In VS code, we can have our terminal our small terminal right here. And then this should be the room underscore ID. We are going to do something like list one dot append dot extend want to extend it with listen to now also drains least one What is this gonna give me is the these joint with these. Now when we run this, we put the value of licence to cease. Now comm put a comma to get to the next one. Once I print these, you see, it gives me what I want to see, if I bring the index number of these, which is one. If not, you're just going to make it more complex. So let's say if the name is squeak, then we want to just add something, we can do anything. So if we go to slash register, so you can see user name, email, and then let's have for the password, so this should be passwords, the first password, and the type should be password. By run this now, you see we have Australia. So and for now, let's just do the messages, a simple styling, so we can see this. And then, to check if this is a dictionary, we can also use the type. So we want to right now we can go to slash posts. So we're gonna say models, dot date, time field, not only date, view, date, time field, and then what want to pass in year, this is not going to have a maxlend. Yeah, it's updated data on then python Now, what we can just do is to first of all, import that test view from the views. in that folder, now we can create a new file and name it style dot CSS. So said, Jeff gets, and then roughly says, self request. So that's why I want to get to J, you it stops, does Oh, we don't have j Oh, right here. Now, we can remove this HTTP response, I say return render, is taking a request. So a good way to create a token for user, one easy way is to just come into our command line is up to the server again, and same Python, manage dot P, y, d, r f, underscore create underscore token, we just pass in the user name. And in the admin, the Pew II, well, just gonna first of all, import from dot models, import students, and they want to register that student in our admin interface. So now let me just type Okay, first of all, I got to refresh this page. But before we come down, we have to go up first of all, and they're right here, we need to import something we've got OAS. So right here, you see says we should log in, with what details we don't have any details we've never added, sign up and sign in, into our project. Oh, you know, once I run this, you see that it runs it on the same line, which is I will you wave, I want this to be on another line without being put in another print function, I can just simply we use a backslash n. Now this is gonna automatically take these to a new line, it's just like a break, it's going to add a break in between these and these. But if this doesn't happen damage, a user is just looking for the normal registered with HTML template. Else So LCM is if the feature is not true, then we just want to have this that says, Come on, that says This feature is false. So when a user tried to, say this API using a get method, it is going to return a response of dcls other data. So as I run it, you see it says false, so it's going to give me a true or false response. So the reason is because let me come back here is because we are not Supposed to pass a dictionary on, you know this like this. Now let's click on this, you see this installation of Python, the date it was created with with the old posts, and let me go back again, or click on another one, you see this mentioned that particular post. In this part of the tutorial, we're going to be talking about if statements in Python. So now, let me show you how to configure a URL. So that's what apps are in Django, they the main project, and they are the subsets of that project, which are apps for different features. And then I'll just say, and your sentence. And this is the value of the message, which is like a whatsoever, guys, and this is the date. So let me show you what is going to happen right now. So want to know which room is this projects been is this message been sent to. And then we'll see if there's just a gay, what wants to see now is that if the value so what this is doing is add value is basically the number the user input. authentication, token, authentication, this is what we need. Now, we are not rendering any HTML page, we just want to return back to the front end or to the JavaScript the message. So first of all, let's remove this particular a tag, we don't need that again. So now we try to execute these by seeing my on scarf. We just need to make sure is that You have this script loaded in your template file. And then, as you can see, now it does take me to this admin panel, and I have the messages and the rooms. I also try these with a decimal number is 2.7 days. Chapter 12: Compound Patterns Patterns can work together. So now that we have imported OS, but we just want to do is go Going down. Now it's very easy, we're just going to see is list dot count. Let's say we log a user in, and then we get this name. Now you can see everything is working perfectly. Now, when we say something went wrong, after this, we can say else. And then we just redirect the user back to the register. So let me just show you how to use while loop in Python. Are you sure you want to create this branch? So if b is equals to B legends make a equals to B. And then we're just gonna include from the rest framework, dot URLs. So when we say the student Bob is just going to remove the last value we have in Dallas, it will delete is going to remove the last value we have in that list, and then relive the rest. So in Django, we have something called the models. APIs serve as the medium through which data gets transferred. And then let's do the same thing for multiplication. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. So the user has to be authenticated into this application. And then once we have that is going to be stored in this variable named word one. Now once I run it, you see gives me five, which is because I have five values in here. We're gonna build out this project so you get familiar with building your own project in jungle. Let me explain. Apparently, the semicolons and the second brackets are not in use in Python. And then right here, let's create a new function and name it index. So let's enter with another user, this time I could change. But as I said, in Em, I talked about many equals true. So you can go there and get the template file. It's not possible because as I said earlier on, it's immutable, which means we can't change it. And I'm going to walk you through everything in this tutorial. In this part, we're gonna be doing a simple Python exercise. So the first thing we want to do is to Have a new URL, which will be named register. So it tells us that okay, this person is talk. Now I want to use a post metal I need to put that year is post I want to use. So nested loops is where you have a loop in a loop a for loop to be specific when you have a for loop in a for loop. So right now, I'm just gonna come into weather. We're in HTML, we don't see indentations, what we see is just code tags and code blocks. So the best thing to do is to just take the main directory to dads and then paste it needs this slash like this. So first, give a response, we're gonna have two inputs, response from the rest framework associate from rest framework, import dot response, first of all, import response. So and then I'm going to click on form data. And this list one is just a bunch of numbers 12345. So we can say name is equals to input alkazi, enter your name. So what we're going to be doing is to tell a user to input a text, and then we're gonna save that text in a variable. Once I run it, you see that it gives me 100, it automatically adds these two numbers or integers together, and then it runs it. But before we can answer the admin panel, we need to create a super user. So one was submitting a new message is going to have the ID of the room, which is going to add a link to this. If You feel that this book is belong to you and you want to unpublish it, Please Contact us . When I leave him blank, it means the own URL. So let me just cancel this, we need to make sure the same directory. And then we can say you age years old, So now let's eat refresh, I see says you are 23 years old, which is the variable age coming from the views. Now you know that let me just remove this, do you know that this name, the value been assigned to it is a strange devalue, besides the nationality is also a string, and the value been assigned to qualification is also a string. Let's remove all of these, which we passed. So you know that's not just search you Okay, so this is it right here. And that is because you know, in Python when you want to use an if statement, you use this columns. So we can name it created, underscore art. So what I'm doing now is that I'm running this project we just created on our localhost, so Django is going to run it on localhost Port 8000. And then we downloaded Visual Studio code and installed it. So I'm going to start a new app and image posts. Python for backend web development pdf Web development is the umbrella term for conceptualization, creation, implementation and operation of web applications and application programming interfaces for the Web.The Web has grown a mindboggling amount in the number of sites, users and implementation capabilities since the first website Whenever we are printing a variable, we don't put quotes like we do when we are printing a normal string. Now, let's say we want to get only the end of this list. Programming Languages and Frameworks Programming languages and frameworks are next on the list. First of all, we don't want all these posts right here, because if a user can read all the posts from the main page, then he doesn't need to click on that post. So it allows various type of data types, we can also do it again for like the Boolean type, I just say B Oh, and the less true or false, and then true again. Let's see, let's just take two, so we just want the name and then the age. And then we're gonna do the same thing for the age. Now we can count this by, let's see, we can just print it straight, and say, length of sex dot splits. So say from Django dot URLs, import path. I think for both of them, we're just gonna do like a comma, and give you this a slash. So what this is going to do is we don't need to create a new view in views of UI. So what we're just doing here is getting that particular model and getting this ID remind the beginning I said once you have a new object, the object automatically On ad, so I get in that ID. Now we use for loop to loop through them. So now that we have all of these issued, why we should be good to go with using our Ajax. Being about the most straightforward programming language with numerous packages and libraries, you can quickly build websites, web apps, data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence projects using Django and other python packages. Now as you can see, this then says welcome user the result. And we also need to import the post model from the file. Now as you can see, I have printed hello world. So that's how to build that basic Python program using getting user input. In this tutorial, I talked about why we're going to use suppose for this kind of form, and then the action should still be this register. So you're gonna see that he says, This feature is true for each of these features. But for now, we're just gonna stick with just the Django project and the URLs of UI file in it. So what happened was that is loops through this block of code. . Okay, so as you can see, it gives us this token, just copy that. So now this is going to tell the user to input your name. So now that this view as all this data, which to us are kind of inputted, or we just want to do is to store that data in this message database, we'll let that quickly load. Now each list has the index number, like this is 0123. Introduction Explains who the book is for, how the book is brain-friendly, and the best way to get the most out of the book. I'm going to leave it in the description below. So we're importing every function which we have in this file, every class anything we have in this file, why putting it into these URLs with pure. Chapter 4: The Factory Pattern Teaches instantiation, which should not always be done in public. And if a is also equals to B, it resists a true because A is equals to B. So now once I print the list like this, I'll just say print. And then I'm going to open up a new folder. Now, this is gonna create a virtual environment named my app. I can see something like African or something like that. So we don't need to jump back to command prompt every time we need to do something. Let's come into our Vish command prompt and say work on my app. So when we use the API view we can do we can use something like a get request or port request. So if you don't have this installed, just come here, download this, and then everything is going to be fine. So I get in this room details that was sent here. Now any external file we use is our static files. And then, right here, you can see we're sending all this data to this st. So this is checking if the user is logged in. So you're just going to type in the localhost, which is 12700 on port 8000. That's just where we import the serializers. And then was the ID buzz? And we also have our plus a, this a means what to append to the file, so we can add in the middle of the file or modify the file or make any changes, we just want to append to the ending of the file. Now, what is this static files in Django we're talking about is any external file that you use in your template file. Since we're logged in on this browser, we should see log outs. And I also want to point out something that whenever wisened return statement in Python function, we do not write anything after that code block. And then we can have another line, which can be 456, then we are they've come up on another line can be 789. The contents of this book are concise and well-constructed. Now, let's say you don't know the amount of argument that's going to be passed in you. So we can see user cannot be equals to the user. And then let's just make everything clean here. So let me say, let me try to call cat needs with a name. So this name is going to be able to tell the function which user it wants to greet. Now to create an app does when we use this manage dot p y, in earlier I explained that this money does pure y, we don't really want to code anything inside it, but we use the file a lot for different things. But there are still more that we can't assess. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. And now we just want to assess everything right here, instead of just having no dummy data. And that only comes when you have Python installed. So now, we can just return a response or serialize the data. And the name should be like password to finally have one more thing, which would be the input for the Submit. And then this so what this is doing is that once a user it on sent and it has been saved in the database, we want to delete these once we delete that particular line from the input. Just like when you go online, and search for meaning of order, meaning of anything, out of words, meaning of anything. I've seen many start with Flask and move over to Django once they gain some experience. Style your web page So that is where we're not talking more about dynamic values, the same page, the same code, the same everything, but different output. I'm going to explain it using a popular site. Before we can give the user the chance before you can give the user the way or something to be able to use our API. So let's just remove this else if for a while. But we have not talked about this, our user can log out. You can learn more about the author Eli at their personal site This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to use Python as the server-side language to create a web application. Or you can just use it to block the code from running. And then whenever we're using this model, we don't need to add an ID again, because automatically each attribute or each object as an ID when it's created. So you remember when we did it right Where's that right here gets messy slash. So the last thing we need to do for this particular URL is comes in Django chat, which is the main project folder, and inside the URLs have to follow these ledges closes up. So this is showing me that this variable type is a list. So as you can see, remember that the different details of the particular room from the model. So in this file does where I'm going to code just like a normal Django project. Oh, okay, so um, the reason why it says lists to not defined, you can see we have list one, not here we have list two, which has banana, apple, mango, and oranges. So later, we're gonna create an app where we're gonna use serializers and stuff like that. Python is a popular choice for beginners, yet still powerful enough to back some of the world's most popular products and applications from companies like NASA, Google, IBM, Cisco, Microsoft, Industrial Light & Magic among others. Let me just say, from those D, F serializers. Nice, he says I should log in, let's gonna log in with the details that I just created. Okay, this is a free, let's just scroll all the way up unless a free HTML template download or something, and they just get one to download on the legends as you know, Django project. And we'll say, instead of going to an ash tag, says oozes lash boosts with an S, let's be sure. So let's just change it to testicle does looks more makes more sense. So that is basically how to append in Python. So the serializer is a big about the lack of form, like a modal form. Now we'll come back here it refresh, you're gonna see now that we have a welcome, we don't have that default Django template. So instead of just printing 78, we can print 78 plus 22. It says Your name is john on your 13 now does how to basically just get user input, use it how you want, and then you can pass that information back to the user. And then let's open it in a new page, just to make sure that Yeah, everything is working. But as you can see right here, we add this environment as we created the virtual environment, it automatically activated. Now, instead of saying welcome, user, want to say welcome, name. And then in messages, you can see we have zero message. Last crash to break to make it on a new line, because there is a backslash to add a quote. Yeah, let me refresh. I will come here into fresh I'll say, are you doing, and then we call me out on it. So you might want to use auto me my own is pi charm in my own or use warehouse, why Sublime Text, but I use Visual Studio code, anyone you want to use is fine, as long as you know how to use it. So they just we don't need to say style, we can just add it in the queue this time. As you can see, it gives us a JSON response. Now the Django apps are like subsets of the main project, we have this project created right here. Two of the most popular in the web development community are Django and Flask. And then so right here is the our Django projects, we'll paste it in there. But what want to change is that once again, two things. And then we just have a new list named URL patterns. Now we have four year versus we appended one, it should give us five. So I really hope you understood everything we did in this video. And we are slash download because I know that URL, we have to configure all of these inside our Django project that is what is called URL routing, or URL mapping, or URL configuration. So first, to write a file, right here, we need to change this R to W. So now when we change this out to W, let's just remove these as then we can just say golf dots, right. And then we're going to come, let's just make this full screen right here where we sit templates. Along with also do something else by let's say we want to get the amount of characters we have in this variable. Now we can save this Now there's something we need to do before this can be saved into our database. So guys, the first thing we need to do is to first of all create a new Django project. So that's why we took tissues and so returning the user now, to slash room slash user name, then equals to user name. So now once you get the value of this name, we can just use the square brackets after these n in the same name. So anytime we're working with Python, anytime module, create a new Python file, it must always have the extension dot p y does will make whatever we are running on know that we are using a Python file. But now it doesn't show welcome admin and he is login or signup. So what we're going to do is to navigate into this folder, and make sure we create that. And then when I eat safe, noisy after objects, if I come and eat you fresh, you're gonna see now that I have three objects, which is affordable, and we are very affordable. So now I'm going to pop up a new terminal. Well before we can check it out, we need to come to our index. So now that we are out of the server, what I want to do is to create a super user, so I'll say python And then there we are in the directory of our project, the root directory. Now, this tutorial is mainly focused for beginners, because we're going to be starting from the basics to the more complex stuff in Django. Now once we print this, you see that it just gives us the dictionary name theme as now the African qualification college. So let's first see that change and make sure everything is working. And as I told you, we migrated that into our database. freeCodeCamp's open source curriculum has helped more than 40,000 people get jobs as developers. So once we log out, it will redirect me back to this page.
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