(238) is that a captain planet reference? that just happened. (1214) balem ordered a blockade. (501) To be placed on a planet was to move upmarket. 2. (1641) Be awed by the untouched vastness of some of the oldest mountains on the planet. 59- Our planet is currently experiencing a catastrophic rate of species extinction. (738) that's the planet we live on. (2028) The loss of him and all the other lives made her feel like the worst person on the planet. (1942) Well, sometimes it's really very hard for us to find each other, even on this planet. (1643) I'm not the most fashionable person on the planet, but I'm not the least either. For while Hegel, depending on a numerical proportion suggested by Plato, hinted in a single sentence that it might be a mistake to look for a planet between Mars and Jupiter, Giuseppe Piazzi (q.v.) (361) a frontier planet at development level f. (362) let's find a way off this fucking planet. (839) is it a planet ?! The planet makes itself. (1684) He is our mentor , our guide, and he possesses an intellect the size of a planet. (1733) With all the wars on this planet, we are definitely not living in halcyon times. (1794) so between the time of the crash and the time you leave that planet my son dies. Overpopulation is affecting the world as it is outpacing the ability of the planet earth to support it. They have money. (993) But maintaining this herd takes a major toll on our planet. (1392) Your key planet Saturn is conjunct the New Moon, roadblocks in your way. (2086) Sloths have been around on this planet in one shape or another for over 40 million years. (1531) The future of our planet is in danger if we continue to plunder it as we do. it's the hottest place on the planet, on the body. (959) Why should I feel lonely? he said so himself. (985) Why is the Ethiopian wolf the rarest canid on the planet? I've learnt about Venus in my class 3. It has a distinctive red color and was therefore associated with battles and war and named after the Roman god of war. 8. (1235) In the world of Overtime, the planet Earth is hopelessly overcrowded. (425) I've always wanted to visit another planet. (1443) The new planet began to change rapidly soon after its initial coalescence. (994) And they found a way to model, basically, an entire planet. (2052) Galileo Galilei was the first man who observed the planet Neptune through his telescope. (357) my first love on this planet was ireland. (396) that planet's over three light years away. is also called Blue Planet because of the availability of water and it looks (296) What's the worst bug on the planet? (612) that's ten billion times brighter than the planet, (613) and we now, being the top organism on this planet. (1097) train hard, and learn to fight, in order to protect this planet! (1493) Step edges that are parallel to the planet radius are coated symmetrically. (790) 1He thinks motherhood is glamorous-what planet is he on? (611) in 2000, we had six billion people on the planet. return {}; 58- More than one billion people on our planet lack access to safe drinking water. (1523) Corals have been living on planet Earth for hundreds of millions of years. (471) This planet actually has some life on it. We are Hiring (752) There are lots of ways of annihilating the planet. ? (1024) It gave me a very biased view of how life is on this planet. (1463) We will create a new beginning for our people and heal our planet together. Example: big is city Delhi is. (831) their planet's gonna be running ours in about ten years. The verb is the action the person or thing takes or the description of the person or thing. (1534) They provide a world view of people working to protect the planet we live on. (815) That should be the goal of every nation on the planet. The people are fucked. (1545) double our security deployment. (1797) any living system on our beloved planet, is an eloquent expression of the universe'. (573) afterthat,we singthis about your precious planet. (1616) There is no real boundary to the part of the planet I think of as the deep sea. (1571) That left only one possibility: a planet gravitationally pulling on the star. (1915) The planet Jupiter radiates twice as much heat from inside as it receives from the Sun. (1171) that all men are created equal to every human being on the planet. 6) The gases like nitrogen, CO2, and oxygen in earths atmosphere help plants to grow. (1116) It takes almost eight minutes for sunlight to reach our planet. (789) I've got to ask a question; are we from the same planet? (1418) How much of the light is being dimmed depends on how big the planet is. in agriculture. (452) I don't want to live on this planet anymore. (2048) The gases that may be warming the planet will have their main effect many years hence. Earth is the only planet where life exists. (750) Nuclear war will bring life on this planet to an end. (1926) 1I didn't discover the first snail or the first nettle that sprouted up on this planet. (697) We need to settle down before we wreck the planet. (1283) and our sense of responsibility for the protection of our own planet. 1) Earth is a planet of Sun which (1648) New Horizons made its name in July 2015 as it flew past the dwarf planet Pluto. (274) i am the new king of the fish planet. (1389) If that doesn't work, I'll take your sisters to my planet, Jetr answered. Our planet is called Earth. (1953) We live on a tiny planet in a corner of a vast galaxy starred about with infinite space. We offer a complete package that includes Class 2 English, Hindi, Maths, EVS, GK, and Computer animated video lectures, activities, quizzes, flashcards, NCERT solutions, and worksheets with performance analysis. (1625) We are here on planet Earth to learn lessons and to grow in loving knowledge. (636) to categorize every living organism on the planet. (289) that has been unleashed on this planet, (290) we need to begin to manage this planet, (291) not only what's going on on our planet, (292) the largest oil reserves on the planet. (828) which you think at the time has to be on another planet. (1395) only that i've got my back against the planet and i'm on my way away. (956) RUGBY: Possibly the most brutal contact sport on the planet. 3) Earth is bigger than Mars, Mercury, and Venus. (1947) After a while we are aware of a deviation, the gravitational pull of an unseen planet. (397) i can't see this planet with my naked eyes, (398) his only hope for existence on this planet, (399) when you had the planet earth's sourcebook, (400) by killing enough people off of the planet. (838) we have as much time for animals to exist on this planet. (805) What would you do if you met a man from another planet? Home. (1060) jupiter, the fifth planet in our solar system, and the largest. (1029) 1This can be good if the planet is a malefic or poorly spected. (690) I am very passionate about looking after the planet. (1390) A planet does not signify one thing except insofar as it brings it about. 3. (1934) Galileo was an unmanned NASA spacecraft It explored the planet Jupiter and its moons. (1168) 1The pie chart shows the results of an election on an alien planet. (1941) We have local numbers accessible to three quarters of a billion people on the planet. (512) i believe that for every person on the planet. Required fields are marked *. (1205) She'd never thought he meant she'd literally help revive the planet. (1275) This one will make reparations for the loss of your planet, Jetr said. (1667) These craters are from millions of years ago when dinosaurs walked the planet. (1152) Belinda is a closer moon to Uranus a planet in the solar system. (661) They are moving to protect people and our planet. The Venus is the planet next to Mercury. 7. (1098) the seas on the planet where that thing came from are very warm. (1994) Though he dismisses the tag of dreamer, the scale of his plans are on a different planet. (1741) You only have a little more to go before you are done with this taskmaster planet. (526) Most of the planet Earth is covered by water. S . (1032) you're saying that this asgard is declaring war on our planet? (566) This is what planet earth does, she said later. (2101) What is the modern definition of "planet"? (1628) For a planet to have liquid water at its surface, three things are important. (517) on the other side of the planet, in the amazon. (1417) The number one cause of death on this planet among humans is bad water. (624) We all have one planet. Large-scale cooperation is extremely rare on this, We can stop the collision course of 50 percent of the, Well, it makes me happy for Prochlorococcus of course -- but not for the, You only have a little more to go before you are done with this taskmaster, Will Planet X or Eris approach the Earth and threaten our, It basically notes a wobble in a star caused by the gravity of the orbiting, the Morning Star and the Evening Star have the same referent (the, Being in the Army, the mercenary had maps of every conceivable place on the, He's the human bullet and now he reigns supreme in the fastest sport on the, Sirens are probably the most ancient line of salamanders now alive on, Environmentalists have no political axe to grind-they just want to save the, 1We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor, 'cause we're trusting grandpa blackbird who doesn't even know what, he looks just like that last saiyan who opposed me when i destroyed, Unlike some of its predecessors, InSight wont rove around on the, More accurate measurements showed that a single epicycle per, 1You only have a little more to go before you are done with this taskmaster, The greenhouse effect is something else that is supposedly happening on our, And people feel outraged about doing experiments on the, So here's our little solar system, as we pull away from our melted, Clyde joined the search for Percival Lowell's Planet X , a, 20000 Varuna is a big Kuiper belt object LRB KBO RRB and could be a dwarf, But in doing so, we're ignoring the best source of new technology on this, It's actually mini-eclipses that occur when a, So I thought, why not apply that crowdsourced cleanup model to the entire, She's been accepted into a university on another, Chemicals tests will tell a story of how water has existed on the, To launch a ship into higher orbit, or to a distant, We, after all live on an increasingly polluted, Down the left of the chart Galileo lists the longitude and latitude for each, If he were allowed to pick his mate, he'd have chosen long ago and saved his, All he had to do was choose a nishani-- my sister!-- and the, Greenpeace works to promote awareness of the dangers that threaten our, He did not create a master race and did not wipe the inferior races from the, and the Mars Science Laboratory, a car-sized rover that will explore the red, so between the time of the crash and the time you leave that, i'm going to take you on a 16minute trip on 72 percent of the, we were adrift, destined to float amongst the ruins of our, But its still tough to pinpoint the exact location of such a faraway, faint, Nuclear weapons have the capability to destroy the physical integrity of the, Sophisticated tool use must develop -- that's one, Next to the mansion[MakeSentenceWith.com ], it's the best hangout on the, The drawings on the cave walls depict the lives of the earliest men on the, The hydrosphere includes all of the watery parts of our, Although it is a gaseous area, the atmosphere around the, But it's also about the way we're pushing into the last wild spaces on our, The second complication emerges when we look a little more deeply at, These examples are just the first glimpse of our ignorance of life on this, Probably the largest urban-renewal project, I think, ever attempted on the, If they should all be sustainable on a finite, This means weighting the rules of world trade to benefit poor people and the, An asteroid tears through space heading towards the fourth, Schwabe had been looking at the Sun to discover a, You're cursed, Kiera said with a frown, thoughts on the dead, The rock, bigger than a sports arena, menacingly close to our, I had won a grand award as well as the honor of having a minor, and you don't think they're going to blast this facility off the face of the, 1Greenpeace works to promote awareness of the dangers that threaten our. 80- Astronomers use the average distance from our planet to the sun as a unit of distance. (1825) Humour has a better chance of saving our planet than carbon sequestration or the UN. (279) you would be interested in my planet? (1927) Cultural evolution is a dangerous child for any species to let loose on its planet. (665) In 2000, we had six billion people on the planet. (1187) The orientation of the planet's orbit is changing continuously. (1035) asgardian metal is much different from the ore of this planet. (1868) The Sun is such a star, creating enough warmth to make a planet like Earth habitable. (1816) The hydrosphere includes all of the watery parts of our planet such as the oceans. is not our planet in the Milky Way? (972) of the diversity and incredible scale of life on this planet, (973) i don't know how many other projects on the planet right now. (451) They sent some people to live on the planet. (1202) And we're leaving so much on the table, 72 percent of the planet. (1902) The planet reaches greatest eastern elongation , 23.5 degrees from the Sun, on the 3rd. (460) to some of the poorest people on the planet. (601) that exist as independent entities on the planet. (726) Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System. (1117) Let's think only about liquid water on the surface of a planet. (1688) We are more and more a peripatetic planet or in plain English we move about more. (1441) Bem accompanies a landing party on a mission to a newly discovered planet.
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