Bible First edition of the New Testament, Preface to the Revised Edition of the New Testament. 4. For those who wish to read and search particular verses of the St. Joseph New Catholic Bible online or to compare it with other translations, were truly delighted to make it available worldwide through Bible Gateway so that the sacred words of Scripture can bring solace, hope, encouragement, and healing as readers grow in Gods knowledge and love. 6. 7. 4. 17. 8. 6. 23. 30. Likewise, Midwest Theological Forum (MTF) uses the RSV-2CE as the underlying Biblical text for the Ignatius Version of its Didache Study Bible, a highly recommended edition, especially for converts, catechumens, or others seeking to understand the relationship between Scripture and Catholic doctrine. 17 When the hour for the banquet drew near, he sent his servant to say to those who had been invited: Come, for everything is now ready.. They also run a greater risk of reading the translators doctrinal views into the text because of the greater liberty in how to render it. 17. 1. 8. Read the New Catholic Bible (NCB) translation on Bible Gateway. NET Bible IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, New English Translation (NET). 15. 20. 1. 9. Not widely used in America these days, the JB is still used across the pond. 2. 28. amzn_assoc_linkid = "9a5f1b6b78db0189a0a80d7838ec6a20"; All advertisements on this site are served by CatholicAdNet.com, consider using them for your advertising needs. 8. 36. 46. 3. 11. The Word on Fire Bible is the Gospels only with commentary from Bishop Robert Barron. Sirach A completely new Catholic translation in conformity with the Churchs translation guidelines, the These tend toward the extreme dynamic end of the spectrum. 27. 1. 2. 1 Kings follows is a complete list of the translations of the Sacred Scriptures that 3 Let the house 27. But the NIV translates theerg-derivatives in Romans 2:6-7 differently: God will give to each person according to what he has done (erga). To those who by persistence in doing (ergou) good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.. 6. 48. 10. Following the lead of the Catechism, Catholic Book Publishing believes that in the life of Christians there can never be too many translations of the Bible. Essentially, it is geared toward those with middle school level reading skills and vocabulary. 18. ESV-CE (English Standard Version Catholic Edition) contains the entire Bible (Old and New Testament). 6. Psalms from USCCB.org 41. 9. 23. 51. Int. 11. 13. It has not received episcopal approval for publication or use as a Catholic Bible. 2 Kings 42. 7. they). 28. 14. It was published in full, without copyright, in 2009, and is available in Kindle & ePub formats, in paperback, for some freeware Bible Study apps, and online in both English-only and English-Latin formats at Contes website: http://www.sacredbible.org/catholic/. 15. 2. 2. New Catholic Bible (NCB) Following the highly acclaimed publication of the New Catholic Version of The Psalms in 2002 and The New Testament in 2015, this translation It would be best ignored. Eschewing the various 20th century trends toward rendering Bible translations with an eye toward explanation at the expense of lexical precision, the ESV has been widely praised for both translational faithfulness and literary excellence among those who take Biblical inspiration seriously. 15. 14. 4. The New Living Translation is a revision of a Bible paraphrase that was popular in the 1970s called The Living Bible. 31. The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) developed a Catholic edition of the English Standard Version (ESV), published in 2018 by the Asian Trading Company as the English Standard Version Catholic Edition. 1. 51. 19. 3. 6. 15. 18. 19. 15. 30. 28. 2. 2. The 1989 New RSV (NRSV) is a full-blown revision of the RSV undertaken by the original copyright owners, replacing archaic forms of address and obsolete expressions, updating the underlying text with the fruit of half a century of manuscript discoveries, and smoothing out some difficult passages. This longest of the psalms is a monumental literary piece consisting of twenty-two strophes, each containing eight verses (sixteen lines) and each beginning with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet that is repeated at the beginning of each pair of verses. 5. The Scriptures are so full of meaning that we can confidently say no single translation can do it justice. Previously, the New Testament (2015) and Psalms (2002) had been published under the name New Catholic Version. Many times the translator will have made informed decisions based on facts about grammatical, lexical, historical, and textual data not readily available to English-speaking students of the Bible. The Catholic Public Domain Version was translated by a single individual (Ronald L. Conte, Jr.) from the Latin (Clementine) Vulgate, using the Challoner revision of the Douay-Rheims as a literary guide. 23. Matthew 10. This would be considered a readers edition, supplying very little by way of cross references or annotations, although it does contain a handful of color maps. You have to worry less about the translators views coloring the text, though even very literal translations are not free from this entirely. Ecclesiastes 17. Originally published in 1970, it was incorporated into the new Lectionary for Mass, the Liturgy of they blazed like a fire in the midst of thorns; Holding leafy branches, join in the festal procession. Available in print from Tyndale in limited editions, the Catholic Edition NLT is available electronically in ePub and Kindle editions. 42. NIHIL OBSTAT: I have concluded that the materials 15. 36. Paul Catholic Edition, Revised Standard VersionCatholic Edition, Revised Standard VersionSecond Catholic Edition, New Revised Standard VersionCatholic Edition, English Standard VersionCatholic Edition, Contemporary English Version Catholic Edition, various formats and editions from numerous publishers, web edition recently published on Biblegateway.com, electronic edition of the Standard Edition NJB, The Common English Bible: Yet another failed attempt at The Bible for Dummies, The NCB moniker used by Catholic Book Publishing to identify this translation is the same as that used for another Catholic Bible (the, The NCV moniker formerly used by Catholic Book Publishing to identify editions of the New Testament and/or Psalms in this translation is shared with a late-20. Its a well-known fact that different translations are able to bring out nuances of meaning specic to each one. Sometimes the meaning of a verse depends on subtle cues in the text; these cues are only preserved by literal translations. In 2021, the RNJB was released in a Readers Edition which condenses the Study Editions 2,400 pages to about 1,500, by presenting the Biblical text in two-column format, and eliminating annotations. 2. 19. 44. 21. This release followed publication of the New Testament and Psalms in 2018. 7. 12. The Revised Standard Version, Catholic edition Bible is an example of an equivalent translation, or a word-for-word translation. 8. Of particular note among print editions of the NRSV-CE is the new Word on Fire Bible, from the evangelizing ministry of the indomitable Bishop Robert Barron. 10. 1. 35. 3. AN ESV-CE-based Lectionary (incorporating the final version of the Revised Grail Psalms) was approved by the Vatican and has been in use by the CCBI since Palm Sunday, 2020. Copyright 2019 by Catholic Book Publishing Corp. All rights reserved. 2. 9. 1. 1983 - Present. 25. Bible Gateway offers free online access to the Bible in more than 60 English versions. 4. 2. 9. Int. 43. 3. 2. 11. The second edition has been approved for personal use by the USCCB, but the Catholic Edition is merely a re-ordered canon of the same GNT content a weak, dynamic equivalence translation with sparse annotation. 24. The RSV-CE remains popular among serious Catholic students of the Bible, especially those who prefer traditional diction and dignified literary style over more modern priorities. 21I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. 19. 34. 10. 10. 19. The ESV-CE was published in America in late 2019 by the Augustine Institute as The Augustine Bible. 38. 48. 11. The copyright has been transferred to the American bishops, and the work was re-titled to honor the work of the monks who spent years producing the translations. This psalm brings to a close the Egyptian Hallel. 19. 28. 18. From its inception, the translation had abandoned traditional Biblical vocabulary in favor of what the editors deem everyday English: language common to both native speakers and those for whom English is an adopted tongue. 14. 15. It does not appear to be distributed in the USA. 45. The standard NLT is widely available electronically, and Logos even published an edition incorporating a reverse interlinear, for some reason. 20. 2. 6. 12. The RNJB Psalter does not align precisely with the final official version published in 2019 under the new name Abbey Psalms and Canticles. 33. Int. It can be useful in study as providing a different point of view on passages, as it is quite independent of other English translation traditions. [Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Celebrate Sunday of the Word of God]. 14. Annotations are modest but helpful, and focus on the text. 4. Economy editions of this version in print appear to be lacking. 1. 11. 11. 27God is the Lord, which hath shewed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar. 12. 10. 13. 16. 45. B. 33. The basic question you need to ask when selecting a Bible version is the purpose you are pursuing. 33. This version makes no real attempt to re-present the sacred words of the Scriptures in English, but merely, as the title of the work itself suggests, to convey the message allegedly being delivered through the instrumentality of the words. 29. The text of the NAB has been completely revised since 1970, and the liturgical books have not entirely kept up with the changes, but the current NAB version does basically align with the Gospels and other New Testament readings proclaimed at Mass within the United States (or the Philippines), readings which come from a Lectionary published in 1998 (or in 2001 for Weekdays). 1. Also available from Truth & Life, New American Bible (NAB) Vatican Edition 41. 9. Kings good standing in the Church. Despite the simplified vocabulary, and plethora of revisions, it is sometimes difficult to follow what the translator is intending to convey in English. 13. It was completed by more than 25 biblical scholarsexperts in the original biblical languageswho worked directly from the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. The RSV-CE is an ecclesially approved 1966 Catholic Edition of the highly regarded Protestant RSV translation, originally published by the Catholic Biblical Association of Great Britain. 7. 43. Translators using this philosophy try to stick close to the originals, even preserving much of the original word order. 18. 20. 16. Free, online editions are available from the USCCB and Vatican websites, and also at biblegateway.com. 34. 16. 56. 5. Cross references in the Study Edition are arrayed in the margins next to their referent, but these also have been reduced in this version to a more focused set. 6. Emilie Cerar: The complete NCB followed the release of the NCB Book of Psalms in 2002 and the NCB New Testament in 2015. C. D. 5. 24. 1. 14. 19. 5. 35. 4. 18. 18. However, it is widely available as an electronic text, for both commercial and publicly licensed Bible Study software, as a searchable text on numerous public websites, and for various mobile Bible apps. Emilie Cerar: Faithful lay Catholics agree that the NCB translation of the Scripture has a lyrical, flowing style that encourages the reader to expand both their mind and heart. The names:THE NET BIBLE, NEW ENGLISH TRANSLATION COPYRIGHT 1996 BY BIBLICAL STUDIES PRESS, L.L.C. 7. 37. 13. 7. 17. Being published in multiple volumes (volumes one and two, covering the New Testament, are currently available), these volumes are rich in modern and traditional commentary, artwork, and workmanship. 8. 15. 30. 9. 8. 14. The notes are explanatory, insightful, and practical. 10. 7The Lord taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition: 1993 GNTCE: Good News Translation Catholic Edition: 1993 RSV2CE: Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition: 2006 CTSNCB: 25. 29O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. 3Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy endureth for ever. Some have been given very little help about how to pick a Bible translation, but keeping in mind a few tips will make the decision much easier. Electronically, the RSV-2CE is available in Logos format, where it is available with reverse interlinear tagging. This shift improved dignity, clarity, and precision, although the editors also adopted some inclusive language renderings, which can obscure the meaning. The new translation is intended for private use, rather than liturgical purposes. 19. 19. 10. Published in 1985 as a revision of the 1966 Jerusalem Bible, the NJB veered a little bit more toward the formal end of the spectrum compared to the original, but remains very much a dynamic equivalence translation, preferring readability over precise representation of the Hebrew/Greek original. Literal translations are an excellent resource for serious Bible study. 14. 22. 13. 7. Scriptures that has received proper ecclesiastical approval namely, by the 14. A. All should be ever mindful of the motto learned through experience that it is better to have confidence in the Lord than to rely on flesh and blood (see, The fury of the assault recalls the attacks experienced by Jesus at his trial (see, This verse is an exact quotation from the song of victory at the Red Sea (see. 8. Joshua 8. 15 The Parable of the Great Supper. 7. 8. 28. 4. 1. 19Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the Lord: 20This gate of the Lord, into which the righteous shall enter. 5. The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) in America published a New Testament freshly translated from the Latin Vulgate in 1941, and it served the US Church for 30 years before being retired by the new CCD translation from the Greek original in the New American Bible. 22. It was produced in mid-20th century America by a leading Protestant ecumenical body, The National Council of Churches of Christ. The result is a banal translation that neither inspires nor illuminates. 8. 11. Bio: Emilie Cerar has worked in Catholic publishing for over 30 years, most recently as an editor with Catholic Book Publishing, Corp. in Totowa, NJ. 10All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the Lord will I destroy them. 27. 12. They say theyre prompted to read more of the text than other translations and to understand it better by referring to the notes for further study. 18. 26. This said, the voluminous explanatory notes provide both history and context without being academic, thus building up the apostolic faith of the reader and drawing them into deeper prayer and reflection. 43. The NLT is one of the most readable translations of the Bible. It uses verbiage and language that is commonly used in modern day. While there are easier to read Bible translations, this one strikes a good balance between being literal and easy to read. It is often possible to get a better sense of what is being said in a passage by comparing several different translations. 17. 8. When you read the NRSV you will often encounter friends, beloved, and brothers and sisters, and then see a footnote stating Gk brothers. The NRSV also shows a preference for using God and Christ when the original text says he.. The RNJB is a formal equivalence translation revising a 1985 version called the New Jerusalem Bible, which itself had been a revision of a 1966 Jerusalem Bible. 4. 26. Psalm 118King James Version. 32. The third Bible below is the New Testament only of the RSV-CE (Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition) and offers commentary from some of the best contemporary biblical scholars today. 47. NET Bible copyright 1996-2017 All rights reserved. 15. 10. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Targeted at third-world communities where English is a second language, the CCB can be difficult to find in print in the US, but several editions continue to be published by Claretian Publications. (Most recent revision of the NAB, also available from the USCCB), New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSV-CE) 2. Numerous translations were consulted and decisions were made by consensus according to accepted principles of textual criticism. Ezekiel 22. 52. 11. 7. 5. 18. 19. 6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, and the justice of your cause, like the noonday. 2. Incudes comments about historical or cultural background, explanation of obscure phrases or brief discussions of context, discussions of the theological point made by the biblical author, cross references and references to Old Testament quotations or allusions in the New Testament, or other miscellaneous information helpful to the modern reader. Unless provided by the edition publisher, NRSV Bibles tend to have sparse annotations. 11. In It was consciously translated in the light of Catholic teaching on revelation. The nakedness of your sister, either your fathers daughter or your mothers daughter, whether born at home or born outside, their nakedness you shall not uncover. 16. 6. 10. He has made his light shine upon them, protecting them from the darkness of great trials (e.g., famine, war, and exile; The psalm concludes with the communitys affirmation that the Lord alone is God, similar to the confession of Moses (see. What many advocates of both King James-onlyism and Douay-Rheims-onlyism do not know is that neither Bible is the original issued in the 1600s. Outside of India, the work is available in a 2012 International Edition hardcover published by the Society of St Paul in Australia. 1. A modest number of cross-references were provided in the 1994Ignatius edition, which have not been replicated in all newer editions. 35. It is published in England by Kevin Mayhew in five volumes, or as a single volume marketed simply as The Bible. 11. 11. 13. 12. Tobit 18. What are your thoughts about Bible Gateway and the Bible Gateway App and Bible Audio App? 28. 16. 5. The Good News Bible or TEV is especially known for non-traditional renderings. 18. 14. Most of the editions have the added feature of Jesus words in red. The community of the righteous join in with thanksgiving. There are some quirks, but it is a respectable translation. 9. The Psalms are a revision of the lyrical Grail Psalms published in 1963, which have formed the bulk of the Churchs prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours since 1975. 50. It is technically called the Douay-Challoner version because it is a revision of the Douay-Rheims done in the mid-eighteenth century by Bishop Richard Challoner. 6. 11. 5. 16. 17. 13. 13. 23. Our hope is that the New Catholic Bible is a translation that will be trusted to provide the reader with a prayerful and fullling Bible experience for private devotion and study. Leviticus 3. Use the links listed below to jump to a specific version, or just scroll down. 5. 5. What is a favorite Bible passage of yours and why? On hearing this, one of the dinner guests said to him, Blessed is the man who will dine in the kingdom of God. 16 Jesus said in reply, A man gave a sumptuous banquet, to which he invited many. Changes from the RSV-CE translation consisted primarily of updating archaic pronouns (thee, thou, etc. 26. 26. This makes for easy reading, but it tends to flatten Biblical doctrines, and can be quite pedestrian as literature. 11. 5. 44. 38. 10. 29. 36. 21. 13. 21. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCBs) mission is to encounter the mercy of Christ and to accompany His people with joy. Do not have sexual relations with your fathers wife; that would dishonor your father. The Study Edition is also available electronically in ePub, and for Kindle and Nook.. 43. Please note that most of the pages are mobile friendly, but not always. Over the last three centuries, numerous minor changes (for example, of spelling and grammar) have been made in the King James, with the result that most versions of the KJV currently on the market are significantly different from the original. For most, the question of whether to use an old or a modern translation is not so pointed, and once a decision has been reached on this question it is possible to select a particular Bible version with relative ease. New Catholic Bible is in the tradition of older editions of the Bible, which have been held as authoritative in the Church for years. It is one of the few Bibles, which are more literal equivalent, like; Douay Rheims Bible, and Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, than other editions in English. Catholic Church (c. 825, 1). PDFs of all the books are available online from http://ccbpastoralbible.wordpress.com or http://bibleclaret.org/bibles/. Try Bible Gateway Plus free today. 5. 13. The revision is more natural sounding to the modern ear than the earlier 1966 Catholic Edition, without differing substantially from it. 11. Facilitating that was the RNJB abandoning the practice of its antecedent versions to transliterate the Tetragrammaton as Yahweh instead of rendering it with the more traditional the Lord, as the RJNB now does. Conte does not appear to have sought ecclesial sanction to publish the work as a Catholic Bible, so he could have picked a better name for this, as the Catholic bishops are the only ones with authority to declare a Bible Catholic. 54. 13. 34. CBP has been multiplying available editions and formats since the 2019 release of the complete Bible, and options are available from compact to family size, large or even giant print, etc. 14. Int. 30. 3. It was approved for non-liturgical use by the Catholic Bishops Conference of India. 1 Corinthians It is very highly regarded among professionals and scholars for its combination of accuracy and smooth English presentation, marred only by very liberally employed inclusive language substitutions and/or obfuscations, extending, for example, even to the dubious practice of representing the masculine singular in the source languages with an English plural (e.g. Int. The text can also be accessed in a web version provided by the publisher. These include well-known ones, such as the Moffat, Philips, and Knox translations, and also specialty versions such as the Jewish New Testament (JNT, translated by David Stern), which renders New Testament names and expressions with the Hebrew, Aramaic, or Yiddish equivalents. 5. 6. 9. 27. 4. 23. As amusing as King James-onlyism may sound, some people take it very seriously. Numbers 6. 21. 12. 10. 1. Int. The NLT has been quite popular in Evangelical circles as an easy-to-read version. Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. 8It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. 5. 64. 11. 32. 1. 10. 60. 16. 14. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; 17. 13. Toward the literal end of the spectrum are translations such as the King James Version (KJV), the New King James Version (NKJV), the New American Standard (NAS), and the Douay-Rheims Version. In accord with canon 825 1 of the Code of Canon Law, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops hereby approves for publication The New American Bible, Revised Old Testament, a This CTS edition reflects the official liturgical versions currently used in several English-speaking countries, although those are being phased out in preference for Lectionaries based on newer translations, such as the RNJB or the ESV-CE. 22. 11. 23. 2. . 8. 2. That opens up a considerably broader set of editions to consider for Catholics looking to use this version. local ordinary within a diocese. 20. The NJB is published in both a Standard Edition (with extensive annotations, new to this edition) and a Readers Edition (with Biblical text in two-column format, and with minimal notes). 50. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; 7. 5. 22. Revelation What organization is responsible for the New Catholic Bible (NCB) translation? 9. addition to the translations listed below, any translation of the Sacred 4. 8. Esther A version of the NRSV significantly modified to rectify theological deficiencies identified by the Vatican is used as the Lectionary text in Canada. 1. 15. episcopal conference following 1983 may be used by the Catholic faithful for 43. Unfortunately, the CTS edition also replaces the original JB annotations, which were arguably its outstanding feature, with a significantly reduced set.
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