But her thoughts were falling under the control of something else. Jonny's words bounced around in her thoughts as she recalled the look Darian had given the portal they stumbled upon. Sara is my best friend. A simple sentence is built from the minimum of a subject and a main verb. Simple sentences are made up of one independent clause and contain no dependent clauses. I'm sure there are exceptions, but for the most part, I think people do just as well with their clergy or a friend though maybe not as fast. An independent clause has one subject and one verb. But I have since learned that trade curses everything it handles; and though you trade in messages from heaven, the whole curse of trade attaches to the business. In our most trivial walks, we are constantly, though unconsciously, steering like pilots by certain well-known beacons and headlands, and if we go beyond our usual course we still carry in our minds the bearing of some neighboring cape; and not till we are completely lost, or turned round--for a man needs only to be turned round once with his eyes shut in this world to be lost--do we appreciate the vastness and strangeness of nature. She left them alone and returned to the group, deep in thought. They had talked in front of her, so it couldn't be what she thought. It was en route that a nagging thought rose to the surface of his cluttered consciousness. There were still wars, Evelyn had confided, even though it was frowned upon by the Council. Though he was physically engaged in swordplay, Kiera sensed A'Ran's distraction the next morning as they sparred. Use 'thoughts' in a sentence | 'thoughts' example sentences 1- His thoughts were therefore turned upon travelling. He hadn't thought himself unhappy; he'd never thought about it at all. I thought of leaving a note of thanks to the Psychic Tipster, so kindly confiding to me, albeit vicariously through dear departed Brenda, his or her limitations. During these years Tennyson's thoughts were largely occupied with the building of Aldworth. The deaf child who has only the sign language of De l'Epee is an intellectual Philip Nolan, an alien from all races, and his thoughts are not the thoughts of an Englishman, or a Frenchman, or a Spaniard. He'd never thought twice of his mortality-- he had none. A bullet through my brain is the only thing left me--not singing! What are your thought concerning our love sick member? Actually, I just got off my shift and thought I'd check in on her. Maybe he thought the stick would be useless. The consequence of these reports of the hostility of the church led him to abandon all thoughts of publishing. Her own breathing was loud in the pause, and she tried to focus on his voice and not the dark thoughts in her mind. The more I thought about it, the more I was convinced of the incredible scope of Howie's gift. I hummed a tune I remembered my mother singing to me as I strolled to the barn to slay the lying witch-bitch who thought she'd tricked. It puts across one simple idea: 'Rebecca . I didn't have to haul it up with a bucket, though. At their silence, another thought hit her. You didn't have to put yourself out, though. His eyes were dark and warm like Bianca's, his frame just over six feet and still lanky, though he showed signs of starting to fill out. CK 1 388556 She kept working even though she was tired. It was a time before she died, though she knew she would and suffered for it. The truth was, though, that Brutus had taken to Alex almost the first day as soon as Carmen assured him Alex was a friend, not a foe. Even though she had a bruise, we only have her word that Shipton beat her. But I thought I thought he wouldn't come for a while. Though I'm grateful they stashed stuff here, where it was found and my kids could get treated. Her palms were sweaty at the thought of seeing Darkyn's daughter, but she wasn't certain why. Her mind went crazy with thoughts and emotions, and she wondered if A'Ran would be happy to see her. something (such as an opinion or belief) in the mind. They let us into the secret of his most serious thoughts and cares, and they give a natural outlet to his vivacity of observation, his wit and humour, his kindliness of nature. She thought of how she'd felt safe with Jule during their brief encounter. Jackson left her to her thoughts for a while, then said, "You want to sit down or shall I bring your food to you.". and i thought the Waffle Fairy was just a bedtime story.. It's a private matter, and i thought it best if it came direct from me. She has brought you here, and even though I cannot destroy you traitors, others can. Even though they made his instincts uneasy, they were harmless lies. She shook her head to focus her thoughts. Being wrong won't stop her from taking Destiny if she's determined, though. I'm not sure she's hearing anything, though, Toni said. His thoughts darkened as fury blinded him for a moment. But I do not understand how he ever thought a blind and deaf child of eleven could have invented them. She shook her head as if to clear it of distracting thoughts. Testing his magic, he realized he could call forth a portal. In this way, it is an adverb. The house on the hill caught her eye, immediately transporting her thoughts to another sector of her mind. He sensed something else about her that made his thoughts heavy. His thoughts drifted to the second night of the strange dream. I gave a lot of thought to that question because of all the fingers pointing at me. Yes! I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace. The ancient and esteemed pathway through which English has evolved has a lot to do with its spelling irregularities. Baby is the subject and played is the verb. Privacy Policy. I'd have thought you had tons of friends. His thoughts weren't on the vamp; they were on her. But the structure of the book, the symbolism and the connexion of the prophet's thoughts have given rise to much controversy. He brought the method of intelligence to bear on social issues, education, ethics, and philosophy itself. After Cynthia came out and administered a cold face cloth, Edith seemed somewhat better, enough to decline medical attention, though she remained disoriented even after reaching Ryland's small quarters. Success is not the key to happiness. Madonna once said, "I . And again all the faces in that crowd bore an identical expression, though now it was certainly not an expression of curiosity or gratitude, but of angry resolve. He'd heard it in her thoughts even if she didn't speak the words, and her ability to see through him as he did everyone else amazed him. It was thought advisable for me to have my examinations in a room by myself, because the noise of the typewriter might disturb the other girls. Having devoted much time to the study of the Latin writers, historians, orators and poets, and filled his mind with stories of the glories and the power of ancient Rome, he turned his thoughts to the task of restoring his native city to its pristine greatness, his zeal for this work being quickened by the desire to avenge his brother, who had been killed by a noble, a member of the ruling class. Guilt refers to a feeling of having done something bad or a perception that you did something wrong. You were so bespattered with mud that I thought you were some old farmer. Your writing, at its best Compose bold, clear, mistake-free, writing with Grammarly's AI-powered writing assistant Start writing Excited and irritated by these thoughts Prince Andrew went toward his room to write to his father, to whom he wrote every day. I never thought she'd do something like that, he said quietly. Now I have another dazzling thought, bred from my brilliant research. There was the Friday meeting with the town ladies just two days awayand Dean knew he should be gathering thoughts and notes but his mind was too scattered to construct a coherent speech. The English language is full of inconsistencies and irregularities, which results in unusual English spellings. : That probably wasn't the thought going through his . The people for miles around were roused as though a fire were raging. The terror on Lana's face was fresh in his thoughts, and he heard her scream again as he was flung from the helo, before it hit the water. An example of an independent clause is the sentence: I went to the beach. Hilden's gruff voice broke into her thoughts as he trotted out of the hold into the street. I suppose I could use a few hours away from this place, though. He sprang forward and upset an old woman who was catching at a biscuit; the old woman did not consider herself defeated though she was lying on the ground--she grabbed at some biscuits but her hand did not reach them. I thought you'd be happy I spared him instead of burying him with the others. It took more effort than he thought to break the otherworldly connection binding them. Still, you'd have thought she'd lost the Hope diamond the way she carried on. Simple sentences can be used for making statements about things in the world, or for describing a person's feelings or thoughts. Is it not all the same? Here's an example. Most of the boys she dated would never have thought of practicing the age-old custom of walking around the car to open her door, or guiding her through the crowd with a gentle hand on one elbow. She linked my earliest thoughts with nature, and made me feel that "birds and flowers and I were happy peers.". I thought Jake Weller already had an under sheriff. She breathed the chilled air to clear her thoughts. His attention shifted from his thoughts to the scene before him, and he slowed. She felt the need to say something though, knowing how much pain her cousins went through when they lost their parents. A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Probably not the neurological issue they thought. I thought you did at first and I'll admit, I'm not completely certain things might not break bad, but for now, I'm fine. Her first thought was that he was sending her to Death as a means of torturing her or at least, nailing home the point that he had won this round with Gabriel. I did, Carmen even though the need for forgiveness only existed in my mind. She still wore the gown, though strands of hair blinded her and she knew her pillow would be filled with makeup. Carmen let loose of his waist, moving away from the unclean thought. She didn't do it, though; he was able to tell from her thoughts. You have the most basic sentence or what we call an independent clause. I suppose so, but I thought I could work it out. His dark eyes glowed like a demon's, though his face was still that of an Immortal. Cynthia Dean kept pushing away all other thoughts from his tattered mind. He pressed what he thought to be his advantage. Surprisingly, the chicken wasn't tough, though it was a little greasy. She shook her head to remove the unbidden thoughts. His thoughts went to Yully, and he stepped forward without hesitation. I have thought that Walden Pond would be a good place for business, not solely on account of the railroad and the ice trade; it offers advantages which it may not be good policy to divulge; it is a good port and a good foundation. Could you just talk to the guy who got out of jail; the one everyone thought killed my sister? Lets explore some unusual spellings in English and commit them to memory. His brother wasn't sure of anything or anyone else, even if he did match the faces in his thoughts with those around him. One word may be spelled one way while the word that rhymes with it is spelled differently. Even identical twins, thought until recently to have identical DNA, actually have slightly different DNA. And how did she stomach the thought of her father doing such a thing to someone? and The following examples show how this works: The cat stretched. Despite the cool fear spiraling through her, she couldn't help but feel thrilled at the sight of him after she thought she'd lost him. You're full of shit, he said into her thoughts. 68. This is off the record but someone else thought to be a possible lead to the tipster was threatened recently. My favorite fruit is apples. Excellent portrayal of the destructive thought process children learn. In this context . I cannot propose to her at present, but the thought that perhaps she might someday be my wife and that I may be missing that possibility that possibility is terrible. She tried to tell herself it was the alcohol scattering her thoughts and not the growing feeling of respect or concern she felt toward him. Her make-up, though she used very little, and a couple of bathing suits. I thought only briefly before giving him Daniel Brennan's phone number. There for a while I thought you never would again. Her heart slammed into her chest at the thought of confronting the devil. He picked at a thread on the couch, his mind obviously lost in deep thought. All creatures exist only through the continuous creative energy of the Divine Being, and are no more independent of his will than are our thoughts independent of us, - or rather less, for there are thoughts which force themselves upon us whether we will or not. Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying! She had no idea if Darkyn sought her out when she was upset because he thought she might be in danger or because he was concerned about her being with her ex. His gaze wandered away in reflective thought. We gave him our assurances we'd not violate his trust though I thought Betsy's suggestion was reasonable. The atmosphere in the room was tense, though apparently not hostile. Pierre knew this, but instead of acting he only thought about his undertaking, going over its minutest details in his mind. You earned the trip, even though it's a waste of time. Versifiers and adapters from the French appeared also in Counts Adam and Joseph Teleki, Alexander Baroczi and Joseph Peczeli, known also as the translator of Young's " Night Thoughts.". Privacy Policy. In some cases, a clause can stand alone as a complete sentence; however, a clause does not always express a complete thought. Memon appeared lost in his thoughts, oblivious to her huddled on the floor. Do you have any second thoughts about getting married? But then, it was like him not to reveal his thoughts or concerns unless the mood hit him. The deep baritone voice pierced her thoughts. He didn't want her to take that route, though, because it was too dangerous. CK 1 1315802 Even though he's very old, he's healthy. The thought of drinking from him made her sick, and she pushed herself up to vomit. To him Christ appears simply as the Logos who is with the Father from eternity, and works from all eternity, to whom alone the instructed Christian directs his thoughts, requiring nothing more than a perfect - i.e. We came back with help, though, but we couldn't find you. I thought about what my wife said as I looked around our beautiful property. Present Perfect Simple -. You were the one who thought about it long enough to calculate it out. Though Dean wished to remain at hand's-length from her troubled life he quickly sensed from her disjointed description Cynthia had been correct when she assessed that the woman carried serious emotional pain. If you weren't concerned about your own life, you might have thought about your chances of taking someone else with you. I thought you might want to talk about it. He did not know how or when this thought had taken such possession of him, but he remembered nothing of the past, understood nothing of the present, and all he saw and heard appeared to him like a dream. When he had thoroughly meditated every sentence, he sat down to write, and then, such was the grip of his memory, the exact order of his thoughts came back to him as if without an effort, and he wrote down precisely what he had intended to write, without the aid of a note or a memorandum, and without check or pause. Then he heard the door close with a bang and Dean was alone with his thoughts and unanswered questions. When Mrs. Watson released the rucksack, it felt better balanced, though no lighter. The whole tenor of his thoughts instantaneously changed; the battle seemed the memory of a remote event long past. To a proposal made by General Campan (who was to attack the fleches) to lead his division through the woods, Napoleon agreed, though the so-called Duke of Elchingen (Ney) ventured to remark that a movement through the woods was dangerous and might disorder the division. Her hand dropped, though she didn't acknowledge him otherwise. A day without sunshine is like night. Though he did live in a tent, he liked to think he lived as comfortable as possible. What is the synonym of thoughtful person? More important for the child, though, was the fact that Alex actually wanted him to visit the ranch. I had known about them for a long time; but I had never thought that I should see them, and talk to them; and I can scarcely realize now that this great pleasure has been mine! Dusty shook his head, though Damian saw his faint smile. Wynn's warning weighed heavier on her thoughts. He paced back and forth across the room, deep in thought. Obliviously unaware that half his thoughts this afternoon and evening were on her naked, Deidre melted into his arms the moment he touched her. You should get used to it, though, Pops. Her throat constricted and she pushed the thought from her mind. Dean thought him to be in his late forties but he looked physically in shape and much younger. I thought when all this was behind us, we could reminisce about it and maybe revel in all the good we managed to accomplish. She was left for last, not to be killed, though she knew that would be the ultimate outcome. I know you're mad at him and thought you'd like to pester him. She turned to Jackson, and could see that his thoughts were the same, so she put her arms around him. Sometimes it's kind of hard to figure you out, though. I'm still frightened it will be the police in Norfolk even though I know that's silly. He had not attended to the train of his thoughts long when he heard some one playing on a flute, and that sound harmonized with his mood. He was a fool if he thought he could fight a creature that didn't die! Her thoughts returned to the sight of the girl in the bed. I felt reasonably human though laughing remained a no-no and the pills were necessary desert. And he'd walked away from her, even though she was serious about sleeping with him. He was handsome, though she wouldn't go so far as to call him gorgeous. There was polite applause, a little less then followed Fitzgerald's words, or so thought Dean. A sentence must contain at least one independent clause . Use search function to find more simple sentences of Thought Process. I thought I heard you crying this morning. The longer he thought the more contingencies presented themselves. I thought Dr. Mallard was the only doctor you hadn't fired yet. The thought of hurting him made the hand she pressed to his heart tremble. She doesn't want to give up, even though she knows she doesn't have a legal right. She shook out the sexual energy running through her and turned on a light, not wanting to be alone in the dark while the dead man in her thoughts began to sob once more. The stout man rose, frowned, shrugged his shoulders, and evidently trying to appear firm began to pull on his jacket without looking about him, but suddenly his lips trembled and he began to cry, in the way full-blooded grown-up men cry, though angry with himself for doing so. You are judged by the company you keep, so you can be viewed as guilty because of your association with wrongdoers. I thought we came out here to look over the country. I always thought he felt more pity than love for the old lady. Betsy thought you could use some company, that's all. It seems very strange to me that there should be this difference of opinion; I cannot understand how any one interested in our education can fail to appreciate the satisfaction we feel in being able to express our thoughts in living words. I guess I would though, considering my experience. He wants me to get you to talk to that sex offender who's free; the one they thought killed Annie. Simple Sentences with "thought process" A simple sentence with "thought process" contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. She shook the thoughts away, suspecting they weren't hers. Guardian's voice penetrated her spinning thoughts. They are evenly spread, though heavier in the north. a developed intention or plan. It was if Annie bade him turn his thoughts beyond her long forgotten cares to the no less pressing concerns of today. Any thoughts of questioning Cynthia about the happenings in the ice park never entered his mind. At least she looked good and was comfortable, even though she felt awful. It was the same when I was young, David thought. But his troubles led him to more serious thoughts; and he published, in his 28th year, the Heptaplus, a mystical exposition of the creation. The voice of the friendly nurse from the nurse's station brought her back from her thoughts. And no regrets about what I did, though the few days I've spent here make me wonder if there was an easier way. Where is my book? Despite telling her he wouldn.t, he dropped into her thoughts to feel a little closer to her and was surprised to find she was packing to leave. The thought that he might be gave her a modicum of confidence. His mind was, at least for the moment, clear of all thoughts except this beautiful petite woman. The cold wind felt good against her face and roused her dark thoughts. Her thoughts went to Darkyn but her instincts warned her it wasn't him. She could see the kid doing it, though she liked to think Xander was able to counter anything like that. Being with someone who seemed normal helped her relax, though she wasn't able to forget he had something to do with Xander. I'm ashamed that you felt the need to hide it from me, though. He sat down, sank into thought, closed his eyes, and dozed off. It isn't likely, though - for the simple reason that the odds of a tornado hitting any specific spot once are slim. This place had nothing to the castle in the Alps, though she never wanted to go back. She couldn't bear the thought of him returning to the troubled teen he'd been and tried to think of something to say to straddle the line between mothering him and letting him be his own person. Seor Medena had no romantic thoughts about her. use "thought-of " in a sentence She thought of a good solution. Leaving her thoughts behind, she started up the hill to meet Alex. While Dean was out of contact with Cynthia Byrne during the first two weeks of June, it didn't mean she was out of his thoughts. Dean thought he'd lost her completely but she remained sitting, clapping with the other spectatorsa bit too strenuouslyas the puppy parade continued. The warmth of his smile was not lost on her, and she thought about what Linda had said about him. The idea laid hold of him of reviving the spirit of his countrymen by imbuing them with the thoughts of the great Greek writers. Though it's interesting that's what you came away with. Simple Sentences 10 Examples. It is true, we are such poor navigators that our thoughts, for the most part, stand off and on upon a harborless coast, are conversant only with the bights of the bays of poesy, or steer for the public ports of entry, and go into the dry docks of science, where they merely refit for this world, and no natural currents concur to individualize them.