on air quality, Natl. This has led to studying the role of the eosinophil in COPD, using statistical approaches to define particular subgroups and to the delivery of therapeutic strategies to patients, working across the translational spectrum. winter visibility over eastern China, J. Geophys. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(22)00174-7. He completed a PhD in lung inflammation at the MRC Centre for Inflammation Research, followed by a clinician scientist fellowship. Professor Tim Nawrot from Hasselt University said: We know that exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and infancy has been linked with stillbirth, pre-term birth, low-weight babies and disturbed brain development, with consequences persisting throughout life. Bull., 58, 11781187. urgent action, Lancet, 388, 19391951, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31597-5, anthropogenic emissions and atmospheric processes, Proc. strong cold-air outbreak in January 2016 in China, Air Qual. The COVID-19 Observatory would like to acknowledge the Indigenous Peoples and representatives from Uganda (Batwa), Namibia (Ovambo), Ghana (Dagaaba), South Africa (Xhosa), Peru (Ashninka, Shawi), Bolivia (Guarani, Amaznicos, Quechuas, and Aymaras), Sri Lanka (coastal-Vedda), India (Irula, Badaga, Toda, Kota, and Kurumba), Fiji (iTaukei), Russia (Even), Australia (Gubbi Gubbi), and Canada (Inuit), without whose collaboration this project would not be possible. 00:00UTC on day0 to 12:00UTC on day+1, the CAO_rapid event has a She has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, and serves on the editorial boards of several international journals. University of Wyoming: Radio sounding data, University of Wyoming [data set], http://www.weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/sounding.html, last access: 14 October 2022. Air transportation, population density and temperature predict the spread of COVID-19 in Brazil. It should be noted that the cold air mass in the period after CAO is described as the residual cold air mass in this study. Liu, Q., Sheng, L., Cao, Z., Diao, Y., Wang, W., and Zhou, Y.: Dual effects Managing multiple hazards: lessons from anticipatory humanitarian action for climate disasters during COVID-19. The purple bars denote the mean zonal wind speed in the cold air mass. 10d), the cold air mass depth decreases markedly; however, the slope of isentropes remains large. She also studied biostatistics and completed a PhD thesis in Endocrinology. To ensure the existence of the rapid reappearance of air pollution after 7a may represent the mixing layer (or boundary layer), featuring convection, vertical mixing, and dry adiabatic lapse rates. The contact author has declared that none of the authors has any competing interests. Table2Averaged AQI change rate and the cold air mass properties during the period from day+1 to +2. Wu, Y., and Hao, J.: Four-month changes in air quality during and after the We must set our sights on a fundamental economic reset with planetary health at its core, argue Kent Buse and colleagues. Jpn., 97, 275293. Small droplet aerosols in poorly ventilated spaces and SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Among these factors, the cold air mass depth is highly consistent with the mixing layer height, below which most air pollutants are found; the negative heat content and slope of isentropes in the cold air mass jointly determine the intensity of low-level vertical stability. Climate change 2021: the physical science basis. Data from 475stations (in 98cities) Professor Bafadhel is a clinical researcher, working in the Nuffield Department of Medicine as an Associate Professor in respiratory medicine at the University of Oxford and an honorary respiratory consultant physician at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Towards net zero healthcare. 4.1 and4.2, a He has published around 200 papers. different periods of the CAO, as shown in Fig. She continued her residency training in internal medicine as well as her pulmonary and critical care fellowship at the University of Michigan. Observation times were 00:00 and 12:00UTC (08:00 and 20:00LT). Liu, Q., Chen, G., Sheng, L., and Iwasaki, T.: Rapid reappearance of air pollution after cold air outbreaks in northern and eastern China, Atmos. Such differences in the removal of air pollution may be associated with the thermal/dynamical features of CAO (Liu et al., 2019). COVID-19 and physical geographyyellow card. The remaining 33 CAOs (63.5%) featured a rapid reappearance of air pollution (CAO_rapid). As a clinician she runs clinics for children with all paediatric respiratory diseases, but in particular for those with severe asthma, cystic fibrosis, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The AQI quantifies overall air She has been an invited speaker at numerous scientific meetings worldwide and has been awarded several prestigious scientific prizes. This may be attributed to the radiative feedback of the air pollutant (Petj et al., 2016; Ding et al., 2016). Figure3(a) Statistical distribution of the daily change in AQI calculated by all of the days during the eightwinters (brown bars) and days during the period after the CAOs (green bars). slope of isentropes, in the cold air mass could also influence the low-level She also acts as senior PI in Institute of Respiratory Medicine, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and National Clinical research Center for Respiratory Diseases. The region of the worst AQI after the air pollution reappearance features a slowly decreasing residual cold air mass with nearly no horizontal flux. Prevention of pollution from land-based sources is key. Although the dynamics of the interactions between COVID-19 and these challenges are poorly understood, with little research taking a holistic look at how COVID-19 intersects with these diverse challenges, their co-occurrence can create effects that have consequences in areas other than the health domain and can weaken the resilience of multiple sectors of socialecological systems. 14b). She is also an Associate Editor of Respiratory Medicine Sci. (downward) arrows denote that the value of sensitive experiment is greater (less) than the value in control experiment. increase after CAO, forming a new round of air pollution with even higher Moreover, the AQI increase rate will not vary monotonically with the cold air mass depth. Correspondence: Guixing Chen (chenguixing@mail.sysu.edu.cn). Studies examining the links between climatic factors and COVID-19 have drawn inconclusive results. Panels(a) and(b)are composited by the CAO_rapid events and CAO_slow events, respectively. Chem. Sustainable Development Goals: building back better. Countdown Introduction. The level of particles found was linked to the amount of air pollution the mother was exposed to during pregnancy. Yang, Y., Zheng, X., Gao, Z., Wang, H., Wang, T., Li, Y., Lau, G. N. C., and The Lancet Oncology; The Lancet Planetary Health; The Lancet Psychiatry; The Lancet Public Health; The Lancet Regional Health Americas; and exposure to air pollution in later life. Among them, Particulate Matter (PM), particles of variable but very small diameter, penetrate the respiratory In Prof Bafadhel completed medical training at the University of Birmingham, UK, followed by training at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital and The Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK. These results suggest that a considerable portion of air pollution in NEC can be linked to the decay of the CAO. COVID-19: lessons for the climate change emergency. Her main areas of interest are COPD and global health. Chem. Figure1 shows the temporal To further verify the connection between the cold air mass properties and the JDF, CZ-C, DN, CS, LB-F, KH, JJM, and MN acquired funding. In the same period, the AQI increases nearly 2 times from 50 to 150. Prevalence and impact of diabetes among people infected with SARS-CoV-2. Published annually, the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration, dedicated to monitoring the evolving health profile of climate change, and providing an independent assessment of the delivery of commitments made by governments worldwide under the Paris Agreement. Yim, S. H. L.: Long-term trends of persistent synoptic circulation events in Can the coronavirus disease be transmitted from food? Tang, G., Zhang, J., Zhu, X., Song, T., Mnkel, C., Hu, B., Schfer, K., Liu, Z., Zhang, J., Wang, L., Xin, J., Suppan, P., and Wang, Y.: Mixing layer height and its implications for air pollution over Beijing, China, Atmos. Prof Xiao graduated from Norman Bethune University of Medical Science, completed her medical training and her PhD at Chinese Medical University. The rest of this study is organized as Conceptualizing climate vulnerability in complex adaptive systems. By quantifying the CAO properties, we find the coldness and depth of the cold air mass are key factors affecting the rapid (slow) reappearance of air pollution through modulating the atmospheric boundary layer height and stability. 10a), the upper boundary of the cold air mass is relatively flat, rising from 900hPa at 30N to 770hPa at 40N. Inside the cold air mass, the isentropes represented by the potential temperature anomaly are essentially parallel to the upper boundary of the cold air mass. She joined the Einstein/Montefiore faculty in July 2009. The delayed effect of wildfire season particulate matter on subsequent influenza season in a mountain west region of the USA. One of our era's greatest scourges is air pollution, on account not only of its impact on climate change but also its impact on public and individual health due to increasing morbidity and mortality. increase rates of AQI during air pollution reappearance. She is a member of the editorial boards of the European Respiratory Journal and Chest, and is the current Education Council Chair of the European Respiratory Society. initiation resulting from the interaction between a quasi-stationary dryline Compound climate risks in the COVID-19 pandemic. Countries and health systems continue to contend with the health, social, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, while Russia's invasion of Ukraine and a persistent fossil fuel overdependence has pushed the world into global energy Unborn babies have air pollution particles in their developing lungs and other vital organs as early as the first trimester, new research has revealed. Such an enhanced Can California cities protect them? and eastern China (NEC) experiences the most pollution, which mainly is haze pollution, resulting in attention from researchers. He has served as Associate Editor for Europe for Paediatric Pulmonology. Chem. The original draft was written by JDF, CZ-C, LB-F, TA, CA-R, IA-R, JB, VC-Z, EKG, MH, CK, SL, DN, MN, NN, RN, SO, MO, KP, and CS. of the record-breaking cold surge event over East Asia in January 2016, J. Res., 23, 80448052, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-016-6061-2, 2016. Michelle N. Gong is Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology and Population Health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. on aerosol concentrations over North China using isentropic analysis, J. You will then receive an email that contains a secure link for resetting your password, If the address matches a valid account an email will be sent to __email__ with instructions for resetting your password. In addition, further research is warranted to help She is currently a Professor of Medicine and Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (Nashville, TN, USA). 2020). The Lancet Planetary Health, 4 (2) (2020), pp. The Lancet Oncology; The Lancet Planetary Health; The Lancet Psychiatry; The Lancet Public Health; The Lancet Regional Health Americas; pollution exposure in studies on human fetal programming and will assist in unravelling the complexity of particulate air pollution-related health effects in early life. The stable layer still exists at the upper part of the cold air mass, although its intensity is weaker than that on day0. 1099111007, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JD028982, 2018. Pollution can take the form of any substance (solid, liquid, or gas) or energy (such as radioactivity, heat, sound, or light). (2014) 383:158192. In the NHC_C (NHC_W) experiment, the NHC of the cold air mass is increased (decreased) by adding a cold (warm) bubble centered at a height of 0km. Based on these results, the the circulation of anticyclonic pattern in northern Siberia (cyclonic pattern in northeastern Asia) usually lead to a rapid (slow) deterioration of air pollution. Figure2Relationship between the daily changes in the AQI and the cold air mass depth. His research interests have focused on the critical care management of patients with haematological malignancies and toxicity from chemotherapy and immunotherapy. While still based in the Balearics, from 2015 he was offered to move his academic affiliation to Madrid, and he was named Consultant on Methodology and Research of SEPAR. ", "We know that exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and infancy has been linked with still birth, preterm birth, low weight babies and disturbed brain development, with consequences persisting throughout life," Professor Tim Nawrot, a professor of environmental epidemiology at Hasselt University said in the same release. She then completed a PhD in Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (Baltimore, MD, USA). usually experiences a sharp increase and reaches a relatively high value Liu, Q., Cao, Z., and Xu, H.: Clearance capacity of the atmosphere: the Res. 8b). reason that the number of haze days reaches a ceiling, Environ. 2016. He serves as the Medical Director of the UAB Lung Health Center and the Medical Director of Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Researchers have found that unborn babies have air pollution particles in their developing lungs and other vital organs as early as the first trimester of pregnancy. Statistical features of air pollution reappearance, and its association with CAO evolution, are examined in Sect. She spent 19 years at the National Jewish Health in Denver before moving to the University of Pittsburgh. Climate anxiety and dissatisfaction with government responses are widespread in children and young people in countries across the world and impact their daily functioning. increases and results in a new round of air pollution in the period after G., Wang, J., Yang, Y., and Zhang, Y.: Factors contributing to haze and fog The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No.SC013683, Babies have air pollution in their lungs and brains before they take their first breath, There are no items to show for December 2022. 2021; 778 146394. Collaborating with the research informatics and healthcare industries, Dr Gong has fostered the application of informatic approaches to drive improvement in healthcare delivery and research. layer conditions on day0 from control and sensitive experiments. during the outbreak (Shoji et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2019, 2021). COVID-19 transmission mostly occurs through close contact between an infected person and an uninfected person through exposure to aerosols or droplets carrying the infectious SARS-CoV-2 virus. Responding to community spread of COVID-19: interim guidance. For example, Indigenous populations in South America are among some of the communities most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. usually occurred in the period after the CAO. There is an urgent need for further research into the emotional impact of climate atmospheric circulations based on daily visibility data from 1960 to 2012, The strength of the eastward cold air mass 2016. 7a. Further analysis shows that the evolution of the residual cold air mass and In the experiment of CAO_rapid event, the air pollutant concentration increases rapidly on days0 and +1 under the condition of the relatively low boundary layer height and strong vertical stability. Wang, H.-J. Wang, Y., Yao, L., Wang, L., Liu, Z., Ji, D., Tang, G., Zhang, J., Sun, Y., It is part of the fine particulate air pollution known as PM 2.5. She also serves as the principal investigator of a large NIH-funded observational study of over 3000 critically ill patients (the Validating Acute Lung Injury Biomarkers for Diagnosis [VALID] study) to develop and validate biomarkers for the diagnosis of ARDS and AKI and as the principal investigator of several NIH-funded clinical trials of novel therapies to improve lung function in deceased organ donors. T., and Zhang, X.: Satellite-derived PM2. A reappearance index of air pollution (RI) is also defined below to describe the relative intensity of reappeared air pollution compared to the air pollution before CAO. During the CAO_rapid events (Fig. Phys., 16, 24592475. He is a Professorial Fellow of St Edmund Hall. Wang, Y., Wen, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, S., Zhang, K. M., Zheng, H., Xing, J., mechanisms modifying cold air mass changes during the decay period of the Prof Vincent has signed over 1000 peer-reviewed articles, 400 book chapters, and 1000 abstracts. Air pollution exposes our societies to chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer, said Julien Jreissati, Greenpeace's Middle East and North Africa Programme Manager. Climate, 27, Prof Davies also runs research programmes in early infection and inflammation and leads a CF Trust Strategic Research Centre on Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Phys., 16, 42054211. The variation in air pollutant concentration in this study is described increasing from a few to tens and even hundreds of micrograms per cubic Holzworth, G. C.: Mixing depths, wind speeds and air pollution potential for Professor Morrell received her PhD from London University, followed by a Wellcome Trust Fellowship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA. Multifaceted approaches, including scaling up interventions to address modifiable risk factors and investing (2014) 383:158192. Iwasaki, T., Shoji, T., Kanno, Y., Sawada, M., Ujiie, M., and Takaya, K.: The AQI stations in the study area Drs Matthieu Pernot, Clment Papadacci & Alexandre Dizeux join eBioMedicine to discuss about ultrasound localization microscopy, brain imaging and scientific communication. Ding, A. J., Huang, X., Nie, W., Sun, J. N., Kerminen, V. M., Therefore, the anticyclonic and cyclonic patterns in high-latitude Eurasia can be used as precursors for the estimation of air pollution reappearance after the CAO. Driven by this southward cold air mass flux, the cold air mass depth anomaly dominates NEC. COVID-19 and Indigenous Peoples: an imperative for action. pollution on the burden of chronic respiratory diseases in China: time for China Earth Sci., 57, 3646, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-013-4792-1, 2014. The Lancet Planetary Health; The Lancet Psychiatry; The Lancet Public Health; The Lancet Regional Health Americas; The Lancet Regional Health Europe; childhood respiratory infections, poorly controlled asthma, history of tuberculosis, indoor and outdoor air pollution, and occupational exposures. Nat. For the effect of the diabatic process, a much stronger diurnal variation is observed. Floods and the COVID-19 pandemica new double hazard problem. The effect of climate on the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic: a review of findings, and statistical and modelling techniques. He has published more than 600 articles on pulmonary oedema and the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and the role of the alveolar epithelium in regulating lung fluid balance. Figure11 compares She is currently Director of Tobacco Medicine and Tobacco Cessation Centre, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, and Co-head of WHO Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Cessation and Respiratory Diseases Prevention in China. Res.-Atmos., 123, This means that it is possible for these nanoparticles to directly interact with control systems within human fetal organs and cells.". 7, 8, and11, suggesting that both the day+2, which was worse than the AQI before the CAO. The 44 indicators of this report expose an After training, Dr Highland joined the faculty of MUSC where she was Director of a busy rheumatic lung disease clinic and pulmonary hypertension program. 3. selected locations in the United States, J. Appl. To address this issue, we investigated the possible connection between air pollution reappearance and CAO by quantifying the properties of the residual cold air mass after CAO. The estimates of antibiotic usage prevalence, aggregated to the national level, were used as a covariate (in addition to antenatal care coverage, hospital beds per 1000 persons, temperature, outdoor air pollution, sanitation, physicians per capita, Health Access and Quality Index, and socio-demographic index) to fit a stacked ensemble model. 93379348, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00307.1, 2014. The ways that climate and COVID-19 interact vary between and within populations and regions, intersecting with gender, ethnicity, culture, livelihoods, income, and access to health care to create differential risks. Want more health and science stories in your inbox? Professor Raghu received his medical degree from the University of Mysore, India. He received an American Thoracic Society award for Scientific Achievement in 2002, an Honora Causa from the University of Paris in 2011, and the UCSF Lifetime Achievement Award for Mentoring in 2013. Although environmental pollution Pollut., 247, 11251133. Black carbon is one of the many particles and gases that are emitted when industry burns diesel, coal and other biomass fuels. For example, few climate adaptation actions integrate pandemic preparedness or have contingency plans for major or rare events, which might affect their implementation and effectiveness. value of the cold air mass depth. Figure11Evolution of spatially averaged (NEC; 114122E, 3040N) vertical stability at the upper boundary of the cold air mass (solid line) and the averaged vertical stability in the cold air mass (dash dot line) during a CAO_rapid event from 14 to 17 December 2016 (red) and a CAO_slow event from 11 to 14 February 2018 (blue). after 52 CAOs are analyzed. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2019.01.056, 2019. An urgent call to collect data related to COVID-19 and Indigenous populations globally. rate is much faster than that in other periods in winter. Professor Rabe has served on GINA and GOLD, and is member of the German Chest Society, where he currently holds the position of president, the British Pharmacological Society, the American Thoracic Society, and the European Respiratory Society, where he held the position of president 2012-2013. Ma, S., Shao, M., Zhang, Y., Dai, Q., and Xie, M.: Sensitivity of PM2.5 and O3 pollution episodes to meteorological factors over the North Toby Maher is British Lung Foundation Chair in Respiratory Research. He completed his fellowship training in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Michigan. She is an active interventional and structural cardiologist, and was nominated by the World Medical Association as "Caring Physician of the World" in 2006. Wildfires, global climate change, and human health. He has been a research fellow at Harvard Medical School's Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, MA, USA) and the Interstitial Lung Disease Unit, Royal Brompton Hospital (London, UK). 11). Dr Gongs clinical focus is on critical care delivery, predictive analytics, and process improvements, such as the implementation of sedation and delirium protocols and early mobilization in the medical intensive care unit, which has reduced the duration of mechanical ventilation, length of stay, hospital costs, and ICU complications. Varieties of crises: comparing the politics of COVID-19 and climate change. Sci Total Environ. Chem. The description of air pollution reappearance is based on the AQI in thus ends the reappearance of air pollution (Fig. The COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing, and therefore some interactions between climate and COVID-19 are probably not discernible at the time of writing and will emerge in the future. He has raised over 60 million in peer review grants and donations, authored over 400 papers in peer review journals, and written more than 80 chapters in books and monographs. The Lancet Commission on pollution and health reported that pollution was responsible for 9 million premature deaths in 2015, making it the world's largest environmental risk factor for disease and premature death. Pollut. (AQI_a) to represent the air pollution before CAO and the reappeared air pollution, respectively. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. 4.1 and4.2; that is, the properties of CAO could effectively impact the diffusion conditions in atmospheric boundary layer. Li, M., Yao, Y., Simmonds, I., Luo, D., Zhong, L., and Pei, L.: Linkages between the atmospheric transmission originating from the North Atlantic Oscillation and persistent winter haze over Beijing, Atmos. He was elected a Fellow of the European Respiratory Society in 2014 and a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Science in 2015. Faced with the demands of improving air quality, progress in understanding the variations in air pollution is of great importance. Prof Maher trained at Southampton University, and obtained his PhD at University College London. Copyright 2022 Elsevier Inc. except certain content provided by third parties. Climatol., 36, 346354. Shoji, T., Kanno, Y., Iwasaki, T., and Takaya, K.: An isentropic analysis of She obtained her MBBS, MSc, and MD degrees from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, and her PhD from Monash University, Australia. in the AQI occurs when the cold air mass depth increases, which corresponds Sci. Figure8The same as Fig. The climate crisis and COVID-19a major threat to the pandemic response. 60d (Li et al., 2021). The onset of a CAO event, which is the first day when the regional mean She is a co-Chief Investigator in the international initiative to develop core outcome sets (COS) for delirium research. air mass flux (vectors) in the initial stage from day4 to0. If you don't remember your password, you can reset it by entering your email address and clicking the Reset Password button. reappearance group and a rapid reappearance group, according to IA The Lancet Commission on pollution and health reported that pollution was responsible for 9 million premature deaths in 2015, making it the world's largest environmental risk factor for disease and premature death. AR5 climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. The above results suggest that CAO_rapid and CAO_slow events are distinguished by the dominant pattern of large-scale anomalous cold air mass flux in the early period of the CAO (days4 to 2). Rep., 6, 29612. Please enter a term before submitting your search. Professor Tim Nawrot said: We know that exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and infancy has been linked with still birth, preterm birth, low weight babies and disturbed brain development, with consequences persisting throughout life., We show in this study that the number of black carbon particles that get into the mother are passed on proportionally to the placenta and into the baby. On day4, a cyclonic pattern of anomalous cold air mass flux is observed in northeastern Asia, which is also featured by the positive anomaly of cold air mass depth. 5a andb). COVID-19 outbreak in China, Science, 369, 6504. (b)Statistical distribution of the reappearance index of air pollution in 52 CAO events. Phys., 16, 1183711851, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-16-11837-2016, 2016. Wu, Y., and Hao, J.: Four-month changes in air quality during and after the There are many pollutants that are major factors in disease in humans. 2022 The Institution of Engineering and Technology. The average tendencies of the dynamic and diabatic processes on days+1 and +2 are 66.7 and 1.5hPad1, respectively. The COVID-19 crisis: a critical juncture for EU climate policy development?. Previous studies showed that the cold air mass depth Oct 12. The strong eastward transport from NEC to the marine The potential interactions between COVID-19 and climate described in this Personal View offer a portent of how society might be affected by future compounding climatic risks as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop alongside an increase in severe and frequent climatic extremes. for air pollution reappearance. Nearly 90 percent of the newborns were white Europeans, so it may not give a picture of what exposure is like in places like, say, New Delhi, India, one of the most polluted regions on Earth. SALON is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of Salon.com, LLC. A climate resilience research renewal agenda: learning lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for urban climate resilience. suggesting the existence of air pollution reappearance after the CAO. Climate, 34, 32393254, Ma, S., Shao, M., Zhang, Y., Dai, Q., and Xie, M.: Sensitivity of PM. Sci., 57, 1425. On the onset day of the CAO_rapid event (Fig. divided into four quadrants in Fig. cold air mass depth decrease, suggesting that the retreat and dissipation of the cold air mass may be an important meteorological factor for the formation of heavy air pollution. It is critical to address this growing issue, as the future health of our children is literally at stake. Lett., The Lancet Planetary Health; The Lancet Psychiatry; The Lancet Public Health; The Lancet Regional Health Americas; The Lancet Regional Health Europe including anaesthetic gases and asthma inhaler propellants, and air pollution, especially from health-care-related transport.
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