Education is the only way to understand the significance of the voting system in city. In 2012, 4 percent more young women voted than young men. on the different aspects of politics and voting, it definitely is not too late to do either. Below, we have mentioned 16 reasons why education is essential. Consequently, the sale of a simple vote gains a prevailing impact on government and public policies. At the last federal election on October 19th 2015, there was an overall voter turnout of 68.3%. Why is voting important? Voting is the first duty of democracy. Voting gives you the power to speak out about how you feel the country is being run and support a party that represents your views. A higher voter turnout makes the democracy more representative. Yet, without any formal rites of citizenship or national service mandates, Americans who do not gain citizenship through the naturalization process never explicitly avow their consent to be governed; instead, we accept the idea of tacit consent. Here are a few facts you will learn during this video for kids: *In an election. Here are just a few of the most important benefits of getting an . These are the non-cognitive barriers that Holbein and Hillygus cite. The Millennial generation accounts for one-third of the electorate. Thousands of parents and educators are turning to the kids' learning app that makes real learning truly fun. In reality, its the whole country and a large population of people who are affected. and act based on facts over opinions so that we can accurately vote and make a decision that will benefit us and our country in the long run. It's a moral responsibility of all eligible citizens of a society. This site uses cookies. Who suffers in this instance? Second, Scripture describes sin not only as doing wrong, but also failing to do the good we can. Make it count. Why Education is Important for a Country: People will become better citizens with education; You will get to know the importance of voting only through education. The aforementioned issues only scratch the surface of what local governments can address and voters should do their part to ensure that these concerns can be resolved. The MPs you help to elect will be making decisions on issues that you care about, including NHS, Housing, Education and the Environment. Political scientists have cited a visceral antipathy toward politics, noting that younger voters are less likely to attach to any political party or overtly political movement. We better shape the future of our democracy for our kids and generations to follow by voting. When it comes down to voting, we want someone who will represent the needs of us in their agenda. mentorship program, Eccles Schools First Ascent community bonds over kickball and BBQ, Eccles student receives prestigious Obama-Chesky Scholarship, ATTN: First-Year Students! However, just listening to other perspectives as well as your own isnt enough to be an educated voter. Will work hard to grow and develop themselves. We provide explanations and background information on elections, voting rights and digital democracy. Voting in Canada is more important now than ever. Slowly, the franchise was expanded in the states to incorporate white male laborers, and women gained full or . 1. There are many other benefits of higher education, including the opportunity to travel and study abroad, gain valuable work experience, and learn from some of the worldufffds best scholars. Provides Financial Security On top of stability, education also provides financial security, especially in today's society. An appropriate voter education would provide citizens with knowledge regarding: Guides and tutorials in the POLYAS Help Center. People who vote at early ages develop lifelong habits (Plutzer, 2002). People can get jobs easily. Top 10 Reasons Why Voting is Important: 1. Announcing the new EDI Leadership Award, Opportunity Scholars partner with companies for NEW! Were all in this together, and if only a few of us are voting, nothing will change. Every vote matters. We have the ability to challenge and question each party on what their agenda is. Young voters notoriously neglect the importance of voting, but their voice is an important one on both sides of the aisle. 5 in U.S. Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building, 1655 East Campus Center Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-8939. Image Credit: Melba City Hall by Fred Leaders is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. The sample size in this survey is relatively large (~16,000 for which we have occupational data) so we can look at more narrow groups than what we normally look at breaking things down by race, income . An educated nation knows about the importance of voting, doing so with the knowledge not blindly, but also having an understanding of what their party truly stands for. With the right to vote, it is a citizen's duty to become informed and to be able to make rational and educated decisions in the election of those who are chosen to represent the U.S. Each vote makes a difference in a democracy, and it is the citizen's job to make sure that his or . 2. Help us continue our mission of empowering parents and securing high-quality public education for every child. As a bevy of voter suppression measures confounds some of the citizens of North Carolina, faculty at North Carolina's Historically Black Universities have continued educating their students on the importance of making their voices heard at the ballot box. Voting allows you to advocate for topics that are important to you, such as public transportation, raising the minimum wage, and funding local schools. It is important to be an active voter and participate in every election, or as many as possible, but its no secret that voter turnout is typically higher when it comes to presidential elections. Further, while voting rights are often examined through a legal, civil rights lens, it is important to also understand the types of economic harm that are inflicted when voting rights are curtailed. Grades 5 - 12 Subjects Civics, Social Studies, U.S. History Image Americans Voting A lot of people - women, African Americans, and the poor - fought for the right to vote; certainly their descendents would want to exercise their right to vote. Voting allows you to choose people you want to represent your community in the governance of your country. The people who are most likely to be affected by changes in legislation or political power, such as the poor, minorities and the disenfranchised, are the least likely to vote. He believed that education is less about acquiring a fixed body of knowledge and more about developing skills in critical thinking and applying those skills as active citizens. It doesnt hurt to listen to differing opinions from yours, unless they are truly discriminatory and destructive. So it is at Castleton that we take up the mantle that fellow Vermonter Dewey passed along to educate our students to be active and effective citizens in our democratic government. Its important that we vote and act based on facts over opinions so that we can accurately vote and make a decision that will benefit us and our country in the long run. To many students, and to too many Americans, voting appears to be fruitless and unlikely to make a difference. This year on Nov. 3, our presidential election is to be held. Introduction. Voting makes it impossible for someone or one party to stay in . Learn more about Castleton and see how our relationship-based education can help you achieve your dreams. One should vote because one gets to participate in the functioning of the government. Dewey was a strong proponent of democracy as the best means for meeting the needs of the public. This is called voter education and it is a vital step in voting because when we vote, we are ultimately deciding the future of not only ourselves, but our country and those around us. Parents for Public Schools, Inc. An "education" group, and then a catch-all "other." Using these we can start looking at support for a generic Congressional Democrat. Uneducated people are unaware of the importance of choosing the right people to vote for. Key issues in every election increasingly relate to the concerns of students and professionals between the ages of 18 and 29, making it essential for members within that age group to educate themselves on political issues and take to the polls. Together we can change the world! There are many reasons that young adults vote at lower rates than older adults. We choose whose vision most closely represents our own. An informal, multi-disciplinary cadre of faculty, including Mary Droege from the natural sciences and Candy Fox from the English Department, are working the Content Laba group of creative students led by Communication Professor Bill DeForestto develop messages to help and encourage students to vote. There are many reasons why a college education is important. They face mounting debt and a weak job market upon leaving college. City-- In Winston-Salem, the City Council is responsible for adopting and providing for all ordinances, rules, and regulations as necessary for the general welfare of the city. It provides the biggest opportunity you will get to have your say. Further, public schools matter because they provide a means to escape the perils of poverty. We are setting the example and vision for the future with the people we are electing. Finally, voting is a way to fulfill both what Jesus called the greatest commandment and "the second one like unto it.". Its time to register for MAP, How Leadership, Trust, and Integrity Intersect, University breaks ground on new Impact and Prosperity Epicenter, Ryan Smith shares success strategies at Convocation, Four places to take a break near or around campus, Opportunity Scholars give back to the West Valley community. "Its a Beautiful Day in the NeighborhoodIndeed. They are not always comfortable venturing into this new area where they perceive most everyone else to be better informed and to belong. Here are seven reasons why your vote is so important. If enough young people are voting, they will get . This activity walks students through a variety of visual activities that . I want to discuss with you today the importance of voting. why is education important in voting. And still, many Americans dont even engage enough to vote. All rights reserved. But when students see campaign ads, when they are greeted by candidates, when they attend political events or public meetings, and when they visit their precincts to vote, they do not see representations of themselves. Here are the reasons why voting is important! Why Voting Is Important "Voting is your civic duty." This is a pretty common sentiment, especially each November as Election Day approaches. In the Blasphemy referendum, 80% of those under 44 voted Yes. 15 Benefits Of Voting For Citizens 1. 201 Presidents Circle Salt Lake City, UT 84112, Master of Science in Cybersecurity Management, Department of Entrepreneurship & Strategy, Department of Operations & Information Systems, Four resources to help you ace your exams, 2022 Eccles Gala brings the Eccles community together, Executive MBA Program ranks Top 20 in the United States, Doers Give Back! Decisions are made on your behalf everyday, healthcare, education, housing, global issues like defence and . If you ask why voting is important in democracy, we say- it is important because it allows us to be vocal. Public education is integral to the future of our country because it allows individuals to secure better jobs, leads to reduced crime rates, and ultimately affects the overall health of our country's citizens. More significantly, control of the House of Delegates depended on the outcome of the 94th district, as the Republicans held 50 seats and the Democrats 49. Once you select your preferred candidate or party as your representative, you can come up with your social and personal issues. As a student who wants change, it is important for other people my age to realize the importance of voting as well. Additionally, you can have very insightful conversations with others in which you can see things from new perspectives. It helps to decide whom to vote for in order to make a difference in the economy of a country positively. One of the key political topics in this generation are environmental issues. More discouraging, in midterm electionselections for Congressional races without a presidential contestvoter turnout hovered between 36.7% in 2014 and 42% in 1982 before reaching a record high of 50% in the recent 2018 midterm elections. When we do not support public schools, there is a detrimental effect on the lives of students in these programs as well, essentially locking them out of the supports needed to foster their growth in the academic arena. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Our votes must align with candidates who believe in our countrys public education system because they understand its significance to our continued prosperity. This is why it is crucial that every voter makes an effort to. Once again, the learners are the victims. As Americans, it is part of our common creed that the governments legitimacy is based on the consent of the governed. In order to respond to those challenges, the political system needs students in the electorate to uncover those collective problems, so that our democracy could respond as Dewey believed it was intended. Today, we are more diverse than ever as young adults. Family Involvement vs Family Engagement: Whats the Difference? Learning is needed for global growth as it plays a crucial role in the economic development of a country, its people and is an investment in the future. It will also explain what is Election Day. The winning party will govern your society and will be answerable to you. Contact the editor with questions, comments and concerns. Google Analytics tracking has been deactivated for this browser on this website.This cookie is valid until 31.12.2099If you delete the cookies in your browser, you will have to download this cookie again. A federal court ruled, in 2016, that North Carolina . The man who wears the shoe knows best that it pinches and where it pinches, even if the expert shoemaker is the best judge of how the trouble is to be remedied (p. 207). 1. For many Americans, voting is their only form of civic engagement. Your education cannot be taken away from you. From someone who has lived in Utah most of my life, we are directly affected with some of the environmental changes that elected officials oversee. Voting gives people the right to voice their opinion on pending laws, ordinances, and who they want to be in local and state officials. Education Shows The Importance Of Voting. Let's start with problem-solving skills. We are here to help them navigate the process of voting, either through absentee ballots or in person. If YOU don't Vote Others will make the decisions for YOU! Written by Rich Clark, Professor of Political Science, After his primary losses on Super Tuesday in 2020, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders conceded that his campaign had not been, as successful as I would hope in bringing young people in. He added, It is not easy.. Many special education students struggle with understanding basic concepts and vocabulary related to election day. Yes, voting is ultimately making a decision based on your specific opinions or bias, but oftentimes, people have preconceived opinions about certain topics and issues in which they only pay attention to how they as an individual will be affected. Your support is needed as we continue our work. 3. Voting is an opportunity to do some good. 2022 Castleton University. But what does it really mean? Throughout the world, there are different voting systems, but the process is always important. Holbein and Hillygus argue that, the act of voting requires minimal cognitive abilities and a desire to participate but it can also require persistence, fortitude, energy, and patience to actually make it to the ballot box (p. 33). The people of the United States have a responsibility to make their voices heard. Voting rates for college students is slightly better than rates for young voters generally. voting, why it's important to vote, what makes a good leader, how to learn about candidates, and choosing our leaders. The people we elect should value and support our nations public schools and they should work hard to ensure that this countrys students have everything they need to assist them in becoming productive citizens. Since we have such a big voting population pool, we can help sway the election by supporting candidates who see issues the same way we do. The 2020 presidential election is coming up and as voters, our voices have a right to be heard. In the early years of our republic, only white landowners could vote. Your vote makes a huge difference." Simply put, voting is power, says Dr. Cobb. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. Share this post. Develops problem-solving skills The most significant benefit of education is the improvement of our problem-solving abilities. Every vote counts, whether you think so or not. There are three important aspects of voting. Maybe it is not easy, but it is essential. Voter education is often provided by the state itself, often through a national electoral commission, so it is therefore important that it is politically non-partisan. Perhaps the most basic act of citizenship is participation in the electoral process by voting. For decades, we believed that students simply lacked the necessary civic knowledge and that by including politics and government in the curriculum we could overcome the barriers to voting. Voting is one of the few opportunities for most Americans to weigh in and express ones preference on the direction of government, thereby recognizing the legitimacy of the government through participation in the process. The highest turnout for a presidential election since 1972, the first presidential election following the ratification of the 26th Amendment lowering the voting age to 18 years old, was 61.6% in 2008, and the lowest presidential election turnout was 51.7% in 1996, meaning just over half of all eligible voters cast a ballot. As humans, we are capable of distinguishing between positive and negative. While Dewey recognizes the importance of policy experts, he also argues that popular participation in government is necessary to uncover the problems we collectively face because experts will be too removed from the public to clearly see the problems people confront. Out of 35,85 million people in Canada, 3,6 million people casted their ballots. Why Voting Is Important "Voting is your civic duty." This is a pretty common sentiment, especially each November as Election Day approaches. It is also a means of keeping anti social elements away from power and thus, protect the interests of the common people. Putting aside presidential elections, there have been many elections at the state and local level where a single vote made the difference. Voting is an important process in our country through which leaders are selected to make laws and solve problems. The best way to do this is to educate ourselves on politics, the voting process, the candidates and the issues surrounding the election so that we know what we are getting ourselves into when we show up to vote. The importance of higher education. The Importance Of Voting In Canada. Parents also committed to registering citizens to vote, to meeting with candidates, and to hosting Accountability Sessions. Here are some, starting with the obvious: 1. Voting Is A Way For The Community To Really Make Changes 2. Its never been easier to educate yourself as a voter with the power of the news at our fingertips. Voting gives you, a young person in the UK, a voice. By choosing a candidate who is focused on these issues, you can be sure that your vote would not be in vain. We encounter various issues every day, and we typically approach their solution logically. In a democracy, your vote is your voice and the act of standing up for what you believe. You can ask them to resolve the issues. 19 percent of all votes cast in 2012 came from young voters. It also will let people decide who will be the leaders of our country. Voter education is often provided by the state itself, often through a national electoral commission, so it is therefore important that it is politically non-partisan. When you have an education, especially a college degree, you may find your life has more stability. Voting is a basic process that keeps a nation's governmental system works. Teach the following non fiction . Plus, every single vote counts. Students are left without equal access to resources that will support their learning and development. If you dont have your ballot, then well see you at the polls on Nov. 5 for early voting and Nov. 6 for Election Day! Parents have been empowered to mobilize their efforts and spread the message about the attacks on public education. 4915 I-55 N, Suite 203-B Government departments that focus on voter education are often highly scrutinized by a third party. It is important to vote because many candidates for political offices are voted in by only one or two votes. Sadly, the truth is, nowadays, many stay away from the process, for varying reasons. We can do better! To many students, and to too many Americans, voting appears to be fruitless and unlikely to make a difference. The great American philosopher, John Dewey, grew up in Vermont in the late 19th century and attended the University of Vermont before making his mark on American political thought. Political scientists and civics educators often express the idea that voting is important without explaining why that is the case. Voting can help determine where your tax money goes. The Importance of the Educated Voter Posted by Roger Brooks on November 5, 2018 The act of voting is the most important contribution every single eligible voter can make to insure the health of our democracy. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Voter education means providing citizens of a democracy with basic information about participating in elections. A good education tends to lead to a higher paying job, as well as provide you with the skills needed to get there. Voting Is A Responsibility As A Citizen 4. It is a true privilege to work with an organization that empowers so many people to affect change in their lives, community . And what does it mean for Americans in particular? Students constitute a formidable voting bloc. Every vote counts, whether you think so or not. However, officials at the state and local level arguably have just as much power to shape our futures. Cookie Policy, Castleton University, Castleton, VT 05735. Opening a textbook or reaching out to professors wont hurt anyone, in fact, it will most likely help you and the people around you because it allows for people to become enlightened so that everyone can make educated and well thought out decisions for something as important as the future of our country. Voting is the most important way to make your voice heard on the issues that concern you. Young adults are often more transitory, less settled than older citizens. Contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the University or its students as a whole. The Black Lives Matter movement, immigration, and the COVID-19 pandemic are some issues that'll motivate me to vote in the future." Maria, NAF student, Washington DC The same goes for important issues that are passed into law. While some students opt to pursue a Certificate in Civic Engagement as they build the skills of citizenship, self-advocacy, and leadership, all students participate in the liberal arts foundation of a Castleton education through our General Education Program. I not only think that voting is a right that we are given, but I also believe it is a responsibility. Votes from young people can also have an impact on who gets elected. This is called voter education and it is a vital step in voting because when we vote, we are ultimately deciding the future of not only ourselves, but our country and those around us. Phone: 1-800-880-1222. 4. Young voters are also vitally important especially in the modern era. Low voting rates are cause for concern. Yet year after year, a discouraging number of eligible voters choose not to pull the levers of power. In addition, there arevarious private institutions whose mission it is to strengthen democratic values by increasing voter education. We as young adults account for 50 percent of the voting population, yet only 19 percent of 18-25 year olds voted in the 2016 Presidential elections. Since 1960, the US has only seen a voter turnout of more . Here are ten reasons why: #1. Here are five reasons why you should register to vote, vote early, and vote often: 1. Education informs voters. Voting is gathering of human experiences in determine the future of a particular nation. Politics essentially run our country and as eligible voters, its important that people take advantage of their right to vote and make the most out of it through educating ourselves and those around us. As election season approaches quickly, it is important for all of us to make our voice heard.