Why was all this necessary? This was the purpose of the serve script shown above, i.e. However, @angular/common itself is not a dependency of @angular/common and hence, the version cannot be found. While the first one knows the user name, the second one doesnt. Also, this duplicates all shared services registered for the root scope, e. g. with providedIn: 'root'. In a nutshell, this logic dynamically injects the tag into the index.html file when needed, and initializes the remote. Start by creating a new project folder with the . Lets analyze how our deployment model above changes with this new approach. document.head.appendChild(script); But first, there is a handy Webpack plugin developed by Zack Jackson, one of the creators of Module Federation, called external-remotes-plugin. For this initial setup, were going to leverage a very simple approach to building and serving the three applications. So that large applications can be split easily where each part can then be shared among other parts and may be developed by separate teams. It can realize the cross -application sharing module, as shown in the figure: 2. Its AuthService stores the current user name. In our case, the exposes property of the ModuleFederationPlugin defines what is exposed to the Host application when it goes to import from either of these. } The Angular team has adapted the HttpClient for the new standalone components. Unfortunately, such a situation can confuses webpack Module Federation when trying to auto-detect the needed versions of peer dependencies. While Module Federation is really a straight and thoroughly thought through solution, using Micro Frontends means in general to make runtime dependencies out of compile time dependencies. That way you can do SSR with the same codebase and a different webpack config for building for node.js. You will have the same challenge with other packages using secondary entry points, e. g. @angular/material. This way each page can be separately deployed. We have done this before with PHP and Angular to React or Angular2. This is often known as Micro-Frontends, but is not limited to that. However, the peer dependency conflict gives Module Federation a hard time and so it brings up the following error: Unsatisfied version 12.0.0 of shared singleton module @angular/core (required ^10.0.0 || ^11.0.0-0) ; Zone: ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: Error: Unsatisfied version 12.0.0 of shared singleton module @angular/core (required ^10.0.0 || ^11.0.0-0). For RSC which applies various different loaders when that layer is active. Module Federation is an exciting new addition to Webpack 5. Esto nos lleva al siguiente resultado: Module Federation decide ir con la versin 1.0.1 ya que es la versin ms alta compatible con ambas aplicaciones segn el versionado semntico (^1.0.0 significa, que tambin podemos ir con una versin menor y de parche superior). I've gotten RSC specific components sharing through module Federation. We noticed that as we added more micro-apps, our initial load was getting slower. Remote modules are modules that are not part of the current build and loaded from a so-called container at the runtime. As you can see below, this logic is based on the workspace.json file. Try running the mfe-profile app by itself by running ng serve mfe-profile --open in the terminal. It is analogous to a microservices approach but for client-side single-page applications written in JavaScript. This plugin creates an additional container entry with the specified exposed modules. ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('root')); Uncaught Error: Shared module is not available for eager consumption. This is the exposes propertys purpose: it defines a public API that determines which files are consumable. It is responsible for loading in the other micro-apps (application 1 and 2). If you want to try out the examples used here, you can fork this example. We will be using a yarn mono-repo structure here for simplicity, but the idea behind Module Federation is to allow teams to operate autonomously, so in the real world, your SPA's would most likely live in their own repositories. Each application consumes components from the components library container. For this reason, webpack wants to find out which version of @angular/common is used. Will match all used equal module requests in your build. I imported Angular's BrowserModule in my micro frontends which was wrong. import('./bootstrap.js'), // derive the publicPath with your own logic and set it with the __webpack_public_path__ API. The container might still use it as a fallback. Inspired by Webpack Module Federation feature. In this article, we'll walk through how Nx makes it extremely straightforward to set up Module Federation for an Angular application, both from scratch and also for . It's not possible to use a remote module without a chunk loading operation. Already on GitHub? Module Federation allows loading Micro Frontends at runtime. If you're going to load multiple modules from different remotes, it's advised to set the output.uniqueName option for your remote builds to avoid collisions between multiple webpack runtimes. Micro frontends with Module Federation give each development team greater autonomy over how their portion of the app should be built. As a result, the compiler cannot protect you as well as you are used to. Shared modules are modules that are both overridable and provided as overrides to nested container. Concept should be environment-independent. As a result of this new model, the bottleneck shown above is no longer an issue. Loading remote modules is considered an asynchronous operation. However, in our case, the auth-lib is just a library in our monorepo. What can we learn from this? The micro frontends should only import CommonModule instead. the shell. In our setup, we want to prevent micro-applications from importing resources from each other; if they need to share code, it should come from the libs directory. The configurations for application1 and application2 are nearly identical to the one above, with the exception of the ModuleFederationPlugin. According to their documentation, "Remote modules are modules that are not part of the current build and loaded from a so . This created a natural bottleneck where each team was reliant on any change made previously by another team. Whats New in our Module Federation Plugin 14.3? In order to resolve this, you can set the versions by hand or by using the helper function share that uses the version found in your projects package.json: In our example, the shell and the micro frontend mfe1 share the auth-lib. // This part depends on how you plan on hosting and versioning your federated modules This approach avoids the error Shared module is not available for eager consumption, which you can read more about here. We have explained the various areas of the configuration and their purpose. The goal is to show typical pitfalls that come up when using Module Federation together with Angular. We distinguish between local and remote modules. Member-only. However, you know what they say: Beware of your wishes. We are able to import Application1 and Application2 and load them in like a normal component (lines 1516): Note: Had we exposed more specific files as discussed above, our import would be more granular in nature: At this point, you might think were done. They usually point to the same module in each build, e.g. However, regardless of the update, everything went through the same build and deployment pipeline once the code was merged to master. vue-cli example fails on yarn serve good first issue help wanted send PR. Shell: useless-lib@^1.. MFE1: useless-lib@^1..1. Notice when we navigate to the /profile route, we see a console error. You have to bundle all the source code that you think the app is . Technically, its just another file exposed by the npm package @angular/common. One of the most important things we did here was create a serve.js file that allowed us to build/serve only those micro-apps an engineer needed to work on. The exposed access is separated into two steps: Step 1 will be done during the chunk loading. In dieser Schulung lernst du von bekannten Insidern und Experten der ersten Stunde anhand vieler Beispiele, wie du mit Angular erfolgreich moderne Anwendungen entwickelst. It should be possible to expose and use any module type that webpack supports. } catch(e) { Then let's setup the menu application using port 4201 ng add @angular -architects/module-federation --project menu --port 4201 That command change angular.json to allow the menu to be accessible to port 4201 and creates webpack.config.js for us. However, you can see that each individual application within Tenable.io (the micro-apps) has its own Jenkins pipeline where it can lint, test, and build the code related to that individual application. . Unfortunately, such a situation can confuses webpack Module Federation when trying to auto-detect the needed versions of peer dependencies. evaluating the module (synchronous). How typesafe can a remote be with Typescript? This command starts the webpack dev server for each application. This approach allowed our teams to work more efficiently, and allowed us to significantly reduce the initial load time of our application. See the following articles to learn more about the intricacies of using module federation: Learn how Tenable finds new vulnerabilities and writes the software to help you find them, Start Cloud Now90 days of cloud2020 edition, The only question I ask while making decisions in business, Simple way to manage module imports within a python package folder hierarchy, Module Federation Managing Your Micro-Apps. the same library. Next.js Module Federation brought, for the first time, client-side rendering to federated modules on Next.js. Module Federation is a type of JavaScript architecture I invented and prototyped. However, there is a constellation with the same underlying issue that is everything but obvious. As you see here, now, the shells AppModule uses the Micro Frontends AppModule. However, if we expect the AppModule to provide some global services like the HttpClient, we also need to do this in the shells AppModule: In a very simple scenario you might try to just expose the Micro Frontends AppModule. // Initializes the shared scope. This shows that webpack looks into the package.json files of all the shared dependencies for determining the needed versions. In this article, Im going to destroy my Module Federation example! Next.js Module Federation SSR brought server-side rendering, which is significantly more complex, in addition to client-side rendering of federated . And libraries in that sense are just folders with source code. Generally, remotes are configured using URL's like in this example: But you can also pass in a promise to this remote, which will be resolved at runtime. Learn how Tenable finds new vulnerabilities and writes the software to help you find them, VR & AR App Development BlogViro Media, The Completely Incomplete Guide to Working on a Vue.js Project, Listen to any DOM Event using an Observable in Angular. However, when dealing with it, several additional questions come in mind: Our free eBook (about 100 pages) covers all these questions and more: Module Federation is really clever when it comes to auto-detecting details and compensating for version mismatches. Step 1: In the module-federation-examples/basic-host-remote/app2 directory, execute npm start. WitUTF-8. Also, lets simplify the shared node as follows: As you see, we dont specify a requiredVersion anymore. Since were going to be creating a series of highly customized webpack configurations, we instead opted to leverage the @nrwl/workspace:run-commands executor. For example, if you wanted to pass in which version of a federated module you should use, via a query parameter you could do something like the following: Note that when using this API you have to resolve an object which contains the get/init API. The problem was webpack applies loader layers. A simple but also non preferable solutions is to put your shared services into the platform scope: However, normally, this scope is intended to be used by Angular-internal stuff. As shown in the commands below, we simply change directories into each of these applications (via cd apps/), and run the npm run dev command that is defined in each of the micro-apps package.json file. The application shell is deployed when routes are updated or new routes are added. Youll also find that the Host application needs to know which micro-app is running on which port, and youll need to avoid serving a micro-app on a port already in use. Leveraging the remote utilities we discussed above, you can see how we pass the remotes and their associated ports in the webpack build via the REMOTE_INFO property. live preview Check out this live module federation example on StackBlitz. When this command runs, it actually serves this particular application on port 3001, and the entry point of the application is a file called remoteEntry.js. The idea is that the micro frontend apps have outputs called exposes and inputs called entries. It covers the internal implementation of Module Federation, and how Module Federation fits with other sharing options. This allowed us to simply pass a series of terminal commands that get run. As you progress and continue to add more micro-apps, you may start running into issues with managing all of these micro-apps. But be careful as all provided and fallback modules will always be downloaded. To construct this situation, lets add another library to our monorepo: Also, make sure we have a path mapping for it pointing to its source code: Lets assume we also want to store the current user name in this library: And lets also assume, the AuthLibService delegates to this property: The shells AppComponent is just calling the login method: However, now the Micro Frontend has three ways of getting the defined user name: At first sight, all these three options should bring up the same value. resolve(proxy) The entry point for our host application is the index.js file shown below. It covers the internal implementation of Module Federation, and how Module Federation fits with other . It walks you through everything you need to do to start with Module Federation. In general there are many ways to implement . Our applications are responsible for determining what they want to expose to the outside world. Honestly, I think we all know such situations. However, if there is a version mismatch, singletons prevent Module Federation from falling back to a further library version. to your account. The following configuration shows a pretty bare bones implementation for our Host application. Module Federation of Webpack 5 is an absolutely fantastic technology which can easily revolutionize the way we share source code between applications. The book also covers many practical topics include; state sharing across shared code, different deployment options, sharing non-view related code, writing your code to be resilient to code and network failures, and so much more. Check out this live module federation example on StackBlitz. Later in the article, we will show a better way of managing multiple webpack configurations across your repository. Microfrontend or Module Federation is a pattern in front-end development where a single application can be built from different separate builds. As you see here, the share function wraps the object with the shared libraries. Step 1 will be done during the chunk loading. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. How can we avoid pitfalls when working with Module Federation. Ensure you have loaded the container before attempting to dynamically connect a remote container. So we doubled its power by introducing an advanced API. Sibling containers cannot override each other's modules. It likely does not say "./Button", but the error message will look similar. If you really, really, really want to mix and match different versions of Angular, Ive got you covered with this article and this library. 2. You do not use webpack as a module bundler (Module Federation is a webpack 5 feature) You require an old Angular version < 11.0.0 ( Angular 11 first has opt-in support for Webpack 5) I strongly recommend to stick with a different integration pattern in your Microfrontend architecture if one or more of the points above apply to your project. To demonstrate this situation, lets install @angular/material and @angular/cdk in a version that is at least 2 versions behind our Angular version. Deprecated API usage: The SVG back-end is no longer maintained and may be removed in the future. The consumer in this sense is the federated project (shell or Micro Frontend) or a shared library. It is automatically inferred for the module requests by default, set requiredVersion to false when automatic infer should be disabled. Changes to the components library can be separately deployed without the need to re-deploy all applications. Native Federation is a **framework- and tooling-agnostic** implementation of Module Federation. Hence, the shell can set the user name and the lazy loaded mfe1 can access it: If auth-lib was a traditional npm package, we could just register it as a shared library with module federation. In our case, a host application that loaded in the other micro-apps made the most sense for us. I have two microfrontends applications (Host and Product) in angular v.13 and using the concept of module federation with webpack 5. This module should only be imported in your shell application's root module. First, what exactly is module federation? Hence, lets proceed with an easier one. In this case, we should get a peer dependency warnings. It also calls the override API of these containers to provide overrides to them. Let's run it. A chunk loading operation is usually an import() call, but older constructs like require.ensure or require([]) are supported as well. Module Federation is a game-changer in Javascript Architecture because before this, sharing code was clunky and just didn't feel smooth . Try to use it in a multi-framework and/or a multi-version environment! The reason for this is the secondary entry point @angular/common/http which is a bit like an npm package within an npm package. 3. Hence, the issue described here, will not happen. However, if we only share auth-lib but not other-lib, we get the following result: As other-lib is not shared, both, auth-lib but also the micro frontend get their very own version of it. You will find yourself repeating the same configuration over and over again. Hint: @angular-architects/module-federation comes with a helper function shareAll for sharing all dependencies defined in your projects package.json: This can at least lower the pain in such cases for prototyping. Step 2: In the module-federation-examples/basic-host-remote/app1 directory, execute npm start. The issue is because we havent actually done anything to load in those remote entry files. We rely on the NX framework discussed in the previous article. Verify it is up at http://localhost:3002. Open Sourcing Figment AR, a conference, and GLTF skeletal animation support! This way you could dynamically load an A/B test which provides a different version of a shared module. ModuleFederationPlugin combines ContainerPlugin and ContainerReferencePlugin.
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