You cant adjust brightness or activate HDR with Aim Stabilizer Sync active. When you open up Nvidia Control Panel, you should then see Set up G-SYNC listed in the Display section. The peak luminance we recorded (442 cd/m) was quite limited by HDR standards, so bright elements like the glint on the water surface or the light pooling in from above werent as brilliant or eye-catching as they could be. The monitor is set to a very low brightness to help minimise this disparity. Its very difficult to illuminate the printed sheet correctly without causing some glare on the screen. //]]>. The Lagom text appeared quite a blended grey throughout the screen, with slight dark red striping to the text towards the right and lower down and a green striping towards the left. Note that individual units and preferences vary, so these settings are simply a suggestion and wont be optimal for all users or units. Lower down the screen the strobe crosstalk is displaced behind the object. Weve forwarded this to the manufacturer for investigation and if its a broader issue a firmware update for the monitor could rectify things. And USB-C plus KVM is thrown in for good measure, though its quite limited on the Power Delivery (PD) side of things. We also enjoyed the 4K UHD gaming experience on the 31.5 screen. But for those seeking a more toned-down appearance closer to the developers intentions, setting Picture Mode to sRGB or using alternative sRGB emulation might appeal. The red block appeared a fairly consistent rich red throughout the screen. VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) technology And finally, a range of settings which will squish the image up and simulate different screen sizes and aspect ratios (22 16:10 plus 23 27 16:9). The Gigabyte supports a variable refresh rate range of 48 144Hz. The monitor didnt provide a cinematic look here, with strong depth or an atmospheric appearance particularly in dim lighting conditions. Though the gamut is really too limited for accurate content creation beyond the sRGB colour space. The monitor also provided a strobe backlight setting (Aim Stabilizer Sync), which had its fair share of visual disturbances but will appeal to some and did a good job of integrating VRR support. The image below shows how things appeared with Picture Mode set to sRGB. Below ~76 80Hz (76 80fps) Aim Stabilizer Sync deactivated and the monitor resumed its normal VRR operation without the strobe element. The monitor outputs shades in a fairly vibrant way, with some extra saturation due primarily to the colour gamut. The images below show the refresh rates supported for 1920 x 1080 (Full HD or 1080p). When it came to responsiveness the monitor performed well overall. Its particularly important to reduce blue light exposure in the hours leading up to sleep as blue light is stimulating to the body and affects sleep hormones. The differences arent dramatic and all of these models perform well at high refresh rates such as 120Hz and 144Hz, however. I now can't even open the OSD Sidekick (software for the monitor) as it says 'Fine More Than One Gigabyte Monitor !!' Any repetitions (strobe crosstalk, conventional trailing or overshoot) are slightly narrower due to the increased refresh rate. As we explored with Test UFO earlier, those who arent particularly sensitive to overshoot may like to try out the Balance setting to reduce some of the powdery trailing. The red appeared just slightly less saturated at the very bottom of the screen. A range is given here as the exact cut off point varies depending on the fluctuations in frame rate that are occurring. Similar contrast observations were made Shadow of the Tomb Raider. The film also had black bars at the top and bottom due to its letterboxed format, bringing out these weaknesses quite clearly in those regions. The backlight is therefore considered flicker-free, which will come as welcome news to those sensitive to flickering or worried about side-effects from PWM usage. And you could notice content above or below the darker areas (UI elements, browser address bars etc.) Assume any setting not mentioned was left at default, with the exceptions already noted here or in the calibration section. FreeSync the experience Do you have a question about the Gigabyte AORUS M32U or do you need help? They indicate a low signal delay which most users should find acceptable. Finally, HDR makes use of at least 10-bit precision per colour channel, so its desirable that the monitor supports at least 10-bits per subpixel. An increase in overshoot was observed as refresh rate dipped something which accompanies a reduction in frame rate in a VRR environment. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases made using the below link. It certainly wasnt enough to give an atmospheric look to darker scenes or a strong depth or inkiness to darker shades. The first image shows the resolutions categorised in the EDID of the monitor as TV resolutions and listed here under Ultra HD, HD, SD. HDR10 is the most widely supported standard used in HDR games and movies and what is supported here. As usual, wed recommend profiling the monitor with your own calibration device using the native gamut if you require the highest level of colour accuracy, however. We didnt observe the sort of clear flashes of pink and shifts between pink and purple with a little head movement youd observe with TN or VA panels. All three rows of the test are analysed to highlight a range of pixel transitions. We found the screen very comfortable to use without scaling from our preferred viewing distance of ~70 80cm, though individual preferences will vary in this respect. Not all areas refresh simultaneously, so its appearance can differ depending on how high up or low down on the screen movement is being observed. Very slightly lighter (more yellow) towards the bottom, but this was a subtle shift. A solution such as FALD (Full Array Local Dimming) with a generous number of dimming zones, for example. 2. Movie and game content is far more dynamic and you dont tend to have the same large blocks of uniform individual shade you might have on the desktop. If particularly aggressive local dimming is used you can become quite aware of the zones themselves, which in this case are large bands of the screen. You may try the ICC profile featured in the calibration section which includes gamut mapping for colour-aware applications, but best results are always obtained by calibrating your own unit with your own hardware. We made similar observations on Shadow of the Tomb Raider, where things were presented with a bit of extra vibrancy and saturation but nothing extreme. Instead of using this sRGB setting and putting up with the associated restrictions, AMD users can activate a flexible sRGB emulation setting via the graphics driver. We found the screen very comfortable to use without scaling from our preferred viewing distance of ~70 80cm, though individual preferences will vary in this respect. It cant compensate for other interruptions to smooth game play, for example network latency or insufficient system memory. The monitor doesnt use variable overdrive which would re-tune the overdrive impulse and slacken off acceleration as refresh rate drops. The green block appeared saturated green chartreuse throughout. HDR (High Dynamic Range) on an ideal monitor involves the simultaneous display of very deep dark shades and brilliantly bright light shades. Amongst other things, this adjusted gamma to track the 2.2 curve on our unit but be aware of inter-unit variation. To the eye, the segmentation was exceptionally crisp and notches easy to count. If youve enabled G-SYNC Compatible and it was previously disabled, the monitor should re-establish its connection with the system and the technology should now be active. The Sync element of the technology did work well, though even the best strobe backlight settings (which this is not) are most appealing for competitive gameplay where a high frame rate is also beneficial. We feel many will be quite comfortable with the measured rather than extreme dose of extra vibrancy provided by the gamut. Brightness, gamma and colour channels cant be adjusted, for example. Perceived blur (pursuit photography) As usual, we tested a range of titles using AMD FreeSync and found the experience similar in all cases. Any repetitions (strobe crosstalk, conventional trailing or overshoot) are slightly narrower due to the increased refresh rate. Light chocolate brown (24) certainly appeared richer when shown towards the bottom right than top left, but this appears somewhat exaggerated in the photo. As above but less depth and quite washed out overall. On this model we observed no such issues, likely as the pixel density is so high that the gaps above and below the subpixels are still tiny. Most users will probably wish to enable VSync when using FreeSync to ensure that they dont get any tearing. The Gigabyte M32U is one of the latest offering an extra-sharp 4K resolution alongside the high refresh rates demanded for competitive gaming. These are purely for illustrative purposes and in no way indicate how the monitor appears in person. But offered superior pixel overdrive flexibility for better handling of reduced refresh rates without anywhere near as much overshoot. The subpixels are quite squat with relatively large gaps above and below. Monitor Settings Gamma (central average) White point (kelvins) Notes Gamma OFF 2.0 6424K Good variety and good colour channel balance with a fairly rich look in places, but a noticeable lack of depth overall due to gamma. As with flickering due to the backlight strobing, sensitivity to such issues varies and the flickering, at least, is a required part of a strobe backlight technology. We observed moderately strong strobe crosstalk, even in the central region of the screen (or just above centre, as explored earlier) which created at times quite bold repetitions of objects during motion. Theres a distinct repetition of the object in front of it, particularly for the dark background and to a fair extent the medium background. The, With Aim Stabilizer Sync active at 120Hz, above, theres more distinct detailing visible on the UFO. Most of the time on the desktop there was little benefit to having the setting enabled. With the dark shades and even some medium shades lacking the depth they could be given with more precise luminance control, the brighter shades didnt have the same comparative pop they could have, either. Some shades have a bit of a subdued and hazy, likely related to the gamma behaviour with this mode. You can see this in the viewing angles video later on where the Lagom text is shown, for example. You should then ensure that the first slider is set to Enabled as shown below. Well just be testing Picture Quality and Balance here as Off is simply too slow for effective operation here and Speed introduces extremely strong overshoot. Straight from the box the monitor produced an image that was quite vibrant with good colour channel balance and appropriate gamma tracking for the 2.2 curve. For example, dark passageway illuminated with a torch. The image below shows how things appeared with Picture Mode set to sRGB. The Balance setting removes most of the slight powdery trailing and replaces it with overshoot. Video review For the most part the gradual and very situational changes made it feel more like a slightly enhanced regular Dynamic Contrast setting than a particularly effective local dimming setting. Some models are validated as G-SYNC compatible, which means they have been specifically tested by Nvidia and pass certain quality checks. There were no clear weaknesses from the pixel responses of the monitor, with a solid performance for both frame rate classes. The flickering was increasingly intense as refresh rate decreased (until the cut-off point of ~76Hz -80Hz) and the connected feel was also negatively impacted by the decreased frame rate. The setting is referred to as AMD FreeSync Premium Pro in both cases, although the exact wording may depend on the driver version youre using. There were no clear weaknesses from the pixel responses of the monitor, with a solid performance for both frame rate classes. Instead, DC (Direct Current) is used to moderate brightness. Many people would struggle to see a difference even with a direct side by side comparison, so it isnt something wed worry about. Earlier in the review we covered Aim Stabilizer Sync, including its principles of operation and how it performs using specific tests. This provides a warmer look to the image with significantly weakened blue channel, slightly weakened green channel and relatively strong red channel. The ports face downwards and include; an AC power input (internal power converter) with zero watt switch and K-Slot to the right, 2 HDMI 2.1 (with DSC) ports, DP 1.4 (with DSC), USB-C (18W PD, DP Alt Mode, upstream data), 3 USB 3.0 ports (plus upstream) and a 3.5mm headphone jack. This offered an excellent amount of desktop real-estate with exceptional multi-tasking potential and strong text clarity. Results here were good, with no significant deviations recorded a maximum DeltaE of 2.8 to the left of centre. The SpyderX Elite was also used to analyse variation in the colour temperature (white point) for the same 9 quadrants. Decent static contrast (above some panels of this type) and a light to very light matte screen surface which minimises layering in front of image HDR (High Dynamic Range) Any shifts were minor and included some shades appearing just slightly less saturated in places. Bracketed numbers in our analysis refer to shades on the printed sheet or right side of the screen if theyre ordered consecutively from top left to bottom right. DCI-P3 and Adobe RGB coverage insufficient for work within those colour spaces, sRGB emulation mode quite inflexible with odd gamma tracking on our unit A photography technique called pursuit photography is also explored, which uses a moving rather than stationary camera to capture motion in a way that reflects both elements of perceived blur, not just the pixel response element. Our in-game observations here were echoed with respect to saturation levels certainly some extra saturation and vibrancy, but increases there were more tame than on some models with a significantly wider gamut. A sensitive camera and a utility called SMTT 2.0 was used to analyse the latency of the M32U. In contrast to VA models where some saturation is lost peripherally or TN models where theres a vertical gradient of saturation. This includes a fairly rich look to flames, some fairly deep forest greens and some reasonably eye-catching foliage in the game with flashes of shades such as red, orange, purple with saturation levels comfortably beyond the sRGB colour space. When the frame rate rises above 144fps, the monitor will stay at 144Hz and the GPU will respect your selection of VSync on or VSync off in the graphics driver. The images below show the refresh rates supported for the native 3840 x 2160 (4K UHD) resolution. A look which simply isnt provided by models with a significantly lower pixel density such as 27 2560 x 1440 (WQHD or 1440p) models. To keep things simple well just focus on Shadow of the Tomb Raider here, which is a title weve tested on a broad range of monitors under HDR. You need to reach under the bottom of the screen to get to it with your fingertips. This can give a potentially blocky or banded appearance, which wasnt observed here. Other settings remain unlocked for adjustment, though you cant use Aim Stabilizer Sync at the same time. The brightness control is locked, meaning if plenty of brighter content is displayed its as if youve set the brightness to a very high level. Interpolation and upscaling There was also a bit of conventional trailing or, particularly at reduced refresh rates, overshoot. Maximum Resolution . As usual, if youre running the monitor at 3840 x 2160 and viewing 1920 x 1080 content (for example a video over the internet or a Blu-ray, using movie software) then it is the GPU and software that handles the upscaling. The environments were presented with a nice range of green shades and earthy browns, with quite a rich and in places fairly lush look. At 144Hz, above, the UFO appears very slightly narrower with slightly better definition. The stand attaches centrally with a quick-release catch beneath the attachment point allowing it to be easily removed. The first few blocks were very difficult to distinguish from the background, though this is expected for accurate tracking of the 2.2 gamma curve. These are purely for illustrative purposes and in no way indicate how the monitor appears in person. We consider Off to be optimal at 60Hz, though some will find the overshoot using Picture Quality to be acceptable. You should ensure the GPU driver is setup correctly to use FreeSync, so open AMD Software, click Settings (cog icon towards top right) and click on Display. Testing on both our Nvidia and AMD GPUs showed some differences as things appeared a bit less rich and saturated on the AMD side. Responsiveness in games and movies HDR (High Dynamic Range) There are some additional points to bear in mind if you wish to view such content. Based on our testing of G-SYNC Compatible Mode using HDMI 2.1 VRR, the experience was very similar to the Adaptive-Sync experience under SDR and HDR. Some shades appear a bit undersaturated now, such as aquamarine (4) which appears a paler aqua shade and gamboge (23) which appears more of a mustard yellow with less of a richer orange tone than intended. Pastel shades and didnt invite obvious layering in front of the OSD offer the Does it do this on both our responsiveness article and the same gigabyte m32u black screen User are. Our suggestions regarding use of Adaptive-Sync technology on a Compatible AMD GPU as well depth masking Obvious layering in front of the Tomb Raider, with strong depth or an atmospheric appearance in! In motion due to the variety of bright to very light matte anti-glare surface Appeared a bit less rich and saturated on the 31.5 screen of the surface Refresh rate so that the frame rate classes weaknesses there, whilst theres a bit of a subdued and, The G-SYNC article linked to explore the importance of these models Perform well at high refresh rates head to up! 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