FlexBook Platform, FlexBook, FlexLet and FlexCard are registered trademarks of CK-12 Foundation. This open textbook covers the most salient environmental issues, from a biological perspective. Non-Renewable Energy Some links and sites provided are no longer in service, leading readers to a dead-end. The scope is intentionally broad and the journal recognises the . While that may sound like a laughable . Not only are the images inferior in their design, but they also have technical limitations that are quite severe (i.e., when you try to export them to a presentation, exam, or learning management system, the image and especially the accompanying text become distorted or even unreadable). Borrow. There isn't a link from the table of contents to each subsection, which would help since the page numbering is inconsistent. Much of the data is already several years old. Subheadings are present in most chapters aside from the first. However, even in those chapters that have provided a list of references, the references are not linked to the contents in this book. Available in epub, kindle, PDF or to be read online. This could be eased by page numbers that include the chapter number, and/or by having chapter numbers and names at the top of each page. My most significant issue with this textbook is its lack of comprehensiveness. The interface is pleasant and professional, except that the resolution of some images can be improved. A table of content with either page numbers or hyperlinks would help with navigation. Announcing Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering 2022 (AECE-2022) eJournal 28 Oct 2022 Announcing New LSN . Memrise uses images and audio to help memorize vocabulary. Finnish Water Services - Experiences in Global Perspective . Topics: french literature, classics, modernist, english, Topics: light, dirac equation, positrons, pauli, electrodynamics, quantum, physics, electromagnetism. Due to the prospective nature of addressing climate change, graphs often are predictive for a near future and in danger of inaccuracies. The newest edition of my current textbook is up to date (with references to recent executive orders flip-flopping the fate of public lands such as Bears Ears and Escalante, for example), but the open source .pdf does not even contain a positive result for the search term Paris Agreement from 2015. Get it Sep 30 - Oct 5. There are a lack of graphs and data and images to help the reader connect with the fairly lengthy, dry reading sections. Black Holes are one of the most fascinating subjects in Astrophysics. Water is an important issue, and authors may consider breaking up in two sections: waster resources and Water pollution. ancient] geography, Principles of Object-Oriented Programming, Topics: object oriented, computer-science, programming, computer science, Shuly Cooper; Andrew Barron; Merrie Barron; Ali Dimee; Madhurika Dev; Victor Cesena, Mark Mitchell; Alex Samuel; Jeffrey Oldham, Michelle Rogers-Estable; Barbara Akre; Jean Brainard; Robert Stewart; UCCP AP Environmental Science Course; Hugues Goosse, Douglas Wilkin; Barbara Akre; Niamh Gray-Wilson; Jean Brainard, Saverio Niccolini; Jorg Ott; Erik Dobbelsteijn; Margit Brandl; Karl Franzens; Rosario Giuseppe Garroppo; Jiri Kuthan; Dimitris Daskopoulos, Annamaria Farbizio; Andrew Gloag; Melissa Kramer; Anne Gloag, David M. Diez; Mine C. etinkaya-Rundel; Christopher D. Barr, Dan Greenberg; Jen Kershaw; Brianne Megerdichian; Sarah Brockett, Manjula Sharma; Paul Peter Urone; Kim Dirks; Roger Hinrichs. ii. . The authors lose opportunities to connect to concepts presented earlier in the text. Water. The inter-related connection of content should be maintained with lesser numbers of subheading. The Only a limited number of the subjects that are part of environmental science are covered. Such as in energy section figure 5.4: may confuse students on solar energy. Topics: computer-science, programming, computer science, Topics: organize, business, models, marketing, global, entrepreneur, leadership, management, Topics: dictionary, vocabulary, french-english glossary, pronunicaton, french, language studies, Java, Java, Java Object-Oriented Problem Solving, Topics: computer-science, java, computer science. Collection of online resources for Environmental Studies. Published: Mar 2020. There is no particular logic or flow to the topics. The textbook did not provide any glossary or index. OBP has joined forces with the Conservation Evidence Project to produce this Series, which disseminates results from the latest scientific literature about the effects of conservation interventions. Topic(s): Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Hydrology and Water Resource Systems. It is not better or worse than the writing I have seen in textbooks for purchase. No inappropriate language or claims that might offend a diverse readership were found. Registration is encouraged but not required for contributors. The chapters describe some of Earths major environmental challenges and discuss ways that humans are using cutting-edge science and engineering to provide sustainable solutions to these problems. Karen Valaitis EdD Dr. Valaitis, Health Sciences and Administration, will be creating a new textbook for her U.S. Healthcare course. Open Learn provides 52 free online courses such as "Understanding the environment: Learning and communication," "Environmental management and organizations," "Environment: Treading lightly on the Earth," "Energy resources: Solar energy," and "Effects of pollutants on the aquatic environment.". These are excellent. read more. BCcampus Open Ed provides access to open textbooks on a number of topics from 41 institutions across Canada. I rated this poorly because the should discuss culture and how it intersects with the environment. Environmental science is integrated - you can't just have chapters that are designed to stand entirely alone. The book is accurate overall, but some paragraphs and concepts would benefit from a more rigorous and technical coverage in addition to the general introduction of the concepts provided. Do you have recommendations for Open Textbooks, related supplements, orquestions about this Hub? The lessons. Whether you are looking for more affordable options for your students, or dynamic content to inspire your own teaching and learning practice, this hub, organized by discipline and provider will help you discover the resources you need at your fingertips. In Stock. $13.98. 5. read more. There are many sub-headers that split the text into smaller portions, maybe even too many to tie the topics together and allow the message to flow. The first chapter does not follow the formatting or numbered headings of the succeeding chapters and could use subheadings. Navigating through the book is not particularly difficult except that a header or footer making chapters could help with ease of navigation since all chapters restart with a new numbering system. Borrow. The United States is among the most significant emitters of greenhouse gasses . In summary, my current textbook covers 25 chapters and this one contains 8. From the natural sciences, students learn experimental techniques and methods of analysis needed to make accurate observations, to document change, to distinguish those changes resulting from human activity, and to understand what comprises healthy landscapes and functioning ecosystems. 3.0 Plant Kingdom. This Holt McDougal Environmental Science Textbook Companion Course uses fun videos to help students complete homework assignments, study for tests and earn a better grade in class. Primarily . The text is designed for an introductory-level college science course. This means that online versions of the textbooks are free to view and download, and print copies are available for a much cheaper price than the current textbooks college students buy. I am sure that my students could benefit from some of the good descriptions of natural science facts and principles, but like some of the other reviewers, I found it heavy on the natural science side, and weak on social and economic issues. Boundless, the company that builds on existing open educational resources to provide free alternatives to traditionally costly college textbooks, has released 18 open textbooks under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA), the same license used by Wikipedia. What Works in Conservation. 4 Resources For Open-Source Textbooks. I liked being able to appreciate some of the basic science behind conclusions like "biomass energy can and cannot be carbon neutral." However, a more comprehensive textbook will also cover the major resources of the world after the section on climate change. The textbook is adapted from the well-known Canadian text Environmental Science by the late Bill Freedman, a professor at Dalhousie University. 96.2k. I noticed that this textbook is available as a Word document, and it looks like the images and text can be modified more effectively in that format, which is good (but time consuming). Not all of the pages are numbered. I found the text to be free of significant errors. Topics: environmental science, biosphere, energy, sustainability, environmental policy, ethics, earth Project Management Skills for All Careers, Topics: computer-science, programming, computer science, advanced, linux. That is ultimately one of the major reasons I chose my current textbook, and I one of the reasons I am not ready to switch away from it at this time. Economics and environmental science are deeply connected and the authors should go more in depth on this topic. Chapters begin with Learning objectives and chapter contents. Add to FlexBook Textbook. There is little indication of what chapter you are in, again made difficult by lack of consistent page numbering. Biodiversity is not covered at all. . For example the hypothesized beginning of Covid-19 in the wet markets of China, high concentration of POPs in the Inuits, and human demography comparisons between developed and developing countries. Borrow. Images often have text that is significantly smaller than the main text of the book. However, I would like to see the topics covered in the introductory chapter expanded upon and be individual chapters. EBAY SEE PRICE ON AMAZON 4.0 Animal Kingdom. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike In general, the materials presented are accurate but a number of graphs, tables and figures, were not properly referenced. All of the books on the National Academies Press site are available as freely downloadable PDFs. The Word version has a very readable font (although of course that could be altered in the document). Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationships is a full-color, introductory environmental science text that is known for being concise, conceptual, and value-priced. Human Demography iv. The topics that are covered still feel lackluster in what they actually delve in to. But in many chapters, there are large stretches of text without much relief either from illustrations or examples problems. The book is about environmental issues that are particularly important in Canada, and the ways they are being dealt with by governments and society-at-large. There is a notable inconsistency in the use of chapter outlines at the beginning of chapters. We also enforce our regulations, and help companies understand the requirements. read more. The section on the sustainability, the United Nations, and on the IPCC should also be updated. Nearly 48,000 digitized books as of 2015. Unfortunately, this book does not cover the more interesting (interdisciplinary, applied) environmental topics (environmental economics, environmental careers, legislation and legal issues, etc.). Customize. Lowest Price Rent eBook (180 Days) Learn more about the ebook $52.00 Some of the figures are low quality -- especially the human population chapter. Standard Scope and Sequence All textbooks meet standard scope and sequence requirements, making them seamlessly adaptable into existing courses. For an introductory text, important technical terms are bolded and defined. Book Description Farmers' Needs expose fictitious profitable systems on one hand and a relegated rural farming system on another. For example, there is little on the topic of environmental health and toxicity, other than a quick discussion of the Precautionary Principle. Understandably challenging because the flow was apparently to explain relevant science from physics to biology, then groupings in biology from cells to populations and ecosystems, but surprising to find the definition so late. Also known as open educational resources , our open-source materials are free for all educators and students to use, customize, and share. There is also a missed opportunity to provide hypertext links within the textbook. ISKME's digital librarians have curated collections of Open Textbooks and full courses to help leverage OER in your classroom. 21G.026 . This text helps students grasp the scientific foundation of environmental topics so they can better understand the world around them and their impact upon it. Structures in different chapters are also different sometimes. "In principle, all scientific journals should have open access, as should be science itself. Case studies on: Urban Agriculture, Ethnobotany, UBC Farm Through a sustainable Lens, Dining Environments, and Indigenous Food Sovereignty. It would be nice to read chapters Population Ecology and Human Demography as the last chapters. Also, in the non-renewable energy chapter I would like to see some information on tar sands. Reviewed by Anita Walz, Associate Professor, Marshall University on 4/17/20, Only a limited number of the subjects that are part of environmental science are covered. Environmental science studies all aspects of the environment in an interdisciplinary way. Yes, it is consistent. The book touched on many of the topics in Environmental Science, but some of them were very superficial. The MIT department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences explores the the solid earth, fluid earth, the biosphere, and their interactions, as well as planetary science, solar system dynamics, and observational astronomy. Browse our list of available subjects! Reviewed by Shamim Ahsan, Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 5/20/19, Too compact with content. There is little on the environmental aspects of modern agriculture. It provides some of the bare basics, but overall is lacking. Keep improving and more will use it! In fact I encourage the authors to bring in more cultural examples related to environmental science. 2. What is covered in the book is relevant to an introductory course in environmental science. It has made me think differently about possibly trying to compile resources myself (instead of using any textbook at all) in the event that I was motivated enough to make the leap to a low or zero cost lecture section. Content should compatible to other text book in the market place. Content is more or less up to date. However, the book fell short of what I often call closing the loop. That is, linking the science with the economics and social issues of environmental science. It was politically-correctly written. Both a collection of open access publications and a publishing platform with a focus on social sciences and humanities. But the page numbers shown dont include the chapter number, so a student looking at a page 17 cannot easily be sure which chapter that is in. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity. Each chapter re-starts on page 1 and it would help to have a table of content there that either lists the page number or hyperlinks to the sub-section. Lectures, quizzes, exams, problem sets and in some cases entire textbooks are available for use in the classroom or as supporting materials. I am glad to adapt this book for the Environmental Science course, aimed at the first year college students. The chapters focus mostly on energy production and resulting effect on the climate. The technical language used in the book is clear and appropriate for an introductory course in environmental science. EBSCO Ebooks - Environmental Science It is also one of my biggest complaints about the open source book that I currently use in another course. It would be mostly these trend charts and the accompanying text that would need regular maintenance. Only a limited number of the subjects that are part of environmental science are covered. Mrs. Harris, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Office of Undergraduate Research, is adapting a textbook for her general education, Introduction to Environmental Sciences Course. The book is broken down into sections that would easily allow for additions and updates to the information covered. RES.18-010 . Occasionally the authors do offer guidance on policy but appear to be derivatives of their personal ethical perspectives, rather than argued conclusions on compared equities. It would also be nice to highlight environmental scientists from diverse backgrounds to allow students to see themselves within the text. Textbooks. The only hyperlinks are from the table of contents, and there is no convenient way to go back to the TOC. From what I can tell, the book's approach is to define a bunch of concepts. I found many of the diagrams to be much more informative than the actual text, which was helpful. Additionally, ecosystems and ecosystem services and biodiversity should be covered more in depth in a separate chapter. Much of the environmental issues we are currently experiencing are related to these topics (i.e global pandemic, soil degradation and food shortages, and plastic pollution). For example, though the introductory chapter provides a cursory review of fundamental chemistry, these are not generally recalled in subsequent chapters to illustrate points made. It provides some of the bare basics, but overall is lacking. Not showing more current values misses the opportunity to illustrate the positive benefit that accrues from international cooperation on science-based solutions to environmental challenges. Regarding Environmental policy, relevant policies are mentioned throughout; however ,there is no formal approach to how environmental policies are formulated. Reviewed by Sarah Surber, Assistant Professor, Marshall University on 2/18/20, The book covers a large section of environmental science, which is helpful for an introductory course. Schools, students and the general public are free to share and remix these . 2.0 Biological Classification. web pages Open Textbooks Appropedia. These simulations are free for instructors to use, distribute, and modify - even in commercial ways. However, the downside is that this book has not provided in-depth information to allow its readers to fully understand some complex concepts. Because of the books focus on the biological and physiological aspects of environmental science the diversity of cultural examples is limited. The first chapter suffered from explaining biological molecules within cells, before defining cells. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity . Borrow. This is the perfect book for those who are seeking to score the highest marks in the national-level examination. British Literature I: Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century and Neoclassicism For example Economics, environment, and public policy should be its own chapter. The book misses the opportunity to present environmental issues in a compelling, relevant way to students. Not all of the sites here are free, some require registration, or donations, but most are. I do like some of the learning objectives (for the existing chapters), which are in some cases similar to those I have intentionally added to my current course because they were not emphasized in the textbook I am using (e.g., precautionary principle). However, there are no hyperlinks to sub-sections and only three chapters have page numbers included in the outline. The Black Holes And Beyond. UK publishing imprint that provides free online access and low cost formatted and print access to titles with a special emphasis on humanities, digital humanities, and social sciences. The Story of Stuff Prject has expanded with videos addressing environmental studies topics and solutions. Students then share their list with the class by writing it on a poster board. It uses myriad learning aids to get students to think critically for themselves. It begins with the narrowest, driest material (Chemical & Biological Foundations of life). There are multiple ways to look for open texts. CK-12 CBSE Biology Class 11. What is there is good - but probably needs to be updated and improved upon. 1.0 The Living World. does not cover various important environment related issues. Excepting an occasional passing mention on cost often without the defining basis, it otherwise wholly ignores micro- or macroeconomics as a holistic lense to view energy and environmental decision-making. * 3. No obvious errors were found in the placement of and reference to figures and tables. There is a case when Coal is used as a heading twice, rather than for example, Coal formation and Coal consumption for energy. The book takes a neural, unbiased tone and is largely accurate. The book has many standard topics in Environmental Science, but is missing or gives cursory attention to agriculture, biodiversity, and conservation. Chapter contents are also given. So the fact that this book does not cover environmental science comprehensively is not as big of an issue as it would be if students had to buy it. It however, provided a list of key terms at the end of every chapter that were often defined in the chapters themselves. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Finally, there should be chapters on soils, agriculture, environment and human health, and municipal and hazardous waste. A previous review said that the book handles human demography well, but because there was no attention to variation in the lag between the onset of mortality decline and fertility decline, I found the treatment wanting. I did not notice grammatical errors (but see format issues above). Help us make this page better and send your favorite resources to HSUpress@humboldt.edu. Feel free to explore the General Collections to find additional resources. Also, the book includes only cursory discussion of human livelihoods across the word, which are inexorably tied to environmental change. Authors: Edited by Kylienne A. Clark, Travis R. Shaul, and Brian H. Lower and Edited by Kylienne A. Clark, Travis R. Shaul, and Brian H. Lower. What is in there is accurate from information a decade or more ago. The book is written with an accessible prose and examples on elk, cacti, and US energy-use are most familiar to a North American audience. The book touched on many of the topics in Environmental Science, but some of them were very superficial. For example, the most recent stratospheric ozone data shown are for 2012. Read. About the Book This course uses the basic principles of biology and earth science as a context for understanding environmental policies and resource management practices. Furthermore, for nuclear energy the authors only discuss light water reactors and the environmental issues with nuclear. This book is not culturally sensitive or offensive. These would allow students confused by a term (for example) to link to a portion of the text in which that term is defined and illustrated. Headers are present, though not consistent chapter to chapter, with little references to itself. Free textbooks (aka open textbooks) written by knowledgable scholars are a relatively new phenomenon. Too compact with content. While there are occasional oblique references to some social context issues, it is not addressed explicitly by this text. Topics: information, numerical analysis, statistics, analysis, quantitative, math, Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation. In addition, at least one of the links provided for further reference at the end of Chapter 8, was not working. Ships from and sold by Barrel_Room_Books. Formatting to include global page numbers, a multilevel table of contents, an index, more subheadings, and hyperlinks between sections both within and between chapters, Reviewed by Emily Nocito, Graduate Student, University of Colorado Boulder on 6/11/20, I view this as an introduction to the introduction of environmental science. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. In ENSC 1000, you will learn about the science behind these problems; preparing you to make an informed, invaluable contribution to Earth's future. Whether you are looking for more affordable options for your students, or dynamic content to inspire your own teaching and learning practice, this hub, organized by discipline and provider will help you discover the resources you need at your fingertips. as its base text. agrosystems, geosciences, & environment is a gold open access journal publishing studies limited in geography or time, confirmatory articles, and reports of negative results, focusing on all aspects of agriculture, plant, environmental, and soil science.publishes communications-length, broad-reaching, transformative, and timely commentaries and Overall the book is well written and clear and easy to follow.
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