This is unfortunate, but outside of Kongregate's control. Don't care about education. Ideally, their health will hold out long enough for the health awareness nights to start their magic. *Sorry first time posting if I got it wrong*. 4 years, no diplomas, health and happiness to the max, decent living 3 years (year 4 good) no computer/new house, 1000+ muny. Are you an TIG Member? The jobs on offer are random. Each member has stats on their health, happiness, and education that you have to monitor, and your success is measured by the number of diplomas you earn over the 16 turns of the game. Is there a way to keep playing past the 4 year mark? Play. Now of course I have to conquere it. Sometimes they can be at the same # level and with no diploma, and yet suddenly qualify for a job with purchase of books. likewise don't bother with school for the kids they'll learn from the books (for length:). If they're just getting worse, though, send them home just before the end of the season. Play Colorful Autumn Forest 10268 Always set the people to work/study hard (buttons available during running season, is a bit cumbersome to always set them, esspecially since it will interrupt you with some news): Buy the market stand which is offered you! You can drop 1500 Goud on a bed and plumbing, or bump your life up to Good, but at the end of 5 seasons the guy with the bed and plumbing will have made his money back and be even healthier. Managed to get to 10 diplomas and 3900 at the end fun and actually fairly challenging game (is it just me or is it actually impossible to ever buy the new house or the computer well maybe not the computer but definatly the house so expensive!!). While playing this game is was quite confusing on how to actually play it. Play online My Life is Yours game for free. Damn, kid. =). December 9, 2010 12:23 PM. Its also pretty fun and has high re-playability. He can't be older than 7 or 8, and yet he still manages to build a Community Center with a Library, Health Information Office, and Soccer Field as well as qualify for a Baccalaureat Degree every time. 8 Steps to Engage Underrepresented Students in Computers; How to Receive a Grant of HK$ 50K to Promote IT; He struggled with poor health, but worked hard at school and qualified for the Baccalaureat I. Control a family of five living in modern-day Haiti as you battle a lack of educational options, poor working conditions, and bad weather. There's no choice put to move into the footsteps the parents have left. I don't know if anyone else has tried, but is it possible to finish the game with a few dead family members? A good life, after several dozen times! I also don't know that the chickens are worth the 700 g. Tip: Buy the plumbing as soon as you get 1000+ goud, it really DOES help. She struggled with poor health, but worked hard at school and qualified for the Baccalaureat I. Fun: 3/4 Although the subject matter keeps it from being completely fun, it is an enjoyable game experience. For schooling, early on take all volunteer slots, but when there aren't two slots, priority should be vocational school for the adults, then public school for the kids (cheap and effective, you can sometimes get all three kids in at once if you have the parents working good jobs), then if necessary protestant school or professional tutor. Tried it again, did a little better in the education department this time. It helps their education. At the start of the game, the player chooses a primary goal for his/her family: achieve education, make money, stay healthy, or maintain happiness. make the youngest child work on the farm when his happyness is all the way up and someone else's is low; make that person with the low happiness volunteer. I was about one hundred dollars away from buying a computerThey really should make a sequel to this, even if it's intention was just to raise awareness rather than just a casual game. + Standard of living matters a great deal. Play 102640 That is, if you pick the right jobs, and don't "work hard" all the time, so that you don't let your health deteriorate to the point where you have cholera/TB etc. is a leading Flash and Online game review site. I think getting the final 4 is mostly a matter of luck with the jobs that come up and the availability of the right schooling. You can add this directly to your class as an assignment! I bought So I guess you can't get rich quick after all, even in Africa. It gave you four choices on how you wanted to go about your time while playing it. (via jayisgames ) That via link has some gameplay tips, so skip it if you want to figure things out yourself. Taking it easy doesn't seem to save much health, except if they're working as rum distillers (which should only be a last resort job if it's a very weak job market otherwise). I chose the topic of money and through out that you had to make sure your family was going to survive these seasons. - Next, send the son for school for 3 rounds and he become a mechanical asistant. At the beginning of the season, you give each family member a role, including work, school, or volunteering. Selecting "Work Hard" for everyone usually gives a nice boost to income. this is the part where it starts to get rocky. The way to go is money! The S. Vimes "Boots" theory is in full effect - to wit, "rich" people spend less money than "poor" people and end up better off, because of the way their equity lets them live. Read some of the walkthroughs and you should be able to cure your depression. It would have been 1570, but I got robbed. This game made me very angry on the first try because I basically died very early and I saw my sister playing on it and she got a really good life one and got lots of money and good health and I was raging but on the second try I lived through but I had no diplomas and then when I used a guide I got the second best ending I could achieve before I used this guide and got 8 diplomas and 3500 gold and got okay lives for all my characters and it said on the children's endings that they would have a good life in the future and the 3500 gold and 8 diplomas one was the best i ever had. Buy medicine and books, change to poor living (just this once!). make sure you follow Grid's tips, buy your radio, new shoes, books and toys right away. This gets everyone an education up to Bachlorette and builds more buildings in the town. This game shows the hardships that can hit family during their lives, such as sickness or running out of money. i'm very proud to say that i've got 15 diplomas with 1340 goud. Play online Farming Life game for free. But here are the unintended lessons of the game: Education is overrated. iirc, the costs were 420 / 560 / 840 / 1120 goud per season. :) Valaruka - still better than me since I haven't managed to get a single diploma yet! What I dislike is that it's literally impossible to get the house. Here are my tips, even though i picked up a lot on this site: 2031 Goud My best is 8 diplomas and 5574 Goud. And with the money buy stuff to get life good. My only real complaint (other than the crashing) is more of a compliment: I want more! I FINALLY WON!!!!!! The political message is very clear. This is the BEST solitaire game on the market and it just keeps getting better! Even if you can't buy the books that quickly, buy the plumbing first. During the course of the game, the player encounters unexpected events and must make decisions that contribute to or . - If you're lucky, the community center sets up really fast. Hence, if you're making less per season than the type of living you've selected, money will be going down. Buy books every turn and the remedy as well once you can afford it. Remedy is a must as well. It's a bit like the Grow games that way. Posted by Anuskis at 04:08 I'm not rich exactly, but things are pretty stable (family funds hover around $500-600). 7 diplomas I love this game and I have only played it 2 times. Ayiti The Cost Of Life Game Cost Of Living Game Farming Life is about farm games. put everyone to work soon, he will get a new job as a mechanic which really really helps. and again. don't EVER volunteer it's a waste of time and you don't profit Finally finished the game with an OK score, after about my 10th try. If you set your lifestyle to good and put everyone to work at the highest paying job possible, you can end the game with an 'ok life'. In every social organization for the transfer of experience creating educational space." Xd Need to figure it out. And it took me like twelve tries to beat it. i have been trying this for over 15 times, PLEASE ahh, YAY! a little unrealistic expecting them to be able to read, before ever going to school). I own! Marie had a good life, excelling in the harsh setting. Game Finder. Written for students. Ayiti, the Cost of Life; 5,000 Years History of China; Ludwig; RECENT POSTS. I survived 227 rounds on that 3rd world Farmer thing. 9 diplomas, 640 goud. only jean survived, and i had one diploma and i was like broke by - 450 and under, wow this is a lot harder than i thought, now i know what my parents feel like when it comes to tax time lol, i dont want to ask this but, i am eager to finish the game, is anyone willing to post a walkthrough? thanks guys! Don't forget to set the livestyle back to decent, if you manage to recover. Play online Life's a Game game for free. :D Anyone else want to try? I never take my own advice. So far I've only beaten it thrice. Where possible, buy the uniform and use the public school. Always switch to "good living" or better if possible. + Pay attention to the seasons, and associated costs. He struggled with poor health, but worked hard at school and qualified for the Baccalaureat I. together they develop an innovative curriculum for engaging youth in the design, development, and dissemination of high quality games that have the potential to educate their peers . Someone asked if it is possible to end with a few dead family members. ), nice rant but what you are decribeing is a POSITIVE feedback loop not negative, positive feeback reenforces it'self, negative cancles out it's self, if it goes spirealing out of control it's positive. Some more tips that I've found useful: She managed to stay in terrific shape, and went back to school to earn a Baccalauret degree. Of the other 3 schools, the Public and Catholic schools can't be used right at the start even if you buy a uniform. Browse around or visit our favorite actions. AYITI - The Cost Of Life Walkthrough, Help, Hints and Game Discussion Games menu Room Escape Point and Click Adventure Hidden Object Arcade Action Board Card & Casino Sport Driving Multiplayer Platform Puzzle Role-Playing Riddles Downloadable Word Strategy Sniper Games Mario Games Surgery Games Unity Games Demos Search engine - exact match Continue to 2. Try to avoid local tutor and lottery school, since they are not as helpful, and catholic school since it basically cancels out one of your incomes (though it is pretty effective can be a good choice in the last two seasons of the game if you have some money saved and one of the kids needs more than 1 education point to get to 9). Finally, I beat it! Proof: :) If you finish before this time is up, you may play more than once. All other content is Copyright 2003-2022 So even if you could get every job every turn, starting at season one (which is obviously impossible, since you need education, a stall, bike, etc., and some are only offered occasionally), your total income would be around 1500 a season, or 24k total (a bit more because of farm and bonuses). The community center isn't that immportant, you dont always need to work on it, as long as you buy the books. Also, make sure the mother and daughter do those market woman jobs no matter what. (Gives you a better sense of accomplishment anyways) :P, Oh ya, one last thing, I forgot to set living quality to excellent at the end, remember to do that. Buy the books and as soon as you still have over 350 goud left after that send either Jean (the father) or Patrick (the elder son) to work and see if the construction worker job is available, if it is, buy the bicycle). Maybe if the game just went longer but everyone had an OK live and was a bakkaleurat.. Had another good go; this time I went with working everyone instead of going to vocational school. Whenever you decide to search a movie, it will instantly appear and therefore reduce your time for annoying browsing. The other 2 should either be volunteering or in education. If they are running out of money make all the kids work, no volunteering, no school. I spent a lot of time dying of cholera in that, too. Even at minimum living (420), you're spending 6,720 before you buy anything, leaving you with less than 20k. Introduction: Ayiti is a strategy game in which the player takes on the role of a family in rural Haiti (Ayiti in Haitian Creole) consisting of two parents and three children. If you have two slots, try to have both mom and dad go for it but even having one adult and one child volunteer is faster than if you only have the kids do it. It'd be fun to be able to continue playing after four years .. work on it if you have a spare person, but not otherwise. Resting at home for a season doesn't improve health much, just keeps it from going down more - so if you're low go to the clinic. + Be able to make adjustments on the fly. Home remedy every season. If anyone is getting low on health, use them as volunteers or send them to school. However, don't stop mid-season to have someone rest at home for a small sickness. ;-), If you receive the option to buy the stall BUY IT. Cath - walkthroughs aren't going to be much good, since the jobs available each season and quite a few other effects are randomized, so no two games will be the same. It just seems that doing enough work to survive means that their health deteriorates far too quickly for me to repair, so the only way I can keep things going is by rotating people in and out of the clinic while just subsisting with no education. First I send both parents to school, if both kids can get jobs and the youngest either works on the farm or volunteers. Reminiscent of Oregon Trail. The directions for playing the game are self-explanatory and students can play the game with .
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