Would you be able to say thattheir languages werent real? Democracies are valuablepolitical institutions for us today, but Im referring to some-thing that transcends our contemporary politics and govern-mentsomething that speaks to the basis of our very beingas humans. That was justwhat it was called after the King destroyed the peoples abilityto communicate with one language. Kathryn Kuhlman;Her Spiritual Legacy And Its Impact by Benny Hinn . Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he willbe devoted to the one and despise the other. If the influence of a kingdom was entering the world, what new culture would emerge for the citizens of earth? You donthear of presidents or prime ministers dying in office for thepurpose of freeing their citizens. The Most Important Person on Earth: The Holy Spirit, the Heavenly Governor by Myles Munroe Coming from a British colony like the Bahamas, Munroes insights into a kingdom and its extended kingdoms/colonies help us understand the relationship between Gods kingdom in heaven His desire to expand that kingdom to earth. The author have described the Holy Spirit as the Most Important Person on the Earth, and as in the title of Governor sent from the Heavenly Kingdom. When Jesus of Nazareth begantraveling and speaking around Palestine, the first thing he isrecorded as saying is, The time has come.The kingdom ofGod is near. This statement intrigues me and brings up several ques-tions for us to explore in terms of kingdom: What time was he speaking about? A Dictionary of Chemical Engineering PDF . Are all apostles? Paul wrote to the king-dom citizens in the city of Corinth, Do you not know thatyour body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whomyou have received from God? The Most Important Person on Earthand communication with him and one another through thereturn of the Governor. The Power of Influence5. Doing sofeels uncomfortable and unnatural. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Why is this so? Paul wrote, In Christ all the fullnessof the Deity lives in bodily form. God the Father, God theSon, and God the Spirit are one. The Power of Influencesubjects for citizenship was a tremendous responsibility. In the light of these developments, however, many peopleno longer understand what life in an authentic and uncor-rupted kingdom entails. The founders of the United States rebelled againstwhat they considered an oppressive government, and thevery genetics of contemporary Western society are anti-king-dom. Jesus taught his disciplesto pray, Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, yourkingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. As the Second Adam, Jesus came to rescue us from beingdominated by the kingdom of darkness led by Lucifer and torestore us to the home kingdom. We should realize that the Holy Spirit is not given to usto take over our lives. That speech became the planand the mandate for the new year. The Most Important Person on EarthHe is a priceless gift to humanity, and it delighted the King-Father to restore the Governor to us. We couldnt vote, and we didnt haveother rights of British citizens. Oncemore, before he was crucified, Jesus made his choice veryclear, saying, I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know mejust as the Father knows me and I know the Fatherand I lay down my life for the sheep. Hiswas the ultimate sacrifice for the rebellious nature of human-ity. Part 1 The Program ofCelestial Expansion 3DLZVQ1JRUW3 // eBook // The Most Important Person on Earth Study Guide: The Holy Spirit, Governor. This Website Is Dedicated To Carlo Acutis, SUBMIT A PRAYER REQUEST TODAY Don't IGNORE, Book Free PDF The Power Of Character In Leadership Myles Munroe (Download), Book Free PDF The Fatherhood Principle Myles Munroe (Download). We even had to mow our own privateyards, even though the queen would never see them. We must notallow a destructive culture to invade and destroy our lives andour work for the heavenly kingdom. The only way to do that is to put yourself first. This Most Important Person On Earth, as one of the most working sellers here will unconditionally be in the midst of the best options to review. Ourmandate was to transform the colony into the nature of thekingdom. The New Testament book ofJohn records,The next day John was there again with two of his dis-ciples. The Most Important Person on EarthThe Governor Gave the King so the King Could Give the Governor The King-Son had to be born of the Spirit and filledwith the Spirit, so that he could deliver the Governor to thepeople of earth in fulfillment of the promise. For those living under its rulein Palestine, the analogy would have been obvious. How will this be, Mary asked the angel, since I am a virgin? The angel answered, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Butwhen they are bad, your body also is full of darkness. Theculture of the world enters our lives through our eyes and ears.Whatever we watch on television or the Internet, or read in abook, affects the quality of our inner, personal culture. PrologueI n the beginning was the Kings Word. Human beings areessentially spiritual beings who live in physical bodies to carryout their governing responsibilities in the material world of thecolony of earth. It is easier toreceive the gifts of the Spirit than it is to develop the fruit ofthe Spirit. It is theHoly Spirits job to prepare every aspect of our lives for theKings coming. 6. He was the one with the authority and ability to supply power and resources to the colony. it absolutely was writtern very completely and beneficial. Atthat time, the King-Son would reappoint the Governor to theearth in order to restore kingdom influence throughout theworld and to give back kingdom citizenship to humanity. Manifesting Kingdom Culture.. 22913. Its this type of excellent read through. Bloodlines_by John Piper.pdf 8. Paul described our entrance to the kingdomthrough the King-Sons sacrifice as walking in newness oflife: Do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Kingdom is thus the perfect example of the divine, creativeact of the Creator. The word philosophy is derived from the Greek word philoso- phos, which is a combination ofThe only way to two smaller Greek words. The Most Important Person on Earth Study Guide: The Holy Spirit, Governor of the Kingdom Filesize: 4.18 MB Reviews This book is really gripping and intriguing. The Creators Spirit was our heavenly Gover-nor on earth, who proceeded from the King and dwelled withus in the colony of earth, enabling us to receive, know, andcarry out his will, much as the royal governors guided and ledthe people of the colonies. The Power of Absence As we saw in the previous chapter, while the Holy Spiritonce dwelled only in Jesus, now He is able to dwell in millionsof people throughout the world. Dr. Myles Munroe is an international motivational speaker, best-selling author, educator, leadership mentor, and consultant for government and business. If youand I cant speak the same language, we can never have thesame culture because we cant communicate with one another.So the key to community is language. The kingdom was the embodiment of his teaching.112 In general, all his companies are futuristic and have already made certain impact globally. it was writtern very perfectly and beneficial. He gave uphis life when he was finished with his mission. The Governors Qualities of the KingW e should always keep in mind that the culture of the kingdom of heaven is synonymous with the nature of the King. Yet Jesus was resurrected, never to be limited by deathagain. Paperback. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. If he was inJerusalem, he couldnt be in Bethany. Therefore, the Governor gave the King-Son to the earth so theKing-Son could send the Governor to the earth after he returned tothe heavenly kingdom. Im going to be associated with you only, so thatwhenever people see me, theyre going to know, He belongs tothat teacher. As I mentioned, at the time of Jesus, there were a numberof teachers and philosophers, and all had their own schools ofthought and their own disciples. Youwont be able to articulate what you desire to say if you lackthe words to do so. It is the Gover-nor who works through our consciences so that we will chooseto live according to kingdom standards. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes! Therefore, when we pray inthe Spirit, we know that the King hears us and that we havethe things we have asked him for, because the Governor helps 245 I am the vine; you are the branches. Only humanblood could make restitution for the rebellion and bloodshedof humanity. The Most Important Person on Earth The home country desired to expand the realm of its influence by bringing the nature, mind-set, and purposes of the kingdom to the colony of earth. Greater Works on EarthJohn recorded this statement by Jesus, which he madeshortly before his death and resurrection: I tell you thetruth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have beendoing. His body and brain were ready,but they were dormant. Read PDF The Most Important Person on Earth: The Holy Spirit, Governor of the Kingdom Authored by Myles Munroe Released at - Filesize: 7.92 MB Reviews A new e book with an all new point of view. We need adirect line to heaven, and tongues are that direct line. Brand New! A kingdom would build a residence in its colonies specifi-cally for its royal governors to live in. The Governor shows us what the Father'swill is and helps us to fulfill it as we look to him for wisdom,strength, and power. The Most Important Person on Earth Paul also said, We have not received the spirit of the worldbut the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand whatGod has freely given us. This statement tells us that we donteven realize what we have until the Holy Spirit reveals it tous. This concept is familiar to us from everyday life. Likewise, as we haveseen, the Holy Spirit communicates only what comes from theheavenly throne. He was trying to tell them, in effect, EverythingIm about to suffer is all because of my purposes concerningthe Holy Spirit in your lives and in the lives of those who willbelieve in the future. He told them, in essence, Im going toleave you, but dont panic or worry. Some of this informationhas been placed within us; the rest has been given to us by ourCreator or Manufacturer in written form. The Governor shows us what the Fatherswill is and helps us to fulfill it as we look to him for wisdom,strength, and power. They told Pilatethat Jesus was a threat to the political order of the day, saying,We have no king but Caesar. In this way, they pressured Pilateinto choosing between killing an innocent man and appearingto support a king other than Caesar. In The Most Important Person on Earth, Dr. Myles Munroe explains how the Holy Spirit is the Governor of God's kingdom on earth, much as royal governors administered the will of earthly kings in their territories. He is like a royal tutor,instilling the nature of the kingdom into the kings children.We have to be trained in what it means to be heirs in the heav-enly kingdom. Bring your club to Amazon Book Clubs, start a new book club and invite your friends to join, or find a club thats right for you for free. A New . This is becausewe dont want a weak communication of our intent when werespeaking to heaven. Animal sacrifice did not have the power to change theperpetually evil hearts of the worlds inhabitants. As Paul said, God made him who had no sin tobe sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteous-ness of Godso that we could receive eternal life and be inright standing with the kingdom again.138 They noticethat youve changed your language, your attitude, and yourfriendships. The royal governor would sit in a chair, surrounded bylocal government officials, and he would read the mind of thequeen of England for our colony. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. If you do not have Adobe Reader already installed on your computer . Haiti was acolony of France. Infact, the reverse is true. As we noted earlier, the Governor could only comeupon people in Old Testament times to do the work of thekingdom in specific instances; he could not work from withinthem yet. There are people from Mexico who speak Spanish. The New Testamentwriter John penned one of the best-known statements fromthe gospel writings: For God so loved the world that he gavehis one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall notperish but have eternal life. Love is the nature of the King-Father and the King-Son. A number of theseimmigrants dont seem to want to learn English, so signs andliterature are being printed in Spanish. A Kings Love for His Citizens submitted to physical death so we could have eternal life. But Jesuscame to bring back the perfect government. You are the most important person in your life. and M.A. This is why theconcept of kingdom is dismissed by most people today asirrelevant, and is even considered out-and-out frighteningby others. Mans soul and body gave him anawareness of his earthly environment, while the Spirit of God,dwelling within mans spirit, gave him a consciousness of hisCreator-King and the ability to communicate directly with theheavenly government. Theheavenly government gave them the ability to communicatethe message that the kingdom of God had fully come so thatpeople of many nations could hear this momentous news.Their speaking in these languages was an evidence that theywere connected to the King and their assignment to bring thekingdom of heaven to earth. Heaven is the original kingdom; it was the origin ofkingdoms. What-ever we keep listening to influences our lives. He did these things sothat he could send the Governor back to usand in uswith-out limitations. They worked in harmony to achieve thisultimate purpose.The King-Son Was Completely Filled with the Governor The King-Son not only was filled with the Spirit at hisconception, but he also continued to be filled with the Spirit104 Both the qualities and the gifts are important, therefore,but the qualities are vital because power without character isdangerous. Theyhad received the Governor into their lives and were connectedto the kingdom. For example, in the first bookof Kings, we read, Nadab son of Jeroboam became king ofIsrael, and he reigned over Israel two years. Since we live by the Spirit,let us keep in step with the Spirit. The disciple John encour-aged Jesus followers, The one who is in you is greater thanthe one who is in the world. In other words, the power of theGovernor within you exponentially exceeds the power of thekingdom of the world around you. It simply meansto change your mind, to reverse your way of thinking andacting.1 When a person was baptized, he was signaling that hewas changing his thinking and actions and aligning them withthe views and life of the teacher he had committed himself tofollow. After he hadcompleted his mission of providing a way for the inhabitants tobe holy again, he returned to the heavenly kingdom. If a man from Haiti spoke a psalm in Creole, he wouldntmake any sense to us, but he would make sense to people inHaiti. As we saw, the Old Testament animal sacrifices of the tab-ernacle and temple were only temporary. Paul wrote,And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead isliving in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will alsogive life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in130 There is a continuous tug-of-war between the one objects tendency to move in a straight line and the tug of gravity pulling it back.2 The universe exists in remarkable balance. 141 I love Myles Munroe as an author. Again, following our reconciliation with the King, ourbeing given the ability to speak in heavenly tongues means theGovernor is enabling us, as it were, to share a common heav-enly language with our King-Father.Gives Direct Communication with the King Tongues also enables humanity to once more commu-nicate directly with the King-Father. Then, just before Jesus began his public minis-try, he also went to John for baptism. The return of the Holy Spirit is the most important act ofredemption in Gods program for humanity. When we know theSpirit is fully communicating our needs, we are enabled totrust God more completely. the scientific communitys continual pursuit of the origins of life. If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. This is why a person who wants to be a millionaire isnot really seeking money. Forexample, when the Bahamas was a colony, the people were notcitizens of Great Britain. We have seminariesthat teach that these God-given languages dont exist any-more. The Son had set aside this magnificentglory to fulfill his mission on earth.Limited Himself to Time and Space The eternal King-Son also allowed himself to becomerestricted by time. 203 He didnt just say, Receive the breath of life. He said,Receive the Holy Spirit. The breath of life is the Holy Spirit; the Governor is thelife of humanity. The Power of Influencedidnt frequently visit their colonies. A Kings Love for His Citizensto someone else or alone praying to the Father. If anyone asks you, Why are you so different? youranswer can be the same as Jesus: My kingdom is not of thisworld. The King wants you to represent his kingdom in themidst of the kingdom of darkness, so others can be reconciledto the heavenly government, also. Great read and it has changed how I look at the relationship between man, Yah, Yashua, Tge Hiky Spirit, and man. Come,242 The Rebirth of a Kingdom When the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. Jesus told his followers beforehand that he was going to dieto pay for the rebellion of humanity, even though they didntcomprehend it at the time. When theBritish Empire took over the Bahamas, the first thing they didwas make the people learn to speak English. Once again, we see the promise of the Father announced;but this time, the news was that the promise was now fulfilled 149 Itssomething were born with; it is In the kingdom ofingrained within us. The key to a successful kingdom is the good character of itsking. All of these must be done for the strength- ening of the church. In the Roman Empire, citizenship was a high honor and privilege involv- Citizens have ing many rights. But I tell you the truth: it is for your good that I am going away. The Holy Spirit within Jesus waslimitless in presence and power. The most important person on earth : the Holy Spirit, Governor of the Kingdom / Myles Munroe. Most importantly, we should note that the King-Fatherhad appointed Jesus as the ultimate Master Teacher of thekingdom school. 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