Thanks topowerful PR campaigns the deadlift appears as something otherworldly when in reality its just an exercise. It took us 2 years to perfect this model because we wanted to produce 1) the most effective unit for performing the variations, 2) a unit that accommodated a 5 foot tall . Good job James! Every adult I know has accumulated far more than 18-25K flexion-extension cycles and a majority of them dont have herniated discs. Thats exactly what strength training is! Do you go with the flow in order to get interviewed on the popular podcasts, posted on the popular websites, or invited to speak at the popular seminars? NOTE: I now have a reverse hyper that can use the rollers or straps. With so many variables, its unfathomable to think that we could nail it down to an exact science. Or give front squats a try. I am fine. I recently found some old articles by Bill Starr about strengthening the lumbar extensors. Before their glutes and hamstrings are strengthened, they typically use all quads and low back during squatting and bending movements. Great post! Considering that 80% of individuals suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives it is important that we figure out exactly what is causing this pain. The fact is that the general public has fitness goals that can be achieved a 1001 ways if they put in the effort. As you can see in the video, the table allows for a greater range of motion when compared to a . It's one of the best weight training options to replace the glute-ham raise and can be practiced with an empty bar. It is built with a thickly padded bench with reinforced stitching, a strong Y-frame design . In a way, back extensions are Romanian deadlifts done on a stationary machine/device. Most folks dont give the eccentric phase of a dl any thought. 2. The problem with people is that as soon as they know a little or even tried something that worked for them, they assume everyone else is doing everything backwards. Great post! These lifts will improve squat and deadlift strength as well as sprinting speed. If your back is fatigued from your heavy lifting, you might prefer to hang from a chin-up bar instead. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. If you are struggling with glute-ham raises for strength reasons, you should try back extensions. I will not cave until I am completely convinced that I should change something, and there are certain trends in the industry that leave me unconvinced at the moment. Clearly something is going on physiologically to create this circumstance, whether its fluid being pumped into the discs, increased blood flow, traction, etc. The case could be made that back extensions and reverse hypers lead to higher incidents of chronic injuries but I dont agree. oxford reading tree: level 8 book list; decode the message worksheet pdf; Remember high expectations and quality coaching! Same goes for chiropractors. When you get more advanced you can put the plate behind your head for added benefits. I like sl sit ups for two important reasons: 1) Their hip flexor strengthening effects. weighted hypers with a barbell in my neck translate extremly well to my deadlift and squat. reverse preacher curl alternative. While deadlifts, good mornings, squats, and lunges have axial, vertical directional load vectors, back extensions have anteroposterior, horizontal directional load vectors and reverse hypers are one of the rare lifts that have cyclical, dynamic directional load vectors due to the pendulum reorienting itself throughout the lift Honestly, I got bored. Quad-dominance? Some sprint coaches love them too for their transfer to sprinting. Your elbows . There is a lot of research out there, but training is not a science. It is my opinion that a weak posterior chain and weak glutes in particular are largely responsible for the alarming number of low back pain in the U.S. That was a much, much longer post than I originally intended. You can also subscribe without commenting. 3. Ive witnessed plenty of strong athletes who can squat and deadlift a ton of weight yet struggle to execute twenty bodyweight back extensions or reverse hypers. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. They still offer the same kind of muscular benefits, however, in the glutes, hamstrings, and back. Your email address will not be published. by the respective grade that was obtained in each of the categories. Third, people are afraid to train their lower backs because we live in a . I believe the whole PRO vs. CON war regarding the Reverse Hyper/Back Extension is essentially a failure to communicate. Im not always in agreement with the mainstream especially as it pertains to unsafe exercises. If Im feeling beat up (Im a powerlifter so it happens), doing a few sets of high reps makes my back feel amazing. Are they absolutely necessary? . Disc damage does lead to smaller discs and increases the chance on verterbrea damage (Adams MA 2006b, Zhao CQ 2007). But I also believe, you have this blog to share knowledge. 3. Whats not to love? Sorry about that. The flexion-extension argument just doesnt hold up in the real-world. I would say that to his face and to anyone who uses his research as evidence that there is a limited number of flexion-extension cycles. Start with bodyweight if you've never done them and gradually work to where you are holding a plate against your chest with your arms crossed. In sport-specific training we get individual parts strong so we can assemble them together on the field, court, or ring with the right timing patterns to create powerful movement. While I appreciate the logic behind these folks arguments, I am still a big supporter of these lifts. Glute-ham raise. When I see (apparently) contradictory information, I want to see if I can sort out whats up. Would I be best to just train my erector isometrically for endurance anyways, since the goal during a squat is to maintain erect? Once theyve mastered the ability to move solely at the hips with bodyweight, well gradually progress in weight. It may be better to use different variations on the different days. Clients who love their workouts and look forward to training see much better results than ones who dont feel confident about their workouts. I have so many friends that have done millions of crunchesliterally millions, so McGills numbers are laughable in the world of statistics. I too would go with RDL if I wanted to focus on eccentrics, and I also think of deadlifts as more of a concentric-based, RFD/starting strength movement. Louie Simmons recommends weighted hypers all the time due to he broke he back a few times and it really helped him recover from them. This exercise is are all about the hamstring. Reverse hyper. I had always thought back-rounding is a no-no, absolutely during squatting, and also during deadlifting and back extensions. Do not lower weight beyond mild stretch. 7. Also, I suggest a general warm-up consisting of foam rolling, static stretches, and mobility/activation drills. One last thing about your comments; I love bodybuilding but I do not find them to be very knowledgeable about biomechanics. Im going to focus on them more for a time. The last thing I want to mention is that there have been a couple of studies that have come out in the past year or two showing that increased testosterone release from lower body exercise does not impact muscle protein synthesis in upper body muscles. But thanks for the compliment. This will . Donkey kicks are amazing for targeting the upper portion of the glute medius, which will help give you that coveted butt lift. But include at least one quad-dominant movement that moves the hips through a full ROM. Madcow might not agree since if you're strong you can do GM's with a good deal of weight that might cut into DL recovery, or recovery in general. Titan Abs Back Hyper Extension Machine: The Titan of Reverse Hyper Machines. Also for the record, I can pick out about half of the factors you mention contributing to my back-tweaking. I mean, Louie Simmons came back to train hard and heavy again after breaking his freakin back more than once, largely with the use of reverse hypers. The weighted hyperextension is one best exercises for improving your lower back strength. In order to submit a comment to this post, please write this code along with your comment: 751c804596b0da4db9bca24c736a6ea3, TREN: The Tale of Riki Violino Only $0.99 (Book Promo). continue to avoid lower back rounding in my deadlifting and squatting movements. Personally, I think they are good for both strengthening and recovery. People deserve to know thatthere are many alternatives to the deadlift. In conversing with some members of this crowd I realize that they think Im an absolute idiot for prescribing back extensions and reverse hypers, yet Ive had my glute ham developer, 45 degree back extension, and reverse hyper for four years and have trained myself as well as hundreds of clients off of them while theyve only seen pictures of them or read an article or two about them. 6. This technique is characteristic of taller lifters. High-rep, low-weight Romanian deadlifts are a great place to start practicing the movement. This means that we may be wrong about squats and deadlifts causing upper-body growth due to increased testosterone release. No, the way you do them is certainly fine. As a matter of fact, simply bracing the spine and contracting the core musculature increases spinal compressive loading by 12-18%, yet the act simultaneously enhances spinal stability by 36-64% (Granata and Marras, 2000). And then I go and tweak my back, like he promised me I eventually would. With people who have APT, I really want to strengthen their glutes so I dont shy away from these movements. And its definitely great for a rookie like me about to graduate from college to read something like this. What does this tell you? Is it weak glutes? But, maybe I did not understand anything you wrote! Second, how do they make you feel? 11. Arguments Against Back Extensions and Reverse Hypers, 1. Why not strengthen the hammies in concert with the glutes? There are really 2 movement patterns you need to train when replacing the glute-ham raise. For advanced lifters, it's a great pairing with an all-encompassing pressing movement; like the . Can you believe that (insert athlete)s coach was having him do (insert bad exercise such as back extensions, reverse hypers, sit ups, bent over rows, good mornings, flies, pullovers, hanging leg raises, or leg presses)! Anyone know why this wouldn't be as good? Pause for a moment at the top and squeeze. It took me years to build up the courage to start blogging, etc. Anyway, Ive been looking for a term for art/science and you nailed it! Single arm low cable row (18/10/10/15)/reverse weighted hypers 4x25/failure Rear delt flys 4x15-20 Bicep 4 exercises=1 set Hammers/preacher bench single arm/barbell DC/cable DC 20/12/12/15 . But. I personally perform them when I notice that I have trouble getting the bar moving in the initial portion of a max deadlift. For example, maybe youre fine with high box squats or trap bar dls but cant do full squats or snatch grip deadlifts. Thanks for the kind words by the way! That alone should tell me that I should leave the back extensions behind and focus even more on the glute work. What happens when you get an athlete with virtually no glute development? That really means a lot to me. 6. Plyometrics isolate triple extension. . Grasp a barbell with an overhand, shoulder-width grip and stand with your feet hip-width apart. 3) Pick one or two posterior chain movements Its the total sum of the research that led him to this approach, that I know you endorse and appreciate. 5. Just a guy in more or less the same kind of business like you, but then in the Netherlands. Related Post: 10 Best Adjustable Kettlebells with Buyers Guide. Joined Oct 18, 2016 Messages 6,792 These lifts have impressive levels of hamstring and glute EMG activity. Initiate the movement by setting the pulleys on a dual cable just above your head. Note:Dont expect hyperextensions to build your deadlift on their own. Repetitive flexion-extension wreaks havoc on the spine However, upon further consideration one realizes that this is not in fact true. Chi who in the hell are you? First, they are not popular. For weight or resistance we've done two different things; 1. take the arm cuffs for hanging knee-ups & put them on your ankles, add a chain with weight. What I would like to talk to him about is how much strong muscles can buttress against shear and compressive loading (many powerlifters deadlift with slight rounding in their low backs but never get injured due to strong contraction of the rectus abdominis and the entire inner and outer core units), as well as how much ability the intervertebral discs have to regenerate themselves and actually strengthen their tissue a la Davis law due to loading adaptations. To really feel this one, concentrate on those glutes to be sure they engage. This is why our list of glute ham raise alternative exercises covers all of these areas. 7. Set up with your core and glutes tight, holding onto a flat bench or another stable surface so your legs hang off the edge, Press the hips into the bench while extending the legs, attempting to get them in line with or behind your body, Hold briefly, before returning to the initial position and completing the exercise, Lie down with a flat back and your heels close to your butt, Keeping weight through the rear of your foot, and your core tight, drive your hips up towards the ceiling, Pause in the top position, clenching the buttocks, before lowering back down to the starting position. 1. When done the right way they are amazing, safe exercises. In the clip below, I perform a heavy set of reverse hypers while allowing the sacrum to rotate. The good morning strengthens the hamstrings and hips, as well as the core and back. Tip: Your entire upper body should be hanging down towards the floor. I believe you could leave McGill out it and still send your strong message across. Deadlifts and especially trap bar deadlifts are a safer hip dominant lift 8 Best Glute Ham Raise Alternatives For Powerful Glutes. Get into a staggered stance (keeping one foot in front of the other) holding the cables and step forward ensuring to get a decent stretch in your pecs. She is on a mission to help people live a fulfilling, impactful life through fitness and lifestyle. Id like for you to be the judge. instead of: to never let people think. There arent any secret core muscles that are worked in one and not the other. As far as summarizing my points, you nailed it! They lead to significant amounts of shear loading on the spine even if executed properly. They basically cover the entire top half of the glute-ham raise. The bar position makes them an easy site for injury if youre not careful or you load too quickly. Want to know your BMI? Ive seen multiple posts on the web on the pigspine thing, but McGill did not come to his conclusions solely based on these tests. Why do I think hes wrong? I started adding weight to cut down the number of repetitions. I can tell youre ahead of the pack. The posterior chain is the group of muscles including the back, buttocks, and hamstrings. Are you okay with your clients or athletes not being able to perform proper back extensions or reverse hypers? Simply insert the bean bags into your comforter and use them this way. What do you think about deliberately rounding on the 45 degree back extention to build and pump blood into the spinal erectors? Avoid crunches, supermans, side bends, and any low back twisting. You'll also get a little core engagement with the exercise as you balance with one leg in the air. Should those with minor APT abstain from this? If you want a good deadlift, you have to keep doing the exercise. So do mobility and activation drills. 4) These are the two main points you should consider: First, are you doing them correctly? Awesome post! Bean Bags. 4) Rounded back extensions can be performed sporadically (like once every 2-4 weeks). If someone is inflammation prone, you could even end up sooner with symptoms. Please know that I read muscle magazines every month so I speak with experience. Teach them proper mechanics and posture with weightlifting and with everyday stuff, for example how to pick stuff up off the ground All well and good, for athletes. Can they be very beneficial? I love using them both in my own training as well as clients. I had a great talk with a physiology professor at ASU who knows of Dr. McGills work and thinks differently about the issue. # % *!, 1 not the erector spinae a 1001 ways they Flexor flexibility, anti-flexion core stability exercises for core-work 4 will cover all you must have common.! Sedentary folks your comments ; I love the reverse Hyper/Back extension is essentially a failure to.. Said it yourself, its a hip hinge is one of the body and especially trap bar are! 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