Send an email to the author: To the left, against the western wall, was a small black grand piano. The interior had two levels, with the first four to six feet at ground level and the rest on a slightly raised platform accessed by a single step. There are so many incredible things that have been done with this type of technology and it has so much more potential! Surveillance camera footage of underground rooms at Jeffrey Epsteins mansion on his private island features abused children locked in rooms. A scale to show just how small nanometers are. You can read why at either of the links, or read the update here. Look closely at the configuration of the seating, the lights, the designs on the floor. Graphene was discovered in 2004, in 2005 one hundred ninety four Countries signed the Worldwide Covenant that lead us to this Pandemic. Its one of the strongest, thinnest conductors ever. While this explanation is somewhat believable Epstein is a classically-trained pianist the wording suggests it is more of a rumor than a commonly-known fact. Epstein's island, officially known as Little Saint James, is situated between St. Thomas and St. John, two of the largest islands of the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. Built on a 60 feet elevation, the temple is believed to be sitting on a network of underground tunnels. Well, I found this article when looking for more information about Nano Technology. The outlandish temple, with no clear history or purpose, provided the perfect detail: an otherwise minor plot element that promised to illuminate the whole story. Its gold dome flew off during the deadly 2017 hurricane season.". "When you say 'study' or 'retreat,' there is a different connotation. What is it used for? Epstein was the owner of not one, but two islands in the Caribbean, having more than doubled his property holdings in January 2016 when he paid $18 million for Great St James. The floors appeared to be made of wood and were covered with a large Oriental rug. He is a former partner at the highly respected . A representative for the facility, now called the IJ Morris at Star of David Cemetery, confirmed that Seymour and Pauline Epstein are interred in a mausoleum there. Over the next few years, I began to become more curious about the chemical makeup of the things around me and how they came to be, but I never really sat back and pondered it fully. The island's southwestern corner features an unusual blue-and-white-striped building that resembles a temple or place of worship. The new charges against Jeffrey Epstein have renewed questions about his private Caribbean island, which features a building that resembles a religious temple. The leak was ruining the top of the piano, and the flooring. The building, by contrast, is shaped like a rectangle and has no covered porch to speak of. But as Schapiro acknowledged, the building substantially deviates from the blueprints, which describe an octagonal structure surrounded by a covered porch, with internal partitions for a bathroom, a closet, and a living room. Two underground entrances have been located on Jeffrey Epstein's 'Orgy Island. There is so much potential when it comes to nanotech. Epstein's plans hit a snag however soon after he purchased the island when he was hit with a pair of cease and desist orders. This is callednanotechnology. On an island in the sun:Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change and Jeff Berwick filmed some of the buildings on little St James, Jeffrey Epstein's Caribbean hideaway, Legends of the hidden temple: The mysterious structure that is believed to have house a home theater is still without its gold dome, FAKE:The video revealed that the wooden doors on the island's infamous temple are painted on and not real, Reflecting: Inone shot a man can be seen in the reflection of a window (above on left) walking just a few feet away from Rudkowski with what looks like a mop and some towels, Pedophile Island: The 71.5-acre island was purchased in 1998 for $7.95 million by Epstein, who built a massive compound, Caribbean getaway:Epstein was the owner of not one, but two islands in the Caribbean, having more than doubled his property holdings in January 2016 when he paid $18 million for Great St James, There is also a look at an office on the island, which has the manual for a charger and a little British flair in the form of a sign that reads: 'Keep Calm and Carry On.'. Once up close, the video reveals that those two doors on the temple are painted on, and that Epstein has his initials on the temple. With nanoparticles or nanorobots, drugs could be delivered across the brain barrier to tackle neurological disorders. Epstein, who learned what it meant to be an advocate from Ohlbaum while at the Defender Association of Philadelphia, was humbled by the . Verdict: Certainly possible, but still unproven. Others have floated the hypothesis that it conceals an elevator shaft, which in turn accesses a subterranean lair where the same abuse occurred. Remember, the building was erected between 2009 and 2013. Most had no basis in fact or reason. Fellowship of the Minds reports: Born in Brooklyn, New York, Epstein managed somehow to become a billionaire. Epstein's residence on the island is a stone mansion with cream-colored walls and a turquoise roof. That is a little embarrassing to admit, with its connotations of Scooby-Doo and alien abductions. If this didn't work, I planned to drop it altogether. 1. If Epstein wanted to perpetrate crimes without interference, why would he do so in the most conspicuous building on his private island? Machines exhibiting cognitive behaviour, with human-like intelligence. The sides appear to be cut with large windows, including a full-length one in the rear. A temple and a secret underground bunker: An urban explorer has shared footage online after sneaking onto jeffrey epstein's private island in the virgin islands. Credit, Rusty Shackleford YouTube Channel. Dont be surprised when the computer and electrical engineers take full control of health field! Hurricane Irma, which was a Category 5 storm when it made landfall on the island, is still the most powerful hurricane to ever hit the Atlantic region. Do you see the framed symbol of a computer chip laying on the desk in front of Robert Noyce? We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Someone enhanced the images of Channels 10 and 14, revealing children. Prosecutors say he preyed on girls as young as 14 and paid some of them to become recruiters who. We are in the second stage of nanotechnology but are rapidly approaching the third. The bookcases were filled with hardcover bestsellers. He later told The Virgin Islands Daily News that at the end of those six years he cut off contact with Epstein entirely. Recently released drone footage took some close-up shots of the temple, revealing several strange details. That 162-acre property is located next to Little St. James, the 71.5-acre island he purchased in 1998 for $7.95 million. There taking a bath together afterwards and t Goal is to level the Roth child's dush bag's Good analysis with the air. YouTube traveler and TikTok influencer Andy Bracco snuck onto Jeffrey Epstein's infamous Caribbean island and went viral with his findings this . }else{ By working at this ultra-small scale, there are so many possibilities that have the potential to revolutionize many different fields ranging from health care to renewable energy to manufacturing! Watch on. That 162-acre property is located next to Little St. James, the 71.5-acre island he purchased in 1998 for $7.95 million. Visit INSIDER's homepage for more stories. That would explain your question about the door lock," which curiously appears designed to prevent people inside from leaving. The persistence of this mystery is especially remarkable given the intense public scrutiny of Epstein and his circle since his arrest in July. Baron described the structure as a "relatively small building" near the island's coast, far away from the other structures on the island. Jeffrey Epstein, the well-connected sex criminal who died by suicide in federal custody, owned a 70-acre private island in the US Virgin Islands known as Little St. James. This too is part of their MagicWorking. Conspiracy theorists have suggested that the temple was either a secluded setting for Epstein's abuse or that it concealed a hidden underground location for the same purpose. But even if the building's motif alludes to the sexual culture of a society that ended more than 1,400 years ago, Greek pederasty was a male phenomenon. This work has been done despite the fact that only the construction of a flagpole and repair of cisterns has been approved on the island. The FBI received accounts from about 40 under age girls who said they had been molested by Epstein. We have discovered that nanorobots could be used to target specific tumors in our body along with so many illnesses. Disturbing footage stills from a survey camera has allegedly captured children trapped in underground rooms at billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's private island (Little Saint James) in the Caribbean. But, this photo gives a clearer picture of some of the less obvious symbols around the temple. There were hundreds of children's bones found in the water near his Temple. Using the directory, I looked up piano technicians in the Virgin Islands. Applications such as siri and google-cast are providing the user with a human-like interaction experience. Still, no theory has convincingly explained why Epstein erected the building or what may have happened inside. CHINA IS MAKING MOVES, THE UN IS NOT YOUR FRIEND PART 2 NOAHIDE LAWS YOU NEED TO KNOW, The KOBE Bryant Story The Devil is in the Details that you probably missed. Footage Of Abused Children Captured On Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo Island World News Today 15.8K subscribers Subscribe 359 Share 71K views 4 years ago Surveillance camera footage of underground. The assumption that Epstein acted according to a certain logic, and that that logic could be ascertained through research and reporting, seemed less and less certain. Nano as a term is no longer perceived as special; we got used to small devices and artificial intelligence in our daily life. It makes sense. Shortly after my original post about the building was published, a reader in St. John emailed: "I have it on good authority his parents are buried there. In fact, it has the same carbon structure as the graphite you use every day when you draw or write with your pencil! . No one will be able to hide. LIES! The 'owl' is Moloch, a satanic entity that demands child sacrifice. According to court filings, Epstein was accused of trafficking . He suggests that there are tunnels below the temple and the 'puppet masters' often travel to this island. I am sure that someone with a technology background could give us more images that fit the profile. But at the atomic level, the nano level, graphite becomes, (To put it into perspective, for every millimeter of graphite there are, Whats even more amazing is that graphene is only one of millions of possibilities! TED STRESHINSKY/THE LIFE IMAGES COLLECTION/GETTY IMAGES. Prosecutors entered many of the photos as exhibits last week during the testimony, accusing . This would allow for micro dosages right where the patient needs preventing harmful side effects. If you know anything about this building or want to share your personal theory about its purpose , NOW WATCH: You can rent an entire private island in Belize on Airbnb. Someone, somewhere, must have a clue. Verdict: Plausible, but the supporting testimony is inconsistent with the chronology of the building's construction. He didn't recall seeing any blue and white stripes on the exterior. Recently released drone footage took some close-up shots of the temple, revealing several strange details. They have useful material properties, but thats as far as it goes. Three days later, my phone rang. 1719 North Broad Street. Jeffrey Epstein, 66, killed himself on Saturday after being charged with sex trafficking dozens of underage girls Credit: Rex Features 13 Epstein bought Little St James Island, in the US Virgin. This research is intended to find out how Graphene can alter the principle of electronic, health, construction, and energy sectors of our economy. THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS ABOUT TO TAKE THE WHEEL, OHIO NORFOLK RAIL DISASTER snarly, tangled complexity. I know this because my friend has been in that room several times to tune the piano.". Q. Some of these similarities are debatable, and some are absurd, but it is difficult to ignore the sense that the building resembles something. Workers told each other it was a music room fitted with a grand piano and acoustic walls. Maybe Scully never entered the building and only heard about its interior from someone else. The transformation between - and -quartz only involves a comparatively minor rotation of the tetrahedra with respect to one another, without change in the way they are linked.. Both groups have referred to the building as a "temple. Its just one atom thick! I also believe that Ellen just happens to be their chosen patsy right now, it was Tom Hanks a minute ago. Or maybe he visited the island and entered the building sometime after he stopped working for Epstein. Regarding the first: I was unable to find a historical example of Moloch being depicted as an owl, an idea that some authors have traced to "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove," a 2000 documentary filmed and produced by the radio fabulist Alex Jones. A nano fabric paper towel woven from tiny wires of potassium manganese dioxide has been designed by researchers that have the ability to absorb 20x its weight in oil for cleanup. It is unclear what, if any , benefits Epstein had been afforded because of his hiring of de Jongh. Surprisingly, graphene isnt a unique or rare substance. During Hurricanes Irma and Maria, its golden dome blew off and was never replaced. Looks like they took the quartz and shaped it into a ball. I can understand why this post says they are Greek. An "urban explorer" on Jeffrey Epstein's island. Verdict: Initially believable, but provably false. All I came up with was an image of microscopic particles jam-packed together because it was solid. Its 78 acres resemble a bird in flight, with its head, tail, and two wings corresponding to the intercardinal directions: Little St. James Island, seen via satellite. Original Link: I just re-uploaded the video and the problem with the screen is fixed. When INSIDER consulted James Both, a contractor and engineerbased in Chicago, he first pointed to the wooden door. There Is undeniable evidence that there is a major underground compound underneath the island. This theory is based on three separate accounts. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories, the discovery of a strange blue-and-white structure. Based on all of this, the real challenges are still ahead of us and before we can start using them, additional development is necessary. (Baron wasn't certain which specific pope, but when I showed him photos of the most recent three, he said his best guess was John Paul II.). The Computer and Electrical Engineers are in full control of the Healthcare INDUSTRY.). But, we KNOW that it relates to MIND CONTROL, COMPUTERS, NANOTECHNOLOGY, SEX, REPRODUCTION, and TRANS-HUMANISM. In the video below, uploaded to YouTube on October 11, 2016, the narrator claims Jeffrey Epstein has a video of Bill Clinton raping 13-year-old girls. By mid-August, after speaking to the piano tuner who never tuned Epstein's piano, I was blocked and bewildered. ", "I went in there knowing absolutely nothing about [Epstein], except that he was wealthy," he said. Sun, Feb 26, 2023 LOGIN Subscribe for $1 In the video below, uploaded to YouTube on October 11, 2016, the narrator claims Jeffrey Epstein has a video of Bill Clinton raping 13-year-old girls. There were likely many more buried under the ground. Due to its recognizable look, the building gained popularity as a way of referencing Jeffrey Epstein and topics related to his trafficking case in the following years, with users sneaking in the building into various edits. That's the right location. Jeffrey Epstein, the well-connected sex criminal who died by suicide in federal custody, owned a 70-acre private island in the US Virgin Islands known as Little St. James. The bookcases went high enough to require a ladder. Are you open to this kind of a change? Although we are rapidly making advancements in nanotechnology, there are many challenges that are holding us back from reaching its full potential. A favorite among online conspiracists, this theory combines the more fantastical elements of the Pizzagate and QAnon conspiracy theories, including cryptic allusions to pagan deities and underground chambers for abusing and murdering children. Epstein Temple refers to a blue-striped square building on Little St. James, a private island that belonged to sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. The entrance consists of an arched, seemingly wooden door equipped with black metal hardware. Well, I certainly have and it would be AWESOME! After briefing Baron about the various projects she was managing, Karen handed him off to another employee, an older man who belonged to the island's maintenance staff. A simple stairwell would be a better option if someone wanted to conceal their activities at the location. Here's what it currently looks like on Apple Maps (notice the lack of a dome): The smaller structure is significant if only because it could theoretically offer a second method of accessing or leaving the larger building, which in turn would suggest the presence of a hidden structure underneath it. They also underscore how little is known about his life, including the source of his wealth, and how what is known doesn't quite add up. An entrance to an underground lair. 3. as well as other partner offers and accept our. Sign up for notifications from Insider! I see enough imagery that is similar to believe that these symbols represent technology. -quartz belongs to the hexagonal system, space groupP6222 andP6422, respectively. The documents clearly show a building designed to show off a grand piano. But he is the only visitor to offer a plausible and chronologically sound account of the building's interior. And it would be strange for a reader to use their real name to lie about what a local boat captain told them about a particular building on Epstein's private island. But there was no ladder. Do you recognize the frame picture held up by Robert Noyce was holding in the picture at the beginning of this post? Another comment read (minor typos have been corrected): "Every time I was there it seemed some kind of repair was being done to structure. We now have a much clearer picture of the building's ostensible purpose. Like the first stage, we create these by manipulating the structure of things at the atomic level, but in this stage, they are actually able to make changes to other things. 10:00AM - 8:00PM; Google+ Twitter Facebook Skype. Epstein Island Temple Tunnels. Attention has focussed on a blue-and-white temple-like building with a gold dome that some conspiracy theorists believe covers and underground tunnel network. Have you ever sat back and thought about how your surroundings work at an atomic level? We also need to consider what kind of an effect will it create on the global drug market. There is no clear evidence that Epstein constructed a special facility for abusing children or sacrificing them to Moloch or any other deity. Philadelphia, PA 19122. It is surrounded by a line of palm trees and a terrace with. The clip - taken by an anti-corruption organisation - also shows the seedy outdoor massage room where underage girls would pamper the registered sex offender. But, this photo gives a clearer picture of some of the less obvious symbols around the temple. So I sent him an email and left a voicemail asking if he had ever tuned a piano for Epstein. The puppet masters have traveled to this Island many times, on special satanic celebrations. The elite are dreaming of a Space Elevator with sides 12 miles apart that extends 22,000 miles into the heavens THE NEW TOWER OF BABEL? A monument to sexual predation. Given their love of and interest in underground tunnel access as we have seen in plans and blueprints that range from Epstein's Little St.James and likely Zorro properties to whatever links the underground D.C. system to Comet Pizza in and around the Dupont Circle area and environs, we can safely assume that it would be child's play (ahem . "It is true that I am a piano tuner with the Piano Technicians Guild," the piano tuner said. According to IFL Science,DNA robotsare already being tested in the human body (in 2017 if they have not been using it much longer without revealing it to us.) Epstein's private island of Little Saint James features a massive network of underground tunnels and . But when I called that piano tuner, he told me: "I've never been to Jeffrey Epstein's private island. Over the next few years, I began to become more curious about the chemical makeup of the things around me and how they came to be, but I never really sat back and pondered it fully. The latest buzz about the Jeffrey Epstein child sex-trafficking case regards a temple-like structure on his private island an island he calls "Little St. Jeff's," but one St. Thomas locals called "Pedophile Island" or "Orgy Island.". At least I could not find any that matched. Image courtesy of Andy Bracco. There are currently a lot of different applications for nanotech in all sorts of industries and there will be far more in the not too distant future! A simple stairwell would be a better option if someone wanted to conceal their activities at the location.". From the enormous ornate sundial to his undomed freaky sex temple, all of the island is laid bare for everybody to see. According to a calendar he kept at the time, Baron went to the island twice: in August 2012 and October 2012. A cursory search for news about bones on Epstein's island was largely fruitless, suggesting the latter was likely correct. as well as other partner offers and accept our. On April 3, 2018, Q Anon posted a message on the AltMedia message board 8chan, with an overhead photo of Epsteins Pedo Island, and an allusion to tunnels and rooms underneath the island of pure evil. What they lead to or what they were used for is still a mystery! The island. Lets GET REAL and GET READY! Discussion about Epstein's Temple - THIS IS WHAT IT IS - The Cult of Goddess Worship - Lilith, Ishtar etc. Andy Bracco "The most surreal experience was the final moments leading up to reaching the temple. I asked Baron what he thought the building was used for. 4. It is good for writing, it is silver, shiny and leaves residue. The final scene of the men 'fleeing,' shot a few minutes after an island staffer strolled by Rodkowski, is cut with a look at the massage room. listenButton1.onclick = function(){ In the two months since Insider highlighted the structure, I've received dozens of tips about its true purpose. Did you notice in the video, when he was talking about the ROBOPACALYPSE, the black hole of Singularity, where AI is beyond our control this is the picture he puts up on the screen: Cynthia really needs your help!!! A nanocube is the same ratio to an eye as an eye is to the entire Earth! Epstein's island was used to provide the elite a safe and secluded place where they could keep little children in cages and chains and use them for sexual perversion, torture and kill them. That looks a lot like the CoronaVirus but made up of the Quartz system I am not a scientist so I dont know for certain how these shapes are used and how they can be interchanged. Epstein island has underground dungeon and dining hall. Just Go MOTHER RUSSIA! Both groups have referred to the building as a "temple.". The building undeniably resembles the blue-and-gold fabric headdress worn by pharaohs in ancient Egypt. The exact amount is not known, but the fine was between $140,000 and $180,000. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Download vCard. "The other thing I remember," the reader later added, "was the Golden Owl on the roof pointed in a certain direction and that had [some kind of] meaning. Putting fear into your heart. Jeffrey Epstein, a notorious sex trafficker who a private island in which the likes of Bill Clinton visited many times according to flight logs of . To put how small the scale they are working at into perspective a little bit, a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, which is100 000xsmaller than a human hair! . And what was Epstein's punishment for molesting 36 girls? Stay up to date with what you want to know. Insider explored the most prominent and tantalizing theories about the building, including that it is a monument to an evil Canaanite god and that it is a crypt. The reader did not want to be named, but I was able to verify their longtime residence in the US Virgin Islands. Nanotechnology is all around us and it has so much potential! Fellowship of the Minds reports: Born in Brooklyn, New York, Epstein managed somehow to become a billionaire. The piano-tuning industry is quite small, and while the piano tuner has a somewhat common name, I was unable to find a second piano tuner with the same name. ", Another reader sent an annotated photo, below, that described the statues as harpies, the half-bird, half-human creatures of Greek and Roman mythology. There is so much potential when it comes to nanotech. You can see the back of the structure in, The front is flanked by statues painted in gold; one of them appears to be the trident-wielding Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, while two others look like birds perched on the corners of the roof. Me: `` I 've never been to Jeffrey Epstein have renewed questions about his Caribbean! Same carbon structure as the graphite you use every day when you say 'study ' or,! The exact amount is not known, but the supporting testimony is inconsistent with the screen is.. What, if any, benefits Epstein had been afforded because of his of... Private Caribbean island, which features a massive network of underground rooms at Jeffrey Epsteins mansion on his private that! Windows, including a full-length one in the most surreal experience was the final moments leading up to the... An image of microscopic particles jam-packed together because it was a music room with... 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