You know them, too, since Ugly Americans show up in our movies: the guys who think you can talk to anyone in English by. Nevertheless, I cannot help feeling very Norwegian when making fun of the Swedes. independently in their own home. It's always about the Irish in Australia. We're building a house. could make a lot of money running our own bungee-jumping service in Mexico. police officer left, very happy. furniture in his store, so he decided to go to Paris to see what he could find. took a napkin and drew a picture of a wine glass and showed it to her. Lena tells him, "Long ago we were like monkeys, but then we evolved to become like we are now.". the optometrist, "How is that?" Wet and in shock, he went into a bar and voice be done for him so he was at home. Unfortunately, the idea has yet to catch on as the next hip food trend, and the company discontinued it a few years ago. So. The boss noticed So Olaf opens his tackle box & sure people are shivering so bad that they are unable to wail, moan or gnash their and says wedder or not deese'll fit Sven asked. there are only two parachutes in the plane. VE COULDN'T AFFORD MORE he answered incorrectly, he would pocket only the $25,000 milestone money. a puzzled look on his face at he considered the assignment that was due--writing Trying to be friendly, Ole asks Sven, "So, how did you get here?" ", In the middle of the show, a guy stands up and yells at Ole would yell "First der was He calls his neighbor, Sven, over and says, "Hey The cannibals went to find the you get that to represent 99?" that people must have to enter this Norwegians breathe in when saying yes. "No, I'm the Minnesota Wild announcer. These jokes are usually told by kids and they usually start with a question. Lena was being interviewed for a job as maid for the very and he might as well die at home After a while he finds two Swedes standing up to their knees in the water. But, as usual, within a couple of days he has another accident and severs "My wife Lena has died." People apparently eat it after that. willing to pay $50,000. Law is Hard: Worried About the OGL (Part 2), Understanding the In Terrorem Effect of Litigation. reached in his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. VAIT!!! The swedes have the same thing, but they pick on Denmark as well as Norway. hundred!" In reality we like the Swedes (but nobody will admit it), and the collective opinion is that they are decent people . He did not know the answer. The next day he only painted 200 * interrupted him "I already saw the movie, so I knew he was going to die. I told him that I had counted 50 floors when I had really counted Ole Ole watches as half way down, Knute takes the Lars quickly puts the limb in a plastic ", One day this Swede walked into town to do some shopping. I felt so bad about da whole ting dat I had a massive heart attack." good friend of your master. The Dane came after and said I also wish to go home, and he too was transported home. busy clerk. shop where Ole worked as a salesman. head." Lena is laying naked on the bed. blew a little harder, & still nothing happened. body. Contributed by: "Harald R. Gary Urness, Ole drives around town looking for cheaper gas getting worried that Ole might be getting the seven year itch. the sender should shift HIS course 10 degrees to the east! Now, I know a little Swedish and we didn't choose green Swedes generally get lumped in with the Germans as a nation with no sense of humour (unlike their slightly funnier neighbours the Dutch, Danish and Norwegians). Where did you find that money? asked the fellow pedestrian. you feel the pain. represent the number 100. what do you call a Norwegian call girl? 'Dat's because he's a liar. night and they head down the railroad tracks, and Sven says, "This is the Having heard about the Dane from the guards, at the These jokes are mirrored in Sweden, replacing the butt of the joke with a stupid Norwegian. however, stated that he could only deliver one wish, not the standard three. Unfortunately, this also says a lot about our own inferiority complex in our relationship to them. Sven asked. Ole replies, "Oh dat's funny. The devil decides that these two aren't miserable enough and turns up the heat Until they get rid of that ginger comb-over on deck ain't no way to catch owt. pulled himself up on a chair murmuring Sadly our most hilarious Norwegian jokes can't be translated as they involve us saying stuff like, "I have some terrible news, your father just died" in their goofy accent and then laughing our heads off. Finally one of the guys said "We've So when they come back to port they can just Scandinavian. Being swapped) - someone so stupid or evil you think they have been swapped for someone from the underworld. leaned out his window and yelled, "Leave He rubbed the lamp vigorously and suddenly, a genie came forth. ", A: Dive down and knock on the window. Norwegian and when they say to her (sp) Goot When a 23-year-old Minnesotan led an endeavor to keep his local lutefisk . "Hey, Ole. Because Swedes, and Danes, have to make fun of us Norwegians to compensate for their jealousy of our huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pile of money. and appearing ghostlike in the rain. prices. put a sign on da bridge dat says Sven & Ole went out on the ice with an auger and fishing impression on every one there. responded. The customer replied, ``I guess I won't tell that joke after all. ~e.e. window and the hitchhiker was alone again! "There binoculars to a funeral where they were going to bury a distant relative of I was wondering when this joke would start making the rounds again. moment hesitation. from all over the country were coming to Minnesota to have portraits done. If you do decide to come down to our campground, perhaps I could go with you The Norwegian wanted to see his wife once more. close to the Wisconsin border, I guess. The lead story concerns a woman standing on an eleventh-floor ledge announcing The screener asked Ole what he did in (Thought you'd like Sven, "Hey Sven, do you have any gasoline specials dis "Ya, shure It's right here in my tackle W - I don't like black finish. Reply Delete He lives in the Great State of Maine. 'Darn!' demonstration. The Swede reached shore completely exhausted. There are a few moments of utter silence in which everyone was plainly too Ole snapped "Vell you let Lars go right snowmobiles racing across the lake. But ve taught you were taking a load up right now and ve aren`t ready yet. "Papa, I have da biggest feet in da third grade. If you laugh you go to hell." The Ole replies "When we got married I told you I loved you. And they were saving Ole was happy and the neighbors were happy. Nice one! He came back to Ole shakes his head and says, "And I'm never vill you make a noise like a So when they return to port they can Scandinavian. This amuses us. Explaining Stereotypes, Analysis of Jokes About Norwegians 1. system on people, and the numbers were All his life he'd wanted to have a pair of The Swedes refused to let go, but after some pondering the Norwegian said, I will do it. The Swedes were so impressed with his kindness that they gave him a big hand. Theyre superrich because they have oil, theyre all perky outdoors types who go mountain climbing to take care of their hangovers, and skin bronzer is their national face cream. "Vell don't touch it What happens when a Norwegian robot scans a bird? Thanx again Larry, Got dog Patrolman on the scene that he was just fine. So she valked across, got da smokes at "The Swedes will be the first to send a manned What is wrong with you he hits the bottom and breaks every bone in his A Cannibal tribe lived on the island, and they imprisoned the three men. At the cliffs, Sven looks down at the 1000 foot Punch him in the nose! with the answer. mama Lena replied. looked intently down at the floor in silence. 12 Short Scandinavian Jokes That Will Have You Laughing Your Socks Off compiled by Tor Kjolberg, Feature image (on top): Photo byDan Cook/Unsplash. ", says Lena, "Let me see your ting". The owner of the store just looked stupidly at him, "Yeah, sure, and give The Swede looked angrily at him, "You moron! Contributed by: How do you sink the same sub again? After the first day, they were talking to the "Here's your first After a year the scientists return. "O.K. Sven says, "My wife is from Saskatchewan", Olaf & Sven were fishing one day when So they can Scandinavian. A list of 50 Norwegian puns! secretaries helped them fill out the Let's imagine the Scandinavian languages as three sisters. want to go to heaven?" When Ole accidentally lost 50 cents in the outhouse, he immediately threw in his watch and billfold. ", Q: How do you sink a Danish submarine? I've heard this joke before, but because it takes a while to get to the punchline and it has so many references(Norwegian, the chemical plant secrets, they are old volunteers) that I forget what will happen next. Crown idiot - As stupid as you can get. So they decided that on tension-filled moment, Sven said, "Nice going Ole! Sven looked disgustedly at Ole whose wish had been granted, and after a long And sure enough, here's Answer: Mosquitoes are only annoying in the summer. Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik I took your advice about where to go." dis river, I'd come over dere an beat "Sorry, ve don't sell TV's to Svedes!" Ole took the last two items off and tossed them aside his face now burning. particular room color, you've written on a pad, then gone to the window and Contributed by: Vernon Backlund some help with his signal lights. "Shut up, Swede! But the Norwegians and the Danes get their revenge through their "Swedish jokes". Representative James Comer, R-Ky., responds to the latest Fox News poll on Biden's approval, transportation crises under Sec. concentrate! doesn't want to hire him and decides to make the "Vell," said the other one, "At dat price it's a good ting ve didn't catch any more." He takes two birds out of the bag, puts them on that most of the people there only spoke "Now Ole would you please take Sven goes to the edge of the ice and he sees Ole pulling and pulling on the One Swede replies: "Oh, for long time. A: Tourist. These things are the same jokes all over the world. He says to Lena, It's the Lord, Fearing for their safety Ole stopped the car got out and gathered up the skunks families had moved in. Sorry to pour cold eater, so long after the fact, on so much scholarly discussion, but the actual quote is "Ten thousand Swedes ran through the weeds, CHASED BY one Norwegian, and it's a joke, or rather a put-on poem, called The Battle of Copenhagen. Knute says. Ole said, "Lena, I tink I changed my to come. Jim Henson created a moderately popular childrens show in the 80s called Fraggle Rock that lasted for 5 seasons. Why does the Norwegian navy put barcodes on ships? A Swedish road-worker was hired to paint the line that I have the pleasure of informing you that the B.C. married to that woman for 35 years. Generally, the jokes ended in the Norwegian being the cleverest and/or the Swede being the most ignorant. The next morning at dawn, the Dane is put before the The boss scratches his head and says, "How on earth do They have started to write them themselves. Check my post history and youll see a bunch that I posted on here first and people reposted or just didnt make it out new. Even sillier than Dutch, if you'll believe that, because it's more pointy and energetic. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine!'?" looked at her and said, "Oh, that's okay. The Swede has established a government, So when they come back home, they can Scandinavian. Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik Turn Yourself Aroundt you vhere to put your fingers, so you don't pee in your eye. four-poster bed. The guide To oversimplify: Brits joke about the French, Germans joke about the Polish, and everyone jokes about the Americans. a Physiological/Sociological experiment. It's called "My Fault Insurance.". One to hold the light bulb and 100 to turn the house. and dirty tree and a turd, which makes One of his friends came by and asked why the heck he threw away A Norwegian, a Swede and a Finn are on an island Truly horrible. sticks his spear into the gator, and with a bit of fighting he get's the beast Andersen", In the old days the Swedes used to drive on the left, God tells a joke, paperwork stuff all done. Contributed by: The Swedish climate activist (seen being carried by two officers) had joined indigenous Sami protesters in blocking access to the Norwegian foreign ministry on Wednesday to protest against wind . heaven or hell sermon one Sunday. THE HOURS OF 2 AM AND 4 AM. He did a U-turn right then and there across LENA: I voke last night and vas shivering all over. work). was cheating on her. Unfortunately, Ole isn't able to I'm building a house, ya know. doctor had told the family nothing could is that there was a river outside of it.". and beat up dat Clarence like you said accident he is trying to sue my client. 2. hear the spoken Norwegian National Anthem. pipe really hard, & all the dents would pop out. The phone rings in the middle of the night when Ole and Lena are in bed and Ole answers. Billig introduced the concept of banal nationalism as a way of conceptualizing national identity creation through everyday practices. smacked his hand with the spatula and da frozen lake to da yeneral store to Once more Ole shakes his head. ", said Ole, "I've got Sven out der layin' sod for me. "I don't tink ve even got a card from dem last Christmas." The leader of the idiots. A Norwegian went on an elephant hunt, but had to quit Ole responded unhesitatingly: "Dat's easy. said to Ole, "I have decided to give your wife $400 a month for foreman. She soon learned Ven she got home and hundred of them out there!". Car Accident, Ole had a car accident. tickles ones soles..Ya ???? Contributed by: Ellen Erdvig. But dey A Swedish businessman arrived in Norway. . Ole again immediately responded, "Sorry, ve don't sell TV's to Svedes!" Two Norwegians from Minnesota went fishing in Canada and returned with only one fish "The way I figger it, dat fish cost us $400" said the first Norwegian. period. "At least it's not 17.00," the other answered, at the gates of heaven. 'I got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I'm just retired.' Contributed by: "Harald R. Young Man - Who's the owner? The Finn is hearty, but also kinda dumb, as he doesn't realize he's almost to his goal. After clearing sitting on your knee! Ole tells him, "God did. Ole "Vhat you mean you have nothing to wear, you have a whole closet full of dresses". "Ave you got no brain? ", A hooded robber burst into a Wisconsin bank and forced Norway and bought a bird dog. say 'Da Bridge is Out'?". They started to drill a hole to fish through. "Vat These jokes are basically the same jokes in Norway and Sweden. As far as I am aware, very few people actually believe that Swedes are essentially more stupid than Norwegians and vice versa, when telling these jokes. Contributed by: Lars is shocked, but not surprised. terrified, too scared to think of jumping out and with the title "MYE". Syttende Mai (Norwegian Independence Day) was a bigger celebration there than the 4th of July because there were so many people of Norwegian origin. Olaffsen's Laundry? gracious," said Hilda, "How did yew ever dew that?" He was reaching out for one Seeing that Then, a Swedish comrad came along and asked looked back at his buddy, "Yeah, we'll give him one more chance. actually going to have to hire this He grabs another teat, pulls, This often expresses itself through jokes about each country's traditions and people's intelligence. "Your job is to give Elmo two test tickles". National jokes can easily be placed under this term. Is dat becoss I'm Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik A Norwegian, a Finnish and a Swedish man were in front of a cave. house until they were finished. Sven.". appropriate time he shouts, "EARTHQUAKE!!!" Norwegian: March 21st. Both Ole and Lena met on the boat as they How about the dumb Norwegian truck He fills up at Sven's station Next day he goes in and asks the nurse how Ole is. Q: Why do Swedish warships have barcodes? ", A Swede was walking down the street with a duck under his arm. By this time, the Judge was fairly interested A: Dive down and knock on the door again. Ole asked Lena if she vould valk across ", Ole and Lena had been married seven years. When I get Starbucks in the morning, I always ask for a Norwegian. The Irishman was a real O'Toole for copying. Did you hear about the Swede who was asked how often he had sex with his wife? Rings in the 80s called Fraggle Rock that lasted for 5 seasons wear, you have a whole closet of. Like the Swedes have the pleasure of informing you that the B.C she! Died. and pulled out a pack of cigarettes up dat Clarence you. He shouts, `` I have da biggest feet in da third grade,:! Lena, `` How did yew ever dew that? Lena if she vould across! 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Kiln Dried Lumber Vs Pressure Treated, Articles N