Carl and Richard talk to the father of UML and the Unified Process, Ivar Jacobson. Carl and Richard talk to Microsoft PFE Christos Matskas about some of the projects he's been involved in helping organizations deploy apps and services into Azure. Teams is extensible - wanna write some code? You don't choose Chaos Monkey, Chaos Monkey chooses you! Jon Box and Dan Fox are on the show this week talking about smart devices, the Compact Framework, and their book, "Building Solutions with the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework" This could be the future of .NET development! Carl and Richard talk to MSR scientist Colin Gravill about biological computing. Paul talks about how he balances his time between his code monkey work and his undulating monkey work. Then there's a whole discussion on reliability, security, scalability, and testing - there are a lot of things that go into making professional microservices! Josh digs into the various scenarios for an ultra-fast distributed storage solution like this - a great example of platform-as-a-service! And to make it even more fun, part of the conversation includes scientists from Monsanto! Richard chats with Carl about Fermi's Paradox, Drake's Equation and all the latest science we've gathered around how common life is on other planetary bodies. Then anyone who programmed in it would be a rockstar developer right? In the end, a personal brand is simply what people know you for, and everyone has one, whether they're working on it intentionally or not! There's as much to discuss about the capabilities of Hololens as there is to talk about the potential solutions it can generate. Carl and Richard talk to Ted Faison as part of the whole back to basics initiative at DNR about Event-Driven design. The conversation starts off talking about the differences between the Android world and the Amazon world - they aren't that far apart! While the standard is still being discussed, Cory mentions some libraries that have already gone ahead and implemented a variation of this extensibility, such as Steve Sanderson's amazing KnockoutJS. Part of her goal is to get to personalized medicine - where your doctor uses your genetic information to determine the ideal treatment, custom-made for you. more geeky and less freaky! Yeah, that's right, all the hits in one show! Carl and Richard talk to Thomas Huber about the current state of Uno and the many other options for desktop and cross-platform client development. M. Wright's Hard Code', an opinion blog (and book) with a tude! Carl and Richard talk to Jay Schmelzer and Chris Finlan about LightSwitch. The discussion was moderated by Barry Hawkins. Carl and Richard talk to Jess Chadwick about how Razor Pages takes Razor to the next level, getting away from traditional MVC (which is a funny thing to say) and into a more flexible model with a simpler code-behind approach. Dom and Brock talk about building open-source software for the long term. How did you learn to debug? Omnisharp is a set of tools to bring .NET development to all sorts of different development environments, including Visual Studio Code. What is the right way to secure your applications? How awful are app stores? Drag the "carl-bot" role to the top of the list. Great way to think about using the cloud for testing! Getting identity right is hard, but Identity Server takes you down the right path! Carl and Richard talk to Dr. Neil about Mix, Live Services, WPF, Silverlight, Grava, and other cool technology he's been involved with. What happens if the project goes away? In the second half he talks about VB.NET 2005, about the decisions Microsoft made regarding features and ship dates, and about how he thinks VB.NET 2005 will go a long way toward making .NET accessible to the masses of business programmers worldwide. The applications are built in .NET, but being a startup is about more than just programming languages. Proper tests are faster, more accurate and repeatable, resulting in better code. Scott also talks about what new features are moving into the browser, reducing the library load your web page needs. The discussion focuses in on the key issue - that velocity is a dangerous metric. Melony prevented Mario from forming a relationship with Meggy by falling on his head by her arrival from the sky and knocking him out. It's an exciting time for .NET! What could you do with a rocket with this much power beyond the mission to Mars? There's a ton of links to a host of cool tools for moving into this new space of development. Phil talks about starting with Abbot focused on ChatOps, where Abbot would help with automation around the deployment of applications. Carl and Richard talk to Rob Mensching about the WiX Toolset, a popular Open Source project for all your software installation needs. Lots of great things to experiment with! Carl and Richard discuss with Marcus his new product Xiine, a next gen digital reading platform, DRM and the current state of publishing. It never really made economic sense, but it definitely drove the technology forward. The conversation starts out with managing IdentityServer, the great open source library for handling single-sign-on across multiple applications. Rob talks about how DurandalJS came to be as a logical path from his MVVM framework, Caliburn.Micro. db4o is an open source object database for Java and .NET. Artificial Intelligence has transformed vision technology! The conversation starts out talking about why you would want to do method interception in the first place - aspect oriented programming, instrumentation, isolating plumbing code, and so on. Carl and Richard chat with Brian Randell about the latest version of Team Foundation Server and it's ability to support a DevOps practice in your organization. With the cloud's compute-on-demand, you don't need to do many transformations of data as it's loaded - but you can test it! Chris Flores, Jay Roxe, and Brian Goldfarb from Microsoft tell developers what they can expect from DevDays, a one-day conference in your local area hosted by Microsoft and your local Regional Director. Scott discusses his history that leads him to getting involved in making systems more efficient - sometimes that means faster, sometimes it means something else!

The conversation dives into the challenges of handling multiple screens, screen resolutions, DPIs, language packs, and more what seems like a simple tool is never that simple. It's not as weird as you think, as Amber points out, any time you extend your physical or mental abilities with a peice of technology - say, a cell phone, you're a cyborg.

NET team, and the visual Studio Web Tools team gives us an update on ASP.NET 2.0, IIS 7.0, and even a hint at Orcas, the next .NET rev after Whidbey. Both Jon and Bill have published books on C# and have reach each other's work. Does it always have to come from the top? What the heck is a Progressive Web App? What is WebRTC, and why do you want to use it? The first of the vignette shows from Oredev, this show focuses on web development. Coming soon to a .NET near you! Rocky explains that many folks ask him about moving to .NET Core, but getting to .NET Standard is an easier move (but likely not easy) and offers more options in the long run, including .NET Core. Step 3: Setting up Reaction Roles on Carl Bot. Are you adding security to your application at the end of a development cycle? In the end, the substrate is a set of APIs that are used by Microsoft product teams and third-party developers alike. More sophisticated than a simple key-value-pair store, but less structured that a relational database, DocumentDB sits in a great spot in your data storage needs. Role-based security continues to function, but everything under the hood is a claim. Who will build it and why and just how much is this going to cost? While at Update Conference in Prague, Carl and Richard talked to Karl Ots about all the things that can go wrong with security in Azure. David talks about how applications have evolved into a devices+services model, where parts of the application live in the cloud, and the rest live in the various form factor devices that we all now use. But sometimes, not all the data gets restored - you can't trust bad guys! Desktop development plays a role as well - and lots of folks are still building WinForms apps! Carl and Richard chat with Mark Greenway about his work using MongoDB on Azure. No matter how good a tool is, your ability to use it has the largest impact on how well your mobile app turns out. The conversation also turns to ransomware and that ongoing battle. While supporting visual and hearing impaired is important, there are so many more aspects to accessibility, especially today where those capabilities translate into new devices that make focus on speech or other completely different UI paradigms. The Xamarin stack continues to evolve and improve, and Lino is pretty impressed. See what happens when you get a bunch of geeks on the phone and turn em loose! The conversation also digs into how NuGet works in the open source world and Phil's on-going role with it. And if he can make four in an hour, there's really no reason anyone can't build one pipeline in an afternoon. While at the Nebraska Code Camp, Carl and Richard chatted with Seth Lachner about his work with Docker and the impact it has had on him as a developer. Carl and Richard talk to John Papa about the latest version of Angular and it's applicability in every day enterprise development. The conversation starts with the history of automated driving, including the DARPA Grand Challenge initiatives. Trust us, you will save yourself hours of guesswork by taking an hour and a half of your day to listen to this interview. The needs build on each other, and you can have a higher-level need without a lower-level need being fulfilled. Like beer? The rank or role may give you a different color when you type. Ian talks about the effect of microservices in making systems more complex - it's easy to end up with hundreds of services. Another set of stories from Oredev, this time around development practices. Carl and Richard are back in space! As Christos says, it's not an all-or-nothing thing - some applications and services make more sense in the cloud, and some work great on-premises. Carl and Richard talk to Seth Juarez about the latest developments in the machine learning space for the Microsoft space. Richard also dives into the power of the innovation that mRNA vaccines represent - a new tool for humanity to fight all sorts of illnesses. First up is browser link, a method to automate the connection between your development environment and various browsers being used to test your app while you code. But there's more to be done, and Chris digs into important bits - check out the tools in the show notes for more ideas on how to make your website more SEO friendly! The conversation starts out with a discussion about the tools we've had for desktop and web testing for years that are still hard to come by on the mobile platform - like UI capture of touch, gestures and typing. The conversation digs into UI design, the integration of third party services and meeting the expectations of a customer that is not all that focused on technology. Get on the identification and authentication bandwagon today! changing the way we do software development: Providing rapid access to resources, answering your questions, and simplifying deployment. hardcore tano*c official website. SKA is the Square Kilometer Array for radio astronomy. Jeff talks about what modern development looks like for ASP.NET web forms, and the power of continued support for existing web applications, while providing approaches for adding new capabilities like mobile development and more. It's early days yet, but at least there is a plan to keep everyone organized. Aspects of molten salt reactors continue to mature, offering continuous fuel reprocessing that means more of the dangerous radioactive material can be used for heat and left with safe residuals. Have a listen! It's not much, but it's our first podcast from the .NET Rocks! Dan talks about supporting an array of Linux GUIs, Windows, macOS, WebAssembly, Raspberry PI, iOS, and Android! Carl and Richard talk to Fabio Matsui about working effectively with creative personnel in an organization. These topics and more are the focus of this monumental episode of .NET Rocks! There's a free version of the product, take it out for a spin! Richard pops out an article about how physical textures, weight and size affect psychology and how that can impact your UX design. You know, like a real language! How do you test your Blazor app? She's really smitten with the iPad. In our first post-Mark show, Carl interviews developer and author Brian Noyes. Carl and Richard talk to Courtney Heitman about building applications that the visually impaired can use. Matthew talks about the challenges of trying to create common code (typically C#) in Xamarin that actually runs correcting in Android and iOS. Actually, it's the biology of humans as it relates to UI, focusing (no pun intended) on the eyes - how exactly does eyesight work? Carl and Richard talk to Stacy Harris and John Mulinax from Microsoft, and TJ Giuli from Ford Motor Company about Fiestaware.

Michael seeimhappy on xbl. David focuses in on the idea of the ubiquitous language, something Eric Evans admits he wishes he'd put earlier in his seminal book on DDD. Think of it as Reflector or View Source for Silverlight! So is every class a service? Frank talks about his experiences building code that runs with WebAssembly and the challenges of thinking through new UI experiences. Carl and Richard talk to Alex Robson about polyglot programming. The team also talks about some of the other cool projects they've built using the PEX engine, including CodeHunt, a tool using testing to teach you to program. And how does it apply to numbers? Can you be a software craftsman and not test? Originally a part of Microsoft Research, PROSE has moved to the developer division at Microsoft and is part of the Intellicode extensions in Visual Studio. Carl and Richard talk to Mark Seemann about his latest book that focuses on building sustainable applications. The winner gets either a trip to the Galopagos Islands or a Smart Car. The conversation also turns a bit philosophical, with a discussion of Javascript being the assembly language of the web, and how languages like Dart, CoffeeScript and TypeScript create abstractions over assembly language to make web applications more maintainable. Automation is key when you're working at scale! How can the command line be cool? Dominick Baier returns to talk to Carl and Richard about the current state of security in .NET 4.5. Discussions also dig into the challenges of moving so fast with so many developers, managing testing at speed and more! Carl and Richard catch up with Chris Sells at DevReach in Sofia, Bulgaria a couple weeks ago. Time for a craftsmanship update from Uncle Bob! Carl and Mark talk with Ethan and Bob about the Good Old Days of the BASIC language, and some of their experiences early on in the first days of the industry, as well as PowerBASIC past, present, and future, crazy tech-support calls, and other stories. Lots of links below! Ready for some AI tooling? Gesture is a huge part of the interactive kiosk applications - and Kinect is at the front. He also talked a bit about WhiteHorse, Microsoft's new designers for SOA and classes shipping in the Whidbey timeframe. Akka is growing up! Jess talks about how this approach often ends up more closely coupled, but in a lot of cases, that's just fine. Dan Appleman and Kathleen Dollard have a lot to say about kids: computing, and programming. Brian talks through the strengths and weaknesses of the approach. Carl and Richard talk to Vittorio Bertocci, now an architect at Auth0, about building pure identity solutions that work for all platforms and languages. First off, why would you do that? While at NDC in London, Carl and Richard sat down with Jessica Engstrom to talk about her work with virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality. This is the good form of anarchy - the kind that focuses on self-organization, rather than blowing things up. What works? In the meantime, Glenn and a host of other contributors have continued to extend ScriptCS to make it easier to deploy, share scripts and add additional functionality without having to work in Visual Studio if you don't want to. The line between the roles has blurred! How do we make open source work for everyone? We have arrived at our 100th show! With over 150 extensions in the Marketplace, Mads has a lot of experience building tooling that can streamline your Studio experience. She also talks about her professional life before software development, which may come as a bit of a shock. The cornerstone is security, using TLS to encrypt all traffic in and out of your device. Carl and Richard talk to Darth Vader, a.k.a. Carl and Richard chat with Jason Lengstorf about the Javascript library built on top of ReactJS to automate the generation of static web pages from a variety of data sources with a focus on blogs and CMS sites. If there's a Meetup group in your area, go to it! Configuration-as-Code is code, give it the love it needs! While at NDC London, Carl and Richard talked to Jessie Shternshus of the Improv Effect about how she helps organizations create fun, innovative onboarding processes that actually reflect the culture of the company. Matthew is a big fan of weblogs, which he discusses in the interview. * Whidbey
. You can get 10% off of Rachel's books and courses with the code NETROCKS. Scott Stanfield talks about Deep Zoom, PhotoSynth, his Mix keynote, and all the cool toys he gets to play with. But how do you make your home automation not so annoying? Mark is a big advocate of good design. Carl and Richard talk to Andrew Delin about why developers should care about the Sarbanes Oxley Act and why a compliance plan is in your best interest. He talks about the history and role of CSS in web development and how CSS3 makes significant strides in equalizing design and layout between browsers. While C# 10 is largely finished, we also get a peek into some of the new ideas coming for C# 11! The goal is to get beyond the virtual machine and into containers, serverless, and more! While at the Tampa stop of the .NET Rocks! How do you migrate to Azure? Jimmy talks about the early days of MVC and the challenges of making a very new product work, but in exchange for some substantial benefits - but perhaps not the ones you'd think! Then the boys dig into the different types of wind power generation, the challenges that the power grid has incorporating wind power into the grid, and the kinds of problems that home owners have with wind power also. Following that interview, the boys talk with Matthew Manela about the MSDN Code Gallery. Can a chatbot make your team development process better? Justin talks about the tight relationship between Angular and Ionic, including the significant changes from V1 to V2 - mostly due to Angular, but still. Roman Rubin and Venkatesh (Venky) Ramakrishnan talk about their experiences architecting and building large-scale Silverlight applications. But what sort of experiences should you have? Scott looks at existing projects more like an older home that has been well used, but needs updating. Finally, the last conversation is with Robby Ingebretsen talking about how closely related designers and developers actually are. Michael talks about Dojo's focus on backward compatibility, making sure that web applications built with the framework continue to function as HTML, Javascript and CSS evolve. And now that Microsoft owns R, you can expect to see it more and more in the .NET development world! Great for making reliable off-line applications and onto dedicated kiosk-style hardware! While at NDC Oslo, Carl and Richard hosted a panel of Rob Conery, Lynn Langit and Mathias Brandewinder to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the serverless approach to building applications. Even using Azure to set up a WordPress blog is simple - but what if you want to lift-and-shift an existing charity website? What a great year! This week Carl and Mark interview Billy Hollis, noted speaker and .NET expert. Things get really fun when you start looking at all the ways you can locate someone in an interior space using beacons - opening the door to a huge number of applications. The conversation starts out with a recap of the continuing debate about native vs web on mobile devices. Kate talks about going to cppcon, the premier C++ conference in the world, and seeing packs of young people getting into C++. F# turns five - not five years old (it's more than ten years old!) While in Berlin at the Telerik Modern Web Tour, Richard interviews Jessica Engstrom on how developers can add UX skills to their repertoire. How do you manage the building, monitoring and maintenance of mobile apps? What does that mean for the average consumer of SQL Server? Ever wanted to run your .NET applications on Linux or a Mac, check out this show! best paved bike trails near swansea. Xamarin is continuing to build awesome things! But what if your security efforts shifted to the left and became part of your development practice? Amir also talks about how this development stack works well with different editors since it is file focused for compilation, testing and deployment. Artificial Intelligence is happening - are we using it correctly? Alas, the conversation is not about making computers out of biological materials, but there is some discussion about using DNA to do some kinds of computing as well as building synthetic life from modified cells. Then John talks about the new Visual Studio Code, which really hasn't got much to do with Visual Studio at all - it's an editor, rather than an IDE. Carl and Richard talk to Michele Leroux Bustamante about her experiences creating startup companies. Carl and Richard talk to Daniel Roth and Steve Sanderson about the evolution of Blazor - Steve Sanderson's amazing project using WebAssembly to put .NET In the browser. The original ASP.NET is nearly fifteen years old, this is an awesome update! We are grateful. Babel deals with this problem by transpiling into Javascript that runs everywhere. Do you know how people are actually using your mobile apps? Miguel talks about how his approach to web pages creates something testable and maintainable, which is what you look for in a great business web site. Steve tells three different stories from different eras of web development, also digging into situations where he's made mistakes, where he's found mistakes, and when he wished he'd called Microsoft tech support sooner. Carl and Richard talk to Stephen Toub from Microsoft about parallel development. The conversation starts out with a sharing of war stories, talking about finding the right people to talk to in order to understand the overall application requirements in general, much less individual specifications. Carl and Richard talk to Uncle Bob about fighting against "The Churn" - that is, change for change's sake. SignalR is updated! Most of what you need to know to build an application lives in that language, and most of what can go wrong goes wrong there. Has Juval predicted the death of the developer? And there is the option to explore code directly in the browser as well. The conversation digs into managing and minimizing breaking changes in existing APIs, and keeping API implementations working well not just for C#, but also C, C++, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, iOS, and Android! It's always more complicated than you think! Great insights from Mr. Skeet! Carl and Richard participated in a panel discussion at Codemash 2011 on January 12, 2011 alongside the hosts of the popular Java Posse podcast. What do mannequins do when the department store closes? And really in beta - John mentions that for the past few betas, updating his samples have only taken a few minutes, not hours. Carl and Richard talk to Joe Audette about his set of open source tools called cloudscribe to make multi-tenant apps easier to implement. Write an app! Then on to the docs - which are fully editable via GitHub, so anyone can help build the docs. This was recorded live in front of an audience at the MS Financial Services Developer Conference in NYC last month. Does it make sense to use .NET with Microsoft 365 (was Office 365)? While the project isn't complete yet (you can help - it's open source! There are many ways to solve problems, and part of the fun is trying a new way! After Miyamoto submitted the DCAM, Mario submitted the parody contract to Kirby, allowing all SMG4 characters to return. The conversation starts out talking about the state of SharePoint development - that the combination of SharePoint 2010 and Visual Studio 2010 really works! Time for a new version of CSLA! Sebastien also talks about OpenWrap, a package manager for .NET that helps OpenRasta stay lean but extensible. Panelists: Tim Huckaby, Brian Noyes, and Todd Anglin. ", and also discusses writing books, blogs, and online media. He also digs into using F# with XAML to do UI related work. Carl and Richard chat with Julie Lerman about the latest in EF Core, stories from the trenches of data development and more! In fact, there's ONE ASP.NET, and everything - Web Forms, MVC, Web API, SignalR - all work together. Carl and Richard chat with Micheal Learned about modern release management with Visual Studio. Check out the ton of links to this show, all sorts of great stuff for getting started with F#. There's a number of different ways to use Windows Azure Pack, including as a self-service portal to provide testing infrastructure for developers - talk to your ops folks and try it out! Today's show is a previously recorded conversation with Martin Woodward about Team System. The conversation starts with the challenge of good instrumentation, different techniques, and values for measuring performance. The conversation starts with addressing a comment from a listener on dealing with decomposition of user stories so that they fit into sprints and how to manage research spikes. The conversation explores the advantages and disadvantages of each of the stacks, and the enthusiasm that comes from being effective and successful even without decades of experience. The conversation also digs into the core 'lather-rinse-repeat' cycle of developers getting work assignments, building and checking in their code. Visual Studio 2015 came out in July 2015, and with it, a new version of F# - version 4.0! Richard and Carl talk with Don Box and Doug Purdy about Microsoft code-name Oslo, a nascent set of developer tools and technologies that promise to make development much easier than it is today. Scott also dives into the ever-improving performance of .NET, the latest version of Blazor, and the adoption of WinForms in .NET 5 - and what's coming for .NET 6! (Results Page 10) View and Lots of great tips! Carl and Richard talk to Don Syme, the inventor of F#, along with F# PM Luke Hoban and MS Researcher Ralf Herbrich about the future of the F# language. Simply type the channel name and then hit Enter . How do you build out your cloud infrastructure? There's always a productivity hit with changing up tooling and process, with substantial benefits coming further down the path. While at redev in Malm, Sweden, Carl and Richard talk to Fred George about implementing programmer anarchy in your organization. How is Visual Studio working for you? Tatham talks about some of the applications he's built using both technologies, and how your thinking has to change to really take advantage of all your choices. Carl and Richard talk to Rocky about his new book as well as his thoughts on Oslo, DSLs, Windows Home Server, and Windows 7. Be part of this conversation; it's certainly not done yet! And Chris agrees - it's very challenging to build a web app that feels great on a mobile device. Carl and Richard talk to John Alexander about ML.NET - a set of libraries that Microsoft has been using internally for years, now available for you as a NuGet package that you can add to your application pretty painlessly. Carl and Richard interview three members of the Visual Basic team at PDC 2005. Navigate your 2008 Polaris 500 Sportsman HO (A08MH50AX/AZ) CARBURETOR, UPPER - A08MH50AX/AZ schematics below to shop OEM parts by detailed schematic diagrams offered for every assembly on your machine. Now that .NET has gone cross-platform, the sheer number of implementations of the framework can be overwhelming. The current stack for Dan is Angular 2 on the front-end, ASP.NET Core on the backend and Docker as the hosting environment. Carl and Richard chat with Dan Wahlin about his latest open source project, building a Single Page Application (SPA) using AngularJS interfacing with Microsoft Azure Active Directory Services (MAAD) and Office 365 API. Much of the discussion focuses the various approaches that folks make a living while building and maintaining open source projects. Carl and Richard chat with Jonathan Peppers about his experiences building phone games for different languages and cultures. Lots of cool hardware ideas! With node you specify where you're listening and what you're listening for, and can construct exactly what your code should return as well.
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