This should appreciably reduce the disturbance caused to the islanders; and arrangements are being made to explain the position to them as soon as possible. Mr. Ward: "They would have irreparably damaged the UK's defence capability and the economy of a fragile community as well as putting St Kilda, the UK's only dual world heritage site, at risk. He said: "The taskforce believes the proposals were ill thought out. Gentleman satisfied, if the original 20 million was a waste, that the 5 million will not be a waste, too, and that it would not he better to transfer the 5 million to the Secretary of State for Scotland for developing the Highland areas? The Western Isles site is the the UK's largest missile range Nine contractors at the UK's largest missile range have been made redundant. Can the Minister give some sort of idea of what the word "shortly" means, in view of the fact that a Question has already been deferred by arrangement with his Ministry in order to give it an opportunity to make a full reply today? He said: "The biggest constraint is the contract between QinetiQ and the MoD which only allows for savings and not for looking at other alternatives for expanding the facility for example and look at profits that could be generated. Read about our approach to external linking. - Defence Management, June 18, 2009. [^MoD to close key missile testing site - Defence Management^]. The move to cut staff numbers is part of plans aimed at saving about 50m. We are very concerned by the possibility that the base on Hirta would no longer be manned. I would remind the hon. To the left of the gate is a neat museum that showcases . To an island community it is infinitely worse it means depopulation or employment opportunities that after eight hours away by ferry. In the period 2001/2002, the Benbecula Airport was reported to have benefited from a 500,000 upgrade, completed in readiness for its participation in the Eurofighter Typhoon test project. Mr. Hughes: Last February radar personnel helped monitor the state of a trawler which ran aground on Hirta during a storm. France is one of the world's major missile powers, with an array of sophisticated ballistic and cruise missile programs. The small island of Benbecula lies between North and South Uist in the Outer Hebrides. Mr Booth said: "The Hebrides range has 35,000 square kilometres of segregated air space making it the largest range in Europe. Is the right hon. West Freugh - no change in near future at the Wigtonshire site Guided Missiles Site, South Uist Highland Perthshire ", Mr MacMillan added: "We have had an extremely good hearing so far from the Treasury, Number Ten and the MoD. Multiple countries have the ability to send destructive payloads around the world using intercontinental ballistic missiles, otherwise known as ICBMs. The community landowner controls large parts of Benbecula, Eriskay and South Uist. What has happened now? Mr. Ward: On Monday an MoD spokeswoman said no decision had been made on the base's future, but that an announcement would likely be made within the next week. '+e$$5.message)}catch(e$$6){}}; Balivanich is the main administrative centre on the island and here can be found a Post Office, hospital, primary school and several shops and cafes. The minister is due to meet a taskforce opposed to the plans on Thursday. Guided missiles are test fired from South Uist and tracked by a station at St Kilda. I would refer the hon. Cape Verde Accommodation The SNP group on Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Western Isles council, has joined forces with local Nationalist MSP Alasdair Allan and MP Angus MacNeil in condemning the proposed losses. The decision, agreed yesterday at a cabinet meeting in London, followed an announcement in June by the defence minister Quentin Davies that the Ministry of Defence wanted to lay off 150 workers at several military testing bases in the Hebrides to save 50m. Nine positions have already been axed and another seven are believed to be at risk at the Hebrides Range on South Uist. I am particularly excited that this programme also enables us to plan and begin implementation of further enhancements to the UKs T&E capabilities to address current and emerging threats through the next decade and beyond.. "It is the task force's aim to ensure that any decision which claims to make savings for one arm of the government takes full account of the true social and economic impact on the community, including the potential costs of creating and funding an economic recovery plan. You may add a comment or offer further details which may be included in the page above. . The United States is the world's dominant military power. Home; About Us; Products. Group chairman Angus Campbell said Mr Murphy was well aware about the impact of staff reductions would have on jobs and the islands economy. The move to cut 125 staff is part of plans aimed at saving about 50m. Defence contractor QinetiQ runs the sites on South Uist and Benbecula and also St Kilda on behalf of the Ministry of Defence (MoD). Spaceport 1 joined forces with East Anglian firm Gravitilab Aerospace Services to launch the flight test vehicle, named after Ada Lovelace, the 19th century English mathematician who is considered the world's first computer programmer. Gentleman think that these are advantages for the Scottish population? In 1930 the remaining 36 islanders requested to be taken off St Kilda and moved to the mainland. Gentleman says, I hope that there may be savings. A 30-working-day consultation period inviting views on the proposals began on 17 June. Fears rats were on the boat were later allayed after baited traps were laid, but remained empty. "The promised cost savings would simply have moved costs from one government department to another. The Western Isles range, which employs about 200 staff in total, is operated on behalf of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) by the contractor QinetiQ. Huw Francis, of Storas Uibhist, said any job losses would have an impact on the islands' economy following recent cuts in the construction industry. The campaign group includes public bodies such as local authority Comhairle nan Eilean Siar. During June 2009, the MoD issued an announcement that it would be scaling back on its operation at the South Uist missile range, with closure anticipated by 2014: MoD to close key missile testing siteThursday, June 18, 2009. Backed by a rising defence budget and our 178 billion equipment plan, all three sites will continue to have a major role in supporting our defence capability. The Government have, therefore, decided to adopt this course and to provide in the Hebrides facilities for firing surface-to-surface rockets only. The Missile Testing Range was built by the Royal Air Force between 1957 and 1958 to launch the Corporal Missile, Britain and America's first guided Nuclear Weapon. It has speed Range of 3 Mach and range of 300 to 500 Km. Range Operations; Range Operations - IM; Survivability, Vulnerability & Assessment; Resource Management; Team White Sands Organizations. "Drones are being proposed for dangerous and dull missions such as targeting speeding cars on motorways, monitoring incidents and checking power and pipe lines.". As part of the testing carried out during April 2002, the 16 billion aircraft successfully test fired an AMRAAM (Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile) on the South Uist range, which was reported to be the first firing of such a missile from a Eurofighter. Explore Barpa Langass in Lochmaddy, United Kingdom as it appears on Google Maps as well as pictures, stories and other notable nearby locations on Russia's longest-range operational missile is the inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) R-36, which is capable of hitting targets from up . Gentleman knows, is sitting on this matter at present. The site on South Uist was formerly used by the Royal Artillery to test weapons. Description: A documentary about the local people's reaction to the establishment of a Royal Artillery Guided Weapons Range in the Hebrides and how the presence of the base affects traditional life. An army base was established in the 1950s and remains one of the main island employers as it is the headquarters for those who service the South Uist missile testing range. Is the work at a standstill or is it not? Can I now assure my constituents that there will be no further radical revisions; that this is the final decision of the Government on this scheme, which has had such a record of muddle and confusion all through? On the general question, I think I have spoken with sympathy about any disturbance of mind that may have been caused by the anticipation of changes of plan. (function() { Mr. Emrys Hughes: Mr. Woodburn: The first unmanned aircraft, Laima, which crossed the Atlantic landed at the range on South Uist at 21:44 UTC on August 21, 1998, having taken off from St Johns, Newfoundland at 09:59 UTC on August 20, 1998. [^Laima story^]. Mr. Taylor: Mr. Emrys Hughes: That is rather an involved question, but I certainly would not, without notice, absolve the right hon. British forces have used UAV spy drones in Afghanistan. The command and control centre on South Uist has been earmarked for closure by 2014. I was glad that when I was Minister of Supply I had the opportunity to bring the atomic scheme to Dounreay, in the very northernmost part of the Highlands. Fresh plans are expected later this year. Benbecula, whose name means "Mountain of the Fords" in Scots Gaelic, lies between the islands of North Uist and South Uist and is connected over the fords by a causeway (1960) to the north and by O'Regan's Bridge (1943) to the south. This developing industry requires space where such drones - usually quadrotors (quadrotor helicopter or quadrocopter) - can be safely tested. He said if the crofting stopped, the grasslands would be lost. Mr. Sandys: Friend bear in mind that, provided defence considerations are not prejudiced, this saving of 15 million is very welcome indeed? "People are apprehensive, fearful. The community in Uist has built up a reputation over many years for its commitment to Hebrides Range and has spoken up clearly in the past when those jobs have been under threat. Peter Peacock, Labour MSP for the Highlands and Islands, said: "This is a very disappointing development and represents a real blow to the economy of the islands. We are at present considering the possibility of restricting the scope of the scheme and I will make a further statement as soon as possible. I will, with permission, Mr. Speaker, answer Question No. During World War I a Royal Navy detachment to Hirta meant regular deliveries of mail and food for sailors and the islands' residents. WO1 (ASM) Served from 1958 - 1985 Served in Royal Artillery Ranges . Member wants, namely, seeing how far we can reduce to the absolute minimum the demands that we shall have to make upon land and the expenditure that we shall have to incur out of the taxpayers' money. I do not think we should exaggerate the disturbance in the livelihood of those people which has taken place. Some additional instrumentation and certain other facilities will have to be provided on the Welsh ranges. Remote Radar Head Benbecula or RRH Benbecula, is an air defence radar station operated by the Royal Air Force. Elior, a catering and cleaning subcontractor, has cut nine jobs, while a redundancy consultation is under way at subcontractor Mitie. RRH Benbecula operates a Type 92 long range surveillance radar, at Cleitreabhal a'Deas on North Uist.The radar, designed and built by Lockheed Martin is almost identical to the AN/FPS-117 radar used by the USA. Mr. Emrys Hughes: Mr Davis said the marketing campaign would attempt to attract both domestic and foreign investors to help develop new ideas for diversifying the economy of the islands. Angus MacNeil, the Scottish National party MP for the Western Isles, said: "Politically, Labour have been pushed into a corner on this. Campaigners have warned that a loss of defence jobs in the Western Isles will have an impact equivalent to the Royal Bank of Scotland and the Bank of Scotland both closing their doors in Edinburgh, or 300,000 jobs being axed in London. asked the Minister of Defence how far it is intended to abandon the guided missiles project in the Western Isles; what changes in expenditure and scale are contemplated; and what arrangements have been made for continuity of employment for workers on the scheme. Rocket Range, South Uist (Representations) The cuts were made at the Hebrides Rocket Range after. Mr. Emrys Hughes: "It is vital we find solutions to protect these vital jobs which play such a major part in the economic sustainability of the area.". Mr. Hector Hughes: Mr Davies and Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy previously met with campaigners in London. "The sums of money involved represent very small cash savings for the MoD of around 2 million per year and my colleagues and I will work with others to make as strong a case as possible for the retention of facilities and jobs within the consultation announced. White Sands Missile Range provides America's Armed Forces, allies, partners, and defense technology innovators with the world's premiere research, development . Twenty jobs linked to the underwater testing range off Raasay are also expected to go by 2014. That doesn't seem to have held true for North Korea . Mission. Is not the truth of this matter that this is a strategic victory over the Minister of Supply and the Secretary of State for Air? It is located at Cleitreabhal a'Deas, 17 kilometres (11 mi) from Lochmaddy on the isle of North Uist in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. In the black and white film - clips of which are among the archives of Scottish Screen and BBC's Scotland on Film - islanders give mixed views. "We have a responsibility to ensure taxpayers money and the defence budget is spent wisely, and as defence evolves and technology advances, we must adjust our operations accordingly.". "This means that the trust's activities on the island will remain unaffected. They play an unofficial role as caretakers and lookouts for its owners, the National Trust for Scotland, particularly during the winter. A proposal to modernise the facility with the loss of 125 jobs has been accepted in principle by the MoD and put out to consultation. There is an airport at Balivanich, where there is also the only cash machine on both Benbecula and South Uist. The taskforce set up to fight the cuts - part of plans aimed at saving about 50m - has already met Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy. Almaty Kazakhstan 2) Supersonic cruise missile. The radar station is staffed all year, mostly by civilian staff, while trust wardens stay on Hirta from April to September. They are operated by private defence technology company QinetiQ. On 9/11, I was not in a building that collapsed or on a plane that crashed and ultimately made my way home safely. As reported in the Press, I have had recent communications from clergymen in South Uist including a note of the resolution passed at last week's meeting in Benbecula. If the hon. 3) Hypersonic cruise missile. Plans to cut missile testing facilities in the Western Isles should be subject to a longer consultation, according to Scotland's finance secretary. The events inspired the book Rockets Galore (1957) by author and nationalist Compton Mackenzie (Sir Edward Montague Compton Mackenzie, January 17, 1883 November 30,1972), as a sequel to his earlier success, Whisky Galore (1947), also inspired by a true event (the grounding of the SS Politician, and the subsequent raid on its consignment of 24,000 cases of whisky), both of which became successful films. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan: Does he think that that is a genuine saving? This project is an extremely important part of the arrangements which we are making for the defence of these islands, and I am quite sure that the people of South Uist are just as interested in that as anyone else. The young people are going to have their point of view on the matter heard. After allowing for this, the overall effect will be to bring down the capital cost of the whole scheme from about 20 million to about 5 million. Once fully up and running, will have a message board to allow the public to post views on the plans. Mr. Bellenger: - Jobs under threat at missile test site in Western Isles. Arriving At The Base. Mr. Maclay: Mr. Emrys Hughes: Mr MacNeil said: The Hebrides Range is an important employer and todays announcement from QinetiQ is very good news for the economy in Uist. Gentleman is going a little wide of his original Question by bringing in another subject. West Freugh, a military range and test facility near Stranraer, will not be affected. In December 2016, news was released confirming the range would remain in service for at least the coming decade. Is the Minister aware that fairly definite statements have appeared in the Press that this rocket range is to be abandoned, and can he say whether this information is correct or whether it is intelligent anticipation? The frigate's crew alerted a US Navy warship which fired a missile to intercept and destroy the rocket while still above the Earth's atmosphere. [^Rocket fired from Scottish isle destroyed in space - BBC News Retrieved 23 October 2017.^], December 2017 provided the media with an opportunity to headline "Jobs are under threat at a Ministry of Defence missile test site in the Western Isles.". These saw an increase in interest during the past year (2010) as the price fell for autonomous, or semi-autonomous types that did not require a skilled operator, and were both lighter and more robust than earlier radio-controlled helicopter variants. Mr Swinney said: "The case against these job cuts and the effect they would have on the Uists as remote island communities is compelling. The camp is linked to training on the Rapier air defence missile system which is used by the Royal Artillery and RAF. Running time: 10.50 mins. More than half the workforce at four ranges and their control centre in the Hebrides could go. Can he tell us whether it is true, as The Times correspondent said yesterday, that all work on the range is now at a standstill? Aerospace Data Facility-Southwest (ADF-SW) 575-528-1084. At the height of the summer testing season, several hundred British Army personnel were stationed on the island. The Government's decision to set up a guided weapons range in the Hebrides was announced on 27th July, 1955. Mr. Maclay: They warned that closing the main command centre at Benbecula and downgrading the remainder of the site, with the loss of 125 out of 225 jobs, would be a severe blow to the local economy.