Sangronis E, Machado CJ. (Log in options will check for institutional or personal access. and Migulez Frade MM, Valenciano JB. CAS Willet WC. Learn more Giller, Ken E. SP plays a major role in the growth process of plants and is an important component of plant enzymes. This indicates that density has a positive effect on the content of volatile oils, which is consistent with previous observations35. Therefore, increasing the application of phosphorous and folic acid could increase the yield and yield components of guar; a plant density of 20 plants/m 2 could also increase the biological yield. Guo, Xiaotong Issue. Varietal differences were seen in maximum tiller number, and the percentage of tillers surviving to form ears. [31]. Statistical differences between treatments were analyzed using Duncans multiple range tests in SPSS software (version 20.0; SPSS, Inc.,Chicago, IL, USA). However, the mechanism by which T3 and T4 densities improve the quality of perilla sprouts should be further studied. Long, L., Scardino, A. Long L, Scardino A, Vasapollo G. Identification and quantification of anthocyanins in the berries of Pistacialen tiscus L. Phillyreala tifolia L. and Rubia peregrine L. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. Photosynthetic parameters of perilla sprouts were measured from 9:00 a.m to 11:00 a.m in each planting density using 50 replicates at 8th leaf. Four varieties of barleyProctor, Plumage-Archer, Domen, and Moorewere grown at densities approximately equivalent to 35, 70, 140 and 280 lb/acre. Statistical differences between treatments were analyzed using Duncans multiple range tests in SPSS software (version 20.0; SPSS, Inc.,Chicago, IL, USA). Zakher AG. 01 July 2000. p. This results in longer, thinner, smaller and yellowing of leaves of the sprouts. In their study, the content of TSS was highest in wheat leaves planted with narrow rows between plants. Google Scholar. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 2, 156-161. has been cited by the following article: In China, few studies have reported the commonly used plant densities. The content of RA was highest under T4 treatment, which exceeded that of T1 by 24.39%, and that of T5 by 22.68%. Planting densities influenced several photosynthetic parameters of perilla sprouts (Table2). Ali, Amjed 1f). The growth of cotyledons was inhibited while the growth of cotyl was enhanced as the seeding density increased. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in However, high planting density promotes the growth of roots. The higher the planting density, the smaller the space between plants. The The supernatant was filtered using a 0.2 um membrane to obtain 50mL volume. 1974. Studies show that germinating seeds produce high phenolic content and antioxidants5. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) was estimated as described by Mir18. Briefly, 0.5g of fresh leaves were homogenized in 90% methyl alcohol and 0.1% HCL (v/v) and then refrigerated at 4C for 48hours. Effects of plant population on the TSS and yield of spring maize. The content of TSS in plants not only reflects the synthesis of carbohydrates, but also the status of carbohydrates transport. By submitting a comment you agree to abide by our Terms and Community Guidelines. The content of flavonoids, volatile oil, soluble sugar and soluble proteins was highest when the density was 1450 plants m2 compared to other groups. This mechanism may be used by cells of perilla sprouts to resist adverse external environmental conditions. Rankarajan et al. 2c,d). National Library of Medicine The main objective of this research was to evaluate responses of photosynthetic performance and chloroplast ultrastructure to planting densities in two summer maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids Denghai661 (DH661) and Nongda108 (ND108). Seeds consume a lot of energy and resources during germination. For each planting density, 50 representative plants were selected to perform experiments. It also had more efficient water use and better light interception. Planting densities influenced several photosynthetic parameters of perilla sprouts (Table2). 1. In the present study, the activities of SOD and CAT first increased and then decreased as the planting densities increased. The relative contents of RA and anthocyanin in perilla sprouts reached the maximum value at planting density of 1887 plants m2. Ball, R. A., Purcell, L. C. & Vories, E. D. Short-season soybean yield compensation in response to population and water regime. Burdine, Kenneth H. Planting density modifies the photosynthetic rate and photosynthetic carbon assimilation capacity of different parts of leaves. Niitembu, Selma In this study, we explored the influence of planting density on growth, photosynthetic parameters, antioxidant capacity, main secondary metabolites, soluble sugar and soluble protein contents of ready-to-eat sprouts. Treatment effects on nematode density/200 cm3 soil, nematode density/5 cm3 cabbage root, root galling, cabbage heads, yield and leaf width were investigated. for this article. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. , Antioxidant enzymes were extracted as follows: 0.5g fresh leaves of perilla sprouts were homogenized in precooled 50mmolL1 phosphate buffer (pH 7.8) containing 0.1 mmol L-1 EDTA and 2% (w/v) insoluble polyvinyl pyrrolidone. A. Photosynthesis || environmental regulation of photosynthesis. Kanyomeka, Luke Omoigui, Lucky O. and common (fagopyrum esculentum moench) buckwheat sprouts. The supernatant was collected for enzymatic assays, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), Peroxidase (POD) and Catalase (CAT). Samples were kept at 4C until measurement. In contrast, there were no significant differences in the content of Ci between T3, T4 and T5 treatments. Vol. Before Annual Review of Plant Physiology 33(3), 317345 (1982). This implies that the T1 treatment is not a suitable density as it increases the destruction of the antioxidant enzyme protection system, leading to accumulation of MDA and destruction cell membrane. Our results revealed that the content of RA increased with the increase of planting density, being highest under T4 treatment. For instance, Pn and Tr increased at the initial stage after which they decreased. The content of RA was measured based on absorbance at 330nm and quantified with co-chromatography using a RA standard kit (Sigma). Journal of Maize Sciences 16(4), 7781 (2008). Effects of plant density on cotton yield components and quality. The results of this study may also help to extend guar cultivation in other regions. When this balance is disrupted, ROS accumulates causing damage in cells. Li, X. T., Cao, P., Wang, X. G., Cao, M. J. The supernatant was filtered using a 0.2 um membrane to obtain 50mL volume. 28, Berry, J. In their study, the content of TSS was highest in wheat leaves planted with narrow rows between plants. 20mmol riboflavin was added to initiate the reaction. The highest plant height, plant density, number of tillers, and organ yields were observed at 30 cm row spacing. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Tofa, Abdullahi I. 1f). & Nasiri, J. Ros generation, oxidative burst and dynamic expression profiles of ros-scavenging enzymes of superoxide dismutase (sod), catalase (cat) and ascorbate peroxidase (apx) in response to erwinia amylovora in pear (pyrus communis l). In certain case studies done elsewhere in the U.S. determinate tomatoes yielded up to 20 lb per plant which will have a further increase in revenue. Different lowercase letters denote statistical differences between treatments groups at the 5% level based on Duncans test. A previous study24 reported that the number of plants per square meter is directly proportional to the ratio of crop growth rate. About 50g of fresh leaves were used to measure the concentrations of SP and TSS. 20mmol riboflavin was added to initiate the reaction. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Maqbool, Muhammad Mudassar On an average, a plant density of 33 plants m 2 has been found to produce optimum seed yields across a range of environments. and Has data issue: true 1c,d). Ibrahim, Muhammad High planting density has been adopted in sprouts production systems. In contrast, there were no significant differences in the content of Ci between T3, T4 and T5 treatments. Schittenhelm, S. Effect of sowing date on performance of root chicory. Soybean Science (2015). Cevallos-Casals, B. European Journal of Agronomy 15(3), 209220 (2001). The total flavonoid content under T3 exceeded that of other treatments T1, T2, T4, and T5 by 35.90, 30.28, 15.69 and 55.11%, respectively. The height of leaves and length of roots were measured using a ruler with a 1mm scale, measurements were conducted in three replicates for each leaf and root. Content may require purchase if you do not have access. Hamblin, J. FOIA Net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and stomatal conductance (Gs) were recorded at 1000 micron2s1 with Li-6400 portable photosynthetic meter. Wu, L., Deng, Z., Cao, L. et al. Ear emergence and ear number were affected both by variety and density. Further analysis revealed that the contents of major secondary metabolites in perilla sprouts varied with different planting densities (Table3). The lowest activity of SOD and CAT was recorded in T1 treatment (Fig. Planting density modifies the photosynthetic rate and photosynthetic carbon assimilation capacity of different parts of leaves. 2019. Abstract Delayed planting of sugarcane crop after harvesting of seed is a common farming practice in all cane growing areas of Pakistan. This results in longer, thinner, smaller and yellowing of leaves of the sprouts. Planting density affects the antioxidant system of plants. Cultivar Plant Number density (Plant m-2) planf' Number of primary branches planf' plant' of secondary branches planf' Straw yield (g) Seed yield (g) 100 seed weight (g) Seed yield ha-' (kg) Janta-2 6.4(a . Yan Q, Shi M, Ng J, Wu JY. The study also showed that high density ensured maximized light interception, high crop growth rate, and crop biomass, all of which increase the total yield. However, there was no difference in POD activity between T2 and T3 treatments. Environmental and Experimental Botany 56(1), 8794 (2006). Food Environ. 2018 Society of Chemical Industry. Effects of plant density and spatial arrangement on `Allsweet' and `Sangria', two standard-sized watermelons, were evaluated. Total loading time: 0.176 Briefly, 0.5g of fresh leaves were homogenized in 90% methyl alcohol and 0.1% HCL (v/v) and then refrigerated at 4C for 48hours. Nitta M, Lee JK, Kobayashi H, Liu D, Nagamine T. Diversification of multipurpose plant, perilla frutescens. b, Chl. Agric. In addition, as the distance between the plants increased, the number of bolls per plant also increased. Sci. Seeds were sown on seedbeds after germination on 15th April, 2014 and then transplanted it into the field at the 2nd leaf stage. Plant height, number of leaves per plant, fruit set, number of fruit per plant, fruit weight and fruit yield were recorded. However, high planting density promotes the growth of roots. The cultural practices tested provided an adequate productivity of fresh pepper and a better quality of the final product. The yield was calculated for at least three plants in each group (n=3). Njoku, D. N. & Muoneke, C. O. Legumes are an important food source for people around the world. About 0.5g of fresh leaves were ground and Chlorophyll was extracted using acetone and 90% ethyl alcohol (v/v) at 4C for 48h until the leaves turned blanch. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. This is consistent with findings derived from summer soybean29. Influence of plant population density on growth and yield of two blackgram varieties. Plant density and soybean yield. Cereal plant density affects yield and growth parameters of fundamental importance. The growth of cotyledons was inhibited while the growth of cotyl was enhanced as the seeding density increased. The level of anthocyanins was determined based on absorbance at 535nm and 657nm with a UV/visible spectrophotometer (722G). Khalil AW, et al. Yan, Q., Shi, M., Ng, J. Dried leaves of perilla sprouts (0.5g) were ground into powder, and treated twice with 30% ethanol solution (25mL) under sonication for 10min, and then centrifuged at 4500rpm for 5min. However, the number of leaves per plant was higher at low plant density. Nadeem, Sajid Mahmood Hoffmann, M.P. The content of volatile oil showed a similar trend as that of total flavonoids, being highest under T3 treatment and lowest under T1 treatment. Xue, Yanfang Azarabadi, S., Abdollahi, H., Torabi, M., Salehi, Z. The content of RA was not significantly different between T1 and T5 treatments. Cold stress affects antioxidative response and accumulation of medicinally important withanolides in withania somnifera (l.) dunal. Within a certain density range (D1-D5), the planting density had a positive effect on seed cotton yield, lint yield and boll number. In this study, we show that planting density influences SP content in the perilla sprouts. Perilla sprouts are also used to prepare and synthesize health-promoting products and even drugs3. Therefore, we conducted a field experiment in a sandy land to explore the responses of the organ yields of C. esculentus, soil wind erosion, and soil properties to row spacing (30, 60, or 90 cm), and bare land was used as the control. Changes in carotenoids, ascorbic acids, and quality characteristics by the pickling of paprika (Capsicum annuum l.) cultivated in Korea. Leaf Aging and Reactive Oxygen Metabolism in Different Genotypes of Mung Bean. Kong, Weilin After processing the fruits, the application of D2 and mechanical harvesting significantly improved quality parameters, such as a*, ASTA (American Spice Trade Association) units and carotenoide concentration, primarily capsanthin. In addition, high planting density inhibits photosynthesis resulting in rotting of seedlings and lower yield. The height of leaves and length of roots were measured using a ruler with a 1mm scale, measurements were conducted in three replicates for each leaf and root. Biotech. Stomatal conductance and photosynthesis. (2004) also reported that maize yield differs significantly under varying plant density levels due to Planting density significantly affected ( P < 0.0001) bell pepper count and weight, with yields tending to decrease with increased plant density. The effects of plant density on lthe growth, development and grain yield of two varieties of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp [1972] . CAS New Zeal. In this study, we show that planting density influences SP content in the perilla sprouts. These internal environmental conditions dependent on planting density affect plant yield and quality24. & Rahman, M. A. Mechanical harvesting is necessary to improve the profitability of this crop. & Cisneros-Zevallos, L. Impact of germination on phenolic content and antioxidant activity of 13 edible seed species. nder T1, T2 and T3 treatments, Pn was positively correlated with Gs and Ci. High planting density also increases inter-plant water content and atmospheric relative humidity. Jianglong, P., et al. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 52(6), 663670 (2005). "shouldUseHypothesis": true, The concentration of total flavonoids in perilla sprouts was determined using aluminium chloride colorimetric method as described by Willet20. Callan NW, et al. Planting density improves photosynthesis, influences plant height, architecture and synthesis of chlorophyll. Thank you for visiting At low plant densities, Bourgouri-28 yielded higher than Bulwalana. The largest stem diameter was recorded in T1 which reached 0.36mm (Fig. , 1b). Our results showed that T3 treatment increased relative humidity and hence this treatment is suitable for perilla sprouts from the transpiration perspective. } performed experiments, L.L.W., Z.D. 1c,d). Effect of sowing density on the yield and yield components of spring-sown irrigated chickpea (Cicer arietinum) grown in Spain. 2a,b), while the highest values were recorded in T3 group. Gaoxiaoli S, et al. Influence of plant population density on growth and yield of two blackgram varieties. This implies that the decrease in Pn may be due to the reduction in Gs. LWT-Food Science and Technology 40(1), 0120 (2007). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are often produced during photosynthesis in chloroplasts. Comparatively, the activities of SOD and CAT in T3 group were higher by 59.05 and 82.04%, respectively, than in other groups. and Gs of T4 treatment increased dramatically by 2050% over other treatments, but no significant differences were found between T1, T2 and T5 treatments. Mir, B. Elicitor-induced RA accumulation and secondary metabolism enzyme activities in salvia miltiorrhiza hairy roots. Heterosis for capsacinoids accumulation in chili pepper hybrids is dependent on parent-of-origin effect. nder T1, T2 and T3 treatments, Pn was positively correlated with Gs and Ci. 3a). 8600 Rockville Pike Figure 1 text description: 2011 had the highest grain yields that increased with row space ranging from approximately 2.5t/ha at a row space of 5cms to approximately 3.65t/ha at a row space of 45cms. Plant densities effectiveness depends on the increase of LAI to the optimum LAI and increase in aboveground dry matter with any further increase resulting in no major impact on yield of cotton (Su et al. 7.3.4 The Bleasdale and Nelder Yield-Density Curve 231. The authors declare no competing interests. Farquhar, G. D. et al. However, there was no significant difference in MDA contents between T2 and T5 treatments (Fig. 59, 114 (2017). [18], who reported that plant density does not affect the yield of tomatoes. The highest yield per unit area was recorded in the HT cultivar. saccharatum]. Secondary metabolites form the main active components of medicinal plants. The content of anthocyanins was similar between T3 and T4 groups. Chen, C. Y. et al. Received 2019 Apr 10; Accepted 2020 May 28. Xue, Yanhui Plant population density The interaction between intera and inter row spacing had no effect on radiation, interception and cob weight. (a+b) and Chl a/b content of 51.21, 45.1 and 43.47%, respectively, among all treatments. Net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and stomatal conductance (Gs) were recorded at 1000 micron2s1 with Li-6400 portable photosynthetic meter. Under normal circumstances, a balance exists between ROS production and elimination in plants. The results show that plant density has no effect on stem diameter and leaf length of groundnut. Also, plants with a density of 285000 plants/ha grew taller and gave higher pod yield than lower density (89000 and 178000 plants ha-1) treatments. The yield of perilla sprouts was measured based on number of whole plants per 1 square meter. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help "isUnsiloEnabled": true, Int J Toxicol. The changes in content of TSS in our study differs from previous studies in corn plants39. The effect of increasing density was to increase the maximum tiller number, but this was followed by different rates of tiller death until early June, after which there was no further compensation for tiller number. The absorbance of the supernatant was measured and used to determine the content of MDA based on absorbance at 532 and 600nm. Sowing rates are higher for "kabuli" type than for "desi" type chickpea because they have larger seeds. effects on plant development. The increase in plant density increased marketable yield per hectare, although the yield per plant decreased. The height of plants differed between treatments. & Pettigrew, W. T. Photosynthesis and growth of cotton (\r, gossypium hirsutum\r, l.) lines deficient in chlorophyll accumulation. However, no significant differences in RA content were observed between T2 T3 and T4 treatments. Anthocyanin, as a flavonoid compound, which could be for this reason that the contents of anthocyanin and flavonoids of perilla sprouts were both higher under T3 treatment. Similarly, the content of volatile oil in T3 exceeded that of T1 by 55 and that of T5 by 22.37%. The lint percentage did not vary with the planting density, but the lint percentage in 2021 decreased compared with that in 2020. A solution containing ground leaves was treated with methanol solution and subjected to ultrasonic treatment for 1h. Next, the solution was filtered to obtain 25ml. Different the lowercase letters show significance at the 5% level determined to Duncans test. Initially, the activity of SOD and CAT increased and then decreased with the increase in planting densities. Other researchers reported that planting density modifies the chemical composition of sprouts from seeds1013. Effects of plant density on cotton yield components and quality. Hostname: page-component-6f888f4d6d-fgvhm In our experiment, reaction of hybrids The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) was estimated as described by Mir18. agric. The reaction mixture was illuminated by fluorescent lamps at 4 000 Lx for 20min, while the control group was kept in darkness. LWT-Food Science and Technology 40(6), 937945 (2007). 2006. wrote the paper, L.M. Wang, Xiaofeng The extraction was continued for 3h, to steam distillation, using a Clevenger apparatus until sufficient oil was collected. Effect of plant density on yield and Quality of perilla sprouts, Before sowing, Nitrogen was applied as the basal fertilizer. Photosynthetic parameters of perilla sprouts were measured from 9:00 a.m to 11:00 a.m in each planting density using 50 replicates at 8th leaf. Moreover, the content of Chl. An experiment is described in which growth and development, and yield and yield components of barley grown over a wide range of density were examined. Optimizing the planting density will not only improve sprouts yield and quality, but also reduce input cost by reducing seed rate and fertilizer usage without reducing yield14. 2011 Sep;76(7):C1075-80. Donald, C.M. Cite this article. Render date: 2022-11-03T18:32:47.408Z The concentration of carbohydrate also reflects the influence of external environment on plant growth and development37. Zhi, X. Y. et al. Effect of Certain Conditions on Yield of Crop Plants: Plant Density : Soil Water : Yield Relationships R. G. FAWCETT Nature 204 , 858-859 ( 1964) Cite this article 146 Accesses 13. Baudron, Frdric Schematised figure, inspired a.o. Industrial Crops and Products 74, 10081016 (2015). Lauriault, Leonard M. Effects of row arrangement and plant density on yield and quality of early, small-vined processing tomatoes. All tables and figures were created using Origin software 2015. also revised and edited the manuscript. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies CAS [ 58 ] reported that increasing plant density had an effect on e.g., grain protein concentration, amount and composition of protein fractions as well as loaf . Then reaction mixture was centrifuged at 5 000g for 10min. 2007;26 Suppl 1:3-106. doi: 10.1080/10915810601163939. The .gov means its official. Raymond P, Al-Ani A, Pradet A. ATP production by respiration and fermentation, and energy charge during aerobiosis and anaerobiosis in twelve fatty and starchy germinating seeds. The recommended sowing rate of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is about 10 kg pure live seed ha1, but it is debated if increasing the sowing rate enhances forage yield and quality in the sowing year. The absorbance of miscible liquids was read at 560nm. and Elsewhere, it has been noted that low yields at low planting densities are caused by the small number of plants per unit of area24. J. Agron. Impact of seeding rate, seeding date, rate and method of phosphorus application in faba bean (Vicia faba L. minor) in the absence of moisture stress. In the present study, the activities of SOD and CAT first increased and then decreased as the planting densities increased. The biosynthesis and accumulation of these metabolites are influenced by the external environmental conditions. .G ABSTRACT Two field experiments were carried out at Shandaweel Agricultural Research Station, Sohag Governorate (latitude of 2633'N, longitude of 3141'E and Altitude of 69 m), in 2013 and 2014 seasons to study the effect of irrigation intervals, planting density and nitrogen fertilization on yield and quality of sweet sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench var. Type Research Article Information Notably, the activities of SOD, POD and CAT were the lowest while the content of MDA was the highest under T1 treatment. It is therefore important to develop methods of enhancing the nutritional quality of this plant8. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of plant density (D1 = 36 765 and D2 = 73 530 plants ha-1 ) and harvesting type (manual or mechanical) on the yield and quality of fresh, dried and powdered peppers. initiated and designed the research, L.L.W., Z.D. If the density exceeds a certain limit, it deteriorates the lighting and ventilation conditions in the population structure. The content of Chlorophyll was higher in T3 treatment than other treatments (Table1). In this study, we explored the influence of planting density on growth, photosynthetic parameters, antioxidant capacity, main secondary metabolites, soluble sugar and soluble protein contents of ready-to-eat sprouts. Iijima, Morio The content of SP increased with the planting density as shown in Fig. Naves ER, Scossa F, Arajo WL, Nunes-Nesi A, Fernie AR, Zsgn A. Sci Rep. 2022 Aug 24;12(1):14450. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-18711-w. Coleto JM, Martn A, Horrillo A, Mesas FJ, Velzquez R. Foods. Turk, T. A. 704 hybrids in density of 84000 plants ha-1 with average of 9.14 t ha-1 and least value of grain yield was observed in hybrid 370 in density of 65000 plants ha-1 with 9.14 t ha-1. Feature Flags: { ft. per plant resulted in a gross revenue increase of about 14.3%. Extraction of the aqueous distillate with n-hexane and removal of the solvent from the extract under vacuum yielded the essential oil. Effects of different planting densities on agronomic characters (ae) and yield (f) of perilla sprouts Error bars indicate standard error (n=3). Google Scholar. Final report on the safety assessment of capsicum annuum extract, capsicum annuum fruit extract, capsicum annuum resin, capsicum annuum fruit powder, capsicum frutescens fruit, capsicum frutescens fruit extract, capsicum frutescens resin, and capsaicin. Soc. Figure 2. The activity of SOD was determined based on inhibition of the photochemical reduction of nitro blue tolazoline (NBT) as described by Polle16. Izumi, Yasuhiro The content of RA was determined with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, LC - 20AT). Vanzant, Eric S. Planting at a density of 1450 plants m2 significantly increased yield, improved the activities of antioxidant enzymes SOD and CAT, enhanced the generation of reactive oxygen species,. High amount of antioxidant substances are synthesized during germination46. Bioactive compounds and bioactivities of germinated edible seeds and sprouts: An updated review. Food Chemistry 185, 99105 (2015). 3b. Notably, the activities of SOD, POD and CAT were the lowest while the content of MDA was the highest under T1 treatment. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help This study was conducted to find out comparative effect of sugarcane seed having different harvesting or stalling period on productivity of sugarcane. "shouldUseShareProductTool": true, Xu, Huasen a/b) varied at different planting densities. Menoufia Journal of Plant Production 2 . Effects of irrigation and plant density on yield, quality and within-boll yield components for The concentration of soluble protein (SP) was estimated based on absorbance at 595nm using bovine serum albumin as a standard using Bradford assay method23. B. Dry field was measured after plants were heated at 105C for 30min, 85C for 48h to a constant weight. 42 PDF In-row Plant Spacing Affects Growth and Yield of Pepperoncini Pepper "displayNetworkTab": true, Cold stress affects antioxidative response and accumulation of medicinally important withanolides in withania somnifera (l.) dunal. In conclusion, appropriate planting density will lead to high yield and length of perilla sprouts. Background: Chickpea yield losses due to weed competition have been estimated to range between 40 and 87% depending on weed species and density. CAS Essential oil was prepared according to the procedure described by Burits and Bucar22. Effect of plant-row spacing on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of summer soybean.
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