Li, W., Yan, L., Tian, C., et al., 2007. Strong gluten wheat flour is the 60-45 weight portion. Tang, W., 2002. Xie, S.L., Shi, Y.G., 2006. The separation was completed using a ZORBAX Eclips Plus C18 (4.6 3 150 mm, 5 m). The pectin production scale in China is not large, the scope of use is narrow, and sources are limited. 99, 83258330. Food and Chemical Toxicology 49, 20812089. 0.05). The nonesterified galacturonic acid forms negatively charged carboxyl groups due to ionization, and it can form ionic bonds between Ca21 ions. J. 119 (1), 123132. J. 31 (5), 355361. Zhang, J.Q., Guan, X.S., Wan, J., 2009. 4.44. Erfahren Sie, wie wir und unser Anzeigenpartner Google Daten sammeln und verwenden. The fermentation temperature was under 27 or 28 C, the relative humidity was kept between 75% and 80%, and the fermentation time was 2 h. Bread Formation Fermented dough was ready for division. Optimization of the extraction of anthocyanins from the fruit skin of rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait. Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Haidian, Beijing, China, Researcher in comprehensive utilization of food processing by-products, Researcher on food comprehensive utilization, Head of Institute of Quality Standards & Testing Technology for Agro-Products, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China, Authors: Taihua Mu, Hongnan Sun, Miao Zhang, Cheng Wang, Sales tax will be calculated at check-out, Introduces processing technologies for sweet potato starch and related products, Covers utilization of nutritional components extracted from sweet potato in various products, Provides the scientific basis and technical support for virtuous circle promotion and structure upgrade of the sweet potato processing industry, Section 1: Overview of Sweet Potato Starch and its Series Products, 1.2 The Structure and Morphology of Sweet Potato Starch, 1.3 Chemical Composition of Sweet Potato Starch, 1.4 Characteristics of Sweet Potato Starch, 1.5 Sweet Potato Starch Noodles and Vermicelli, Section 2: Production Technology of Sweet Potato Starch and its Series Products, 2.1 Production Technology of Sweet Potato Starch, 2.2 The Production Process of Sweet Potato Starch Noodles and Vermicelli, 2.3 The Sweet Potato Resistant Starch Production Process, Section 3: Physicochemical Properties of Sweet Potato Starch and its Products, 3.1 The Structure and Physicochemical Properties of SLPS and CFS, 3.2 Comparison of the Quality of SLPS and CFS, Section 4: Applications of Sweet Potato Starch, 4.1 Application of Sweet Potato Starch in Food, 4.2 Applications of Sweet Potato Resistant Starch, Section 1: Overview of Sweet Potato Proteins, 1.1 The Sources and Structures of Sweet Potato Proteins, 1.2 Research Status on the Technologies Used to Produce Sweet Potato Proteins, 1.3 The Biological Activity of Sweet Potato Protein, 1.4 Physicochemical Properties of Sweet Potato Protein, Section 2: Production Technologies of Sweet Potato Protein, 2.1 Effects of Solvent on the Extraction of Sweet Potato Protein, 2.7 Purification Method of Sweet Potato Protein, Section 3: Biological Activity of Sweet Potato Protein, 3.2 Trypsin Inhibitory Activity of Sweet Potato Protein, 3.3 Anticancer Activity of Sweet Potato Protein, Section 4: Functional Properties of Sweet Potato Protein, 4.2 Emulsifying Properties of Sweet Potato Protein, 4.3 Gelling Properties of Sweet Potato Protein, 4.4 Structural Properties of Sweet Potato Protein, 4.5 The Foaming Properties and Foam Stability of Sweet Potato Protein, 4.6 Water-Holding and Oil-Holding Capacities of Sweet Potato Protein, Section 5: Applications of Sweet Potato Protein, Section 2: Sweet Potato Dietary Fiber Extraction Technology, Section 3: The Physiological Properties of Sweet Potato Dietary Fiber, Section 4: The Physicochemical Properties of Sweet Potato Dietary Fiber, Section 5: The Applications of Sweet Potato Dietary Fiber, Section 2: Production Technology of Sweet Potato Pectin, Section 3: Biological Activities of Sweet Potato Pectin, Section 4: Physicochemical Characteristics of Sweet Potato Pectin, Section 5: Applications of Sweet Potato Pectin, Section 1: Background for Developing Sweet Potato Granules, Section 2: Technologies and Key Points in Manufacturing Sweet Potato Granules, Section 3: Applications of Sweet Potato Granules, 3.1 Applications of Sweet Potato Granules in Bread, 3.2 Applications of Sweet Potato Granules in Biscuits, 3.3 Applications of Sweet Potato Granules in Noodles, 3.4 Applications of Sweet Potato Granules in Thick Slurries, Section 1: Review of Sweet Potato Anthocyanin, Section 2: The Preparation of Sweet Potato Anthocyanins, 2.2 Purification of Sweet Potato Anthocyanins, Section 3: The Stabilities of Anthocyanins from Sweet Potato, Section 4: Biological Activity of Sweet Potato Anthocyanin, Section 5: Applications of Sweet Potato Anthocyanins, Section 1: Overview of Chlorogenic Acids From Sweet Potato, Section 2: Technology to Prepare Chlorogenic Acids From Sweet Potatoes, Section 3: Biological Activities of Chlorogenic Acids From Sweet Potatoes, Section 4: The Stability of Chlorogenic Acids From Sweet Potatoes, Section 5: The Applications of Chlorogenic Acids From Sweet Potatoes. . D. J. Biopolymers Food Emulsions. The wine has a rice wine flavor and has a low-grade alcohol content, which is in line with the developing trend in alcohol production and consumption. Hu, D.L., Liao, J.K., Wu, X.L., et al., 2002. Study on the processing condition of purple sweet potato juice yoghurt. Clinically, anthocyanins have also been added to certain drugs to help patients. At pH # 6, the preservation rates of the anthocyanins decreased as the pH increased. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has certain requirements for the molecular weights of samples, and the requirements of the test instruments are also greater. 6.7A demonstrated that the anthocyanin partition coefficient increased rapidly with the increase in the ethanol concentration and liquidsolid ratio. Kelco, C.P., 2001. Sweet Potato Pectin 245 significantly affected. Our results were supported by the results of Wu et al. Thus, the number of pectin molecules attached to the emulsified particles decreased. Moreover, the anthocyanins from purple sweet potato showed a stronger DPPH radical-scavenging activity than anthocyanins from red cabbage, grape skin, elderberry, or purple corn, and eight major components of the anthocyanins from purple sweet potato showed higher activity levels than ascorbic acid (Kano et al., 2005). Nature 320, 454456. Dietary fiber supplements: effects in obesity and metabolic syndrome and relationship to gastrointestinal functions. It plays a role in regulating blood glucose and lowering the lipid content. Determination of acylated anthocyanin in human urine after ingesting a purple-fleshed sweet potato beverage with various contents of anthocyanin by LC-ESI-MS/MS. 3.1.3 Superoxide (O22)-Scavenging Activities of Chlorogenic Acids From Sweet Potatoes O22 is the free radical in the body having the longest lifetime, and it usually acts as an initiator of the free radical chain reaction, which can 384 Sweet Potato Processing Technology Figure 7.10 Hydroxyl radical-scavenging activities of chlorogenic acids from sweet potatoes. 45, 737743. In addition to boiling, steaming, roasting and drying, there are novel ways of preparing sweetpotato, especially the orange-fleshed type (OFSP), to add value to it. The values of thermal degradation parameters in 10% ethanol were similar to those in deionized water. Sosulski, F.W., Lin, M.J.Y., Humbert, E., 1978. 2. Plantago ovata husks-supplemented diet ameliorates metabolic alterations in obese Zucker rats through activation of AMP-activated protein kinase. Michael, N.C., Weiguo, W., Nikolai, K., 2006. (2012) studied the color protection technology of potato anthocyanins in carbonated beverages. The antiinflammatory and antiinfection activities are stronger than aspirin. Choi, J.H., Choi, C.Y., Lee, K.J., et al., 2009. Chlorogenic Acids From Sweet Potato 361 Figure 7.1 Composition and molecular structure of chlorogenic acids. 9 (33), 295297 (in Chinese). 1.2.4 Hypoglycemic, Serum Lipid-Lowering, and Antihypertensive Activities Cho et al. The administration of a single oral dose of 100 mg/kg anthocyanin of purple sweet potato on animals reduced the serum uric acid concentration to 4.10 6 0.04 mg/dL, compared with a concentration of 10.25 6 0.63 mg/dL in the hyperuricemic control group. DOI: Copyright 2017 China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. Because the repulsive force elimination system is not stable, continuing to add pectin will create a new repulsive force, which makes the acidified milk products stable. 48 (2), 259266. After being infected by black spot pathogen, sweet potatoes have black spots, became hardened, and have a bitter taste. At pH 5.0, the emulsion particle diameter was significantly less than the other emulsion particle diameters (P , 0.05) under other pH values. Compared with the control, the intake of PSPAs extended the duration of ethanol-induced loss of righting reflex significantly (P , 0.05), especially for the high-dose PSPAs group (P , 0.01). 19 in distilled water. In addition, the expression levels of cadherin and the 5 integrin group were inhibited. 6.7B). Expanding the application range and increasing the application depth. Then 2.0 mL of saturated Na2CO3 (10% w/v) was added and kept at 30 C for 30 min. The influence of light and maturity on fruit quality and flavonoid content of red raspberries. The book provides a detailed and comprehensive account of physicochemical and functional properties of sweet potato products, the nutritional components extracted . 17 (2), 8792. Chlorogenic Acids From Sweet Potato 389 3.3 ALDOSE REDUCTASE INHIBITORY ACTIVITIES OF CHLOROGENIC ACIDS FROM SWEET POTATOES Aldose reductase catalyzes the conversion from glucose to sorbitol in mammals, which is the main cause of diabetic complications, such as cataracts and neurological diseases (Nishimura et al., 1991). Pectin can also form a gel without the presence of Ca21, but the strength of the gel structure is weak, and at a high shear frequency, the gel shows fluid characteristics (tan . Tighe, P., Duthie, G., Vaughan, N., Brittenden, J., Simpson, W.G., Duthie, S., et al., 2010. See also Diabetes concentrations, 143144, 144f, 153154, 154f insulin-containing molecules, 130131 Interface-adsorbed protein, 9798 Interleukin-6 (IL-6), 129, 146147 Intermolecular copigmentation, 284285 Intestine intestinal microbes, 128129 SCFAs in, 129 Inulin, 128131 Ion-exchange chromatography method, 79 resin, 192193 Ionization reaction, 374 Ions, 6162 Ipomeamarone, 267 Ipomoea batatas.. See Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) Ipomoein, 5253 Isoelectric point precipitation method, 62. Dietary fiber, glycemic load, and risk of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in women. 31 (23), 401404 (in Chinese). Every 5 mL of eluted solution was collected and their TPCs were determined. Chlorogenic acid protects MSCs against oxidative stress by altering FOXO family genes and activating intrinsic pathway. Food Mach. Eur. Jing, P., Zhao, S.J., Xie, Z.H., et al., 2012. 133 (11), 35093515. Free Radic. When the NaCl concentration was less than 0.3 M (Fig. Before low temperature storage, potatoes must be properly cured or suberized at 15.6 C. Effect of dietary fiber in the quantitative expression of butyrate receptor GPR43 in rats colon. (2009) evaluated the effect of anthocyanins on the brain aging in mice induced by D-galactose, and sweet potato anthocyanin intake significantly enhanced mouse passive avoidance and reduced D-galactoseinduced cognitive impairment. Sci. HPLC analysis and determination of anthocyanidin composents in different varieties of purple sweet potato. The reaction rate constant k and the activation energy, Ea were determined graphically from a plot of ln(C/C0) versus time and ln k versus 1/T, respectively. Potato 9781501344312. Each of the standard stock solutions was diluted to 50 g/mL with 80% (v/v) methanol. When 1% sweet potato anthocyanin was added to food, it can significantly improve the blood pressures and heart rates of hypertensive rats (Shindo et al., 2007). 2.3.4 Effects of the Solid/Liquid Ratio on the Pectin Yield and the Galacturonic Acid Content of Sweet Potato Pectin With an increase in the solid/liquid ratio from 15:1 to 30:1, the pectin yield significantly increased (P , 0.05) and reached a maximum value of 4.97% at 30:1. 4.1. Chauhan, D., Li, G., Podar, K., et al., 2005. Technol. (2009) found that sweet potato dietary fiber could improve the quality of bread and help to prolong its preservation period. equilibrium TPC in the sample solution, and C0 and V0 are as defined in formula (7.1). Technol. 104 (3), 12201225. Pectin extracted by acid is treated by an alkali (generally pH 10) and incubated at a relatively mild temperature (5060 C) for a period of time (generally 60 min). 4.3 THE EMULSIFYING PROPERTIES OF SWEET POTATO PECTIN Single factor tests were used to investigate the effects of pectin concentrations (0.5%4.0%), oil-phase volume fractions (5%40%), pH values (2.07.0), NaCl concentrations (0.051.0 M) and Ca21 concentrations (0.58 mM) on its emulsifying properties. Sweet potato based products are of high quality and could . In mitochondria, some acetic acid can enter into the tricarboxylic acid cycle and be oxidized into CO2 and H2O, which are removed from the body (Oyama et al., 2005). Values followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P . Willats, W.G., McCartney, L., Mackie, W., Knox, J.P., 2001. 6.23. Eur. 3,4,5-O-CQA and 4,5-O-CQA can inhibit the proliferation of liver cancer cells. Alcohol can produce a large amount of radicals during its metabolism in the liver. The ferric-reducing antioxidant powers of chlorogenic acids from sweet potato leaves increased in a dose-dependent manner. This was consistent with the results of Inohara et al. However, in China, sweet potato leaves are only used in livestock feed. China Condiment 8 (37), 6873, 78 (in Chinese). 4.21), the migration rate of the PMA group was 40.76%, however, the migration rate of the pHmodified pectin-treated group (1 mg/mL) was 14.45%. The processing technology of the fermented sweet potato freeze-dried sugar-free food according to claim 1, which is characterized in that: the sweet potato is high in sweetness, compact in meat quality, fine in fiber and uniform in meat color. 4.40) on EAI of the emulsion. Pectin structure and biosynthesis. 24 (1), 4043 (in Chinese). Antioxidant capacity of a new crispy type food products determined by updated analytical strategies. 4.2.5 Effects of Sweet Potato Anthocyanins on the Hepatic MDA Activity Level Alcohol metabolism may lead to an increase in active oxygen radicals, these free radicals interact with the lipid membrane rapidly, causing a series of lipid peroxidation reactions (Rong et al., 2012). The Sweet Potato Dietary Fiber 171 appearance and intrinsic qualities of bread were improved when the added amounts of sweet potato dietary fiber and residue were 1%3% and 3%, respectively, while these two qualities decreased when the amounts of sweet potato dietary fiber and residue were 5% and 6%, respectively.
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