And Iam now keeping a record of this in my prayer journal. I ask that among these victories, You humble my soul. Anointing of double speed, fall upon me, in the name of Jesus. 3. 2. Money-Back Guarantee, 10% discount of the total is successfully applied. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Shah Rukh told his fans, " Aap log dua karo ki Pathaan . He has thought about us, thinks about usindividually! Bless us with hearts that have confidence in You, as Jeremiah 17:7 speaks of. I know I am more than a student; I am a life-long learner and Your ambassador on mission wherever I go. I am grateful for all of the academic victories I have fulfilled. 41. From henceforth, I refuse to be a slave to people that doesnt deserve my help or service, in Jesus name. Deuteronomy 1:37-39 Balance is something I am always seeking so I can be successful in every area. Receive your deliverance to recover all your wasted years, in Jesus name. Redefine success in our lives, Lord. May I also be supporters for them. Lift me from my failures and celebrate me in my victories. You have given me a unique place in Your kingdom, and I trust You to open doors that I cannot open myself. I declare that every impossible situation in my life shall become possible, in Jesus name. Prayer for Success . I claim my victory over every spirit of backwardness in Jesus' name. 6. I can find great success academically. Let the spirit of profitless hard labour be terminated in my life, in Jesus name. He blesses us with worldly things, amazing accomplishments and wonderful experiences, all which we are to enjoy! 3. 18. I need financial breakthrough and open doors of favour to me and the works of my hands. You noticed you are failing or not succeeding at any projects you embarked upon. On this page youll find prayers for success in many differentscenarios that may impact our lives. Favor with my taxes. So today, I dedicate every aspect of that work to You. 27. Lord, Your word teaches each of us that it is acceptable to ask for a successful, blessed life. 47. Protect me from a prideful ego and let humility lead me in the path of success You have carved out for me. During the event, the superstar also requested his fans to pray for the success of Pathaan, so that the makers could make its sequel too. Thank You for this time to grow my knowledge. Grace is the English translation of the Greek (charis) meaning "that which brings delight, joy, happiness, or good fortune.". Megwrites about everyday life within the love of Christ on her blog, stay-at-home mom, freelance writer and blogger, Bible study and childrens worship team leader, she resides in Ohio with her husband of ten years, two daughters, and their Golden-doodle. Whether the devil likes it or not, there shall be a big breakthrough in my life. Lead me to academic success. Angels of blessings, locate me now and bless every work of my hands, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I trust you in all ways, my Lord and Savior. Please know how much I appreciate you! 2. 12. For example, For some people, When something good is almost at their end, it will be cut off immediately. Help me not to put work, hobbies, or other activities ahead of You, my family, or my relationships, but to keep You in the center as the hub of my life. Remind that I am smart and capable. Everywhere they go, it is one bad luck or the other. Please watch over the proceedings and tasks on a daily basis. 4. I pray that you find success from within, and not from material gains. Please keep my studies diligent as I apply for prestigious schools. 38. Make me not only successful, but usefula vessel of honor to be shared and poured out for You and Your kingdom. Every power that wants me to give up at the edge of breakthrough, be destroyed. Acceptance into College Prayer O God, my Promise-Keeper, please bless me with the beautiful and fortunate opportunity to attend college. Whether you're facing a new career, a difficult exam at school, or working toward building a relationship, these prayers for success will help you focus on asking for God's will in your life. Intro: Prayer is a wonderful privilege.God has opened the door to His throne room and invited His children to enter His presence with their petitions, Heb. 4:16.He has promised to hear us when we call, Jer. I was amazed when I saw the video of the candle that was lit on my behalf at the Holy Sepulcher complete with my prayer request to JESUS! Thanksgiving The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous. I can do nothing without You, Lord. Praise and thanks be to God!! 49. I refuse to give up at the edge of my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus. I pray that I would fear your presence during my exams, and that I would be comforted by your nearness. You have blessed me with an exceptional education throughout my life and I want to keep learning and loving You through that journey. I break every evil authority . Father, lead me to the right place to go and that cannot be monitored by the enemy, in Jesus name. Amen. I pray that I would know my worth is in you alone, not in any grade I do or do not make, not in any assignment or test or teacher's opinion. A few weeks ago it was a different story, I was anxious and just so full of doubt about passing. Help me overcome even the hardest of moments with Your strength and perseverance. Prayer for Overcoming Academic Challenges All-Powerful Father, please help me in my hard days. Let the Arms of the Lord come up against them in Jesus name. Show me how to listen more and then share freely when it will encourage others or make a difference to those who hear. 6am -6pm. O Lord the Affliction that will make me die, before I arrive at my destination of reward may it not visit me in Jesus Name. When progress suddenly stops. Lord Jesus, let Your thunder and fire locate all demons against my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus. Thank you for the blessings that abound in our lives. Lord, I come to you today to ask for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to help me follow the right path in my pursuit of academic excellence. Keep reminding me that people are more important than work projects, and that You not only want me to succeed, but You desire for me to help make others successful. By the power in the blood of Jesus , I quench every circle of demonic activities in my life. Time mark 10:31 When darkness thickens around a destiny. 33:3.And, he has promised to answer our prayers when we pray according to His will, 1 John 5:14-15. Here are 11 powerful prayers for academic success, including images you can print to use and share. Wicked woman rising up at the edge of my testimony, I press your head down, in the name of Jesus. I destroy such spirit by the consuming fire of the Almighty in the name of Jesus. 5. 40 Prayers Against Failure At The Edge Of Breakthrough Thank you, Lord, for the prevailing power over my own being and life, be glorified in Jesus' name. 40. Lord Jesus, You know that I am very anxious about the tests and exams that I have to face very soon, and ask that You would calm my anxious, clouded thoughts. This truly is an answered prayer and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who prayed for me and with me. May I take my studies one day at a time. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 20. We pray that you would make our way purposeful and our footsteps firm out of your goodness and love. I pledge to do the best that I can with what You. I release the fire of God against any foundational powers delaying my progress in the name of Jesus. 42. He wants to see us succeed and have a full life. Fill me with Your power, Your grace, and Your love, so that I can be at peace as much as is possible with every relationship and every aspect of my life. It is therefore impossible for me to ever be defeated. 3. That your face would shine on us. His doctor finally found a medication that works for his disease! 1. Help me find moments in the flurry of school activities and crazy schedules to simply be still and know that You are God. Wilfred Edward Salter Owen MC (18 March 1893 - 4 November 1918) was an English poet and soldier. Our Lord wants us to be successful in life. You said that You came that we may have life, and that we may have it more abundantly. Help us to look outward with a servant heart, instead of what we can get out of life. Help me to honor You in my friendships at school and to be ready to lend a hand when others are struggling in their studies or in their lives. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Thank You for walking with me during this academic journey. I level up every mountains and valley in standing between me and my success, I decree that such mountains and valley are put low in the name of Jesus. I will need the divine protection of you and your most righteous protectors to stand fast in my fight against evil and all snares of the Devil. She has written 11 books and over 1700 other articles, greeting cards, and other inspirational pieces. 31. Thank God for His provision so far. 7. I believe in myself to achieve great things, Jesus. I vomit every satanic poison that I have swallowed, in Jesus' name. I nullify by the blood of Jesus, all dreams rooted from witchcraft and marine spirit, in Jesus name. Micah 7:8 says, Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me. I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for giving us the opportunity to have our prayers read at the most holiest place. Every mighty and terrible power assigned against me, fall down and die, in Jesus name. Create a generous and peaceable heart in us that looks to You first when making decisions life. My Father, don't allow me return to where I started several years ago in Jesus name. Bring back faith to my mind and soul. God Almighty, Please send down the Angel of Protection, Saint Michael, to watch over me as I prepare to battle against my enemies. May each new day in the classroom provide challenges and success. 2. Please be with me as I await this next academic step. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has a plan for us that's filled with hope and a future. 10. Old Testament. Dear God, Thank you for your great love and blessing over our lives. If we turn our lives over to Him, and if we trust His way, success will follow. Could you use a little encouragement each day? You take up the battle as Your own and fight for me. It has given us so much comfort. Help us to be astute to the call on our hearts and the stirrings in our souls. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Let us not accumulate people for what they can do for us or discount relationships because they are not filling us up. 3. We all matter to You, God. 32. That is our purpose on this earth, to spread the love, joy, and hope that is made possible for all to abide in, through the selfless sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus, on the cross. Open my eyes to these knowledgeable people around me. Deuteronomy 28:7. I release my business from the clutches of financial hunger in the name of Jesus. The spirit of almost there but never getting there is not only bad but a cankerworm. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen. Be repeating, "I cancel you, in the name of Jesus.". If I am treated unfairly at work, may I still reflect You in every way and keep my eyes on You. Only You know what that success really means, but when You are on my side, I cannot fail. I refuse to lock the doors of my blessings against myself, in Jesus name. Expand our borders, Precious Lord, and let us find prosperity and success in this gift of life we have been given. Expand our borders, Precious Lord, and let us find prosperity and success in this gift of life we have been given. You have been the Designer of my plans all along, and its You who will make them successful. Remind me to stay humble and kind. I pray that my heart stays grateful for this outstanding privilege I get to learn here. I embrace it, I embrace You, as the Holy Spirit draws near to me. Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalm 37:4, Thy word is a lamp unto my feed and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105, But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33. We pray, today, for Your vision for our success. Every time you feel you are encountering failure, frustration, hardship, inability to excel, demotion, sluggishness, poverty or constant blockage, then you need to take these prayers regularly until the spirit of God asks you to stop. I invite you to speak to me when Im not sure what to do next and to give me comfort when there are trials. It made me so happy to know that my Request has reached the Holiest place on Earth and I am sure that GOD honored me the faith that he gave me! This is a prayer I've put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice. Prayer For Jealousy | Prayers Against Jealousy sure to SUBSCRIBE (click the bell ) to catch all the latest prayers . Teach me to value and honor the ebb and flow of life that includes celebration, joy, pause, and reflection. You spirit of almost there that dealt with my parents now affecting my life, die by fire, in Jesus name. I release myself from the bondage of evil altars, in Jesus' name. Any power that says I will keep roaming around in circle until my lifetime opportunity expires, perish., in Jesus name. The power of near success syndrome is a curse of non-achievement, rejection, disfavour, promise and fail, rising and falling, disqualification, delay etc. 36. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Acceptance into Graduate School Prayer Maker of Heaven and Earth, I ask for Your almighty hand. He has planned, purposed, invented, on our behalf, but for His glory. You will complete that work as I simply abide in You, walk humbly and honestly, committing my life and all my plans to You. 46. Please join me on this path towards success. By power of the most High, I cancel all bad dreams that are responsible for my woes, in Jesus name. 1 Peter 4:8 commands to love above all else. 11. EVERY WEAPON OF FAILURE FASHIONED AGAINST MY JOB, BUSINESS AND CAREER SUCCESS, AGAINST MY MARITAL PROSPECTS THIS YEAR, AGAINST MY MARITAL AND FAMILY SUCCESS, HEAR THE VERDICT OF VIOLENT VENGEANCE NOW: GO BACK AND DEVASTATINGLY DISGRACE YOUR OWNERS AND SENDERS, DESTROY AND DISGRACE THEM WITH MANIFOLD FAILURES IN JESUS NAME. I shall be congratulated for all-round success in the name of Jesus. 33. At this time, we are placing this need into Your hands, knowing that You have told us to cast ALL our cares upon You. All the things that I asked for in my prayer petition came true and it was then, during my exam, that I was experiencing the power of God. You have given me every piece of armor I need to fight internal or external battles, and You have promised that nothing formed against me will prosper. Praise God Almighty!My prayers were answered.I suffered hemorrhoids for a month.I prayed very hard and send my petitions to Holy Land Prayer. Will I Still Be Married to My Spouse in Heaven? When I feel dejected or doubtful, please remind me of my worth. 18. Please take away my worries and self-doubt. Jesus, my Savior, I pray that You walk with me towards academic success. In Jesus name, Amen. Long Term Academic Success Almighty and Everlasting God, I have set many goals for myself. Every curse of almost there upon my life, break in the name of Jesus. Your prayers and Gods mercy and love made me a Registered Nurse. I am eager to unwrap the gifts You have given me. Unfortunately, Many people today are like Moses today who had worked so hard to encourage and mobilize the children of Isrealites out of Egypt only for God to speak to Moses that he is not qualify to take them to the promised land because of his anger, and the next person thats best fit to lead them was Joshua. Please help me to run it in an efficient and godly manner. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. That may mean monetary wealth and worldwide fame. Nobody likes other to take credit or reward for their own efforts or hardwork. No matter who signs my paycheck, and no matter how high or how low the ladder Im on right now, I look to You as my ultimate Employer. Bless them always and make their paths straight Amen Prayer against failure in school Dear Lord, Thank you for my life and my education I pray that you help me during my studies Give me the wisdom and strength to overcome any challenges Let me not give up on myself Let me harness the inborn willpower to succeed Let me never be overwhelmed Lord, You have promised that if we will commit our work to You, You will make it succeed. 4. But still, You bless me with the opportunity to achieve academic success and learn every day. I refuse to be a slave to laziness and procrastination in the name of Jesus. The following are prayer points for victory and success you can promptly pray: 1. Please grant us that abundant life, God. Please don't be bought to be weaponised against truth in future Ndlovukazi . Every child of God who has never see the end of a thing needs to pray against near success syndrome. All thanks and glory to God. Come like a flood. 29. Take my life Lord, and at this cross-roads I ask that You rearrange my direction as best seems for to. I want Your goals to be my goals, and Your purposes, mine. 4. I loose angels in the mighty name of Jesus to go and create favour for my company. In Jesus glorious name, Amen. With each new skill I acquire, help me to apply that learning to real life as well. Serving You will put a smile on my face, allow my best work to shine through, and will insure that success belongs to YouYour way and Your time. The Septuagint translates as the Hebrew word (en) as found in Genesis 6:8 to describe why God saved Noah from the flood. 3. May Your plans become the desires of my heartand may my work always be a success for You. Father, I ask You in the name of Jesus to send ministering spirits to bring in prosperity and funds into my business. Keep my spirit gentle and humble, Lord. I will give it to them and they will take possession of it. Every witchcraft power working at the edge of my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus. Give me a learning spirit so I can constantly increase the skills You have given me to honor You and bring You glory. Dear Lord,You know that my business is my passion. In Jesus glorious name, Amen. In Jesus all-powerful name, Amen. 50. Please help me to run it in an efficient and godly manner. The spirit of almost there but never there can disorganise the plans and expectations of a person. Many people can no longer understand the way things are going in their lives. The underlying definition of success in our lives, by Gods design, is peace. I speak favor into my life as the overflow of Your abundant blessings pour down upon me. My destiny reject destruction, in the name of Jesus. 6. Am I Bugging God When I Continue to Pray about the Same Thing? If you are under the yokes of the spirit, deliverance and prayers can give you and your family ultimate victory over the spirit. But with your help through prayers, I had renewed strength and every time I see that someone is praying for me, my confidence grows stronger. Throughout the day, remind me that You are in charge, not me. Thank-you so much. I have successfully prayed for more than 1150 . If my faith is challenged, give me courage to stand for You, no matter what the consequences. You can find out more about Rebecca at Courtesy:GettyImages/Takako Watanabe. I know Divine intervention is the reason why I was able to answer my exam questions and it was that same reason why I passed my exam. I invite you to speak to me when Im not sure what to do next and to give me comfort when there are trials. Help us to be astute to the call on our hearts and the stirrings in our souls. Yet, we are prone to wrongly equate our success by comparison and competition. Prayer for HealingPrayer for StrengthPrayer for ProtectionMorning PrayersGood Night PrayersPrayer for ForgivenessPrayer for GuidancePrayer for PeacePrayer for FaithPrayer for Love, What to Do if Your Child Has Walked Away from the Faith, Social Media Influencer Oli London Has Detransitioned after Converting to Christianity, A Prayer for Victory - Your Daily Prayer - November 2, 6 Female Celebrities Who Openly Follow Christ, 7 Things that Will Keep Me from Coming Back to Your Church, How to 'Let Go and Let God' with Adult Children in Trouble, 30 Morning Prayers to Start Each Day with God. Refine my abilities; hone my character; and help me choose wisely the areas of study that will make my life work successful. Dont take these signs for granted, they could be sending some signals that you will not fulfill your expectations in life. Serving You will put a smile on my face, allow my best work to shine through, and will insure that success belongs to YouYour way and Your time. I must give you my testimony of miracles after requesting prayer. I declare by the spirit of God that I will finish any project I start in the name of Jesus. Amen. Father, I thank You that You personally fight my battles for me. I ask that you give me wisdom where I need it and to lead me in the changes on the road ahead. O God, I refuse to be a failure in life. Every witchcraft power working at the edge of my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus. In the above verse from Jeremiah, the word plans in the original Hebrew translates to thought, device, plan, purpose, invention. All of those words give us a peak much farther into the plans that God has for us in this life. I believe You are the Dream-maker, the Cultivator, and the Fulfiller of all worthy dreams. 2. Quick Prayers O Lord, give me power to tread upon serpent and scorpions in my dreams, in Jesus name. The power of your prayers and well wishes were so helpful because during my exam, I cant explain why, but I was so calm and at peace. Isaiah 59:6 says " Their cobwebs are useless for clothing; they cannot cover themselves with what they make.Their deeds are evil deeds, and acts of violence are in their hands." Isaiah 59:19, So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. 22. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Give me the discernment to hear your voice clearly.Please help me to serve my customers and clients with a heart like yours. In a 297-110 vote, members of Parliament backed an amendment to . As the scriptures say, in Your hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. God Bless you all for doing what you do! Establish the work of our hands and bring to fulfillment all that you have given us to do in these days. Perhaps you are reading this article today because you want God to deliver you from the Pisgah spirit. Help me to rest in your promise when anxious thoughts threaten me. Thank you for believing in me that I can do all the tasks you have given me and that you will be there with me all the way. I'm thankful for having this service. Top 3 requested prayers Prayer for a Teenager Pleading the Blood of Jesus Beginning Each Day Featured Prayers A Call to Prayer Prayer for the Success of a Business As a Christian, please do not joke with the prayer for success, as it helps to give God authority over your affair. Dear Saint Anthony, You loved God so much when you lived upon the earth. As long as you invite him into your affair as your creator, he will be so happy to be involved and makes a way for you. His plans for us are good, despite the wrong decisions we are apt and free to make, and the process of sanctification throughout our lives. Please take away my fear of rejection and open my eyes to Your almighty plan and direction. Bless me and cause me to rise above every limitation in Jesus' name. 3 Dear God, please give me the grace to live a holy life before you.
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