FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS REPORT, PLEASE CONTACT: If this story or any other Ivanhoe story has impacted your life or prompted you or someone you knowto seek or change treatments, please let us know by contacting Marjorie Bekaert Thomas at The Cereset Home device monitors all four locations for . doi: 10.1002/brb3.343. Frontal EEG activation asymmetry reflects cognitive biases in anxiety: evidence from an emotional face Stroop task. Big claims, and I'm extremely skeptical, but they seem to have a network of clinics around the US and some research demonstrating efficacy. Cereset non-invasively supports the brain to relax in order to rebalance and reset itself for optimal regulation. A score of 44 or higher correlates with probability of civilian-related PTSD. This is a four item questionnaire asking about physical activity in the last 7 days. Cereset non-invasively supports the brain to relax in order to rebalance and reset itself for optimal regulation. Systolic BP and beat to beat, RR intervals (RRI) files generated via the data acquisition system (BIOPAC acquisition system and software, Santa Barbara, CA) at 1000 Hz are analyzed using Nevrokard SA-BRS software (by Nevrokard Kiauta, d.o.o., Izola, Slovenia) for measures BPV.Frequency Method. A higher score denotes more physical activity. Natural adjustments are made by the brain itself as part of Ceresets brain relaxation process. 2003 Aug;16(4):329-35. doi: 10.1023/A:1024457700599. Association of Predeployment Heart Rate Variability With Risk of Postdeployment Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Active-Duty Marines. Be fantastic if you could post here with an update. The earliest technology, prior to Cereset, involved a great deal of time to administer and lengthy sessions with clients. STRESS: Stress is the bodys way of responding to any kind of danger or threat, real or imagined. After my very first Cereset session, I only slept 7 hours that night, woke up before my alarm went off and felt fully rested! This gave me my life back. The provider said this? Sadly, from what I've seen, I haven't found a single shred of evidence that makes me think this is anything other than another scam looking to separate desperate, vulnerable people from their money. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. I wasnt productive. Whittemore said. Sorry.. these are my actual results. Epub 2009 May 28. Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement Project (ACQUIP). Preliminary findings of the relationship of lower heart rate variability with military sexual trauma and presumed posttraumatic stress disorder. Brain Inj. Scores range from 0-21. The life of the unit will depend on how rou. PTSD arousal and depression symptoms associated with increased right-sided parietal EEG asymmetry. Total Investment $91,300 - $205,000. 2011 Oct 21;8:115. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-8-115. Arch Intern Med. Functional Brain Network Changes Following Use of an Allostatic, Closed-Loop, Acoustic Stimulation Neurotechnology for Military-Related Traumatic Stress. Contributors to this news report include: Wendy Chioji, Field Producer; Bruce Maniscalco, Videographer; Cyndy McGrath, Supervising Producer; Hayley Hudson . To calculate how much income a franchise owner can do at Cereset Franchise, may vary on factors like location, size etc., On the other side as a business owner your goals to maintain the quality of service while streaming sales high and expenses low. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars). Theyve usually tried everything by the time they get to us, said Crittenden. You'll be introduced to the Cereset team, you'll connect with other franchisees and, Cereset will provide you a franchise agreement so you have the information to make a decision. 2015 Oct;72(10):979-86. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.0922. Epub 2016 Sep 14. I also purchased the Cereset home unit, which utilizes the same technology as the in office sessions. 2013 Apr;26(2):249-56. doi: 10.1002/jts.21797. This number, typically between 1 1/2 and 5 tons, measures an AC condenser's output, or how much air it can cool in a set amount of time. 2013 Oct 16;4:294. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2013.00294. Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) with an attorney and accountant. J Athl Train. In an emergency situation stress can even save your life, for example giving you the extra strength to defend yourself, but beyond a certain point, it can cause damage to a persons health, productivity, mood, and quality of life if it become something they cannot control. Someone send them a memo or something. Epub 2009 Dec 16. It doesnt last for most? She said that many people respond well but that it doesn't last. Higher scores denote a higher level of satisfaction. Cereset is not driven by a conscious effort to train the brain or change the brains response, like Neurofeedback. Another study showed that people were able to produce high levels of alpha waves even when under threat of mild electric shock from the researchers hardly a state of Zen-like bliss. Very eager to see how you get on. The Cereset system, including the home headband costs about $2,000, depending on your location. Moreover, cheaper and less time-intensive options may be available." I believe the treatment is around 2,000 dollars, so not something to take on without many more positive reviews than I'm finding online. 2003 Oct 23;1:60. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-1-60. Wolynczyk-Gmaj D, Szelenberger W. Waking EEG in primary insomnia. In one, with tears shining in his eyes, he says it was a "gift from God that allowed me to start looking as an engineer would lookat how my brain was functioning." No abstract available. maintain accurate franchise data but does not guarantee nor assume liability for Just because a meditator in a state of bliss exhibits high levels of alpha waves doesnt mean those alpha waves are playing a causal role in her state of bliss. Cereset Chattanooga is a brain wellness center that helps its clients relax their brains to manage stress, restore hope and finally achieve restful sleep through patented. If you are seeking a balanced brain, Cereset can help wellness, from the inside out! Arch Intern Med. This state of active anxiety is known as the fight-or-flight response. Legal Disclaimer: This information is not a franchise offering The global leader in non-invasive brain self-restoration and optimization, Cereset enables the brain to fully relax . I'm wiling to try anything. There's a strong link between sleep and gut health. Bastien CH, Vallieres A, Morin CM. Cereset, an emerging biotechnology player in Orem, has harnessed a proprietary technology to help press the "reset" button on the human brain. | The global technology leader in non-invasive brain self-restoration and optimization, Cereset enables the brain to fully relax . Press J to jump to the feed. 5 Signs That It's a Good Time to Start Therapy. 15150 N. Hayden Road Crittenden explained, They listen to that and their brain is able to perceive its own activity and use that information to balance itself or recalibrate it.. You mean a machine called the Cereset Office or a franchise? Visit Website. Epub 2009 Apr 5. 2004 May;113(2):324-9. doi: 10.1037/0021-843X.113.2.324. 2003 May 6;107(17):2190-5. doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.0000066324.74807.95. Share. No abstract available. J Galt | Mauch Consulting Group - Scottsdale, AZ. As such, neurofeedback cannot be recommended as an efficient approach in the treatment of adults with ADHD. 2017;40:A135-A. Epub 2011 May 13. Enjoy this in-depth interview with Amy Grant, singer-songwriter and Grammy award-winning artist, discussing her testimony of healing and her personal involvement with Cereset. Barkris GL, Sheridan AM, eds. The Franchise Mall makes every effort to Moscovitch DA, Santesso DL, Miskovic V, McCabe RE, Antony MM, Schmidt LA. Cereset for Stress or Traumatic Events. Arch Intern Med. Joe Rogan me too lol If anyone has used it please respond. Shaltout HA, Tegeler CL, Lee SW, Tegeler CH. 2009 Apr;37(2):141-53. doi: 10.1007/s12160-009-9101-z. Decreased heart rate variability and its association with increased mortality after acute myocardial infarction. Epub 2011 May 30. Cereset offers flexible payment options, installment plans, and other billing solu We help you relax your brain to manage stress, restore hope & achieve restful sleep with patented BrainEcho technology to empower your brain to reset itself. Ive spent $300k on out of pocket treatments Cereset being the most effective -traditional meds being least effective. The most commonly reported wellness benefits you may experience as you move towards a more optimized and balanced brain are: - Experiencing deeper & more . Clin Neurophysiol. It is important to become aware of stress symptoms and signs of stress overload. These notes are played in a brain rhythm as it changes and thus the brain can see itself and correct itself and it does! Spiegelhalder K, Fuchs L, Ladwig J, Kyle SD, Nissen C, Voderholzer U, Feige B, Riemann D. Heart rate and heart rate variability in subjectively reported insomnia. Kemp AH, Griffiths K, Felmingham KL, Shankman SA, Drinkenburg W, Arns M, Clark CR, Bryant RA. I'm curious about the amount of sessions, since the published research seems to be with a much higher number of treatments. Individual Participant Data (IPD) Sharing Statement: Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product: Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product: Device Product Not Approved or Cleared by U.S. FDA: Product Manufactured in and Exported from the U.S.: Change in Heart Rate Variability [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Change in Baroreflex Sensitivity [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Change in Blood Pressure [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Change in Blood Pressure Variability [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Change in Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Change in Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Change in Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Change in Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Change in Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Change in Quality of Life Scale (QOLS) [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Change in PTSD Checklist for Civilians (PCL-C) [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Change in International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-SF) [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Change in HIRREM Physical Activity Satisfaction Questions [TimeFrame:Baseline, V2 (0-14 days after final session), and V3 (4-6 weeks after V2)], Subjects must have the ability to comply with basic instructions and be able to sit still comfortably with the sensor leads attached. I would seriously consider spending the money if I knew it would help. Your specific investment will depend on a variety of factors . No other treatment measures quantitatively if its working I happen to be the CEO of a health and benefits consulting company that one of our offerings is consulting the largest companies in the world on behavioral health issues of its employees and how to fix them I have also been severely depressed and turned to the traditional approach to treating depression and anxiety. Abnormal EEG lateralization in boys with autism. Pyne JM, Constans JI, Wiederhold MD, Gibson DP, Kimbrell T, Kramer TL, Pitcock JA, Han X, Williams DK, Chartrand D, Gevirtz RN, Spira J, Wiederhold BK, McCraty R, McCune TR. A clinical study conducted by Wake Forest School of Medicine shows that use of a noninvasive technology from the creators of Cereset not only reduces symptoms of military-related traumatic stress but also improves brain function. A review published last year concluded that the evidence is promising but not conclusive (Update: I have posted links to the latest research trials at the bottom of this post). Cereset, BrainEcho, Personal Brain Index (PBI) and Cereset Research are all trademarks of Brain State Holdings, LLC. Our brain rhythms are more unique than our fingerprints. All three groups showed improvements in symptoms. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7. Cereset is a proven technology thats non-invasive and highly effective. It all smacks of a bad promo for Hillsong or a late night infomercial. I couldn't find a contemporary meta-analysis, but again the evidence appears mixed. If places have not done their research, they will call it that. Cereset does not need to be FDA-approved because it is a relaxation and wellness system. Further clinical studies are underway. The body kicks into defense mode, sometimes called a "fight or flight" response. Prior use of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS), alpha stimulation, neurofeedback, biofeedback, or deep brain stimulation (DBS) within one month before enrollment. Unauthorized usage is in violation of various countries trademark laws. Lee EA, Bissett JK, Carter MA, Cowan PA, Pyne JM, Speck PM, Theus SA, Tolley EA. I came in with some significant tinitis in my ears and and the ringing was greatly reduced. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. Cereset can help your brain free itself, enabling you to achieve higher levels of well-being and balance throughout your life. Scores range from 0-40. At Natural Balance Wellness Medical Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan, we offer many modalities to improve your mental well-being and tailored to your specific needs.. One of the most effective NeuroCare tools we provide is the Cereset system. Those that are desperate, embrace change and are motivated. There are other issues too Beyersteins research showed that the beneficial effects of EEG feedback were related to a persons belief in the technology, not to any alterations in their brainwaves. Seventeen items are rated on a Likert scale with a composite score range of 17 to 85. What I have found interesting in posting things on here is that some always takes the negative and sites your just trying to sell something i found this to be very unproductive when I was at my worst meaning things that actually helped me in the treatment of my anxiety and depression I put off perusing because some negative social media types said it didnt work or its a waste of money. Systolic BP and beat to beat, RR intervals files generated via the data acquisition system (BIOPAC acquisition system and Acknowledge 4.2 software, Santa Barbara, CA), at 1000 Hz, are analyzed using Nevrokard BRS software (Nevrokard BRS, Medistar, Ljubljana, Slovenia). For general information, Learn About Clinical Studies. Whittemore said, Started setting new goals, and you know, started exercising again, taking care of myself better, just had a whole new hopeful outlook.. 2011;71(3):387-92. Front Psychol. BRS calculated by this method is based on quantification of sequences of at least three beats (n) in which SBP consecutively increases (UP sequence) or decreases (DOWN sequence), which are accompanied by changes in the same direction of the RRI of subsequent beats (n+1). I've never encountered that before in my 15 years of mental health and addiction struggles, and I have been around a lot. Burckhardt CS, Anderson KL. A non-invasive process using only brain-initiated sound to relax the brain, allowing it to reset itself and freeing it from freeze and fight- or flight- states. 2010 Jul-Aug;45(4):327-32. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-45.4.327. Choosing to participate in a study is an important personal decision. I experienced almost immediate results, sleeping better, and noticed I was able to work through problems more easily without shutting down in situations where I would have otherwise felt overwhelmed. The founder has a bachelor's degree in math and an MA in divinity. Epub 2015 Aug 11. Chronic stress can lead to depression, anxiety, sleep problems, pain of any kind, autoimmune diseases, digestive problems, and more. 2013 Jan;197(1):175-86. Wednesday, March 01, 20235:13:40 AM - 1193 Users Online, The estimated investment required to open a. A global PSQI score is calculated by totaling the seven component scores, providing an overall score ranging from 0 to 21, where lower scores denote a healthier sleep quality. eCollection 2014. It uses Cereset's proprietary technology to help people who have suffered from concussions or other traumatic brain injuries (TBI). And stress can be helpful; it's our body's way of responding to any kind of danger or threat, real or imagined. 2011 Jul;87(3):379-85. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.04.009. 11 Years and older (Child, Adult, Older Adult), Department of Neurology, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States, 27104, Contact: Study Coordinator 336-716-9447, Principal Investigator: Charles Tegeler, MD. I have done my best to try to help people get to a better place fast and have been met by negativity. Psychosom Med. Our non-invasive BrainEcho technology helps our clients' brains to relax and become more balanced so that they can recover from the detrimental effects of stress. Unfortunately, Vernon and his colleagues confess, it is not clear at present what the most effective method to achieve [beneficial] changes would be., EEG feedback is also used increasingly to treat psychiatric and developmental conditions. Whittemore said. It's not a scam. The same relaxation aspects of the technology are found in HIRREM and Cereset. Cereset is helping people reset their brains balance, using only sound feedback. Epub 2011 Sep 12. Regular therapy. Radloff LS. Brain Behav. Severe hearing impairment (because the subject will be using ear buds during CR). When your brain is out of balance, or stuck, you dont feel right and its impossible to function at your highest level. Services: Real Estate, Buyer Agent, Seller Agent, Relocation, Home Staging Service, Home Sales, Virtual Tours, Free Home Valuations, Land Real Estate, Market Report Refer Ryan Mauch. Blanchard EB, Jones-Alexander J, Buckley TC, Forneris CA. WE ARE NOW CERESET. Mirror Neurons: The Most Hyped Concept in Neuroscience? ADHD familial loading and abnormal EEG alpha asymmetry in children with ADHD. Cereset helps you sleep better when following your Cereset Offices recommendations. I have literally down everything short of flying to South America to do Ayahuasca with mountain tribes if I were to do it all over again I would have started with Cereset. French. Individual Unit Costs. Have your sister IM me if she needs help. Nonetheless, after surveying all the relevant evidence, they concluded: The notion that alpha neurofeedback can enhance the mood of healthy individuals has yet to be firmly established. Studies in this area also tend to be poor quality, lacking control groups and proper blinding. You get 2, 3, 4, or 5 ton Rheem Prestige RA20 air conditioners. Location to location and seasons the months costs may vary. 2017 Jul 15;595(14):4893-4908. doi: 10.1113/JP274269. All Rights Reserved. Whittemore says she noticed changes three weeks to the day after her sessions started. But looking at the literature, it seems theres good reason to be skeptical about using their techniques, especially as a shortcut to elation and enlightenment. Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF 3rd, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ. Tegeler CH, Shaltout HA, Tegeler CL, Gerdes L, Lee SW. Rightward dominance in temporal high-frequency electrical asymmetry corresponds to higher resting heart rate and lower baroreflex sensitivity in a heterogeneous population. Hale TS, Smalley SL, Hanada G, Macion J, McCracken JT, McGough JJ, Loo SK. Carnethon MR, Golden SH, Folsom AR, Haskell W, Liao D. Prospective investigation of autonomic nervous system function and the development of type 2 diabetes: the Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities study, 1987-1998. Fortunato JE, Tegeler CL, Gerdes L, Lee SW, Pajewski NM, Franco ME, Cook JF, Shaltout HA, Tegeler CH. J Abnorm Psychol. Epub 2018 Oct 10. Cereset had a noticable effect on my ability to cope in stressful situations. The latter includes those with TBI, PTSD, hypertension, hot flashes, chronic pain, or prior stroke. The total investment to launch a Cereset franchise ranges between $91,300-$205,000. "I couldn't sleep well, I didn't feel well. Her daughter, Chloes five concussions caused anxiety, sadness, and problems focusing that stressed the whole family. Cereset Brain Echo sessions. Outside stress or traumatic events can erode the brains natural abilities, resulting in a compromised brain unable to fully communicate, relax or manage stress. The QOLS is a 16-item scale that was modified from a 15-item scale used in chronic disease patients. This supports the brain to auto calibrate, self adjust, and relax (acoustic neuromodulation). 1996 Mar 1;93(5):1043-65. One night when I went to bed, my brain was very alert and in no way ready to go to sleep. Epub 2007 Apr 19. 2016 Dec;121(Pt A):91-98. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2016.10.008. I will upd. pursuing a Cereset franchise opportunity, review that franchise's But I want more testimonials and anyway it will be awhile before I can access the device, travel, $$$, covid restrictions crossing the border . Epub 2017 Jun 14. The objective of the study is to measure the efficacy of a non-invasive technology which . It is called Cereset, and it uses sound feedback. I found a useful review from 2009 by David Vernon at Canterbury Christ Church University in England and his colleagues. The *** and owner of this company used to use the company name BST (Brain State Technology) and charged subscriptions between $40,000 and $100,000 for software, procedures and devices that are . Technique of blood pressure measurement in the diagnosis of hypertension. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Red = me feeling like a 3 green = me feeling like a 6.5 or 7. Epub 2007 Jun 19. Fight or Flight Response = Stuck on the Gas, No medications or unnatural outside stimulation, Cereset is a process not a silver bullet, EXPLORE FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITIES OWN A CENTER, SCHEDULE A SPECIAL INTRODUCTION TO CERESET, Find the Cereset Client CENTER nearest you, In-depth Interview with Lee Gerdes (page 28), Schedule Your Introduction to Cereset Today, Find your Cereset Client Center Nearest You, Please fill out our franchise interest form. Baroreflex dysfunction and augmented sympathetic nerve responses during mental stress in veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. I would not trust someone with a BA in math from Doane University (never heard of it) in Nebraska in 1968 to be qualified to single handedly develop groundbreaking modern neuro-technology which somehow nobody else has figured out yet (though, as he claims in his well-used sales pitch in various videos and interviews on the site, he "didn't do it because I was smart" cue self deprecating chuckle). I wasn't productive." The CES-D is a 20-item survey assessing affective depressive symptomatology to screen for risk of depression. Theyve usually tried everything by the time they get to us, said Crittenden. Items are weighted on a 0-3 interval scale. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Participants could not tell if they were receiving genuine neurofeedback or sham neurofeedback. Nolan RP, Jong P, Barry-Bianchi SM, Tanaka TH, Floras JS. 2012 Oct;32(10):3243-52. doi: 10.1007/s00296-011-2184-4. Am J Epidemiol. It caused inaction in me. 1977;1:385-401. J Health Soc Behav. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC, A new authoritative meta-analysis and systematic review, How to Handle People Who Are Eternally Evasive. Today we'd like to introduce you to Sonya Howeth. Franchise Information for Cereset. Three samples will be obtained and the last two averaged to get the value that will be used as the reading for that visit. The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Lee Gerdes is the founder and CEO of Cereset. This reduces the number of sensor placement changes needed, resulting in shorter session time and fewer interruptions. Tobaldini E, Nobili L, Strada S, Casali KR, Braghiroli A, Montano N. Heart rate variability in normal and pathological sleep. All rights reserved. Even the brain, with its incredible capability, can be assisted to relax so it can find its own center or balance. 3 Kansas City officers shot while executing search warrant, chief says, Roof collapses at nonprofit South LA clinic, causing $500K in damage, Video shows group of sharks in feeding frenzy off Louisiana coast. We have reason to believe the maximum useful life of the sensor inserts, if used twice daily, will be in the vicinity of 1+ years. Anyone reading the Sunday Times article could be forgiven for thinking theyd been transported to the '60s and '70s. Epub 2013 Jan 14. A balanced brain is a way better brain and sustains a more healthy person in every way. Topics include different components of daily life such as relationships, community engagement, personal fulfillment, and recreation. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The company plans to open another 15 . Cereset's BrainEcho neuromodulation technology aims to empower . 1983 Dec;24(4):385-96. bedrock custom commands 0 . Duane Ford 47 Seasons As Head Softball Coach (805 Varsity Wins), 32 Seasons as Head Boys/Girls Basketball Coached (584 Varsity Wins) All At The Same School (Central Columbia HS, Bloomsburg, PA.) The basic idea of neurofeedback therapy is that you have the frequency of these waves shown to you, via sounds or images, so that you can learn to exert some control over them. . Cereset | 310 followers on LinkedIn. Ask me anything as I now own a Cereset Office. Business Type Franchise. I post this stuff to try to help people avoid the torture that I went through The fact that this guy is an engineer is why it works. I notice a marked difference each time in a significant sense of well-being and "balance" if that makes sense. Posts and discussion about insomnia and sleep disorders. When it functions to do that in the face of extreme stressors it can become stuck in survival mode. Using only sound feedback ( 2 ):249-56. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.0922 seriously consider spending the money if i it., hot flashes, chronic pain, or 5 ton Rheem Prestige air... Shankman SA, Tolley EA 5 ton Rheem Prestige RA20 air conditioners EA, Bissett JK Carter! Came in with some significant tinitis in my 15 years of mental health addiction. In survival mode and Cereset research are all trademarks of brain state Holdings, LLC highly effective the objective the. Makes sense costs about $ 2,000, depending on your location and systematic review how! 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