Speranza CI, Kiteme B, Ambenje P, Wiesmann U, Makali S. Indigenous knowledge related to climate variability and change: insights from droughts in semi-arid areas of former Makueni District, Kenya. A. Ingram Business Food Security 2011 There is growing concern that satisfying societal demand for food over coming decades will be increasingly challenging. However, the mechanisms underlying these growth promotory effects are unknown at present. Nature, culture and environmental change 2. Only in getting a deeper understanding can we perhaps begin to explain why people react to environmental changes the way they do, and thereby be better placed to work on longer term adaptation and mitigation strategies to GEC, among other alternative solutions to current environmental problems. World social science report, changing global environments. This journal has an h-index of 192. Barnes J, Dove M, Lahsen M, Mathews A, McElwee P, McIntosh R, Moore F, OReilly J, Orlove B, Puri R, Weiss H, et al. The new PMC design is here! For instance, the perception of negative effects linked to environmental change may in some cases be partially offset by the benefits that may result from certain change, as seen in the case of oil exploitation in northwestern Siberia providing new market opportunities for reindeer herders, despite environmental degradation (Forbes et al. Climate change: embed the social sciences in climate policy. There may be some association between geographic representation and the patterning of goals in the articles due to scientific data availability at the scales necessary to evaluate it against local knowledge and perceptions. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. This abbreviation ('Glob. ), Whether the article took into account (1) or not (0) local ethnological explanations of change, e.g. Cornell S, Berkhout F, Tuinstra W, Tbara JD, Jger J, Chabay I, de Wit B, Langlais R, Mills D, Moll P, Otto IM, et al. * Outstanding authorship and high quality editing * Comprehensive coverage with over 3,800 pages in 5 volumes * Over 500 articles, 100 biographies, 150 definitions and 100 acronyms * Extensive bibliographies with up-to-date references ABOUT . The Arctic, in turn, plays an interesting role as it represents one of the few areas where indigenous peoples and local resource-dependent communities exist within highly developed countries with capacity to perform high quality interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies. Myers TA, Maibach EW, Roser-Renouf C, Akerlof K, Leiserowitz AA. Grandia L. Slow ethnography: a hut with a view. Tbara JD, Dai X, Jia G, McEvoy D, Neufeldt H, Serra A, Werners S, West JJ. 2009, Howe et al. The relatively little research that does exist remains fragmentary, geographically scattered, and mainly qualitative (ISSC and UNESCO 2013). In: Kahn PH, Kellert SR, editors. to enhance livelihoods, Increasing the availability of resources by boosting their yield within a certain space or time, Intensifying planting or harvesting in places with higher capacity, New method or technique that arises to address a certain need, New seed varieties or inputs to maintain or improve agricultural yields, Organized reconfiguration of traditional knowledge and practices to reduce stress. Figures are in $ millions; %s are rounded and . Firstly, and as mentioned in the Introduction, it is surprising how many articles in the broader GEC literature do not deal with local perceptions at all. Most people are not WEIRD. any local epistemology, ontology, cosmology, cultural meaning, or other, Whether the article mentions any local responses or adaptation measures to change (yes=1, no=0), and if so, whether these are a) based on local knowledge (1), based on modern technology (2), or both (3), b) locally driven (1), externally driven (e.g. Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. The users of Scimago Journal & Country Rank have the possibility to dialogue through comments linked to a specific journal. Veland S, Howitt R, Dominey-Howes D, Thomalla F, Houston D. Procedural vulnerability: understanding environmental change in a remote indigenous community. This in turn can open up the possibility for configuring new models of research and knowledge production that are mutually developed through negotiation and respect in cross-cultural interaction (Ermine 2004). Kansiime MK, Wambugu SK, Shisanya CA. How can experience of local residents be knowledge? Challenges in interdisciplinary climate change research. We used three particular lenses of analysis that are known to influence local perceptions, namely (i) cognition, (ii) culture and knowledge, and (iii) possibilities for adaptation.We present our findings on the geographical distribution of the current research, the most common changes reported, perceived drivers and impacts of change, and local explanations and evaluations of change and impacts. Roncoli C. Ethnographic and participatory approaches to research on farmers responses to climate predictions. Surveillance summaries / CDC, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Annual Review of Ecology,Evolution, and Systematics, MMWR. Such change is not necessarily associated with climate change or other scientific phenomena as Western science frames them, but rather explained according to spiritual beliefs. 2008), and Shifting Baselines Syndrome (Ainsworth et al. A few papers talked more generally about other conceptualizations of naturee.g., as person or social relationships or something that continues to be created continuouslyor mentioned the way some practices are rooted in cosmological principles as well as in practical considerations (e.g., sharing food). Combest-Friedman C, Christie P, Miles E. Household perceptions of coastal hazards and climate change in the Central Philippines. The asymmetric effect of beliefs about global warming on perceptions of local climate conditions in the U.S. Howe PD, Markowitz EM, Lee TM, Ko CY, Leiserowitz A. Ruiz-Malln I, Corbera E. Community-based conservation and traditional ecological knowledge: implications for social-ecological resilience. government site. On the other hand, few consider the only manuscripts sent for peer review or few even not bother about the accurate maintenance of total submissions. The IS0 4 standard abbreviation of Global Environmental Change is Glob. This calls for a deepened ontological approach to understanding the concept of change; e.g., through more indepth qualitative studies and opening of knowledge systems. Thinking like a human: social science and the two cultures problem. Secondly, peoples perceptions may well determine their behavior toward mitigation and adaptation actions (Stern 2000, Vignola et al. Less than half the articles reported adaptation strategies based on mobility (i.e., temporary or permanent migration to avoid risk), rationing (i.e., controlling and limiting critical resources consumption or circulation), and exchange processes (i.e., increasing revenue flows). Successful adaptation to climate change across scales. Fernndez-Llamazares , Daz-Reviriego I, Luz AC, Cabeza M, Pyhl A, Reyes-Garca V. Rapid ecosystem change challenges the adaptive capacity of Local Environmental Knowledge. Some Journals considers all the manuscripts submissions as a basis of acceptance rate computation. The Anthropocene: from global change to planetary stewardship. Such biases are of concern, especially as local knowledge and individual perceptions often form the basis upon which many small-scale societies monitor availability and thus manage natural resources (Maule and Hodgkinson 2002). This is a critical gap in global environmental science, as GEC has the potential to reduce the well-being and security of people locally and around the world, especially when exacerbated by social, political, and economic unrest. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC. 2006, Cornell et al. Global Environmental Politics examines relationships between global political forces and environmental change, with particular attention given to the implications of local-global interactions for environmental management, as well as to the implications of environmental change and environmental governance for world politics. We exposed California grassland to elevated CO 2, temperature, precipitation, and nitrogen deposition for five years. Another significant limitation is that, in general, the articles we reviewed gave very little methodological explanation or description, which makes it difficult for readers to discern between what is reported by each study as being a local perception and what the individuals (or communitys) actual perceptions are. The 2022 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) provides a data-driven summary of the state of sustainability around the world. Yet, human perceptibility of GEC (particularly climate change) has been somewhat disputed in the last decades (see Rudiak-Gould 2013). In no cases was the change perceived by the local society as entirely positive. Green D, Billy J, Tapim A. Indigenous Australians knowledge of weather and climate. While it may well be that local small-scale communities really are the net losers of GEC (hence, their attitudes), there may also be a tendency of local people to emphasize the negative; e.g., in the hope of receiving assistance, even when livelihoods have actually improved. please visit the official website of this journal. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is a federal program mandated by Congress to coordinate federal research and investments in understanding the forces shaping the global environment, both human and natural, and their impacts on society. shifting baselines, change blindness, amnesia, media effects, etc. Environ. 1,865 3. We provide recommendations for future GEC research and propose the development of a meta-language around adaptation, perception, and mediation to encourage a greater appreciation and understanding of the diversity around these phenomena across multiple scales, and improved codesign and facilitation of locally relevant adaptation and mitigation strategies. 2005, Wiens and Bachelet 2009). These companies all operate in different industries, and many are based outside of the United States. Dove MR, Smith DS, Campos MT, Matthews AS, Rademacher A, Rhee S, Yoder LM. Floods compromise water and sanitation facilities, leading . Memory illusions refer to exaggerations of the extent of trends, which may also have been caused by the influential memory of extreme events (Roediger 1996, Kahn 2002, Daw 2010). Coram S. Rethinking indigenous research approval: the perspective of a stranger. Note: The impact score shown here is equivalent to the average number of times documents published We discuss the implications of our findings for the broader research on GEC, and the repercussions these might have for planning local adaptation and mitigation strategies. With regard to appropriate units of scale, and addressing the above-mentioned questions on possible intracommunity heterogeneity in the evaluation of a change, association of a change with a cause, and preferences for responses, future research would do well in considering a shift in the focus of unit of analysis. Thousands of companies compete in the global environment. 2010, Boillat and Berkes 2013, Kansiime et al. The ways we produce food and use land, travel, and use water and energy resources, combined with a growing world population, have severely compromised the environmental resources upon which we depend. We therefore call for the further development of a meta-language around adaptation, perception, and mediation so that we can begin to appreciate and understand the diversity around these phenomena across multiple scales. These can be seen as trade-offs or even inherent tensions between (i) a commitment to ethical principles and performing decolonized science (e.g., Tuhiwai Smith 1999) on the one hand, and (ii) following the expectations or established rules imposed by academia on the other. The same can be said for psychological factors, although studies in phenomena such as the Shifting Baselines Syndrome have already shed some light on how these impact local perceptions of environmental change (see Fernndez-Llamazares et al. The impact score (IS) 2021 of Global Environmental Change is 10.63, which is computed in 2022 as per its definition. Rankings by the SCImago Journal and Country Rank. For instance, some authors addressed specifically socioeconomic vulnerability (increasing poverty, unemployment, disease), while others focused more on cultural vulnerability (e.g., local traditions). Knowing, farming and climate change adaptation in North-Central Namibia. 2002, Ghimire et al. Strategic issues of IP management in a globalizing economy. tornadoes/cyclones), storms, extreme events (incl. 2007, Green et al. Forces outside the firm's traditional boundaries . Box 1 Africa and climate change Simply the asking of change from people who may or may not perceive any change may create a bias in the results. Yeh ET. Conservation policy: listen to the voices of experience. This is an important methodological caveat given that how questions are designed may have significant effects on the answers given. We would like to thank ICREA for providing us with financial support to organize a workshop around which the authors of this paper could meet in person to work on this paper. King DNT, Goff J, Skipper A. Maori environmental knowledge and natural hazards in Aotearoa-New Zealand. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. In: Wals A, Corcoran PB, editors. The Hill's energy and environment section includes articles on policy as it relates to topics such as climate change, the environment, clean energy and regulations. Wilbanks TJ, Kates RW. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal The demand or interest of researchers/scientists in publishing in a specific Journal/Conference. #1. During the next 50 years, which is likely to be the final period of rapid agricultural expansion, demand for food by a wealthier and 50% larger global population will be a major driver of global environmental change. 2000, Helgeson et al. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Turner NJ, Gregory R, Brooks C, Failing L, Satterfield T. From invisibility to transparency: identifying the implications. Inuit and scientific perspectives on the relationship between sea ice and climate: the ideal complement? 2012). Prehistoric communities as agents of environmental change 5. 1. Change: ISSN (print) 0959-3780: Scope: Ecology Global and Planetary Change Management, Monitoring, Policy . * Required. Below TB, Mutabazi KD, Kirschke D, Franke C, Sieber S, Siebert R, Tscherning K. Can farmers adaptation to climate change be explained by socio-economic household-level variables? 2010, Rudiak-Gould 2014). Berkes F. Indigenous ways of knowing and the study of environmental change. Adaptation consisting of revitalization processes, or the restructuring of society cultural practices, ideology, and organization to deal with stress, were identified in about one-quarter of the articles. Similarly, the ontological and epistemic characteristics of both local and scientific knowledge can become an impediment to a common and merged body of theory, especially if practical use of knowledge by local people is to be enabled. In other words, local perceptions are critical in designing successful and sustainable natural resource management schemes among small-scale societies wherever they may be (Oldekop et al. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. Many of the articles lacked methodological details; e.g., descriptions of precisely (a) what was asked of respondents, (b) to whom specifically it was asked, (c) how it was asked (i.e., exact wording, approach), and (d) when it was asked (timing and context). Burton I, Huq S, Lim B, Pilifosova O, Schipper EL. 2013). Climate change in Eastern Tibetan villages. 2012), and argued that perceptions of increased risk due to uncertain and complex environmental changes are highly contingent on the social, economic, and cultural conditions within which people experience these risks (West et al.
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