They were all forced to flee, because the forest was falling. Privacy Policy People should pass laws to protect our balanced environment, to have diversity and to preserve endangered animals. Martinelli, Patti J., and Karin Fajardo. Another reason we should have safe habitats is because the animals in these safe habitats cannot be hunted and are also safe from predators. The number represents approximately one-third of the animal and plant population. Critically Endangered In general Sumatran tigers origins are from Borneo and Sumatra. The Endangered Species Act is a bill that protects animals "threatened with worldwide extinction" and prohibits their importation without a permit. To summarize everything up, I have argued we should protect endangered species because it could possibly affect other species in the food chain, because it could affect our industries and economy, and because some species can help bring new developments in medicine. Social capital research papers. 1. About forty years ago, the bald eagle became endangered because of habitat destruction, illegal shooting, and the contamination of its food source due to the pesticide DDT. Benefit of Natural DiversityThere are several known benefits of maintaining natural diversities:MedicalScientist believed that the medical benefits of exotic plants have only been discovered by a small fraction. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Why should we protect animals give two reasons? The United States was the first nation to set aside land for a national park in 1872 which inspired other nations to do the same. Do animals in zoos get . Now, they sponsor science programs doing research on birds and other animals to collect data on declining species. If no stringent actions are taken to save our wildlife the extinction of our animals and habitat will have a fatal impact on the human race as well. The Audubon Society has chapters throughout the United States that work for a common goal. 1. We provide a large database of college essays and cover almost any subject there is in the curriculum. However, humans are not famous for their ability in limiting themselves. The society originally began to stop the slaughter of birds for the creation of hats. The entrance of other members which not originated from inside the habitat would create a disturbance in the delicate natural balance. Our many animals and birds have endangered. Why is it so important for us to protect species? We try to save endangered species, 2016 endangered species program. It is Mother Nature and not the human species who decides what species must face it end and what species should survive. To solve or elevate this problem every aspect related to this need to be studied. Should animals be kept in zoos essay? Maintain A Healthy Backyard Habitat. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. The number of endangered plants is . Please contact support to report the content, If you want to copy the content, please, Subscribe or Log in into your account. Except for natural disasters, natural environmental shifts usually come slowly and pose no danger to living organism. Answer (1 of 32): We shouldn't. We should leave them alone. This essay has been submitted by a student. The federal government brought in the Endangered Species Act and banned the use of the pesticide DDT. Polar bears plays a very important role in the Arctic Circle. The lake was given rights with the Lake Erie Bill of Rights to ensure that whomever pollutes it can be sued. The most important reason for their extinction is the destruction of their habitats. The coral reef is not dying because of climate change as he originally thought, but from too much nitrogen as a result of poorly treated sewage and topsoil. Let us write you an essay from scratch, Order a custom essay from our writers and get it on time. Benefits of protecting species may not be immediately evident. Normally, you'd be out calling for a mate, hoping that you can find one. Animals and plants aren't just valuable for their own sake - they're also part of a wider natural environment that may provide food, shelter, water, and other functions, for other wildlife and people. Did you know that if just a single species dies out, it can potentially affect other species as well? The federal government brought in the Endangered Species Act and banned the use of the pesticide DDT. Ecosystems are groups of plants and animals that are found in the same area and interact with each other. Terms of service One last effort to save habitats and species is through the Endangered Species Act. While there are many factors leading to the decline of animals and places for them to live, research is being done and efforts are being made today to ensure the safety of endangered species and their habitats. Perhaps there are other species out there that hold new developments for medicine, like a cure for the common cold, cancer, or AIDS. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. The species is being hunted to the brink of extinction. Poaching and hunting of animals . However, some people argue that there is no need to protect the endangered species. Home Essay Samples Environment Endangered Species The Reasons Why Endangered Species Should Be Protected. Some places in the world such as Copper Hill, Tennessee, and parts of the former Soviet Union show the effects of pollution on land. Gradesfixer, The Reasons Why Endangered Species Should Be Protected., The Reasons Why Endangered Species Should Be Protected [Internet]. Why should we save endangered tigers? More information Accept. WritingBros. Animals are an integral part of the natural In fact, human beings are also a form of animals. Imagining a world without many of the normal or regular species in it is hard to do. Farmers often abandon land after it becomes barren and cut down trees for more farming land. If we value our health, our ability to . To start off, many many animals are dying and even more are extinct. Natural habitats of animals are destroyed for land and agriculture. . How to Save Endangered Species. Every animal has a place in the ecosystem in the food chain to keep life in balance. Save Endangered Species Essay. Above The Noise narrates more reasons why we should save endangered species. During their introduction, they were aimed at solving the energy crises that had been brought by the high price of oil. Its late spring, right about time for mating season. People argued that relating to the theory of evolution, it is the way of the world where the fittest . Endangered species more important than we think. The Challenges In Addressing Contemporary Environmental Problem. To maintain a healthy ecological balance on this earth all living creatures should be treated as important as humans . When these are taken away tigers cannot survive. Im a human! Plants and animals are living based on this natural code. 1, Cengage Learning, 2017. You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the above websites tell you how to remove cookies from your browser. Essay, Why Should We Protect Endangered Species? For example, the drug aspirin comes from willow bark. One example are how pumiliotoxins, found in the skin of poison dart frogs, which are currently at risk due to habitat destruction, along with many other amphibians. To give nature a legal standing, and that includes the non-living, is obviously the next logical step we must take, as we can see that we have examples of giving nature rights, and it works. Wildlife is a precious gift from God for this planet. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, as long as golf carts and other similar vehicles are incapable of exceeding [], David Attenborough describes the human population as a multiplier of all other environmental problems (People and Planet, 2011). Protecting the can help save other species from extinction and save plant life. Conectados. Over the past years, Professor Lapointe has watched almost half of Floridas coral reefs disappear. This law stated that it was illegal to transport animals across the border who were killed illegally. Zoos are a place to learn about animals from all over the world. Why should we protect animals essay? Preserving the nature diversity could be the action which saves us from new and unknown virus or diseases in the future (Why save). Although many efforts are made to protect animals, there are numerous counterattacks toward endangered species. This plan is the most optimal because it allows for operations in a centralized location and easy tracking of the recovery levels of the endangered species. When a species becomes endangered, it's a sign that an ecosystem is out of balance. The Effect of Organisms ExtinctionThere are no organisms living by themselves. We have the ability to define what is good or bad, wrong or right, a merit that possessed only by the humans and no other. The effects of pollution by humans and the destruction of natural habitats such as deforestation are not part of the natural laws of selection. We cannot continue to drive animals and plants into extinction without gradually affecting ourselves. It's important that every animal has necessary food, a place to live and a peaceful life. On the other hand, our greenhouse gasses, chemical waste and tree cuttings create the most rapid environmental changes which destroy the balance of habitats (Kurpis).Introduction of Exotic SpeciesA habitat is biologically design in harmony with every living species inside it. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Apart from cultural advantages, protection of endangered species is vital for scientific value. It should be remembered that the present species extinctions are mostly not caused by natural phenomena; they are caused by our activities. Without intervention, the health and balance of these ecosystems can be lost. Available from: To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below, You can always rely on us no matter what type of paper you need, Privacy Policy "Why should we Protect Endangered Species . This is a problem that we need to address, and here are a few reasons why. Photo essay topics like houseflies, 2012 protect the environment. Visit and support national wildlife refuges parks and other open spaces. Continue developing why. Home Essay Samples Environment Environment Problems Endangered Species Reasons Why We Should Protect Endangered Species. If plants and animals extinction are considered a natural phenomena, then why must we spend billions of dollars and cents on helping endangered species? Doable initiatives include the following strategies: reforestation, rehabilitation of degraded lands, A single species is just one piece in the food chain, and chaos could happen if you remove it. Many famous animals that you could name . In [], We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Why Should We Protect Endangered Species. We get a lot of pleasure out of seeing and interacting with animals. With so much wildlife at risk, the question people often ask us is how do we decide which animals and plants to focus our conservation . They argue that the funds used in the recovery of endangered species should be used to build social infrastructures such as roads and schools. Don't Buy Souvenirs Made From Endangered Species. And it becomes clear that conserving other land animals and aquatic animals and all endangered plants of the whole world would cost much more than we can imagine. How can students help endangered animals? Retrieved from According to Eric Bolen, the Audubon Societys main focus since 1905 has been to preserve and restore natural habitats. How to Protect Endangered Animals Essay Help! Also, humans are cutting plants in a . Habitat loss human conflict and climate change have been attributed to a severe decrease in tigers' natural habitat range. An example of a endangered animal that was saved and has its population on the rise is the White Rhino. Let's fix your grades together! They mainly focus on renewable energy, wildlife conservation, safeguarding clean air and water, and preserving and restoring natural places. Need help with your homework? Why should we save endangered animals essay? Terms of Use. Without them the world would be unstable. There have been many challenges in preserving natural habitats, but people are coming up with ways to combat them. In conclusion, endangered species can be protected ted by the establishment of rescue centers to increase the stock of the organisms which are later released into the wild. 1 Ways to Protect Animals. Library essay pte Suny geneseo essay question Fbi essay, essay on my painting, history argumentative essay example. 2021, 1.1 Discard the Use of Plastics: 1.2 Speak Up When You See Animal Cruelty: 1.3 Feeding the Local Animals: 1.4 Adopting a Pet: 2. Endangered animals need to be helped soon or they will become extinct. Now, I know that not everyone agrees with me. Science and research on endangered species have proved that some of the species are used in areas such as disease and human health research. Under the biosphere, there are ecosystems consist of balanced network. This is surely more than enough to show that endangered species need to be protected. On the other hand, costs to protect endangered species can be earned through eco-tourism. The term "fauna" is not only for wild animals but also for all non-domesticated life forms including birds, insects, plants, fungi and even microscopic organisms. Normally, youd be out calling for a mate, hoping that you can find one. Youre the last of your kind, and your search for a mate has been in vain. The Endangered Species Act is a bill that protects animals threatened with worldwide extinction and prohibits their importation without a permit. People are a main part of animal extinction. The main question to be answered in the following animal extinction essay is whether there exist any environmental benefits in relation to species preservation. It Accounts for more than 230 million jobs worldwide. For Healthy Environment. For Recreation. [], Endangered species refers to those animals that face the risk of extinction from the planet altogether. 2022 Feb 18 [cited 2022 Nov 3]. you You can get your custom paper by one of our expert writers. The longer we neglect animals, the greater the chances of extinction. For further information visit or For Preserving Rich Bio-Diversity. Protecting endangered species would help raise environmental awareness to protect and bring order. Some of our website features may not function as a result. First, various endangered species form a significant part of the cultural and artistic heritage. Another thing leading to the loss of species and habitats is pollution. The conservation of endangered species, on the other hand, will not only help the ecosystem, but will also improve human life quality. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Advocate For Conservation. There have been many challenges in preserving natural habitats, but the new research is being used to save habitats for endangered species. Let our experts handle it. Scientists have unanimously agreed that for successfully conservation of wild animals, dependable estimates of [], Golf-N-Gos cars that are not able to go faster than 19 miles per hour are not subject to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regulations. Why you should strive to save animals. Conservation of Forest, Coral Reef, Endangered Species. The conservation of endangered species, and restoring balance to the world's ecosystems, is vital for humans, too. The red panda is found in Central China, Nepal, Burma, and other places in the surrounding area. Two of the many species on the endangered list that are affected by loss of habitat are the polar bears and the bees. The natural world holds secrets to the development of new kinds of safer and more powerful pain-killers; treatments for a leading cause of blindness macular degeneration and possibly ways of re-growing lost tissues and organs by, for example, studying newts and salamanders. Think about it; we could develop new medicines and cures from studying plants and animals! Species that go extinct now are no longer around for us or future . The connections inside this network are very delicate, that the removal of a single organism would start a chain reaction affecting many others. High operation costs in protecting the endangered species and natural laws of selection are the main reasons that most opponents of protection of endangered species front. Endangered species are animals and plants that will be extinct because of human activities such as hunting. Habitat preservation is one of the best ways to help protect endangered animals. Why must we protect and save animals? Spread Awareness: get involved. One example is the common honeybee. Thank you! Humans are the only living organisms having enough brain capacity to form what we refer to as values. Get your custom essay. Would not that dollars and cents be better spent on more important issues like global poverty or national security?The question Why, is the basic argument of human activities in preventing extinction. Zoos can take at-risk animals, breed them in captivity, and then reintroduce them back into the wild. Almost 70 % of the nation's freshwater mussel species and more than half of the crayfish populations are considered endangered ("Why Should").Worldwide, 58% of the world's reefs and 34 % of all fish species are considered to be endangered. . By continuing well assume you board with our cookie policy. Some species fuel businesses and industries. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. The conservation and restoration of endangered species helps ensure that humans maintain a healthy environment too. King's college masters dissertation university of florida admissions essays time par essay in hindi, dissertation theory chapter.Kamikaze and war photographer comparison essay chatbot ux case study essay on financial analysis, how to write your thoughts in an essay endangered species we essay protect Why should, 500 words essay about myself pdf selected essays . Sooner or later, every species or kind, of living thing dies out because it can't keep up with the natural changes in its environment. Some died of natural changes, like mastodons and dinosaurs, but others are wiped out due to the interference of man, like the dodo and passenger pigeon. The conservation of land through national parks is another attempt to conserve species and their habitats. (2019, Jun 20). To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: By clicking Send, you agree to our Terms of service and Privacy statement. The conservation of endangered species, on the other hand, will not only help the ecosystem, but will also improve human life quality. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. . To maintain a healthy ecological balance on this earth all living creatures should be treated as important as humans . Wildlife is a precious gift from God for this planet. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Some ecosystems provide commercial advantages which feed thousands of families, like the Pacific Northwest salmon fishing which provide jobs for not less than 60.000 people (Kurpis).VI. The number of endangered plants is even estimated to be several times larger. Why should we protect endangered animals essay . Natural selection in the ecosystem or the negative effects of human activity may lead to extinction. Coastal estuaries, prairie grasslands and ancient forests are natural provider of food, clean air, clean and water. The Endangered Species Act is not just our strongest environmental law - it also articulates a noble vision. Throughout history there have been many attempts to preserve natural habitats. Although, this idea quickly disappear after the introduction of gasoline in the internal combustible engines. Develop why those threats are a human responsibility. Here are few more reasons that will provide you an in-depth understanding why wildlife plays such a significant role in maintaining an ecological equilibrium on earth: For a Healthy Eco-System. The question people are asking is should we do more to save and defend animals, well I believe And we also need to buy environmentally friendly goods. This content was produced by one of our Experts or a Student. As our civilization grows, we are creating pollution, overexploiting natural resources and sometimes killing endangered animals just for the fun of it. Don't use plagiarized sources. Its late spring, right about time for mating season. The human population has tripled since the 1950s. Verified. 450+ experts on 30 subjects ready to help you just now, Fully aware that Southeast Asia contains six of the worlds 25 biodiversity hotspots, according to Nature magazine, Deeply concerned that Southeast Asian countries face the highest rate of habitat loss and have the highest proportion of species that are threatened with extinction because of [], Red pandas are raccoon-like animals with fluffy fur ranging from orange, brown, black, and white. The latter has resulted in the loss of the majority of the worlds ecosystems, putting numerous species in jeopardy of extinction. Totally, there are over 1000 known animals declared endangered. They live in isolated mountain territories among trees of which they spend most of their time in. Available from: Non-living parts of nature were also saved by giving it protection. AgriculturalFrom the 80.000 edible plants existed in the world, humans depend on only 20 of them to provide 90% of the worlds food. Lake Erie is a crucial water source for the people of Toledo. The ideas will then based on the elaboration and concluded in the final chapter of the paper.II. Why Endangered Essay Protect Should We Animals. help. Fertilizer can runoff into ponds or bodies of water and cause a decrease of fish able to live within it. While their main focus is the water, a lot of their work is conducted on dry land, as they fight for regional laws, fisherman bans, and strive to protect endangered species through methods like [], Endangerment is a bigger issue, one of them that include the animals as well as the atmosphere where they interact with each other and live. A good example is the coqui elf which is the symbol of Puerto Rico (Martinelli and Fajardo) These small frogs are fascinating because they do not lay their eggs in water and they do not go through the tadpole stage of life. Yes, our economy, you heard me right. Plants and animals maintain the health of an ecosystem. The facilities established also offer specialized treatment for the animals on their road to recovery from imminent extinction. Various species that roamed and inhabited various ecosystems around the world have become extinct over time. You've been wandering the wastelands, which used to be a lush green forest, what used to be your home. Eat Less Meat. The mine shafts are great places for bats to live because it stays at a constant temperature of 43 degrees and they can stay away from predators and winter weather. Why Should We Protect Endangered Animals Essay - In Teacher s We Trust: The Finnish Way to World-Class S ch ools by Pasi Sahlberg and Timothy D. Walker. Every organism on this earth has a unique place in the food chain that contributes to the ecosystem in its own way. Endangered animals are animal species that are on the verge of extinction. The fish they catch contribute roughly 16 percent of the animal protein consumed in the world. From this you can see that fishing is a huge industry that impacts millions of people around the world. Your time is important. Find new ideas and inspiration using our free samples. 2. People argued that extinction comes naturally. . For the enjoyment of future generations. First, various endangered species form a significant part of the cultural and artistic heritage. When we save their habitats, well not only help them. They have ecological value which is important because if they go extinct then the whole food chain would be a disaster and would fall. As we all are aware of the fact that most of the species are already endangered so need of the hour is to conserve them and zoos provide the perfect habitat for them. What can we do to help ensure that does not happen? Why Should We Protect Endangered Species. Making the future world see the animals that we saved and helped keep them on the maps. Here are 10 ways you can make a difference for endangered species: Reduce And Reuse. People should know that animals and plants are creature that have the right to live in peace. And finally, we can protect animals rights. Other animal which habitats are ruined and hunted by man is the Indian rhinoceros (Indian Rhinoceros).In the United States alone, on 2003, 743 species of plants and 513 species of animals are considered threatened or endangered. A good example is the coqui elf which . To maintain a healthy ecological balance on this land animals plants and marine species are as important as humans. Within the light of right and wrong we are the ones trusted to do the best in everyones interest, not just our own. If you fit this description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or outline for your paper. Some people would use many kind of animals to take their leather and use to it as clothes, bags, and shoes. And the consequences can be critical. The animals are so few that they could disappear from the globe if serious action is not taken. Of these two main factors in the endangerment of species, the destruction, or pollution, of the animals native habitat is most commonly occuring because of humans. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Loss of habitat is one of the biggest reasons for the extinction of animals. Simply put, no more fish to catch equals any more fishing jobs, and no more fish to eat, and were not even talking about the environmental impacts. An endangered species is a member of an ecosystem that faces risk of extinction. Answer. Another example is the problem of overfishing. Earth has a unique place for animals in the food chain. An example of such an animal is the bald eagle. As you can see, we should protect endangered species which include not only animals but also plants and vegetation. Roughly thirty years later in 1900, the United States became the first nation to pass a national conservation law. This question has also been answered by stating the benefits of having a natural diversity. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, . Pien Haung stated that Professor Brian Lapointe began researching coral reefs in Florida in the 1980s. For Their Medicinal Values. The animals are threatened by many factors such as habitat loss, hunting, diseases, and a change [], The job of a marine biologist is to study and conserve the ocean, and all the creatures within it. Most animals in recent years have become extinct or endangered because of loss of habitat. Why Should We Protect Endangered Species: Essay Essay. Don't Use Harsh Chemicals In Your Household. Concerning the issues, this paper will contribute several ideas to the argument in effort of providing basis for a stronger conclusion toward the argument. We should always try to find the ways on how to protect endangered animals as we need to preserve this biodiversity for our future generations to see and learn about. Since 1970 the world has lost 60 percent of its vertebrate species, but there might still be time to save the rest. It should be used for reference purposes only. Our goal is to help students excel in academic writing and successfully graduate. If one species dies, it can possibly destroy an entire food chain. The bald eagle and the beavers are critical historical reminders in the US. So, what does the exact manner become the reason for endangerment of the [], In the early days, estimates of abundance of species were derived at large geographic scales through the administration of questionnaires to local people (Sugiyama and Soumah 1988). When they die out, it can come to hit us years later with serious consequences. Old abandoned mine shafts are now being reopened to be used as habitats for bats because many humans tear down places where they live. Pollution can decrease a piece of lands ability to support plants and animals. Why must we protect and save animals? All Rights Reserved, You may drop us an e-mail at Eco-tourism has the potential of growing into a self-sustaining industry whose revenues are used in the recovery of endangered species. Whereas, this natural extinction is no longer in nature's control, but is manipulated by humanity, thus increasing the extinction rate of species abnormally. Posted: May 9, 2022. 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