worksheet or follow the step-by-step directions below. New York, NY 10007, Borough of Manhattan Community College What does it mean? If you discover an error after you have submitted your application, please contact our Help Desk for Students. Committed to a policy of equal employment and equal access in its educational programs and activities,The City University of New York (CUNY) providesresources and information on technology accessibility via this website. You can also complete the helpdesk form, or you may email the help desk at is important to provide your student ID (emplid) as well as your contact information with either means of communication. The good news is that even though you did not pass the course, your G.P.A. Your next step is to multiply the number of indexable credits by the quality point value for each grade. Also, see more information about online tools (opens in a new window) First Name: Last Name: Email Address: Lehman College students can earn IB credits in two ways: 30+ Points with an IB Diploma: Students who have completed an IB Diploma with 30 points or higher will be awarded 30 credits. Your instructor believes that the amount of work to be completed can reasonably be finished within the first ten weeks of the following semester. The CUNY Student uses CUNYfirst to manage academic-related activities such as viewing class schedules, making tuition payments, and accessing transcripts. YourCUNYfirstStudent Center isagateway formanagingyouracademic relatedactivities. Student Help Submit the form below, and a staff member will reach out to you via email. All courses in the major or minor department are included in the major or minor G.P.A. Questions about the CUNY Alert service should be directed to your campus help desk. New to SharePoint or MS 365? It is your responsibility to find out which criteria your instructors will be using to determine your grades. ALWAYS log off a computer when you leave even if you leave for a short time to do something else. If you are only missing CUNY Alert text messages, please contact your college help desk for assistance. It is also the Universitys Policy to provide reasonable accommodations when appropriate to individuals with disabilities. CUNY Alert is an automated outbound messaging service distributed from unmonitored sources, including a do not reply email account and a telephone number that only plays a recorded message if you call it back. By consolidating and streamlining the multiple processes and systems across the CUNY campuses, CUNYfirst manages the daily activities of students, faculty, and staff through three main work pillars Campus Solutions, Human Capital Management, and Financials. Phone: CUNYfirst ID (EMPLID): Be sure to check your email (including your spam/junk folder for your ticket number. All the indexable grades you have earned at the College, including A-F, Fs, FINs, WFs, WNs, (earned before Fall 2009) and WUs (except for those courses whose penalty has been removed under the Lehman "F" policy) are included in your G.P.A. Dial the following telephone number: 1-646-664-2024. You can also complete the helpdesk form, or you may email the help desk at is important to provide your student ID (emplid) as well as your contact information with either means of communication. New toCUNYfirst? NOTE: If you need additional assistance with your CUNYfirst Username and password, please contact the Help Desk (Tech Resources & Help Desks) of the specific CUNY Institution. The NC (NC) and R (Repeat) grades are non-penalty grades assigned to specific college courses in Grading System I. Following is a list of offices students often visit when they are unhappy with their academic performance. If you have a CUNYfirst account and have forgotten your username/password: Go to and select Forgot Password or Forgot Username to reset your password. I want to hand in the work I owe for my INC, but my instructor has left the College. courses in which you have earned both a grade and credits, courses from which you have withdrawn either officially or unofficially (W and WU plus the WN grade when the course was taken after Fall 2009), courses in which you earned no credit but no penalty grade was assigned (NC and R), courses in which you earned no credit and a penalty grade was assigned (F and FIN), courses in which you have received an INC grade, courses for which you have registered but have not yet taken or completed, The course does not satisfy your major, minor, or general education requirements, The number of credits you would earn in this course would not cause you to exceed the eighteen-credit limit on the total number of pass/fail credits that can be applied to the Lehman degree, It is the only course you are taking on a pass/fail basis that semester (unless the course is offered only on a pass/fail basis), The course is not a teacher education course (unless the course is offered only on a pass/fail basis), F, WU, FIN, and WN (WN grades only when earned before Fall 2009): You must retake a, Depending on the total number of courses you need to repeat in order to replace penalty grades, you may also want to repeat elective courses. Under the CUNY F Policy, you can do this for up to sixteen credits worth of penalty grades (F, FIN, WU, and the WN, when the WN course was taken before Fall 2009). It signifies an Unofficial Withdrawal and is calculated in your G.P.A. If your instructor does not submit a new grade before the deadline, the INC will automatically turn into a FIN at the end of the following semester and will be calculated as an F in your G.P.A. If you cannot access CUNYfirst because your password expired or you do not remember your password, use the Forgot Password option on the CUNY Login page to reset your password. 1. Friday: 12:00pm-5:00pm Courses you have taken on a pass/fail basis are included in your indexable credits only if you fail the course; P (Pass) grades are not included in the calculation of your G.P.A. Check with your Faculty Advisor for information on your program. CUNY Faculty performs semester-related activities such as entering textbook information, verifying enrollment, and entering final grades. Wednesday:12:00pm-4:00pm Welcome to the Department of Health Sciences Gul Tiryaki-Sonmez, Department Chair. Such cases are rareand can backfire if you were forced by circumstances beyond your control to stop attending classes and you later seek a retroactive withdrawal (appeal to turn WU grades into W grades that do not affect your G.P.A.). No one is allowed to withdraw from English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Composition courses (ESL 085/086/095/096/103/104 and ENG 099/101/102/110/111/120/121) without a compelling reason (for example, a documentable severe illness or forced change in work schedule). The standard deadline is printed in the Academic Calendar, but your instructor can set an earlier deadline if he or she chooses to do so. For information and possible permission to withdraw, consult an advisor in the ESL Office or the English Composition Office in Carman 336 (718-960-8720). NOTE: If you need additional assistance with your CUNYfirst Username and password, please contact the Help Desk (Tech Resources & Help Desks) of the specific CUNY Institution. EUBAM works with Moldova and Ukraine to help them meet the necessary standards of control for visa-free access to the EU. To help contain the spread of COVID-19 in our community, the testing program also includes periodic screening of a random sampling of vaccinated individuals across the University. If you have any problems, you need to visit the Student Help Desk in the Computer Open Lab in room C-595 (click here for hours of operation) or call the Student Help Desk at 718-518-6622. falls below the minimum retention index, you will be placed on full-time probation automatically; if your G.P.A. See the CUNY Alert Guest Account Instructions for instructions on setting up and managing a guest account. Repeating that course will not allow you to receive any additional credits for taking it again AND it will not take the original grade out of the calculation of your G.P.A. What types of "Emergency Messages" may I receive? To help contain the spread of COVID-19 in our community, the testing program also includes periodic screening of a random sampling of vaccinated individuals across the University. This policy applies to courses with penalty grades that were first taken in Fall 1984 or later and successfully repeated as of Fall 1990 or later. 3. All students may audit any course other than a laboratory course as long the course does not involve the use of consumable material and/or equipment. The frequency of such testing will depend upon the coronavirus positivity rate and the prevalence of variants among other factors. Moldova achieved this in 2014 under the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan (VLAP). To begin the process, you must complete the following: KCCs Virtual Financial Aid Front Desk is open daily via Zoom. Disabilities addressed by this office include, but are not limited to, learning disabilities, emotional disabilities, mobility impairments, visual impairments, and legal blindness. You must file an appeal for late withdrawal from the section in which you are registered and for late registration in the section you are attending. except that one has to be careful to select only those courses that are included in one's program. 199 Chambers St, Room S-510a All appeals must include documents that prove the extenuating circumstances behind your late withdrawal. Hang up the call and contact your campus help desk or Blackboard administrator. Send comments or suggestions on accessibility to Learn More About CUNYfirst. refers to all courses taken at all CUNY schools. To begin the process, you must complete the following: KCCs Virtual Financial Aid Front Desk is open daily via Zoom. The number of College Option credits is 6, 9, or 12, depending upon the number of transfer credits and whether or not an associate degree has been earned. The number of College Option credits is 6, 9, or 12, depending upon the number of transfer credits and whether or not an associate degree has been earned. Appointments can be made by calling 718-960-1167. 5:30 PM 6:30 PM, Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Calculating the G.P.A. We are also moving forward with providing all our workshops and events virtually. Faculty and Students: Access your e-mail below Faculty: Go Directly to your Lehman College Webmail . as an F. In cases like this, if you have been reasonably faithful in attendance and submitted most of the work due for the semester, your instructor(s) may assume that your absence from the class does not indicate a lack of interest in completing the work. Using any web browser, staff can organize, share and access information from any device. If you have already claimed your CUNYfirst account, follow the instructions below to check the status of your application: 1. Once you have successfully retaken a course in which you have earned an F, WU, or FIN, your transcript will show that the mathematical value of the original grade has been removed from the total of indexable credits and is no longer part of your G.P.A. Policies | Event Calendar Should I retake a course? You can log onto your Career Connections account to schedule a virtual appointment conducted through video conferencing. Phone: (212) 220-1243, Location: DegreeWorks link in the CUNYfirst; CUNY IT Help. If youve already applied,be sure to provide us with your CUNYfirst ID number. Admissions Sometime early in your junior year, consult a Pre-Graduate Advisor for advice on preparing for graduate school.). Press the button below to review Employee/Manager Self-service resources which assist with human resources activities. These accounts are prefilled with college affiliation(s) and CUNY college or business email address. This is a violation of the Colleges CUNY Computer User Responsibilities Policy. Here you can find the CUNY IT Accessibility statement, links to campus accessibility resources, information on the Technology Accessibility Task Force, and details on accessibility in system-wide applications. If you need to speak to someone immediately during business hours, visit our VIRTUAL FRONT DESK at All appeals for withdrawal without penalty after the deadline may be heard after the end of the semester. If you call this number between 8:00am and 8:00pm on weekdays, you will hear a message telling you to contact your help desk. Should you have any questions about your Baruch Username and/or your BaruchMail accounts, contact the BCTC Helpdesk Directions Next, click on the View My Application Status tile. I am registered for one section of a course but am attending another. Questions about the CUNY Alert service should be directed to your campus help desk. Through an arrangement between CUNY and the New York State Emergency Management Office, the CUNY Alert service is hosted by Everbridge as part of the states all-hazards alert and notification system, NY-Alert. Student Help Submit the form below, and a staff member will reach out to you via email. contact the help desk. Microsoft SharePoint is a secure website-based document/video collaboration and management space designed for organizations. such as your social security number, wage and salary information and home address. CPDI is still serving students for their career development needs!! ALWAYS log off a computer when you leave even if you leave for a short time to do something else. even though they are not counted toward your residency requirement and cannot be used to remove penalty grades from your Lehman G.P.A. ", The grading system for the College Requirement in English Composition (ENG 099, ENG 101, ENG 102, ENG 110, ENG 111, ENG 120, and ENG 121) consists of "A" through "C," "R," "NC," and "WU. Which grades will not be included in my G.P.A.? With CUNY Alert, you have the information you need before you get out the door. I didn't finish my "INC" and it turned into a "FIN" ("F"). While your credits have transferred, your grades have not. Other honor societies (for example, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and the Golden Key National Honor Society) are open to students from various disciplines; if you meet their qualifications, you will receive an invitation to join them. Note: The "F" penalty attached to the WN grade stopped in the Fall 2009 semester. Visit our Virtual Front Desk Click here for more details and login information. The F will stay on your transcript, but your G.P.A. Updates were continually sent until the crisis was over. What should I do? Yes. NEVER share your account with others, and never use anyone elses account. with the exception of introductory skills courses in the Departments of English, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Languages and Literatures. EUBAM works with Moldova and Ukraine to help them meet the necessary standards of control for visa-free access to the EU. Even though no academic penalty is involved, you should consult a Financial Aid Counselor in Shuster Hall, Room 136, if you are receiving financial aid or scholarship funding. At graduation, you may be eligible for departmental honors if you have an overall G.P.A. CUNYs commitment to equal access for students starts with campus Offices of Disability Resources & Services and the dedicated, highly skilled professionals who work there. CPDI is still serving students for their career development needs!! We all face times when real life gets a little "too real." Available services include notetakers, tutors, proctors, readers and scribes, alternative testing conditions, extended/double time when taking exams, library assistance, registration assistance, access to a learning disability specialist, and an elevator key. The typical Lehman student juggles school, work, and family responsibilities on a daily basis-with a schedule like that, it's no wonder students can use help with finding the time to get it all done. For example. You cannot earn any credits in an AUD-graded course; the AUD grade does not affect the calculation of your G.P.A. Dial the following telephone number: 1-646-664-2024. 5:30 PM 6:30 PM, Tuesday, December 13, 2022 Check the Undergraduate Bulletin for a complete list of Lehman grading symbols and their significance. If you know before the end of the semester that you will not be able to complete all of your work (for example, handing in a final paper or taking a final exam) and you know you are passing the course you may ASK your instructor for an extension in form of an INC (incomplete) grade. Courses in which you have earned a D/D+ can be repeated only once. graduation requirements, grading policies (for example, retaking courses to make up for poor or penalty grades), opportunities available to students with a high G.P.A., support services available to students with a low G.P.A., pass/fail courses, and auditing courses. I got an "F" in my course. Congratulations! The credits awarded will apply towards the overall number of credits required for graduation. As an accomplished Lehman student, you should be looking for opportunities to exercise your talents to their fullest.