(1) When positioned on a track with a uniform superelevation equal to the proposed cant deficiency: (i) No wheel of the vehicle type unloads to a value less than 60 percent of its static value on perfectly level track; and, (ii) For passenger cars, the roll angle between the floor of the equipment and the horizontal does not exceed 8.6 degrees; or. Applies material and energy balances, with an emphasis on data analysis important to chemical engineers, bioengineers, and environmental engineers. 3 Performance improvement employing advanced pipelining and multiple instruction scheduling techniques. 0000009264 00000 n b. (c) Individuals designated under paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section that inspect continuous welded rail (CWR) track or supervise the installation, adjustment, and maintenance of CWR track in accordance with the written procedures of the track owner shall have: (1) Current qualifications under either paragraph (a) or (b) of this section; (2) Successfully completed a comprehensive training course specifically developed for the application of written CWR procedures issued by the track owner; (3) Demonstrated to the track owner that the individual: (i) Knows and understands the requirements of those written CWR procedures; (4) Authorization from the track owner to prescribe remedial actions to correct or safely compensate from deviation from the requirements in these procedures and successfully completed a recorded examination on those procedures as part of the qualification process. It based on Energy methods, introduction to matrix methods. See College of Forestry. The adopted boundary conditions prevented the pipe from moving as a rigid body. Course topics include fundamentals of sampling theory, error and uncertainty analysis, signal conditioning, sensor fundamentals, and data analysis. until joint bars are applied; thereafter, limit speed to 50 m.p.h. (4) The gage on excepted track shall not be more than 4 feet 1014 inches. (b) The track owner shall file its CWR plan with the FRA Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety/Chief Safety Officer (Associate Administrator). Application of requirements to curved track. Recommended: (CE311 and CE313) or CE547. This subpart prescribes requirements for the frequency and manner of inspecting track to detect deviations from the standards prescribed in this part. [2] These cracks were located in the area where the bridge contacts its supporting pier, where the structural diaphragm deck was located. Speed- 38.1 kips Final Force is the force at the anchorage after the long-term losses are accounted for. Develops skills for effective visualization of data. (Baccalaureate Core Course). and the proposed maximum cant deficiency. Discusses basic approaches to analyzing building mechanical systems. Environmental and social impacts of transportation. From all these predictions it can be concluded that the external CFRP jacket can be quite successful in increasing the hydraulic internal pressure capacity for this pipe. (e) FRA, for cause stated, may, subsequent to plan approval or conditional approval, require revisions to the plan to bring the plan into conformity with this subpart. Two-phase flow patterns, flow instabilities, condensation induced transients, convective boiling heat transfer, and current topics in reactor safety thermal hydraulics. Recommended: Undergraduate-level statistics, probability, calculus, linear algebra, good programming skills, machine learning or AI. Curving performance simulation optional for all track classes. Offered at OSU-Cascades only. Engineering design processes for ecological engineering applications, including specifications, performance criteria, timelines, and project logistics, principles and practices of working in engineering teams. Students should have completed ALL other required courses in their degree program prior to registering for this course. "[13], The full 320-foot-long (98m) pedestrian bridge was to cross both a major roadway and a parallel water canal with two separate spans connected at a faux cable-stayed tower. The course is targeted at engineering students that do not have much experience with culture-based and molecular-based techniques. Prerequisite: CBEE213 (may be taken concurrently) with C or better and (CHE333 (may be taken concurrently) [C] or CHE333H (may be taken concurrently) [C]). [16][17] The bridge was meant to last more than 100 years, and to withstand a Category 5 hurricane, according to a statement by the university.[18]. Lec/rec. Security issues. Applies ecological engineering principles to the modeling, analysis and design of microbial processes in the environment. The excellent assistance of all personnel of the Laboratory of Strength of Materials and Structuresof Aristotle University, especially V. Kourtidis and T. Koukouftopoulos, is also acknowledged. Prepares students for internships in outdoor products industries. Recommended: IE581 and IE583 and (IE586 or CCE552). Introduces thermodynamics as applied to biological and biophysical systems. 0000008162 00000 n Recommended: Basic feedback control systems, linear algebra, differential equations. To find: (ii) The manner in which the track owner has determined a successful completion of that training course, including test scores or other qualifying results. Lec/lab. The transcription is below: "Hey Tom, this is Denney Pate with FIGG bridge engineers. 213.118 Continuous welded rail (CWR); plan review and approval. (12) Track longitudinal resistance means the resistance provided by the rail anchors/rail fasteners and the ballast section to the rail/crosstie structure against longitudinal displacement. LTG = Loaded track gage measured by the GRMS vehicle at a point no more than 12 inches from the lateral load application point. Lec/lab. Required: (a) Each track, other than a main track, which connects with a Class 7, 8 or 9 main track shall be equipped with a functioning derail of the correct size and type, unless railroad equipment on the track, because of grade characteristics cannot move to foul the main track. Specific concepts include evaluation of what truly makes a material "green", long-term performance (e.g., durability) of materials, material production and life cycle cost analysis. A, C (e), Q:Determine the x- and y-coordinates of the centroid of the shaded area. Principles and mechanisms underlying nuclear radiation detection and measurements; operation of nuclear electronic laboratory instrumentation; application of gas-filled, scintillation and semiconductor laboratory detectors for measurement of alpha, beta, gamma, and neutron radiation; experimental investigation of interactions of radiation with matter. Empirical lab studies of software development. PLG 24 means the extrapolated value for loaded gage under a 24,000 pound lateral load and a 33,000 pound vertical load. Prerequisite: (ENGR202 with C or better or ENGR 202H with C or better) and (ENGR212 [C] or ENGR212H [C]) and (ENGR213 [C] or ENGR213H [C]). (b) The maximum allowable posted timetable operating speed for each curve is determined by the following formula -. Analysis of energy use in transportation, residential and industrial sectors to understand how new technologies improve energy efficiency. (1) Sign convention: Force (1) So deteriorated that the prestress strands are ineffective or withdrawn into the tie at one end and the tie exhibits structural cracks in the rail seat or in the gage of track; (2) Configured with less than 2 fasteners on the same rail; (3) So deteriorated in the vicinity of the rail fastener such that the fastener assembly may pull out or move laterally more than 38 inch relative to the crosstie; (4) So deteriorated that the fastener base plate or base of rail can move laterally more than 38 inch relative to the crossties; (5) So deteriorated that rail seat abrasion is sufficiently deep so as to cause loss of rail fastener toeload; (7) So unable, due to insufficient fastener toeload, to maintain longitudinal restraint and maintain rail hold down and gage. Fundamental principles and theory of radiation protection; regulatory agencies, dose units; source of radiation; biological effects and risk; dose limits; applications of external and internal dosimetry; shielding and atmospheric dispersion. Recommended: Undergraduate surveying course, such as CE361, CE 263 or FE208, and some exposure to MATLAB. x (x-1) (y +) F Recommended: Completion or concurrent enrollment in ECE271. Records shall specify the author of the record, the type of track inspected, date of inspection, location of inspection, nature of any deviation from the requirements of this part, and the remedial action taken by the person making the inspection. Calcultions shown in, Q:11. This APTA standard is incorporated by reference into this appendix with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. Topics of special and current interest not covered in other courses. Prerequisite: CE381 with C or better and ((MTH306 with C or better or MTH306H with C or better) or ((MTH264 with C or better or MTH264H with C or better) and (MTH265 [C] or MTH265H [C])) ). (b) Gage shall be within the limits prescribed in the following table -. The track owner shall retain a record of such inspections until the welds receive their first scheduled inspection under 213.339. An introduction to tools that perform technical feasibility analysis, economic viability analysis, environmental risk assessment, resource sustainability assessment and life cycle assessment (LCA). 1 = Once per calendar year, with consecutive inspections separated by at least 180 calendar days. (j) The track owner shall prescribe and comply with recordkeeping requirements necessary to provide an adequate history of track constructed with CWR. (g) In Classes 7, 8 and 9 there shall be at least three non-defective ties each side of a defective tie. The degree of static indeterminacy, Prerequisite: CCE321 with C or better and (FE315 [C] or CE372 [C]) and (CEM383 [C] or CE383 [C]). Prerequisite: ME560 with C or better and (ME565 [C] or ME566 [C]). endstream endobj 35 0 obj <>stream (8) Unloaded Track Gage (UTG) means the gage measured by the GRMS vehicle at a point no less than 10 feet from any lateral or vertical load. Appendix A to Part 213 - Maximum Allowable Curving Speeds, Appendix D to Part 213 - Minimally Compliant Analytical Track (MCAT) Simulations Used for Qualifying Vehicles To Operate at High Speeds and at High Cant Deficiencies, http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html, The runoff in any 31 feet of rail at the end of a raise may not be more than, The deviation from uniform profile on either rail at the mid-ordinate of a 62-foot chord may not be more than, The deviation from zero crosslevel at any point on tangent or reverse crosslevel elevation on curves may not be more than, The difference in crosslevel between any two points less than 62 feet apart may not be more than *, *Where determined by engineering decision prior to June 22, 1998, due to physical restrictions on spiral length and operating practices and experience, the variation in crosslevel on spirals per 31 feet may not be more than, The deviation from uniform profile on either rail at the mid-ordinate of a 31-foot chord may not be more than, The difference in crosslevel between any two points less than 10 feet apart (short warp) shall not be more than. FRA renders a final decision in writing. Subpart E - Track Appliances and Track-Related Devices. A 10% shrim ontinues to station 33+60. Course emphasis is on experiments related to thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. Apply Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Basics for pattern recognition, regression and classification. Automated inspections shall be conducted at the following frequencies: (1) If annual tonnage on Class 4 and 5 main track and Class 3 main track with regularly scheduled passenger service, exceeds 40 million gross tons (mgt) annually, at least twice each calendar year, with no less than 160 days between inspections. Introduction to linear wave theory and wave forces on piles. (iii) A combination of at least two years of experience in track maintenance in Class 4 or above and the successful completion of a minimum of 120 hours of specialized training in the inspection of high speed track provided by the employer or from a college level engineering program, supplemented by special on the job training provided by the employer with emphasis on the inspection of high speed track. 213.143 Frog guard rails and guard faces; gage. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. Evaluation of transportation projects. Examples include resource utilization calculations, equipment fraction equations, queuing models, basic statistical inference procedures, and probability models used in discrete event simulation. Prerequisite: ECE351 with C or better and ((MTH306 with C or better or MTH306H with C or better) or ((MTH264 with C or better or MTH264H with C or better) and (MTH265 [C] or MTH265H [C])) ). You seem to have javascript disabled. Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals, You can make submissions to other journals. This time both the steel membrane and the prestressing wires are beyond yield. Introduction to space systems engineering. Topics include performance assessment and measurement as well as improvement methodologies. (d) Persons not fully qualified to supervise certain renewals and inspect track as required in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, but with at least one year of maintenance-of-way or signal experience, may pass trains over broken rails and pull aparts provided that -. Development of product ideas, hypotheses, and business models to discover customers. Geometry of terrestrial and vertical photographs, flightline planning, stereoscopy and parallax, stereoscopic plotting instruments, analytical photogrammetry, orthophotography, introduction to photo interpretation, and aerial cameras. Conducts work in teams of engineering designers to solve complex, real-world engineering problems. Prerequisite: CS261 (may be taken concurrently) with C or better and ENGR203 [C]. (2) Initiate the remedial action prescribed in the table contained in paragraph (c) of this section. Advanced methods of project controls including advanced technologies and methodologies for quality, time, and cost management; project management organization models, and intra-organizational relationships. Explores supervised learning for prediction problems, both discrete and real-valued; unsupervised learning for clustering data and discovering patterns in data sets; and reinforcement learning for controlling complex processes based on positive and negative feedback. This course is repeatable for 30 credits. (6) Any amendment to a record shall be electronically stored apart from the record which it amends. Students will complete laboratory projects using fiber-reinforced laminates. 213.329 Curves; elevation and speed limitations. The General Engineering curriculum below and academic advising and support will prepare students to enter any major. a. Formulation/solution of circuit equations; sparse matrix techniques; DC, transient, sensitivity, noise and Fourier analyses; RF circuit simulation. Survey of irrigation systems, system configurations, factors that influence irrigation efficiency, crop water requirements, energy requirements, pumps, irrigation scheduling. 2 Restraining rails or other systems may be required for derailment prevention. Prerequisite: (ENGR212 with C or better or ENGR212H with C or better) and (MTH256 [C] or MTH256H [C]) and (ENGR103 [C] or ENGR103H [C] or ENGR 112 [C] or CS161 [C] or CBEE 102 [C] or CBEE 102H [C] or NSE 115 [C]). APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS with ABAQUS Applications. Train Operations at Track Classes 6 and Higher. This course builds upon a fundamental understanding of optimization to introduce students to a range of different techniques that may be used to support engineering decision-making. (d) In the case of conventional jointed track, each rail shall be bolted with at least two bolts at each joint in Classes 2 through 5 track, and with at least one bolt in Class 1 track. When no-slip, joint-to-rail contact exists by design, the requirements of this paragraph do not apply. Recommended: One year of college-level chemistry (CH 221 and CH 222 and CH 223) or ((CH231 or CH231H) and (CH232 or CH232H) and (CH233 or CH233H)); a minimum of one year organic or physical chemistry; and concurrent enrollment in ENVE536 and/or OC 652. A student in good academic standing satisfies university, college, and program academic requirements. D (b) When in a locked position, a derail shall be free of lost motion which would prevent it from performing its intended function. 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