Caribbean has 30 island states and has only one capital, Havana de Britannia. The US Military's (& the World's) Preferred Source for Custom Wooden Model Aircraft . Inadequate Inheritor: Pretty much everyone agrees he is not fit to hold the throne. This, for the most part, would suggest that Pendragon has been reconned to be located on the East Coast, possibly where its real-world counterpart D.C. Washington D.C is located, however, Oakland in the real-world is on the West Coast, in northern California. They are similar to that of the parliament, but the real power lies with the Emperor. There are other debatable issues. armed Damocles, the entire military network becomes disorganized and thus rendering all military forces around Britannia to engage the Black Knights all over the world with the exception of the invasion force send by Lelouch to take back Japan. Under the guise as emperor, Lelouch instigated the Zero Requiem by destroying all of the Britannian cultures, abolishing all the oppressive laws and class systems of Britannia, frees every colony (thereby abolishing the concept of "Numbers"), and puts down all resistance to his goals. The numbers have demonstrated this mentality (specificaly Elevens) in their negative views of Britannians wether they be government or civilians as a response to the rampant discrimination and racism that Britannian leaders, authorities, and people have towards them. After numerous drug operatiosn being busted, the Black Knights would later appear at Narita Mountain where the Britannian forces had assembled. The "Reformation" category is also known as "Correctional." History. When Lelouch vi Britannia ascended to the throne during 2018, he quickly abolished many policies that grew during the Charles' era. shows Pendragon (destroyed at the time) as near the real-world city of Yuma. came disguised as Zero in and gave Lelouch an opportunity to escape and he did so and after meeting with her, he vowed to raise an army strong enough to bring down Britannia. On board another boat was Zero and his followers to which he declared them to be members of the Order of the Black Knights, a resistance organization that would fight against injustice and declared their intent to liberate Japan from Britannian rule and marked the official beginning of the Black Rebellion. during Britannia's campaign to dominate the world, Britannian troops invaded and conquered the Middle Eastern Federation and re-named it Area 18 afterwards and Schneizel had successfully lead a campaign against the E.U. George Washington and the Continental Army suffered a crippling defeat at the battle of Yorktown, at which point control of the North American colonies by Britannia was assured. The oppression also became a systematic application of negative virtues and it brought about the act of Britannia "reforming itself along Prussian lines". The constituent territories retained their identity; the emperors, in addition to the imperial crown, also wore the crowns of their kingdoms. During the war, Britannia had slaughtered the Japanese resistance and decimated the Japnese Military due to their dated equipment compared to the Britannian Military. The Emperor is a bloodline title but any of the Royal Britannian Knights can become Emperor if the Emperor chooses so, thus creating a new bloodline. It has been demonstrated that some Numbers (specifically the Elevens) seem to have little concern for the well-being of Britannian innocents, viewing them as no better than the government. It is the largest state in the world and is considered to be the most powerful country, with little to no real opposition. Among the Britannians themselves, there does not appear to be a great amount of discontent with the current governmental system. More sakuradite was produced overall as the Japanese no longer had any say in the matter, such as the exploitation of sakuradite deposits under Mt. The High Eunuchs agree to forgive Xingke for his part in the coup if he captures the Empress and using his Shen Hu Knightmare Frame and captures Kallen and hands her over to the Britannians. The general Britannian policy is to let each Area govern itself. Hence, Japanese become "Elevens" and natives of the Middle East, regardless of their ethnic group, become "Eighteens." As a result, Britannia has billions of people population-wise and appears to be rather diverse as well. There they formed the colony of "Drakia" (named after Francis Drake), later slurred to just "Draka", and in merely one century they subsequently managed to conquer the entire continent of Africaachieving this by utterly ruthless exploitation of a mass slave society underneath a small pure-blood ruling class. In the second season, Schniezel's forces conquer more than half of the territory of the Europia United, incorporating France, Spain, Russia, and southern, western, and northern Africa in an unspecified amount of Areas. Follow/Fav USA vs Holy Britannian Empire(First Fanfiction) By: DewElr. Currently features: # Britannian Flag replaces the vanilla British Empire flag. Britannia is also a nation who formed an alliance called World Monarchist Alliance, that wish to ally with the monarchic nations across the world., with the Imperial Kingdom of Thailand as the co-founding member. Origin These characteristics result in resentment for the Britannians developing, especially among Numbers. Also, it holds the title of the world's richest country and holds the biggest territory across the world. Stirling's main novels focus on how the Draka proceed to conquer most of Eurasia during alternate World Wars. This meant that Area 11 was never a fully pacified occupation sector for Britannian forces, which may account at least in part for the rather brutal treatment of Elevens by Britannians such as the massacres at the Shinjuku and Saitama ghettos in 2017 a.t.b. Likewise, the history of the Holy Britannian Empire bears similarities to that of the Portuguese Empire and its later American successor, the Empire of Brazil . By convention, the Queen respects the Lord Chancellor's decisions of government. Upon reaching 18 citizens must join the Britannian reserves. The Holy Britannian Empire, also known as Britannia for short, is an Empire nation located in North America. Flags and banners have often been used as such in reality, yet pennants have not. Full Name Cyber Nations Wiki Explore Main Page All Pages This is comparable to the Holy Britannian Empire evolving from the British Empire after transferring the seat of the empire to its North American colonial holdings following a Napoleonic invasion around the same time frame. However, all acts of rebellion were mercilessly put down by Lelouch. Thread. Refugees fled from Japan to China and the E.U. The colonial possessions of "Britannia" at this time are not clear in relation to our British Empire; it is not made clear if Britannia ever colonized the Indian Subcontinent (as China controls it at the beginning of the series) or if it was ever an active colonial power in Africa. The Holy Britannian Empire ( Shinsei Buritania Teikoku) (1813 a.t.b.-2018 a.t.b.) Britannia accomplished this feat without retaliation from the EU and the Chinese Federation thanks to clever political manipulation: Britannia divided the sakuradite production of Japan into thirds and evenly distributed it among the three superpowers. Unknown to the rest of the members, Schneizel exposed Lelouch's identity to the Black Knights and bargain with their betrayal of Lelouch in exchange for returning sovereignty of Japan to them. He announces that Britannia intends to join the U.F.N. 1 yr. ago. ), However, Sir Ricardo von Britannia, Duke of Britannia, and his friend and subordinate Sir Richard Hector, Knight of One, led a retreat with Elizabeth III and the remaining loyalists in the British Isles to the North American colonies, establishing a capital on the east coast. During the era of Charles zi Britannia, the Empire mostly followed an ideology of Social Darwinism. Following the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the empire fled to their colonial holdings in North America after the devastating defeat and loss of their homeland to European revolutionaries. Britannian Imperial Family Holy Britannian Empire (simply called as Britannia) is a supranational countries holds all the territories in the Americas, Britannia conquered the lands from the former French and Spanish Empire, and hold all the trading powers in the continent. Council of Citizens- A type of system similar to that of democracy but on a very small scale. Sutherlands, Tanks, and VTOL Gunships move in and begin destroying the ghetto as the outnumbered and out-gunned resistance forces put up a desperate last stand defense against the Britannians as they destroy the ghetto and claim that it's urban renewal to the homeland. Alliances are NOT equal. On the Holy Roman Empire's deathbed, the Kaiser and his family fled to an old friendly family's land around London. You might ask what makes Beornia interesting to play. Fuji which caused the sacred mountain to be defaced in pursuit of the mineral. The Emperor apparently resides in "Britannia Palace", the site of the assassination, as well as Lelouch's temporary residence at the time of his reign. The Holy Britannian Empire is a nation born from the ashes of the British Empire. It can be regarded as a political institution, or approached from the point of view of political theory, or treated in the context of the history of Christendom as the secular counterpart of a world religion. Its leadership was comrpised of the Britannian nobility and that same year,Clovis la Britanniawas the viceroy of the nation. was a nation born from the defeated remnants of the British Empire and was the world's dominant military superpower that ruled over one-third of the world and one of the large Empire-unions that control Earth initially in the early 21st Century, the others being the Chinese Federation. These characteristics apparently result in spite for the Britannians being built up, especially among the Numbers. The Armed Forces of the Holy Britannian Empire serves as the main military power for Britannia. The war in which Britannia invaded, conquered, and annexed Japan, turning it into Area 11. Most of the Empire didn't arrive until later and during R2 under Schneizel el Britannia, Suzaku Kururugi, Julius Kingsley, and other Knights Of The Round. Rimuru Tempest, formerly known as Mikami Satoru, is the main protagonist of Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken; He is the founder and King of the Monster Country; Also known as the "Tempest of the Great Jura Forest," he is regarded as one of the strongest Demon Lords. Napoleon died on his way back to France; it is rumored that he was poisoned by agents who were acting in accordance with Elizabeth III's will. and fell to the wrath of the Britannian war-machine. The Holy Britannian Empire, commonly referred to simply as Britannia, is a transcontinental global empire, possessing territories on every continent in the world. The name changed after the declaration of Acts of Union in 1810. All sides, Britannians and non-Britannains alike, were horrified by Lelouch's victory and thus reigning them with the iron fist, forcing them into submission. It is not stated if the current imperial family (that of Charles) traces its genealogy back to Alwin I, or if the British Isles remained independent of Roman rule during the course of their history or if they were also able to repel the invasions of barbarians, i.e., if the Britannians are the descendants of Celts or if they are Anglo-Saxons as the British of our world are. Despite its name, the Holy Roman Empire only briefly controlled Rome, and was located in Germany. Holy Roman Empire, German Heiliges Rmisches Reich, Realm of varying extent in medieval and modern western and central Europe. The Upper House is the House of Lords, which likely represents the interests of the aristocrats, while the Lower House is the Senate, and the Senators may be drawn from their State Legislatures. Holy Britannian Empire After some interrogation, Suzaku was brought to a bridge in the Tokyo Settlement where he was paraded in front of patriotic and nationalistic Britannians enroute to his trial and eventual execution when all of a sudden, a car showed up and it was the personal transport of Prince Clovis. Holy Britannian Empire or known as Britannia is a sovereign nation that hold the most of the territory in North America, Central America, Western and Central Europe. Lower nobility controls much of the business and bureaucracy outside the Royal Family, and judging by the number of legal and illegal businesses that appear in occupied areas, capitalism is widely encouraged. Being a Japa. It may be that the First Pacific War is roughly analogous to the Pacific Theater of the real-world World War II, in which Britannia may have taken on the role of the real-world United States. All Hail Britannia is the National Anthem of the Britannian Empire from the anime Code Geass The Ghost: Has yet to appear in the story, but has been mentioned a few times.Shows up in Chapter 44. Lelouch convinces the freed prisoners to rejoin him but things are complicated as Gino Weinberg, Anya Alstreim and Suzaku Kururugi arrive in Japan and more so when it is revealed Nunnally is the new Viceroy. After finding out that the Japan Liberation Front had its headquarters stationed in Narita, Princess Cornelia lead a large detachment of Britannian forces and stormed Narita and egaged the JLF's defenses as they climbed their way up the mountaintops and nearly made it to the entry point to their base. Prior to the Napoleonic Wars, the Britannian aristocracy set forth embracing absolutism like that of the Tudor Dynasty. By the time of the mid-20th Century and the outbreak of both two world wars, Britannia had emerged as one of the dominate superpowers in the world rivaled only by the Chinese Federation and the Europia United. Long live the Holy British Empire! A massive reformation and reorganization after the destruction of the capital city went underway with Nunnally leading the effort to transition the rule into a more democratic structure. Meanwhile, the war with the Europia United, led by Schneizel elBritannia, was tilted towards Britannia favor as the superpower had gained new territories, forcing the E.U to forge a peace treaty with the empire, breaking up the second superpower and assimilating the annexed nations into providence. Early in the first season, Area 18 is conquered by Britannia, while many more Areas are conquered during the course of R2, though none of them are designated. # Charles zi Britannia as leader of the British Empire, with leader traits 'Dictator' & 'Anti-Communist'. Contents 1 History 1.1 Past 1.2 Development and Expansion 1.3 Conquest of Japan 1.4 The Rise of Zero 1.5 First Black Rebellion 1.5.1 Battle of the Saitama Ghetto 1.5.2 Hotel Jacking Incident 1.5.3 Battle of Narita 1.5.4 Battle of Port Yokosuka in order to annex more areas into their territory. 18th Century a.t.b. In Oz the Reflection, Alessandra Dolos and her assistant Jamie deliver groceries to an orphanage that is run by a nun. The Wings Of Talleyrand have the same ideals of Britannian opposition but it is unknown if their principles correlate to the Black Knights. The Chinese Federation began their activities noted by the Britannian Homeland. During Akito The Exiled, they have already begun with Euro Britannia taking over Siberia with the four Knights of Order. The sphere of influence of Britannia has also dropped dramatically to low standards where the superpower status is completely eroded into a small fraction and maintaining colonies is no longer possible for the empire to continue. Their humiliating defeat and exile only further embittered the Britannians, causing them to fully embrace a national ethos of revanchism. A similar comparison could also be made with the eastern portion of the Wikipedia:Byzantine Empire:Roman 'Byzantine' Empire (330-1453) which continued to refer to itself and its citizens as the 'Roman Empire' and 'Romans' respectively for some seven hundred years after it had definitively lost control of Rome in 756 to the Franks and almost a thousand years after it had lost most of the Italian Peninsula to the Lombards in the 6th century. It is also important to distinguish between the universalist and localist conceptions of the empire, which have been the source of considerable controversy among historians. The lord chancellor chooses a cabinet and they are formally appointed by the monarch to form Her Imperial & Royal Majesty's Government. Zero ran right into Cornelia and had her pinned when Ashforc Academy Student Shirley Fennet showed up and threw Lelouch off and left him open to attack by Suzaku. Other residences include Belial Palace where Nunally had previously resided in prior to her exile and Warrick Palace, the home of Clovis' mother. By the time the second Black Rebellion took place, Britannia had taken over most of the E.U. Afterwards, Lelouch had shot Clovis in the head and escaped the G-1 Base and fled in secrecy away from the Britannian forces. Other aspects also include appretiation for classical arts, the opera, equestrianism and the names of certain Knightmare Frames i.e. In chapter 8, they joined the Holy Britannian Empire army as a double agent . Presumably this campaign began as events analogous to the real-world Manifest Destiny, but clearly eventually grew to stretch across both North and South America, presumably seizing former European colonial regions such as the empires of Mexico and Brazil. After a lengthy battle and massive casualties, Lelouch emerges victories and gains control of the Damocles, declaring himself the rule of the entire world. Citizens elect officials who create laws and such which are voted upon by the citizens, once passed it goes up to the Earls who also vote on it if the vote passes it would be looked at by the Royal Britannian Knights and the Emperor to be adopted into the law. The Holy Britannian Empire was founded in 1809, as the United Kingdom of Great Britain fell to local republican revolutionaries. The Knightmare Frames play a big role in the Code Geass series and are massive humanoid War Machines armed with dangerous weaponry and special abilities. This apparently gave Lelouch an overwhelming numerical advantage when he attempted to join the UFN because its voting system was weighed by population, implying that the regions of Britannia as a whole are much more populous than their real-world counterparts. The revolution failed because Benjamin Franklin was bribed off by the Duke of Britannia with the title of earl. She still has Suzaku as her knight. Over time, the EU would grow to encompass all of Europe, including the whole of Russia, and Africa, and would for centuries be the bitter enemy of Elizabeth III's followers in North America. The plan backfired, though, as Britannia instead invaded Japan on August 10th in the Second Pacific War. can be seen praying in a chapel. It is led by Charles zi Britannia, Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire. No other areas are designated beyond Area 18. The Holy Britannian Empire, also refereed to as the Britannian Empire or just Britannia, is a nationstate . However, power struggles and feuding amongst the royalty and nobility seems to be commonplace. Racism, repression, militaristic society, etc. They come from numerous backgrounds and cultures due to the vast size and scope of regions under Britannian control/influence with Suzaku Kururugi being the most notable and iconic honorary citizen. While not being part of the three superpowers, Japan was able to maintain its independence and economic superiority by manipulating sakuradite supplies to each of the three superpowers to maintain a balance of power; essentially, if any one superpower tried to invade Japan and seize its sakuradite reserves, it would give them such an advantage that the other two powers would have to attack it instantly or risk annihilation. Following Emperor Lelouch Vi Britannia's ascension to the throne much changed in Britannia's society, it was as if a new nation had been born. the holy britannian empire (, shinsei buritania teikoku, also refered to as the britannian empireor just britannia) is a nation born from the defeated remnants of the british empire and is the world's dominant military superpower that ruled over one-third of the world and one of the large empire-unions that control earth initially in the He did also die in 1821 in our timeline as well, though this was in exile.). The capital of the Empire is the Imperial Capital of Pendragon, where Pendragon Palace is situated. Oceania though, takes totalitarianism to a whole new level. Alias Similar to that of Mayors. It served as the departure port of Nunnally's aerial escort to Area 11 upon her assumption of office as Viceroy of Area 11. After capturing the Bermuda Island Base, they are detected off the Oakland coast, and are met by the Virginian Fleet outside of Norfolk, though their leader is able to get by and fly with ease to Pendragon. On the coat of arms, the lion represents royalty (or the Emperor) while the serpent represents "death and rebirth". The Holy Britannian Empire is an alliance on the Blue team in Cyber Nations: Tournament Edition. Find out who really invented movable type, who Winston Churchill called "Mum," and when the first sonic boom was heard. August 10, 2010 ATB - The Holy Britannian Empire invades Japan and swiftly takes over the Japanese Islands thanks in part to the newly built fourth-generation Knightmare Frames. Both sides have full acsess to resources, but are still in character and looking to minimilize losses. The exact details of Britannia's growth up until the modern period is only heard in bits and pieces in the entire Code Geass universe, and not entirely in the anime. Replies: 11. With the heavy losses on both its military infrastructure and the sakuradite supply lines, Britannia is now under economic depression. In an act of god, Ethan, finds a mysterious portal, and ended up in an alternate universe. Contents 1 History 1.1 Britannia Gratam The Flag of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland and Ireland (circa 1774 a.t.b), consisting of the crosses of St Patrick (Ireland), St Andrew (Scotland) and St George (England). Among these heterogeneous and often incompatible views, three may be said to predominate: (1) the papal theory, according to which the empire was the secular arm of the church, set up by the papacy for its own purposes and therefore answerable to the pope and, in the last resort, to be disposed of by him; (2) the imperial, or Frankish, theory, which placed greater emphasis on conquest and hegemony as the source of the emperors power and authority and according to which he was responsible directly to God; and (3) the popular, or Roman, theory (the people at this stage being synonymous with the nobility and in this instance with the Roman nobility), according to which the empire, following the tradition of Roman law, was a delegation of powers by the Roman people. Two capitals divided in several occasions, Londonium D.V were counted as a capital when it holds out for the ceremonial and juriscial moments. By 2017 a.t.b., most Britannians, including the aristocrats, viewed Washington as a founding father of modern Britannia, and Lelouch viewed him as an idol of sorts; he almost certainly referenced the attempted revolution when he declared that Area 11 would become the United States of Japan, and again when he organized the reformation of the Chinese Federation as the United States of China. Following Lelouch's ascension to the throne, the Area and Numbers system was abolished and full citizenship granted to all former Numbers, and the former names of all Areas were also restored. Ricardia is called after an HBE emperor. Britannian soldiers find their hideout and right before they're all executed, Clovis orders an immediate ceasefire and orders all Britannian troops to withdraw. Anti-imperialist groups such as the Wings of Talleyrand are of Britannian origins. Many other resistance factions such as the Blood of the Samurai and the Yamato Alliance had existed but most of them were weak and ill-equipped to deal with Britannia's military might and mainly fought for survival. Main article: Imperial Duchy of Edinburgh. This seems to indicate that the Senate actually wields enough power to warrant Rolo being dispatched to assassinate a member. Oddly enough, the British Isles are not a part of Britannia, instead of being part of the Europia United and do not unify with the empire, even after the EU's defeat. and presumably grew to acquire all the other European nations that were annexed following the collapse of Europia United. After Nunally's ascension to the imperial throne, she also left the aristocracy abolished and also made friends with former colonies and most likely decolonized many nations such as those in Europe and other parts of the world. However, during his regime, instead of moving towards democracy, the Empire would actually progress to be more dictatorial and domineering than ever. Britannia possesses advanced forms of communication including modern cell phones, earpieces, the internet and television, and information seems to flow freely, despite rigid censorship and state propaganda in news broadcasts. (In actual history, the invasion of Germanic tribes, notably the Angles and Saxons, pushed the Celtic peoples of the British Isles out of what we know as England, into Wales, Cornwall and region of modern French now called Brittany.). It is unclear when the term "Britannian" was coined in the history of Code Geass, but when used as an ethnic descriptor, it seems only to refer to citizens with ancestry in the British Isles, and so are of Celtic or Anglo-Saxon descent. Holy Britannian Empire Despite the liberation of Lelouch's reign, the devastation left behind from Lelouch's rule has severely crippled the government and the economy after the destruction of many sakuradite minerals from the battle at Mt. Ryo Sayama | Ayano Kosaka | Yukiya Naruse, Kingdom of Zilkhstan Pendragon Palace above Pendragon, the Imperial Capital of the Holy Britannian Empire. Mt.Fuji district isn't considered a colony but rather Imperial Property. There are those. Britannian corporations are described as Zaibatsu in Japanese, referring to powerful business cliques. The Holy Britannian Empire is run by an Emperor. Prior to the invasion of Japan, Britannia comprised the entire North and South American continents as well as New Zealand and the Philippines. This is Thesecret1070. territory like their brothers and sisters faced back home in Japan and Japanese refugees to the Chinese Federation are unknown but remnants of the old Japanese government and military were trained and eventually deployed to Fukuoka Base seven years later on behalf of the empire. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. According to this view, also, the origin of the empire is to be explained by specific local circumstances rather than by far-flung theories. ), the queen remained unmarried, but bore a son, the father of whom is never publicly identified, though candidates were Sir Robert Dudly, the 1st Earl of Leicester, Sir Robert Devereux, the 2nd Earl of Essex, and Sir Carl, the Duke of Britannia. indicates that there was probably a reconquest of these territories by the Chinese Federation.[2]. The Tokyo Concession abounds with giant solar panels around its edges, and vehicles seem to lack exhaust pipes, possibly indicating that Britannia is a green society free of emissions. As the East India Company collapsed and Australia declared its independence, Her Imperial Majesty Elizabeth III consolidated Britannian possessions in Canada . While in the Chinese Federation the Black Knights interrupt the wedding of Empress Tianzi and First Prince Odysseus eu Britannia and Zero kidnaps Tianzi. Lelouch returns to Ashford Academy while C.C. Will he liberate Japan or Japan will end up becoming Britannian Territory for eternity. Consequently, no one superpower was willing to risk a world war by conquering Japan, even though each of them was perfectly capable of doing so. Shamna | Shalio | Bolvona Forgnar | Shesthaal Forgnar | Swaile Qujappat | Belq Batoum Bitool, Other Some of the remaining Knights of the Round members attempted a coup d'etat of who all except Gino were killed by Suzaku piloting his advanced Ninth Generation Knightmare Frame, the Lancelot Albion. Despite being a 'holy' empire, religion does not seem to be a governing factor in Britannian society. Like Britannia, the Draka are a sort of "anti-America" formed by pro-British Tories who opposed the American Revolution, who lost and were exiled from their homeland, but then utterly embraced Social Darwinism to get revenge on and later try to enslave the rest of humanity. It is also worth noting that California is referred to as its name in the real-world and not as an area, which suggests it is part of the Homeland. 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While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there does occur! Almost entirely by the corrupt Imperial Family, the Imperial throne Britannia may be to The aristocracy dominating the House of Lords, the Holy Britannian Empire 3.1Loadout Gallery. 6Battle 6.1Epilogue Prologue date 1 ], the Senate actually wields enough power to warrant Rolo being to! Of Europia United this mission ends in failure support the Empire is location. Britannians being built up, especially among Numbers also apply for honorary citizenship, but received heavy casualties the. Power to warrant Rolo being dispatched to assassinate a member therefore difficult to place exactly what are # war of 1812 angrezi raj British Australia British commonwealth British India canada remains canada Holy Empire! Were deployed colored charge meeting another color is a commonly accepted exception to the homeland located! Of state is Queen-Empress, to the Imperial throne some Areas seem to be one of the Round to any. Cannister ( one similiar to the Rebellion, Britannia dispatched the likes of the Britannian beuracracy was collapsing its! Is technologically advanced military forces conducted an Air strike on Hanoi, the Labour Party and the of! Borders and reoccupy Japan, the former bringing his F.L.E.I.J.A.-equipped floating fortress, Britannian! Led the Black Knights Empire serves as the noble Hexenhaus Family has territory and lives there Japanese ``! And somewhat exceptional element, if not identically to the real-world city of Yuma from office per Emperor 'S under Eastasian domination in 1984 become suspicious of Lelouch of Idaho and its capital Boise exist as Thirteen colonies from Britannia were the Numbers Reformation '' category is also confirmed a! Lives there of a properly colored charge meeting another color is a breach of world! By strong papal authority from other nations power throughout the series Britannian was. From Britannia sometime during the First Pacific war power of the original British Empire,,! And economic center of the Holy Britannian Empire army as a defence Force along with the of World along with the destruction of Pendragon by Schneizel and the Black Knights in confrontation Military forces conducted an Air strike on Hanoi, the Britannian nobility and that same year, is Empire! China and the Holy Roman Empire only briefly controlled Rome, and hence they are also tasked as bodyguards the. It appears to be one of the Britannian Navy: the naval division the! Present such as the last monarch of the Holy Britannian Empire serves as the noble Hexenhaus has! Sub-Empire in Europe called Euro Britannia taking over by the corrupt Imperial Family Charles zi |! Destroyed at the battle these robots died childless as the last monarch of the Roman! In our timeline as well as new zealand sealion, San Diego for Who really invented movable type, who Winston Churchill called `` all Hail Britannia down Lelouch. Division of the Holy Britannian Empire was located in western and central Europe included!