(1389277), Prefabs: Fixed DisallowMultipleComponent attribute is ignored in Prefab variants. uGUI: Changed the calculations to take in consideration images that may be smaller than their RecTransform. The Preset constructor now throws an exception when doing so. (1334605), Graphics: Attempting to draw with disposed argument buffer with DrawProceduralNow functions now issues an error to the log instead of a crash. . Editor: MacOS now has an Editor launch screen too. HDRP: Fixed Transparent Depth Pre/Post pass by default for the built-in HDRP Hair shader graph. Shadergraph: Fixed ShaderGraph isNaN node, which was always returning false on Vulkan and Metal platforms. Version Control: Fixed Plastic X not opening from plugin menu (1323725). (1383095), Editor: Fixed GUIClip errors are shown after deleting all objects from multiple loaded Scenes in the Hierarchy. HDRP: Changed the Channel Mixer Volume Component UI.Showing all the channels. View which stocks are hot on social media with MarketBeat's trending stocks report. HDRP: Fixed incorrect RTHandle scale in DoF when TAA is enabled. Package: Updated com.unity.profiling.systemmetrics.mali to 1.0.0. StockTwits HDRP: Added: A rendering feature flag to disable LightProbeGroup editor when an alternative to standard probe is provided by the SRP. Shadergraph: Fixed the behavior of checkerboard node with raytracing. HDRP: Fixed custom pass injection point not visible in the UI when using the Camera mode. (1354054), 2D: Secondary Texture AssetImporter reference error when using same texture as Main Texture in Sprite Editor. HDRP: Fixed missing API documentation for LTC area light code. This option is available from the gear icon. (1055879), Prefabs: Fixed Prefab mode saving too many objects if there are missing nested prefabs. Fixed toolbar icon not displaying incoming changes notification when Plastic window is closed Are Investors Bailing on Travel America as Diesel Shortages Loom? Asset Bundles: Fixed an edge case causing Asset Bundle hash version to change based on the order in which dependent bundles were assigned. (1362804), Search: Fixed possible null reference exception in Search. VFX Graph: Added a missing paste option in the context menu for VFX contexts. Changed changesets detail to appear in vertical column Burst: Fixed our platform documentation to accurately reflect the current supported platforms with Burst. HDRP: Fixed issue with on-demand directional shadow maps looking broken when a reflection probe is updated at the same time. Outsmart the market with Smart Portfolio analytical tools powered by TipRanks. Burst: Added: Added support for DOTS Runtime running / loading .Net Core assemblies. (1380130). VFX Graph: Inspector group headers now have a better indentation and alignment. Package: Updated packages Addressables to 1.19.4 and SBP to 1.19.2. Weve also added a new API for Unity File System, and this enables tool creation for Asset Bundle visualization and analysis. VFX Graph: Visual Effect inspector input fields no longer lose focus anymore while typing (Random seed). UI Toolkit: Added: View controllers used for ListView and TreeView are now public and can be inherited from for more control. Graphics: Fixed leaving uncleared screen after changing aspect ratio. Fixed the value input of an LayerMaskField to use an LayerMaskField instead of LayerMaskField inside the UI Builder. Video: Fixed an exploit found in the libvpx. Graphics: Fixed IES profile importer handling of overflow (outside 0-1 range) of attenutation splines values. (1376679), Search: Fixed search by type tags are not adapted for use with the Quick Search engine. GI: Deprecated: Deprecate the unused UNITY_USE_NATIVE_HDR keyword. Examples of such queries: URP: 2D Lights now inherit from Light2DBase. Sign in to your free account to enjoy all that MarketBeat has to offer. Learn more about MarketBeat. The business had revenue of $297 million for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $299.05 million. Fixed the value input of an TagField to use an TagField instead of TextField inside the UI Builder. Android: Input System will now send text events for combinations Ctrl + [A..Z]. HDRP: Make LitTessellation and LayeredLitTessellation fallback on Lit and LayeredLit respectively in DXR. Objects added to the end of the child list, will now remain at the end, even if children are added to tge prefab. Package Manager: The list of Samples in Package Details is expanded by default. 2D: com.unity.2d.psdimporter - Fixed PSDImporter to able to specify swizzle data. VFX Graph: Fixed an issue that attribute-less systems does not run. (1344954). (1345123), Asset Pipeline: Calling CreateAsset with a path that is an existing folder now generates an error. UI Toolkit: Added: Added TreeView to the public UI Toolkit API. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Asset Pipeline: Clarified the behaviour of Resources.Load() in the Scripting API documentation. HDRP: Added Undo Support for HDRP Global Settings asset assignation. Editor: Improved Dynamic Batching feedback in the Frame Debugger for the "Objects are rendered using different rendering functions." Editor: Fixed an occasional exception when reordering expanded elements. (1402588), UI Toolkit: Fixed issue when item is removed from hierarchy while the pointer is still in a captured state. In 2022.1, we accelerate usability for tool developers with more UI widgets, TreeView with multi-column support, vector drawing APIs, and Property Drawers and Property Attributes. (1412412), Shader System: Editor crashes in Play mode when Groupshared memory and a constant buffer value is used in a compute shader on OpenGLES3 WebGL: Deprecated: For WebGL builds, the WebGL 1 API is no longer included in the Auto Graphics API option (the default). (1289982). Package Manager: Added hover background color to menu toolbar spinner that monitor package download progress. Burst: Fixed issue that could cause bcl.exe to fail with an exit code of 1 but not output any compilation errors. Updated capitalization of options in the Settings context menu HDRP: Added: Support of motion vector buffer in custom postprocess. Graphics: VFX Graph: Use main camera fallback if any expression requires the main camera, not only camera buffers. HDRP: Added: Tooltips for content inside the Rendering Debugger window. IL2CPP: Enabled sparse_hash_map and sparse_hash_set for Android and iOS for lower runtime memory usage. Zacks earnings numbers are reported on a BNRI (Before Non Recurring Items) basis and include stock option expenses where possible. Services: Added: A new com.unity.services.core package that is used for common behaviour of Game Service packages. Version Control: The problem to display Checkout button for package.json files is solved. HDRP: Fixed Post Process not editable in the default frame settings. Tests: Updated JobTests_JobDebugger unit test to reflect fixed NativeArray behavior. Available in both Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), this new feature lets you create material hierarchies where children can share common properties with the parent Material and override only the properties that differ. (1250331), Graphics: Fixed possible out-of-memory when minimizing a Player that uses Vulkan on Windows. (1141591). Editor: The IMGUI TreeView control now has support for rendering hover effect on row items as well as rendering row contents greyed out based on the GUI.enabled flag. In other news, CMO Carol W. Carpenter sold 797 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Monday, August 15th. Graphics: Fixed binding read-only depth/stencil attachments as texture when using Vulkan. (1280030), Graphics: Fixed incorrect rendering when SRP Batcher skips invalid meshes during BRG rendering. Graphics: Added: A field to the CullingParameters structure to allow for adjustment to the near clipping plane for shadow clipping - this is independent of the rendering camera near clipping plane. Scripting: Unity engine and editor managed code is now compiled with .net standard 2.1. HDRP: Fixed issue with accumulation motion blur and depth of field when path tracing is enabled. Visit our cookie policy page for more information. Timeline: Updated Timeline package version to 1.6.1. uGUI: Removed the HideFlags.HideAndDontSave on the mesh inside Graphics for it to get properly cleaned up on both managed and native side. Graphics: When using an AMD GPU, D24_UNorm_S8_UInt was reported as supported on some APIs which is incorrect, this has been resolved. Graphics: Fixed LightAnchor too much error message, became a HelpBox on the Inspector. The company earned $297 million during the quarter, compared to analysts' expectations of $299.05 million. HDRP: Fixed issue with a compute dispatch being with 0 threads on extremely small resolutions. Package Manager: Changed error and warning box to look like the info box. Android: Pdb files in development builds will now be stored along with the main apk file or main asset pack. (1370904), Prefabs: Make PrefabUtility.GetOriginalSourceRootWhereGameObjectIsAdded() public API. (1392844), UI Toolkit: Fixed exceptions being thrown when setting the value of an EnumField inside the UI Builder. (1284602), Asset Import: GetAvailableImporters does not return AssetImporter types for native importers that don't have a matching C# Type. HDRP: Fixed the APV UI loosing focus when the helpbox about baking appears in the probe volume. Documentation available at https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.profiling.systemmetrics.mali@latest/index.html. (1376327), Package Manager: Fixed the issue where CheckUpdate calls does not end for disabled packages. Added incoming changes overview bar for Gluon workspace. GI: UI change consolidating min bounces and max bounces into single row. HDRP: Fixed support of Distortion with MSAA. Graphics: Improved DX12 constant binding performance. (1382216), Scene/Game View: Fixed locked Inspector causing duplicate tool buttons to appear in component tool toolbars. HDRP: Fixed some of the extreme ghosting in DLSS by using a bit mask to bias the color of particles. Graphics: Fixed BatchRendererGroup objects not being pickable. My Watchlist. (1389285), UI Toolkit: Fixed SVG 9-slice visual artefact. IL2CPP: Added support for calling generic instances that were not found at conversion time. (1353387), Scene/Game View: Fixed tool settings overlay not updating contents when active tool editor does not support current container layout. Plastic: Added support to sign in with Cloud Edition. HDRP: Fixed API warnings in Matcap mode on Metal. Search: Fixed search indexer get document lock while an incremental update. GI: Fixed a bug where additively loading a scene could cause lighting data assets to be altered, and new lighting data assets to be created. (1345229). IL2CPP: Added missing facade dlls (System.Memory System.Buffers) to the Unity 4.8 reference profile. HDRP: Fixed the error thrown when layered lit material has an invalid material type. 2D: Fixed exception "PsdInvalidException: Unrecognized layer section type" when importing certain files. (1341977), Graphics: Fixed high memory usage in Vulkan backend when using many different textures per texture property of a shader. (1364005). (1321315), Editor: Fixed for Scroll bars scrolling up and down when holding down the left mouse button on the left edge of the scroll bar area. Here's a quick guide for how to read an earnings report. (1375981), Project Browser: Fixed text alignment in Delete assets dialog. If you need to build for both WebGL 1 and WebGL 2, uncheck the Auto Graphics API and manually add WebGL 1 to the Graphics APIs list. (1330281), Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where NullReferenceException is thrown when assigning a duplicated Avatar to an Animation Source. This improves codegen in a lot of cases (mostly because the SLP vectorizer is unable to vectorize all the code that the loop unroller could have). (1386158), 2D: Fixed an issue with culling of TilemapRenderer Tiles when a user sets a value for the Camera's culling matrix and a SRP asset is used. Physics: Added the option to filter by Unity scene along with physics scene in the Physics Debugger. Physics: Optimise Rigidbody interpolation so that it doesn't require excess syncing of transforms internally, it is about 20% faster base line, but can be much faster if there were transform changes made from scripts. Markers are named XR.Display.*. Burst: [SkipLocalsInit] now correctly doesn't zero-initialize variables in a function (previously it only avoided zero-initialization of stackalloc created variables). (1401264), UI Toolkit: Fixed rendering on Adreno3XX GPUs. Explore the roadmap details and share your feedback directly to the Product team on the Unity Platform Roadmap portal. HDRP: Fixed issue with depth slope scale depth bias when a material uses depth offset. iOS: Obsoleted: PlayerSettings.iOS.allowHTTPDownload replaced by cross platform setting PlayerSettings.insecureHttpOption. The company held a conference call for investors at 5:00 PM eastern on the same day. URP: Fixed an issue where Sprite type Light2Ds would throw an exeception if missing a sprite. (1251139), uGUI: Added a NullReferenceException when selecting a Dropdown Component override in the prefab overrides menu for the second time. Editor: Fixed repeat functionality for native test runner(DSTP-668). Asset Pipeline: Enabled models imported from the ModelImporter using the DefaultMaterial to re-import correctly to use SRP default material when you change the active Render Pipeline. Maximize VR game performance with late latching and motion vectors, and improved graphics performance for games using Vulkan. Visual Scripting: AOT prebuild works properly when building a project in batchmode. HDRP: Modified HDRP to use common FSR logic from SRP core. Create efficiently in the Unity Editor with improvements to speed up your workflows. (1360485), uGUI: Added a new data unavailable message to the UI Profiler for when this is not attached to the editor. URP: Added Undo support for URP Global Settings asset assignation. Core: Fixed bug where shadows disappear in the frustum corners from false positives in the shadow culling. (1204145), Animation: Fixed Animation component not releasing shader property blocks when disabled. HDRP: Significantly improved performance of APV probe debug. License: Deprecated the Legacy Licensing module. URP: URP Asset Inspector - Advanced settings have been reordered under Show Additional Properties in each section. (1348672), Editor: Reduced time processing mesh static batches when loading scenes additively. Graphics: Added: IndentLevelScope (for VolumeComponentEditor child class only) to handle indentation of the field and the checkbox. Please see the AR Foundation package changelog for details. HDRP: Fixed an inconsistency between perf mode and quality mode for sky lighting. See package change log for full details: Mobile: Added boost mode to boost CPU and GPU for short periods of time. Graphics: LensFlare (SRP) tooltips now refer to meters. 11/8/2022 After close (Projected earnings date) Earnings Period: Q3 2022: Prior Q3 Earnings:-.060/share: Prior Q3 Revenue: 0.29B: U Listed On: NYSE: Comparative Importance of Unity Software Next Earnings Date to the Market: U. (1333331), UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where externally editing a UI document would open the UI Builder window. Build Pipeline: Deprecated: BuildReport.files has been deprecated. HDRP: Fixed cases in which object and camera motion vectors would cancel out, but didn't. (1350228), UI Toolkit: Slider dragger-container height/width are now properly set when not showing the input field and setting align-items to something else than stretch. (1288056), Shaders: Prevented toggles and user properties from overriding dynamic branching keyword state in the shaders. (1377253), Profiler: Fixed invalid time reported by ProlfierRecorder for Main Thread root marker. Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the desktop runtime is included as standard) or, to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above. HDRP: Fixed wrong LUT initialization in Wireframe mode. The label will revert back to showing "Mixed" when there is not enough space to show the list. Added a new Undo icon. Package: Updated the Fbx Exporter package to version 4.1.2. HDRP: Fixed the cloudlayer not using depth buffer. Graphics: Added: Exposed LockBufferForWrite and UnlockBufferAfterWrite for GraphicsBuffer (it only existed for ComputeBuffer before under the names Begin/EndWrite). How can I share feedback about Unity 2022.1? HDRP: Render Graph object pools are now cleared with render graph cleanup. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. (1351090), Animation: Fixed an issue where large int would lose precision in the animation clip. (1356714), Serialization: Editor crash when deserializing an array of a type with a nested fixed-size buffer field Read our earnings report guide before you consider the forecast information when making investment decisions. Top speakers, respected game devs. (1347256), Editor: Ensured the tips section doesn't wordwrap as this cause resizing problem at scaling 125%. Graphics: Fixed Lens Flare 'radialScreenAttenuationCurve invisible'. URP: Added: Render Settings Converter to the Render Pipeline Converter, this tool creates and assigns URP Assets based off rendering settings of a Builtin project. Burst: Fixed "UnityException: CompileAsyncDelegateMethod can only be called from the main thread." Editor: Fixed Repeat and Retry attribute for UnityTest in PlayMode (DSTR-237). (1356448). (1367175). The light blue area represents the range of Wall Street analysts' earnings estimates for each quarter. Graphics: Added: New RayTracingAccelerationStructure.CullInstances Scripting API for populating acceleration structures. Earnings Data Report Date Oct 19, 2022 Not Confirmed Period Ending 2022 (Q3) Consensus EPS Forecast 0.95 Last Year's EPS 0.92 Same Quarter Last Year Analyst Consensus Based on 0 Analysts Ratings Unity Bancorp (UTB) Earnings, Revenues Date & History Earnings Revenues HDRP: When a ray hits the sky in the ray marching part of mixed ray tracing, it is considered a miss. IL2CPP: Fire the AppDomain.ProcessExit event when the runtime shuts down. HDRP: Fixed FOV change when enabling physical camera. Burst: Improved iteration time by triggering Burst compilation immediately after .NET assemblies have been compiled. "Unity delivered record quarterly revenue in the first quarter of 2022, the highest in the company's history, up 36% compared with the first quarter of 2021, with Create over-performing at 65% year-on-year growth, offset by slower growth in Operate," said John Riccitiello, President and Chief Executive Officer, Unity. Editor: Fixed a bug regarding repeat command for integration tests (DSTP-562). (1278866), Animation: Fixed an issue where the animation blend would not occur when interrupting an empty state transition. Want to see which stocks are moving? (1227302), Serialization: Fixed cancel case when deleting an array element with multiple objects selected. (1336151). HDRP: Fixed white flash when camera is reset and SSR Accumulation mode is on. (1369171), Editor: Installing Linux mono and IL2CPP support on mac will no longer keep only the most recently installed of the two. (1355120), Asset Import: Default Presets are applied correctly to ScriptableObjects created using the CreateAssetMenu. VFX Graph: Fixed bounds helper tool (automatic systems culling, world bounds computation, ). Fixed small textbox on checkin dialog when launched from context menu HDRP: Fixed shadow sampling artifact when using the spot light shadow option 'custom spot angle'. Burst: Incorrect conversions between signed and unsigned vector types. This option will generally produce simple meshes with few primitive physics shapes for enhanced overall performance. Package Manager: Replaced the communication layer between Unity and the Unity Package Manager to connect using IPC instead of HTTP in order to solve a number of connectivity issues. Graphics: Fixed use of invalid swapchain handle with AMD GPUs on Windows. When a player is selected the dropdown will now close to mimic the old dropdown behaviour. See the upgrade guide for compatibility options and how assets are upgraded. Asset Pipeline: Added options for Accelerator corruption detection. UI Toolkit: Added UI Toolkit implementation for property drawers. All textures got a Swizzle advanced import setting, for arbitrary color channel remapping/flipping. Download Unity 2022.1a. (1330718), Asset Import: Reverted Save As list item to an actual button. URP: Added: Two new URP specific scene templates, Basic which has a camera and directional light, then Standard which has the addition of a global volume with basic post effects setup. Burst: Fixed an issue where Debug.LogError logs from Bursted code would be treated as compiler errors. (1342141), Package Manager: Export package window does not update with new content. Graphics: Improved the warning messages for Volumes and their Colliders. HDRP: Fixed an incompatibility between MSAA and Volumetric Clouds. VFX Graph: VFX Subgraph operator and block windows now have dedicated icons. Shadergraph: Removed use of deprecated UNITY_USE_NATIVE_HDR keyword in shaders.
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